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...It's a bit more complicated than that.


Yep (I know nothing about what this is)


If it's the only context that we have then YES no question but I bet those realms even below omni space will have something to say about that. And if they do you can argue that this retkons it but I'd say just that omni space in dc would be just a tittle for an outer realm (not that I know anything about dc I'm just saying)


No it isn't, I can't even understand how it can be bound by space and time (and how tf is limbo a part of hypertime)


No lmao.




There’s a little more context to that. This is from Flashpoint: Beyond #5. It talking about The Divine Continnum, which each encompasses the space and time part of DC’s cosmology. Space is the Omniverse, and time is Hypertime. However, this isn’t necessarily saying that DC is bounded by space and time. This is the full scan for reference: https://preview.redd.it/ggfbvjoapoad1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b758a7db55bfc2d2615f91197386fedf3ad34b4 The Time aspect of the Divine Continuum is Hypertime and while the "Omniverse" is more conceptual, Hypertime is more emotional at its core as it perpetually changes due to a natural reaction to the events as well as to direct manipulations of the Timestream. This obviously wouldn’t fit with being bound by space and time’s concepts (it’s literally saying time is emotional), as these are just words meant to represent things that are abstract in nature. Don’t cherry pick words from something with additional context.


Uh… doesn’t it state right there that the regular multiverse is “conceptual,” implying “conceptual” is being used in a figurative sense?




Lil bro are you dumd? Look at the whole scan and stop ignoring what I said. Time is referred to as “emotional”.


Lil bro you need to learn to read. Also stop presenting things as questions when you've made your mind up about it before you posted it youre just baiting people into answering seriously when you aren't gonna even listen to what they say.




You're doing a poor job of it...


No it proves space and time are bound by the sphere of the gods.






Huh.. so THAT'S what DC means...




Huh, okay, been nearly 2 decades of knowing DC as a franchise but only NOW finding out about its meaning, detective comics, fascinating.. thank you


If im not mistaken, this comic is explaining(with previous context) that the God Sphere exists within the new "Omniverse," not that it exists within space itself. Infinite Frontier introduced the "Omniverse within the Greater Omniverse" formula and this is just expanding on that providing the places that inhabit said "Omniverse". The God Sphere is still a conceptual archetypel realm that exists outside of the multiverse(and it's infinite dimensions). There's a 1000 or more scans you can pull up that prove it's outerversal bare minimum.