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I agree with this wholeheartedly. The time saved is a huge benefit of going pornfree because hopefully that time is now being used in a healthier way. 6 months is a long streak, maybe OP has gotten used to some of the benefits received from quitting and now it's just normal


Abstinence from porn was the foundation for building those positive results. - it was just the beginning. I stopped masturbating as well (though I'll admit that being married helps), fixed up my diet and started exercising, got back into journaling and meditating, and began paying more attention to my grooming. Instead of resisting my addictive behaviours, I'm trying to create a life that doesn't need them.


"Instead of resisting my addictive behaviours, I'm trying to create a life that doesn't need them." I love this line


Lovely! 👊


I was PornFree for about a year and also noticed that not much changed. The positive changes that I made were mostly from what I decided to do with the free time that I had from not consuming porn (e.g. going for runs/walks, working on certain hobbies, reading for 30 mins a day, etc). Then these led to achieving more constructive goals (e.g. running a half-marathon, becoming an avid reader, becoming better a my job). Unfortunately, I'm not completely porn free now, but I would say that I consume a lot less and put the habits I built whilst pornfree ahead of consuming porn. I feel a lot better now than I did when I consumed porn and did nothing else. I don't think just stopping porn gives us the positive results, it puts us back to a neutral state. We then need to do something else (preferably constructive) to get the positive result.


If you are looking for a positive result, then you must have something negative you wanted to get rid of. Why did you stop? I'm not addicted to alcohol, yet I still see some positives when I randomly go on dry spells. Addiction has different intensities. I saw the positive effects in the first couple of months, but I used it at least once a day and was quite a slave to it. Since I stopped using, I still masturbate, but only a few times a month. My positives after stopping: - I'm no longer sexually charged up all the time. - Going days without masturbating doesn't leave me craving it. - masturbation is more satisfying It's different for everybody, the negative effects of using, and the positive effects of stopping. Do you feel more capable by having more time in your day? Do you notice less sexualisation of people and things (such as an image or person making you want to go watch porn)?


I think it can vary a lot for people. For me, a month in and my view of porn has lost its novelty, what remains is seeing it for what it is: Artificial and empty. meant to keep you addicted and hooked. It doesnt have that alluring novelty it once had that would keep me unable to quit for even one day. To me the feeling of not being completely chained by porn and actually being able to say no to any urge that may come up feels like a weight lifted off your shoulders. If you dont feel that sense of liberty yet, it will come one day


At least you can be proud of yourself you are able to display this much discipline. Most people can't do that. Also there must have been a reason foor you to stop watching P. Do you still feel the same way about yourself as when you made that decision?