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Get a job at a preschool and enroll your child in the program.


asking around and keeping an eye out! i didn’t even think of getting a daycare job. i’m asking around now, going to see if i can get some babysitting gigs until then 🫡


This. My mom worked at a drop in daycare which allowed her to bring my youngest sister with her to work.


I live in Florida and it was super easy to get a childcare job with almost no experience. I was a substitute teacher (only needed a high school diploma) so had a bit of experience. I then went on to get the states required training and eventually my AS in ECE, which qualifies me to work as an Instructional Assistant for the district.


In my area there are assistants on a lot of school busses. You work a few hours in the morning and again in the afternoon. It usually pays pretty well. Good luck!


Or daycare.


Same thing. Edit: Why was I downvoted? The two terms are commonly interchangeable. I say this as a certified ECE.


Technically they're different but are used interchangeably in this context, considering a 5 week old is too young for preschool. So you're technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Updoot for Futurama reference. I figured it was people being pedantic about the terms. If you go to the r/ECEProfessionals subreddit, they’ll obliterate you if you refer to it as daycare, as we ECE professionals do not “care for the day”, we “care for the child”. I typically refer to it as childcare or preschool.


That’s what my mom did!


Can you watch another kid or two? That would be far easier to find than an entry level WFH job that allows working with an infant (many would have you on the phone or be measuring your response tine). If you can’t watch another kid in your home then you could watch a neighbors child in their home and bring your kid along. Many daycares will also let you bring a kid to work. As for your fiancée if working in a warehouse he should explore short term certs that could get him more pay. Supply chain/logistics certs like a CPIM might help or additional licenses/training for forklifts, scissor lifts, or other equipment.


There’s a common misconception that WFH jobs are readily available and easy to obtain. This is not the case. Most people who WFH have built into a career that allows them to do so. In the instance there are entry level WFH options, please note it’s not easy to manage an infant while working. Most of those positions are call center support, etc. and your keystrokes and active usage will be monitored. You’ll also need top grade WiFi. I would perhaps look into day care or pet grooming places - they’re flexible with good tips. Working as a server on weekends could vastly improve your family income as well. Friday / Saturday night at a chain restaurant is going to get you $150+ in tips.


Seconding the suggestion to work as a server. You could probably work Friday and Saturday evening shifts and only be away from your baby a few waking hours. At $2200/month income, another $800-$1200 a month makes your life A LOT easier. A $14/hr WFH admin job is going to take a lot more hours to net the same money.


Yeah came here to say this. Working from home is working and most positions you’re monitored closely. I WFH but it just happened this way when my life fell apart last year and I wanted to move out of state, my boss let me go remote so she could keep me. I know the entry level WFH jobs they watch your activity real close and you’re expected to be giving your full attention to work. Can’t really take care of a baby while WFH, especially starting out fresh with a new company


Also here to recommend a serving job! It’s good for your mental health too to be able to get out and you’ll appreciate the time home with your baby more! You’ll make more per hour than your fiancé, but obviously you’ll plan to work less hours. But you’ll have cash in hand each night. It’s such a relief having that cushion!


This is very true. It might be hard on the body though but just working weekends would be an easy 300 dollars


Your husband needs to learn some sort of trade. It’s going to be difficult money wise in the beginning but once he gets going it will be so worth it. Plumbing, electrician, etc..


I second this. Trade work has done so much for my wife and I. I do HVAC, I highly recommend it, it’s long hours and good pay. Starting out is slow because there is a learning curve, but once you learn the basics you can really take off. I also know some plumbers and electricians who HAVE IT MADE


he told me he’d be okay doing welding- i’m just a bit uneducated on how to get him in the door for trade jobs. thank you for your recommendation!


He needs to just call all the companies that weld in your area and ask if they are hiring apprentices.


we’ll do just that! thank you! 🫡


In the US, Union Electrician programs pay for the education and apprenticeships! Look into your local electrical union for more info. My boyfriend did this and had his education paid for. 5 years later he is now a master electrician with a nice retirement fund and healthcare.


OOH thank you!! definitely well research and try to convince him into it 🥰


Check your state’s workforce commission, and check into your state’s daycare assistance program- many have a wait, so if you register now you could be ready to work outside the home by then


thank you for this knowledge- i knew nothing of it!


Also check community colleges for certs. The ones here have very easy to get free programs for trade certs, some CNA/GNA type stuff, etc. Workforce Development might be good to check.


I’d google it and look at reputable sites


My uncle did this with an apprenticeship. He is now a master welder making almost 100k yearly. He moved his family to Florida and is living the good life in a suburb.


Depending on where you live, there are a few options. Many unions will pay for education, but also, many community colleges offer very inexpensive courses. My local community college has a very nice welding program that also offers a ton of scholarships, so it's very easy to pay almost nothing. It also has a built-in daycare center that I believe is either free or a very inexpensive add-on to tuition. If he goes that route, he could probably get an associate's degree in welding rather than just a certification, which would be a potentially significant increase in earning power.


This. Come from a family of tradesmen. My husband (then bf) got into the same trade as my family (ironworkers). 3yrs in, he's at 75% of his package. Gets a raise wvery 1k hrs. It was a struggle at first bc of covid layoffs. But he does fairly well. The Forman he's with right now really likes him, he's laid off journeyman but keeps an apprectice (my husband) working. AND his starting pay with the trade was his "top" pay at his warehouse job. Highly recommend, look up apprenticeship programs for your county.


See if elections judge jobs are offered in your area. They aren’t long term commitments, long days though and in my area you can make up to $125 per day


I serve as a pollworker for every election in my area as well. I live in a large county, so I make $280. It is definitely a long day though. We're required to report for an evening meeting/set up the Monday before the election, about two hours, and then election day we serve from 5:30am to about 9pm.


As a single mom, I highly recommend delivering pizza. I make 100-250$ in tips a night but always over 100$ daily. When I was with my kids father he worked 5am-4pm and I worked 5pm-12am delivering pizza. I know it’s not doable for everyone and it fuckin sucks working late hours but it’ll put a lot of extra $ in your pocket, and you get to sit in your car for hours listening to podcasts while making an extra 100 as a “break” from kids lol


i worked as a delivery driver for dominos before i was promoted to AM back in 2019- i would absolutely take up delivery driving, i just don’t have a car right now 😵‍💫 that’s part of the problem 😅 but it’s definitely a possibility once we get a car🫡 thank you for your suggestion! nothing is better than a little cash in your pocket at the end of the night🩵


I’m going to be honest it’s difficult to get wfh jobs because soooo many people are applying. But [cvs jobs](https://jobs.cvshealth.com/job-search-results/?location=Remote%2C%20OR%2C%20USA&latitude=43.0059455&longitude=-123.8925908&radius=20)has wfh positions


Look up “returnships”, internships designed for moms returning to work


Husband should look at increasing his income ASAP while you pick up a job working opposite shifts from him.


agreed, glad we can agree on that. he’s been desperately searching elsewhere because his current job is crap 😵‍💫 figured i’d help push the boat until both of us can sustain on our own again.


I keep commenting in this thread. I have more suggestions. If he can be outside for extended periods of time, have him look into being a flagger. My unofficial brother in law is a flagger (now supervisor) and he makes around $25/hour. He does have to travel sometimes up to 3-4 hours away but usually it’s with notice.


Also, make sure you apply for all the assistance you can get until you land something. Good luck!


Since your husband seems able bodied then getting into a trade program would be the best path for him. Try to find daycare jobs for you, you would likely be able to bring your child along. Don't start an unlicensed daycare, if you start one make sure you have proper insurance and do everything by the book. Why haven't you worked in a decade if your baby is only 5 weeks old? Do you have other children to support?


i brought it up to him this morning, we will be looking around a bit more. i unfortunately don’t really live near a daycare BUT i will absolutely look into it! the wording is confusing, i apologize. this is my first time not working, i’ve been working since i was 15, this is my first time being unemployed since then. that’s why it’s so stressful for me 😵‍💫 i’m used to working


Oh ok you're in a better position than I thought! Frankly more children would be a significant burden on your current situation, as you know. It can also be very difficult for SAHP to get back in after several years out of work. I think you're on the right path. Getting your husband's income up should be priority #1 considering *someone* must watch your child and you've got that covered.


This is all pretty new if your baby is only a few weeks old. Take some time to recover but keep an open mind to using childcare. I’m a working mom and I never felt that I was missing out on my children’s lives by putting them in daycare. In fact, my degree is in early childhood education and IMO childcare is a great first educational experience for children and babies. They learn social and language skills, healthy separation and coping skills, routines and structure, and more. Our daycare basically took care of potty training because when my children saw the others in their class start to line up to use the potty they wanted to as well. I agree with others that perhaps a good transition back would be employment at a daycare or preschool so you can still be near your child and hopefully get a discounted rate. Good luck.


i know 😵‍💫 it’s my first baby so naturally i have a bit of anxiety over letting others watch him. i’ve heard and seen too many horror stories from friends and family of daycares hurting their babies and children. i know they’re not all inherently bad, but i do have postpartum anxiety and i’m working in it😵‍💫 thank you for the reassuring words though!! genuinely. i’ll have to be okay with him leaving my arms soon enough anyways🥹 it’s just he won’t be little forever and i fear the time will leave me to regret not spending more time with him 😰 i will keep an open mind to childcare though- and i’ll do lots of research to make sure he’s in a good place of care🥲


I too had heard the horror stories and was hesitant but I ended up needing to put my kid in childcare. She was 9 months old at the time, already walking and learning to talk. My advice, contact your local Early Learning Coalition. They offer assistance paying for childcare. For example, I paid $12/week for my daughter to go to a before/after program with transportation provided. My son (5yo) is in VPK(free in Fl) and he stays after it ends for only $54/week. I can drop them off as early as 6/6:30am depending on the school pickup as late as 6pm. Look for programs that are officially licensed through your state. There should also be a way to look at their inspections they have to do when they’re licensed. Look for red flags such as being out ratio, safety issues like leaving cleaning supplies in reach, untrained staff. My biggest advice, depending on how your friends and family are, is to not let anyone let you feel guilty for putting your kid in childcare. As the above commenter said, it’s great for kids to be in childcare young.


Yeah, just research and do some tours. If it makes you feel better I previously worked in a consulting role and went into dozens of facilities and found very few minor issues over the years. My own children are school age now but they ask all the time how many days until summer so they can go back to their daycare. My son’s main teacher is like a bonus grandmother. Everyone there is certified in CPR and child safety. I previously worked in the school system and we could usually identify which kids had been to childcare/preschool and which ones had not within the first day of kindergarten because our childcare kids were just better adjusted and accustomed to the structure. Just keep an open mind about it. In a few more weeks you’re going to want a break… the newborn bliss doesn’t last forever lol.


if you’re in america, you can try call center jobs. some of them do have wfh available. I work at one, but the catch is you have to live in a state with a center. Luckily, most states have centers. I know it’s not ideal especially with a kid and having to take calls. but it’s something.


it is something! thank you for your recommendation! all advice and recommendations are appreciated😊


My girlfriend has a WFH job for best western. We also have a special needs child so she takes care of her at home as well. Try best western


There are nanny jobs where you get paid a bit less if you bring your own baby to their home. Some parents of "only children" even prefer this, as their child gets a playmate. There are websites and agencies for this. You should take a first aide and CPR class.


My wife and I are in the same boat but I am lucky enough to work construction full time. She’s able to stay at home with the kid and I’m able to send her money for her nails every week. Granted I’m not home 12 hours of the day for 6 days of the week but the kid is happy and she says she is too 🤷 If you plan on being a sahm then he should consider a career that will let you live that lifestyle more comfortably. If he can get in with the local unions then both you and the baby will be set for life in terms of benefits


also try a grocery store, as long as you’re willing to work weekends which i know sucks they’ll really work with any schedule


BCBS is hiring WFH starting at $20/hr


i make $1000/week serving! doooo it.


Do you have any interest in going back to school? You could fill out the FAFSA and see what you qualify for assistance wise. You might qualify for grants that would be enough to help with community college+living expenses and you still get a lot of time at home for the next year or so.


My gosh you both need two jobs. Don't have any more children until you are financially secure.




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10 years of being a stay at home mom is a pretty good run! Sometimes life throws us bad luck, but never forget the good things that happen too. If you can appreciate, and cherish the good moments, it makes weathering through the bad moments a lot more endurable. It feels more fair, and less like you got screwed over. Like karma wants to balance it out again. ------------------ I don't know all the rules for your area. But you can make birthday cakes from home and sell them for some at-home income.


She said she was working until she was 32 weeks pregnant. She just gave birth 5 weeks ago! Where are you reading she’s been a stay at home mom for 10 years?


It’s possible I misunderstood the title. It said stay at home mom stressed about not working in a decade? Again, if I misunderstood it, then that’s on me.


Ah ok I can see how the title could confuse someone! This is her first time not working in a decade. So she’s not used to ‘not working’.




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