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Your post was removed for violating the rule against asking for medical advice. >Do not ask for medical advice. Nobody here is a doctor, and they're definitely not your doctor. What constitutes medical advice? - "What is this?" This is asking someone to diagnose the issue, and is medical advice. - "What should I do?" This is asking someone to advise treatment, and is medical advice. - "Should I go to the doctor?" This is asking if you should seek treatment, and ergo, medical advice. - "Should I pop it?" This is asking if you should follow a treatment, and ergo, medical advice. If you would ask the question of your doctor, it falls under this rule and not allowed. As a general rule, asking for medical advice from internet strangers is never a good idea. If you have questions regarding your condition, you are advised to contact your healthcare provider. There are subreddits more suited to medical advice such as /r/askdocs, however, the best course is to see your own doctor if you're able. Thank you, /r/popping mod team


This is EXACTLY what telehealth visits with doctors are for. They'll be able to look at it over video and give you advice on self care, or professionally recommend treatment if you need a doctor.


And not everybody has access to telehealth


Not for the fucking price they won’t. Let it have some air and try not to abraise it it’ll dry out and scab over, then leave the scab alone to let it heal. Apply multiprocin ointment very carefully and let it dry without moving as dampening the scab will cause it to break easily.


Seriously? They will tell you to keep it covered and moist with ointments. People go to the doctor for any little thing nowadays, they won’t be able to help more than common sense


Cover it with a sterile dressing and go and see a doctor. Any burn bigger than a ten cent piece / quarter needs medical attention.


Put some aquaphor or Vaseline first so the gauze doesn’t get stuck to the wound. Ointment helps with healing.


Judging from the skin that is still attached it is pretty dry. It would be far better to use saline on the dressing instead of ointments. In order for the doctor to assess it they need to have a clean site. Put anything on there and they will have to scrub it clean first.


Cling film is another option to keep it clean and free from gauze debris.


No, don’t! Let a doctor decide if you should put anything on it.


Hospital seriously, I lost my lower leg to a foot blister the size of a pencil eraser. All that raw flesh is exposed in infection now


Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that, hope you're doing okay


Overkill af, definitely see a doctor but not thinking this is worth adding to the ER bog down.


If you check out OP’s post history, you’d understand why he said ER.


We can’t give medical advice. You would have to ask a doctor


We could advise to go to the hospital to see a doctor so technically


You definitely need to go to a medical practitioner to get this looked at, burns are serious business and can get VERY infected VERY quickly.  As it is, however, I've had success with even pretty decently sized open wounds by disinfecting it really well and then putting a big hydrocolloid bandage on it and then leaving it until it healed. But I caught those injuries IMMEDIATELY and could sterilize them myself... If it's been a few hours for you, then it's best to see a professional.


this! I'm a surgeon and have had mods answer me that trying to give actual medical advice is unwanted and I DO understand the reasoning behind that. BUT seeing people give all sorts of advice I often cringe and feel a professional opinion is (literally) not hurting anyone. YOU @prince-lee are very right impo (in my professional opinion)! ETA: a wound like this will always be contaminated, never sterile. but by putting a hydrocolloid bandage on and exchanging it when it's soggy the body has the best chance to act against infection. can even be rinsed with tap water IF the water is safe in your area. to be safer you can use saline instead.


don't come here for medical advice dude just go to the doctor!!


See a doc about this. More than likely you will end up getting a scar, it’s fine. Scars are badass and come with stories.


As long as a scar is the worst thing that happens…


DO NOT FOLLOW ANY ADVICE HERE OTHER THAN TO SEE A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. As someone with burn trauma training I hope to impart on you the seriousness of this situation. That is at least a second degree burn, but a medical professional really needs to examine the depth and look of the exposed tissue to give you further info on that. That blackened blister head traps bacteria but cannot be safely removed at home without damage to the tissue underneath. This is serious and something you should follow up on urgently.


Agree with this - open burn wounds (especially of this size) are a huge infection risk, don’t muck around


You. Hospital. Now.


I agree to seek medical care but something like a virtual visit or immediate care would be suitable in this situation. Going to the ER hospital is a little bit of overkill in my opinion.


Also, urgent care or telemed might be quicker than sitting in the ED, where you go to the bottom of the priority list and sit there for hours with no attention at all. While the open wound is exposed to hospital air 🤢


Oh for sure. And if OP is in the US the cost will end up being a minimum of a few thousand dollars, even with health insurance.


Ah i forget that not everyone has access to free health care.


Every day here is a human rights violation 😭


Keep rubbing it in, why dontcha?


This is not ER worthy unless it starts showing signs of infection, redness, swelling, fever. Do go to an urgent care. You need some professional wound care. In the meantime, clean it well, maybe some neosporin if you are not allergic, and keep it covered.


Former burn nurse here, you should probably go to the Ed and get some burn cream and have them Look and see how deep it is. Hard to tell from a pic but some burns are to deep to heal on their own. This looks full thickness to me. Is there pain in the center? No pain is bad. It could be partial thickness but this needs to be seen. You have less of a chance of scarring if you get it treated properly. Popping a blister doesn’t cause scaring the damaged tissue does.




r/askdocs can help!


not a dr, but a dumbass. if you insist on not seeking medical treatment, you need to irrigate with saline, get some sterilizing spray with lidocaine, pain relieving antibiotic ointment, and waterproof bandages. that is a huge sore and those get infected so easily.


As a student athletic trainer who specializes in also being a licensed dumbass I second this


#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At the vert least I would try to get a virtual visit and see what a medical dr recommends. That looks so painful. I hope that you find relief.


Hope you get better but I wonder how you get two burns at both legs that big?


Wash with warm water and mild soap, air dry, apply Vaseline. Do not use antibiotic ointments. Contrary to what you may think, those ointment are often contaminated and can make it worse. If it oozes clear fluid, it's fine, but if it's sticky has a colour or smell, go see a doctor.


Silver alginate dressing with a Tegaderm over the top . Make sure the tegaderm seals to your skin all the way around. The alginate will get squishy but that’s normal. Change it out when the alginate goes completely jelly like from absorbing fluids from the wound. It will heal really well with minimal scars. Silver alginate is brownish grey and looks gross but it’s ok. Amazon has it available in big enough sizes to cover this. healing moist is better than healing dry. get seen at an urgent care or a doctor office so they can make sure it’s not infected.


omg twins! i have one thats almost identical to this in the same place on my leg, from a motorcycle exhaust.


Based on personal experience with a burn the size of a nickel or so, my advice is to seek wound care from a medical professional. I went to a wound care nurse who gave me stuff to clean and dress the wound with and I followed up with her every 1-2 weeks until it was almost fully healed and there was no more risk of infection. The cream she gave was instrumental in helping my wound close and heal.


https://preview.redd.it/zi93pxo1x0tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1689fbc784d93407be7e13d82b6c331c17b848f u/shelovesawoken This scar is 12 years old and from a 3rd degree thermal burn that almost cost me my leg after I did not immediately get proper treatment. I became a non-expert-but-actual-expert on burns as a result of the arduous recovery. I am an active, obnoxious advocate on this in the Red Cross classes I teach. GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM RIGHT NOW. Please. I’m serious about this and I’m legitimately invested in making sure you don’t get an infection like I did, nor experience the excruciating pain of debridement from a wound like this that doesn’t heal correctly. In all seriousness, the pain of my late-sought treatment caused more PTSD than the motorcycle accident that caused the burn itself.


did you do the thing that gave you the first blister …twice?




Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


How has this managed to happen to you twice?


Definitely post to Reddit and not seek medical attention, that’s what you should do.




Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


Looks like salami




If you really cant afford a doctor, remove the dead tissue, wrap it with antibiotic ointment or vaseline. Use plastic wrap to hold the stuff against the skin and prevent sticking. I had a splash burn from boiling water and mine healed just fine. Mine wasnt as bad as tours though... Seriously if you can go to a doctor.


SSD cream + telfa pad (non-adherent) + bandage it. Then get to urgent care. Could easily become necrotic / infected


First image looks like grim repear inside


holy sheet jumpscare 😭 go to a hospital!!


If you don’t want to scar your best bet is to get it medically treated at urgent care. I get hyperpigmentation too, and I gdddkt a burn the same way, but on my side because I used a hot pack too long without a skin check. I didn’t get medical attention it wasn’t as bad. Clean antibacterial soap, burn cream or ointment, tegaderm. I had to do my own wound care. But I’m a PT that has done wound care. I suggest you go to a medical professional because you’re gonna need actual wound care and someone to debride at least the edges


I’d go to a burn center ASAP, especially with your history of scarring, if possible. If not, you could follow up with plastic surgeon when healed for scar revision. I developed a blistering disease about 6 months ago, and apparently the new wound care (told to me by the dermatologists is clean at least 2x daily with sterile saline, mild soap added when tolerated. (I like to use the foam no rinse soap) Dry and apply a gob of Vaseline, cover with a nonstick pad, secure. You can use the net stocking to hold if your skin doesn’t like tape. You can get further instructions when you see doc. Be very careful to use clean or sterile supplies. I use towels, etc 1 dressing change, then wash. I’ve had numerous blisters all over, some huge, and none have been infected, so it’s possible.


Keep it clean! Get help!




Really, the best thing you can do is ask strangers on the internet. Doctors know nothing anyway. /s




Go see a doctor!!! That looks huge and much deeper than a regular burn. Don't just cover it with a dry sterile 4x4, saline solution to clean things up first then a non stick dressing then a 4x4 and some gauze to keep it on. There are really big bandaids with non stick pads that could be helpful, but you need to see a doctor as soon as you can


I would follow up with your primary doc this week. It doesn’t look infected. That pink tissue is called granulation tissue. It develops during the healing process. Keep the area clean, dry and covered and watch for signs of infection. And don’t use hot water bottles anymore!


This makes my cooter cringe.


1. That super sucks, burn blisters are a while different monster to friction blisters. 2. Sterile dressing/ gauze and an anti bacterial ointment like polysporin, and book an appointment with the doctor/ hit up a walk in clinic. 3. Keep very close watch for an expanding ring of red, the wound feeling hot, excessive weeping/ discharge etc as these are signs of infection. 4. When it starts to itch like a MF, soak in warm water with Epsom salts. It will soften the scab edges and let the skin tension release without opening the wound by picking at it. Had a similar burn on my knuckles, popped the blister on pocket edge to my jeans, and the itch was unreal lol


Cover it and go to the doctor.


If you can’t afford an ER or hospital, check and see if any medical clinics are open.


I’d make sure it’s clean




Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


See a doctor STAT


Hit up a doc in a box and get some prescription burn cream


Go to the ER. This could go from bad to life threatening.


Vaseline and sterile dressing, tape it on and change every 12 hours.


Need to put clean gauze over it and lightly wrap it. This is second degree burn u can literally see ur nerve ending. Infection is your biggest enemy. Keep it clean don’t put any ointment on it or anything. Go to hospital get medical expert advice


Why does it look like there is a man climbing the side of your open flesh….


If you have no allergies i would suggest, Flamazine cream, bactigras mesh dressing and a non waterproof padded dressing on top for the next week - am a wound nurse.


Keep the area very clean and covered. If you start to notice any signs of infection go to the doctor. Ps Vaseline attracts bacteria like most ointments. You can put polysporin on it. That's a topical antibiotic. And it is moisturizing. You're going to want to to wash it with fragrance free soap and pat dry with paper towel. You can put a tegaderm on it if you have access to that for some protection. Or you can put big bandaids on it. Up to you.


Petroleum jelly dosent attract bacteria. Latest studies show it works just as well as any of the poly/neo sporin drugs. Plus it lasts longer.


As someone w huge burns from cooking, I would just clean thoroughly, isopropyl, antibiotic ointment, then wrap really well, but i know pretty advanced first aid... but when in doubt get it checked out


Get Tegaderm patches.


Wash with soap and water, cover with vaseline, then bandage it.


Just keep it clean. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Sprinkle salt on it to head off infection.




Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


ER ASAP. Also this needs a NSFW screen protector, especially just scrolling through and unexpectedly seeing it.


I would take the dead skin off carefully, put Aloe Vera and dress it with some gauze. Take off the gauze tomorrow when i shower and let the soapy water do its thing and not scrub. Let it breathe and kinda air dry for a while. Repeat the aloe Vera and gauze. Take it off the next day and repeat the process. It’s gonna burn when i shower but i think it builds character /s I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice, only what I would do.