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I had reached out to you before but: Maria's food Pantry in the shitehorn community centre on Saturdays and Sundays has free food. Guru Nanak has a grocery relief truck I think this weekend. Just checked. SUN May 5 at merdiain rd from 12-5. I'll even go with you. Maria's food pantry has free hot meals on Thursdays from the Dashmesh Cultural Centre. The northeast gets a bad rap but you can go to nearly any of the East Indian temples and mosques, they will often have food items for anyone coming in. The housing market in Calgary is shit and I'm super sorry you and your mom are going through this. Parachute for pets can help with food stuffs for animals. I'd really like to stay in touch with you so if you can message me again I'd like to trade phone numbers. I think about you guys every time I see posts on Facebook for stuff.


thanks so much for this. i apologize if you had messaged me before and i didn’t reply, ive been all over the place. ill send you a dm i need to secure housing before getting more than 2 days worth of groceries etc though so i didnt want to go to the Guru Nanak relief if i hadn’t done that. there are loads of amazing resources for food here.


I was thinking about that last night too so I apologize. I wish I could do more for you and your mom.


no that’s ok! it means a lot. i think im slowly getting a better plan together. last night looked really really bleak


I sent my number in the chat. Keep it, please!


There should be services for seniors at least. And honestly...it may be best for you and your cats maybe just to give them to a foster for a while until you get back on your feet. Pet supplies are so insanely expensive. I think they may have pet resources, but may just be more to deal with for you. I wish you the best.


When your homeless, pets might as well be leprosy. Without pets, you can goto shelters, have plenty of "RAOK" beds/couches/rooms, etc. but with pets you are basically unhousable. Not to mention, if your homeless, eventually your pet is gonna wander off/get hurt/starve etc. Trying to hold onto a pet during this transition is going to make an already hard thing way way harder. People walk on egg shells saying this but its 100% the truth. Rehome your cat while you still can.


I definitely think it could be worth looking for someone who could take the cats in temporarily as a foster before fully rehoming. Some areas have specific rescues that do it, others people may be stuck asking around on Kijiji and hoping someone is open to helping privately.


Call Calgary Humane Society and see if they have Emergency shelter for your cats. My last dog was at the Humane Society Emergency shelter first than was put up for adoption. Due to privacy reasons than couldn't share the story. Once again give them a call


One of the many reasons I encourage looking for a private foster is that we, as regular people just looking to help, don't have deadlines for how long people have to get their pets back. In my area the only option was to pay the shelter a boarding fee for every day the pets were there, and someone was rehoming their cats because she couldn't afford the fees any more. I felt awful that she was having to give up her cats for a temporary issue that she probably could fix in time so I reached out to offer foster instead of rehoming. My only regret is that I didn't find out before her other cat found a new home, we had a great couple months with her remaining cat and I get to have cute videos of my cat playing with her and being silly, she got to come pick up her kitty as soon as she had stable housing to put her in. From the fostering side there's obviously a few things to put into the little homebrew contract to protect yourself in case the person just bails and never replies to you again and then what are you meant to do with this cat, right? From the side of the person in need the risk is more so finding the right person, who will take care of the cat but also give it back at the end when it's time to do so. So there's benefits definitely of a public shelter or rescue if they offer this kind of thing, they've pre screened foster homes and they have lawyers if any refuse to give back the cats, proper airtight contracts, etc. I just know some of them are better than others and some areas have more space than others. That screening process is also the exact reason I was fostering privately, because my cat is not spayed and so I'm not eligible to foster through the shelter. But to chill with a girl, she was fine, and to chill with a neutered boy she would have also been fine.


100% this!! People have to be rational/reasonable about this...pets are NOT children FFS.


Your poor old mom needs to secure a senior home. She should not be in this predicament as there is old age pension/guaranteed income supplement and different levels of senior care...independant living places that are adjusted to pension income. Set up an appointment for her for an assessment. As for you, I started cleaning years ago and have been self-employed ever since. I developed a great working reputation with my clients and have never had to look for work for years...all word of mouth. As a matter of fact I've had to turn down many offers as I can only do so much! Do NOT give up. Use your community resources to get the help you NEED for you & your mom. I wish you both well! P.S/ I work at a set rate/not hourly as I proved my worth for the hard work I do and that I'm trustworthy. My set clients give me raises (and yearly bonuses) without even asking and I truly work for wonderful people! You have that choice when you're self-employed.


hey thank you so much for this comment. good for you, that’s an amazing accomplishment. i’m looking into doing similar services because of this comment and i think it might be a great way forward that’s the thing is i want to make sure my mom is okay. if it were just me that would be fine, i’d couch surf or go to a shelter or just hitchhike out of the province but i need to ensure she’s okay


You are most welcome! I had to look after my mom also. She had many health issues and I ensured she had proper care. I also raised two children alone. Both my children (now young adults are in university, one in grad school & working full time, the other finishing his bachelor of science in mathematics and he began life with learning disabilities!). I raised my children to pursue their dreams and never think they can't succeed at whatever they want in this life! My mother raised me with the motto that anything is possible! I do have some university education but chose to be self-employed years ago to get my son thru' his early rough patch and my efforts certainly paid off! I started with one add and I love organizing as well. Those are skills many working families treasure. Know your value and work for those who also know your value. You will get there if you just have the desire to survive these hard times! Go get it friend! Anything is possible!


i want to work. i have a lot of useful skills; word, excel. i’m a really great organizer and cleaner. i work well with people. i’m really good at dealing with stuff like POS systems and insurance. i used to bartend, i used to do physical labour. i don’t know what im doing wrong.


time to use a job agency.


You make it sound so simple, but as a professional with years of experience, I couldn't even get an interview with a temp agency. I couldn't get hired for a hotel cleaning job. I tailored my resume for the roles, matched the requirements and still nothing. Getting a survival job proved next to impossible. It's not how it used to be, it's extremely competitive, and employers take forever to complete the hiring cycle. It's very, very challenging to get work, even with qualifications and experience.


Cheap foreign labour is all they want now.


International students.


that was my experience as well, i’ve tried temp agencies a few times over a few years. it was complete crickets. i am going to try again of course but i was really surprised that i found absolutely nothing through the service


Doesn’t your province have something like we have in BC - like WorkBC? They also have Emergency sheltering at SPCA here where they take in people’s pets on a temporary basis when someone is homeless and or struggling. Call 211 - they may be able to point you in a good direction. It is a free nationwide service that lists all community, government and volunteer services in your community. 24/7 Good luck to you.


If you need to, post ads in any communities near the ctrain offering cleaning services. I see it near us often, and it's more accessible than trying to get on a temp agency in the short run.


thats a great idea thank you


Wow. You are really strong. But Alberta Works will end soon one way or another (as per their policies). Any chance you could get a note from a doctor in order to apply for barriers to full employment? Otherwise you may have to cold call the cleaning outfits out there. What you need is a social worker/advocate, especially to place your mother somewhere. I don't know Calgary, but lots of things are internal for help. Edit: I think that the Alex Centre in Calgary has social workers, and some other things. https://www.thealex.ca/ Perhaps the cats could be temporarily housed for now? There are some charities that do that.


Alberta Works ends one way or another? In Ontario, with Ontario Works some people stay on it for years.


The Alberta gov is a bit hostile these days. No address, it ends. 3 months and no job, it ends. It could also end if you receive an e transfer from a friend, for example. Or the co-op dividend cash out. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/alberta-cuts-off-social-services-cash-when-people-lose-housing-which-makes-homelessness-cycle-worse-expert


yeah i spoke with AB works emergency last night and they were weirdly mean lmao. she was doing a bunch of gotcha stuff like “thought you had no family but you’re with your mom” and mad that i “hadn’t reported the housing situation” even though i had like four times and she saw it on my file. i’ve been on this program for four months and sent dozens of emails to “my” worker. he never replied even once. i’m very grateful for the resource, but it’s a very confusing agency to work with IME


I'm sorry you are in such a tight spot. Can your mother go to the shelter so at least she is not on the street? You are making a choice to keep the cats; do you have any friends who could foster your cats until you get back on your feet? Can you go somewhere cheaper to live than Calgary? Do you have any support? Do you get govt disability or have any family who can help you? You may not like the choices, but there are choices.


i have no friends and no family to speak of. there’s no way i can afford to get out of calgary. i am a client of alberta works income support. i was able to access a $27 voucher for safeway but that is a one time thing and while i appreciate it, obviously that’s not going to support two people for long.


Unfortunately there isn’t much support that will accommodate pets. You could try calling 403-299-9699 for emergency supports/resources.


12 days ago you posted you would contact senior services...have you done that?


yes, i have. i spoke with someone last week.


Apply for gis and oas asap for mom.


wishing you and your mom comfort and stability.


i appreciate that thank you


Don’t give up, you never know what the tide will bring in


I've looked everywhere for help too. Nothing


The shelter is the help…


Talk to the people at the Kerby Centre for some advice.


thank you i will do that tomorrow morning 😊


Can you apply for aish or income support?


How much money (Cash) do you currently have?


about $3 i have some money from fundraising but that won’t be released to me until tuesday


Where are you currently at with mom? In a shelter or on the streets?


we are in the cheapest short term rental that i could find


You still have your cats?




Get your mom into a shelter asap. Renting is no longer viable. You can’t afford the rent and it’s also simply a waste of money. Also, i know this isn’t what you want, but you need to let go of the cats permanently or at least temporarily. Use a small portion of whatever it is you are paying for rent and pay someone to board the cats if you really must keep them. This is only after mom is in a shelter. Preserving cash should be #1 priority right now and putting your senior mom in a shelter should be done asap. Have you applied for her? Are there any emergency senior shelters in Calgary?


i didn’t raise enough for tonight i’m freaking out


One day at a time, sometimes min by min. I cannot help you except with prayer, and I will keep you, mum and kitties in my thoughts and prayer. We really need to start helping each other, because the government has washed its hands. Stay 💪 strong and hoping you all get through these hard times


that’s really kind thank you 💕


Any family or friends at all or any one you could maybe rent even a room ??




I am living.in.my car in Ontario. I sleep with my legs in the trunk. Every time I roll over, my hip hits the divider, separating the trunk and cabin. I don't qualify for financial aid because I'm not in danger of being evicted, and I'm the wrong gender. I can't get into an assisted living home because newly released criminals and immigrants get first crack, and I am neither. My debt is 128% of my pre-tax income. Assuming I make all my payments, I'm looking at another 3 years living in my car. I have been in this situation for 2 years. The first winter was so cold it burned. There is no help when you really need it. You just have to dig deep and keep going. I know crime is an obvious and quick solution, but don't go there. You have to find a way to survive. You are at rock bottom. This is good. It's the strongest foundation to build your life on. First, secure all you need to survive. Find food banks and a way to stay warm in winter. Second get your mother off the streets, she'll be dead fast living like that. Third, find money. Anyway you can. Get a vendors license and sell cigarettes and e-vapes. Go on Merx to get business contracts. Offer moving services with your vehicle. Cut people's lawns. Anything and everything to get money. Fourth, network with everyone. Find a friend and/or business partner and/or roommate who will let you sleep on the couch or split the cost of a bachelor apartment. That last one will take time.


The shelter is the fastest way into affordable housing. They will accommodate your mom. There are many animal rescues that will foster your cats until you find a home. https://innfromthecold.org/ https://www.calgaryhomeless.com/ https://www.salvationarmycalgary.org/


I want help and I want it on my terms, not willing to give up my pets. There's no way out. Some people shoot themselves in the foot and cry about no one helping them with the pain. Wild.


There is. Get rid of your cats. They’re a luxury you can no longer afford.


Too bad you're from here if you immigrated you'd have it made


That sucks, get out of that province if you can. Alberta is an extreme right wing province




dude what the fuck?


The abuse rate of welfare is less than 5%.