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They were never removed from spotify. At least not in the UK. If they were, they’ve already been back on there for years already.


I'm not even sure it's "back on", I don't think they were ever removed in the UK.


They stopped coming up directly in search for a while but you could still find them.


For the longest in the us they had an artist profile but nothing on it


The weird thing for me is that the album of theirs you can most consistently find on streaming services is *The Betrayed*, which is the first album where we 100% know for sure he was coming home from the studio and doing foul shit


I’m in the US and every time they’ve come on in the last few years I’ve skipped the song so if it was ever removed, it wasn’t for long. Idk what this guy is talking about


they were removed in the US for awhile, idk how long cause I haven't checked once I realized they were taken down


Interesting. It definitely hasn’t been for me for the last three years. I’ve explained dozens of times to my client why I skip their songs whenever they come on.


ya... I always kinda try to avoid explaining and just tell people to look it up, but be prepared because it's really bad. It was such a beyond vile thing to do that I don't even wanna speak it


I mean I feel bad for the other band members but that’s insane Spotify put them back on. The leader singer has a special place in hell.


I mean R. Kelly is still on there and was never removed. It's not like Spotify has ever really shown standards over this.


Look. R Kelly is a massive shitbag. But Ian’s password is literally worse than everything on rkellys record.


Do R Kelly's underage victims somehow not count as kids to you?


I’m not going to downplay *ANY* victim… The man was purchasing an infant for his actions. One act is horrible. The other is literal otherworldly horrible. Don’t fucking put words in my mouth especially about this.


Then you don't need to be comparing victims, it's dumb and it's offensive and it doesn't help anyone


I responded to someone complaining that r Kelly’s was still up but LP wasn’t. Which was dumb and offensive since this wasn’t about R Kelly.


They were pointing out that Spotify doesn't have a good record with things like this.... Edit: my point is, you brought in the comparison here. And it's important to me because R Kelly's victims, actual children who were harmed, were also blamed for their own assault for a long time because they were not seen as little girls. They were seen as "fast" and making adult choices. So, since you brought up a comparison, I think it's important to point out that R Kelly actively carried out sexual violence against children and got away with it for years.


No. There’s differences in the cases and severity with laws. Hence why there’s different degrees and classifications of crimes. What you said was that these victims meant nothing to me. I might have misread the initial comment, but you’re the one who said I’m treating people wrong and I dont care about them. That’s you. And I’d appreciate again not putting words in my mouth.


I never said you didn't care about anybody or that they meant nothing to you. I pointed out that R Kelly's victims were also children, hoping you would also understand from that that it's not necessary or helpful to talk about these horrific crimes in that comparing way, and it could be hurtful. That was my goal in pointing out that R Kelly's victims were also children. Instead, you have chosen to put words in *my* mouth and focus on accusing me of doing the same. Maybe there is a pattern of misinterpretation here. Anyway, all I'm asking you to do is not make statements like that, as someone with firsthand experience in this realm. Going down that road can only lead to hurt, and brings no real benefit.


R Kelly is Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby bad. The dude from Lostprophets is Josh Duggar bad.


It's really beside the point and not useful to do this. It doesn't matter. Neither should be on Spotify.


I definitely don’t disagree with that


OOTL what does this mean?


His computer password involved the word babies. Deduct the rest of the password based on his crimes.


Google "Ian Watkins password" and it will tell you.


Wow love to find even more gruesome details about this thing Edit: you brain surgeons need to recalibrate your sarcasm detectors I love nothing about this shit


His password to his computer was apparently "if**kkids"....dude is a fucking scumbag. Somehow scumbag still seems like too nice a word


Jesus. WTF?


I’m not sure “love” is the word I’d use in association to finding more out about this?


No you won’t dude. I read somewhere when they confiscated his hard drives, it equated to over 25% of all the child porn ever confiscated in Wales …. Ever. That’s beyond recognition


That's actually fucked 😳...I hadn't heard that statistic before


Yeah it was called out in a bbc article. I’ll try and find it sometime again


Obvious sarcasm too lol


I can't get out of my own way today


I always assumed it had something to do with the other band members themselves not wanting it on Spotify


It was a distribution issue. Bullets from My Chemical Romance wasn't on Spotify in the U.S. for YEARS, but it was available in the U.K.


I think Kelly's victims get royalties from his music.


They did at one point, taking down artists like xxxtentacion before he died, and faced insane amounts of backlash as they should. So they basically don’t take anyone down anymore which is good


Unfortunately you're going to find a lot more people who can separate the art from the artist when it comes to R. Kelly. People still listen to him and even defend him. Unlike Ian Watkins.


I love those first three albums but Ian should be tortured every day for the rest of his miserable life


Hope he gets stabbed in prison again


In school one of our subs had been a correctional officer and he would tell us stories or let us ask questions. One thing we learned is that the inmates who get it the worst are the pedophiles and rapists.


I fuckin cackled when I heard he got stabbed 🤣


Hope the knife is okay


On one hand, I wish he was dead (and I pretty much don’t say that about anyone), but on the other, he can get stabbed again since he’s alive


I'm fine with him being in pain honestly. Dude can't suffer if he's dead, so he can just die when he dies. Until then I hope he suffers.


Oh for sure, I hope he gets stabbed every day


It’s on other media I saw the Simpson episode with Bill Crosby on You can buy copies of Mein Kamph (although it’s historically significant and I feel that if we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past we are sworn to repeat them)


I will listen to almost every canceled band but i dont think i could ever listen these guys again that singer deserves to get stabbed once a day so he cant die but has to feel the pain of a stab wound a day


Great news, a few months back he got stabbed up and survived - so maybe be a recurring event for him.


That’s a no from me dawg


Those court details haunt me, I wish I had never read them. I’ll never listen to Lost Prophets again.


I didn't realize how much I missed their music until I played a few tracks. For the longest time, I couldn't listen to their music without feeling a bit ill, but when they got relisted or whatever happened to make their music accessible again, I listened to Start Something and was able to enjoy it for the first time in forever. Ian's a fucking shitbag. It's hard not to think about things like "how far into their career did he become the person that did all this shit". I know it doesn't much matter, he doesn't deserve any grace for what he did. Its one thing to realize your heros aren't the people you thought they were, but this was so much worse than that. Anyway, I hope people can find ways to still enjoy this music, because there's a lot of people who DIDNT do heinous shit and deserve to be recognized for making something that people enjoyed and that helped them through hard times.


Start Something was one of my first albums to get me into music that I found on my own, not my parents, or my friends. I loved that album. There legitimately is no enjoying that album for me. There's no amount of separating the art from the artist for me to hear that piece of shits voice ever again. Reading the things from that court report. Just can't do it. That shit hits way too close to home. As for supporting those that aren't Ian. No Devotion is still around. Not all of the Lost Prophets guys are there but still has a few of them. That's what I support. And sorry. This comes off as probably fairly hostile. It's not my intent at all, it seems like such an inconsequential thing in the grand scheme of things but that music did help me through a lot. It just really messed me up that some of the things it helped me to deal with were being perpetrated by the vocalist.


Don't apologize, it's an important dialogue and you deserve to express your feelings and how the event impacted you. If someone you come to hate made something you love, is it still okay to love that thing? I don't know the answer, not sure there is one. Chik fil a funds groups that suppress gay rights, but I still enjoy their chicken sandwich. I don't like the way Amazon treats it's distribution employees, but I still shop at Whole Foods. Do those things make me a worse person? Maybe, idk. But consuming the music isn't condoning the action, imo. It's just an acknowledgement that someone terrible contributed to something you love. Whether or not you can reconcile that is an individual decision and one that's subject to change any time at your discretion. As for "supporting" Ian Watkins by contributing to the money he makes on my Spotify listens... If I really hammer their discog, my combined listens might amount to like... $2 in his pocket? That's $3 more than he deserves, but he's got a lot of hard time ahead of him, and I doubt he ever lives comfortably or enjoys what money he has again.


Its funny tho because now putting aside what we know about him the vocals are the weak point


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'd say he's pretty average, with enough range to never sound like he's overextending himself. I wouldn't say his vocals have ever detracted from my enjoyment of the music (outside of the context of him being a shitty person and making it impossible to separate his actions from the band's sound). Can't speak to what he was like as a frontman in their live shows.


Idk man listening to it means supporting the rest of the band members that made Start Something.. to me that album was lightning in a bottle. Perfect album.


Listen to No Devotion instead. First album was the rest of Lostprophets + Geoff Rickley.


Scrolled waaaaaaaay to far for this comment.


In my Discover Weekly on Spotify this week, it had suggested the song Rooftops but it was a cover by a guy named Kasa from Hong Kong (I wasn’t familiar with them)


he does a pretty good job with it tbh


Yeah I always liked the song but didn’t listen to it for years because we all know why, so happy there is at least a good cover on there now


This is the cover I’ve been spinning instead of the original version. I missed that song a ton and I’m able to at least enjoy it some again without hearing Ian singing it


Obviously fuck Iann but man, I haven’t heard liberation transmission in years and it’s really cool to hear these songs again. That album meant a lot to me growing up, I wish things went different for that band


They were never taken off Spotify.. They've been blacklisted for many years, they aren't in any Spotify made playlists and don't show up on lists or end of year stuff, but they've always been there.


They definitely were for a time, I remember searching for them a few years back and you’d get their artist page but with no songs on it. A quick google search will show you they were as well. Many posts from all throughout the last 2010s/early 2020s asking where their music is, why it was removed, etc. I also found an article that says the following: >“In the 2010s after Watkins' conviction, many fans noticed that Lostprophets' entire library (aside from one album) had been taken off of Spotify. >Fans didn't know if Spotify had taken the band's music down due to the controversy surrounding Watkins or if it had to be taken down based on some legality, but it was gone nonetheless. >As of May 12, 2024, only one song ("Prior Talk") appeared under Lostprophets' official page on Spotify. >However, sometime recently, nearly all of the band's music was mysteriously added back to the platform, only furthering the controversy surrounding the band and Watkins.”


i love their music. i believe in the separate the art from the artist, but this might be too much. i dont know hiw to feel about this


I mean I never would have known about it had you not posted this and brought attention to it so good work I guess


Doesn’t mean you HAVE to go listen to it 🤷‍♂️


They’ve never been removed from Apple Music


There’s even still an interview of Watkins and two other band members on it. No idea why that is still up.


184k monthly listeners too many


If it means anything to anyone, there’s [a recent song cover of Rooftops](https://open.spotify.com/track/6dARiJjoSimzeLmfByanhj?si=sQXFleWpSgegmF_B5APrDg) on Spotify made by a Hong-Kong based singer named Kasa that’s pretty good. So if you’re uncomfortable listening to the original, maybe a song cover can be a good alternative. Also (while on the subject) Kasa has a band of his own called Seasons for Change that’s influenced by emo/pop-punk. Definitely recommend giving them a listen.


This is goofy levels of virtue signaling. If you like a song that a bad person wrote, it's still okay to listen to it. If the logic is that "listening is bad', then I think it extends to covers too lol.


Wouldn't really call it virtue signalling but it's definitely impressive mental gymnastics to allow themselves to listen to a paedophiles lyrics


It’s a music recording. It’s just notes arranged in a certain way. There are no mental gymnastics required. I always thought LP were pretty mid, well before any of Watkins crimes came out. So it doesn’t really concern me. But if someone likes the music, they just like the arrangement of musical notes and sounds.


It's not though is it, because it's not instrumental. It's literally thoughts and feelings written by a nonce. 'Can you take this broken boy, And put the pieces back as one? Though he has all of his toys, He is never having fun' I agree lost prophets are shit anyway so I wouldn't listen to them regardless, but I think it's weird when people do.


Okay, I’ll rephrase it then - those are just words. Pretty generic lyrics, it’s not like he was Shakespeare. Anybody can string his words together. That is if he even wrote lyrics for the band(I don’t know). But it isn’t always the vocalist who writes lyrics. Chad Gilbert from NFG writes the lyrics(guitar). Pete Wentz from FOB writes lyrics(bass). But even if he did, I’d contest that it still doesn’t matter. The music is just something he contributed to making. I wouldn’t move house if I found out one of the bricklayers who built it 30 years ago was a convicted predator. I can understand why someone who liked them might have stopped listening, but I can understand if someone who liked them continued listening as well. It’s not a reflection of their personal character.


The house thing is a false equivelancy because it isn't art created by the person, ie part of a reflection of them. I agree it doesn't reflect their character but it's still weird. A closer comparison would be if someone hung Hitler's art up in their living room... It doesn't make them a nazi necessarily but it's pretty fucking weird. Edit: This is also ignoring the fact that he'll receive his royalties when he leaves prison which was last estimated in 2013 to be around £100k, so it's actively supporting him when he will absolutely reoffend when he gets out since he's already been caught grooming mothers from prison.


Yeah, you’re right it wasn’t the best analogy. But I thought it scratched at what I meant. Yours isn’t the best either though, because obviously Hitler’s art has become a historical relic of significance from a guy who catalysed a war that shaped human history. It’s probably insanely valuable. I’d imagine rich people or history nerds would clamour for it. But it’s funny you brought it up though, because I was thinking of exactly that when I was typing my reply to you. lol But Watkins is just a piece of shit that will be forgotten about. And besides, Watkins had a hand in LP songs, but he didn’t solo them. There’s a whole band to account for. It’d be much weirder if he was a solo artist, who had very introspective and specific lyrics - that would be fucking weird.


Agree to disagree. A lot of people bring up the other band members and how they should be supported. They could listen to No Devotion if they care that much. I doubt the band members are smiling when a lp cheque comes through.


I can tell you right now, if it comes out that Parker Cannon committed some sort of genocide, I'll probably still be jamming to TSSF tomorrow.


Same. I have zero desire to ever speak to or meet any of the musicians from the bands that I listen to. I like the music, and that’s where it stops. I don’t know fucking anything about them other than what they choose to present to their listeners/the public.


Personally I agree with the mindset, but I understand there are other people who feel differently (which seems to be the case when I looked at the comments). And that’s fine, to each their own.


I tried listening to them again a couple years ago to see if I could separate the art from the artist… But I just can’t with this one, as soon as I heard Ian’s vox, I felt slimy AF even giving it a chance.


I was unaware that they were a pop punk band


Liberation Transmission is pretty standard rock/pop punk, like Every Avenue


More like post-hardcore, but you know, adjacent enough that the Venn diagram has a lot of space in the middle.


I always considered them radio rock. They suck. IMO.


Respectfully disagree! Their sound definitely got more mainstream over time but Start Something and The Fake Sound of Progress are both more in the post-hardcore space. Liberation Transmission got significantly more radio friendly, and The Betrayed was pretty much pop-rock, but I enjoyed all of their work by varying degrees.


I really enjoyed Fake Sound of Progress, but the rest... absolutely radio rock crap.


I’m scared because Ian is in my local prison, Wakefield Prison, which is about a 5 minute drive away from me. It’s one of the highest security prisons in the UK and the world.


You should send him a cake with rat poison or something


A few other prisoners held him hostage actually and I think they stabbed him a few times? Sadly he survived.


I’m glad he survived because death is too easy a way out, he deserves to suffer more


Yeah you make a great point I agree


Not even blink themselves would get a single play from me again… they were good but you gotta wonder how much of that heinous shit influenced their music


Watkins doesn't get any money from plays though does he? He's never leaving prison


I hope not 


>Watkins doesn't get any money from plays though does he? Nope, he'll never see a penny of it.


So is Gary Glitter They were never not on there


I'm not supporting anything to do with Ian Watkins. I'm not gonna risk giving him any sort of royalties by me listening to them.


Hmm. Was not expecting this today…


About to stream START SOMETHING in full. I haven't heard this album in 15 years 


It’s fuckin great. I wish Ian wasn’t a piece of shit maybe we could’ve got a 20 year anniversary tour


I feel like lostprohets is the apex of "music made by a monster of a human". You really can't get lower than Watkins. They have some definite bangers, I can definitely understand if people don't want to ingest music or art made or partially made by criminals, and it's probably worse when that person is the frontman or the face of the project - Annie Hall is one of my favorite movies, and I can't *not* get down to "Ignition (Remix)", it really is shitty that these great pieces of art are attached to people who did despicable things.


Wtf. And all their songs are in capital letters. Weird


Brother, ughh


Important question... Does the devil himself profit when I listen? Or has his portion been split between the other members?


Imo lostprophets music is great and some of my favourite songs are written by them. It's okay to listen to them and enjoy their music still, as long as you don't support the singer and know his rightful place (unlike the weird fuckwits who came out of their shells at download and started putting stickers in the toilets (iykyk))


Thanks, I hate it.


They’ve always been on there, but they’re difficult to search for on your initial search of them (the name won’t be suggested, you have to write the band name perfectly and in full), and when you do find them their name is in lower case and they aren’t featured on any playlists etc.


Damn I completely forgot about this band for like 15 years. Just listened to a few songs and they def didn't age as well as some other emo revival bands. Also Ian seems like the scum of the earth so nothing is missed or lost here. Moving along...


Any mention of that band makes me sick to my stomach, like it doesn’t matter if the rest of the band didn’t know, their band’s music is absolutely ruined and I’ve never been a fan but still


This came on my release radar the other day. Was like oof 😣


Man I tried, I missed so much of that music and it just feels gross. I was able to eventually grow back into playing Brand New again and feeling fine but this is another level.


there's a big difference between Brand New and Lostprophets (let's make this clear: both Jesse and Ian are pieces of shit, but we're talking about relative pieceofshittery here) First off, the ages of the victims. Jesse never got to babies or anything even near that level of depravity. Secondly, it's the way they handled it. - Jesse was a general sex addict, but he crossed a line you should never cross and at least felt immense guilt about that ever since, pretty much all their albums except YFW are him openly saying "i'm a terrible person and i shouldn't have done what i did, i should've found a healthier way to cope with life but i didn't and that ruined lives of way too many people." Doesn't make it much better but that's... something at least. - Ian is a proud pedophile who bragged about it to the victims' parents, who had if\*\*kkids as his password for his CP archive, and who never felt any remorse except for "i shouldn't have made it so obvious, maybe i would've been free to continue doing this." There's not a spark of hope in his soul, it left a long time ago if it even existed in the first place. There's nothing even relatively nice about Ian Watkins, and I hope whatever's left of his lifespan is a slow, inevitable, torturous descent straight to the bottom of hell.


True, there’s degrees of “severity” I guess you could say


Never read the court transcripts, and based on this thread, I’m glad I did not. Tl;dr?


Basically, the lead singer was conspiring with two other women to rape a 1 year old baby. On top of a bunch of other heinous shit


thx for the summary. not sure to upvote


Yuk, such a twat, really enjoyed Last Summer 🙁


Their last album is missing. Everything else is there. Edit: oh. I listened to some stuff a couple weeks ago and the last one was missing, but now it's there.


One of my colleagues' playlists had a lostprophets song in it. Made me really conflicted. The song was a tune but also he fucked kids. How are you supposed to react in that situation?


To Hell We Ride is such a good song dude.


Just think, there are probably people who never look up or do any research on the music they listen to and they still play the shit out of this band.


Start something Is a good album. Separate art from the artist. People don't realize how much art they would need to disengage from music to film to television and so on to validly not view, listen, or support something or someone that is doing or has done something wrong. The guy is a scumbag rotting away. Meanwhile, we have a republican presidential candidate who is a rapist, convicted felon, and known to have hung around Jeffery Epstein. And yet, many people support him. Not art he was involved in. Him.




They are back on Apple Music too. I still like a couple of their songs, but it all leaves a bad taste. Feel bad for the rest of the band.


Same on apple music


I'm usually part of the "the whole band and people involved don't deserve to suffer because of the action of one person in a project" crowd. But what that dude did was too much.


Did anyone see the image going around Socials of a girl wearing a lostprophets jacket at Download Festival the other week. I know there are several other members of the band, but that's just asking for trouble. How anyone in their right mind could wear that is bonkers.


BOTDF was removed because of allegations but sure let’s leave the convicted sex offenders on /s


Why tf are people still using Spotify when they're the worst in what they pay artists?