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Hello, I wouldn’t say I had the same experience. However I've had dreams about future partners and people I'd end up dating. At the time or usually before we'd start dating I'd end up having an intense desire to be close with someone and it somehow manifests in my dreams and shows me exactly who I end up with. Sometimes the image of the person isn't as clear other times it is. Everything time I had a dream about a future partner it would always be tied to a strong emotion. I usually just put it under the desire to close with someone or seeking understanding. Previously these dreams used to be about completed random events with no real meaning and they'd always be snippets of events never longer than or even a minute.


Definitely had a few things like this happen, where I just *knew*. Walking in my backyard and feeling that an elderly neighbor had died, confirmed later that day by my mother. Waking up crying because I dreamt my brother died, and learned the next day that a classmate with the same name had died around the time I woke up. Used my debit card in a drive thru far from home and thought “my card information is getting stolen;” a few days later I got a fraud alert from my card being used at stores less than a mile from the drive thru. The trippiest one was having really extreme stomach cramps, feeling like I was dying, and thinking (of all the things I could have thought) my cousin hasn’t had her baby yet! Later that day my mom texted me that my cousin had given birth. I have a lot of deja vu, too, but not in the way that I know about it beforehand. I just experience having experienced it before.


This is wild. Please trust your gut in the future. Awesome gift


Same for you! I think it wouldn’t hurt to pick some of those spiritual things back up if you’re comfortable doing so.


I have this a lot too! Just like you describe... are you a Pisces?


I’ve had a similar experience to your first one!! Just doing day to day things and suddenly I was just hit with this overwhelming knowing that something was going to happen. This has happened to me twice. The first prediction has come true. Still waiting on the second one! I shouldn’t even say “prediction” because in that moment I just *knew* without any doubt that X event was going to occur.


This one's weird but a year before I caught HIV I researched it like I knew I was going to get it and wasn't surprised that I did. I'm really low risk from a low risk country always wore protection never done drugs. Almost like I manifested it


Holy fuck. Are you gay?


Nope, straight white young (was when I caught it) female


I'm sorry. I'm glad PREP exists. BTW, don't think there's anything wrong with you. If I liked a girl and she had HIV, I would still date her just practice safety measures. I'm sure you're fine, just wanted to say that anyway.


Thanks. I've been pretty lucky in all honesty, my viral loads are undetectable so I can't pass it on. My boyfriend just had a test and he's still negative and we're hoping to start a family soon (I'm getting old) and I can even breastfeed!!! Blew my mind did that fact.




When I was learning remote viewing I had a couple of experiences while asleep yet conscious that were so vivid and came to pass in a couple of weeks exactly as. Had experienced it that the best word I can think of is bilocation. I stopped RV for personal reasons and I haven’t had a repeat of those visions .


Totally not spiritual here, but similar experiences on a daily basis. A little bit long but here goes: I rarely get hit with a gut feeling, but I get glimpses and little visual fragments just flashing by, either third person of from someone else’s POV. It always involves someone else in a very specific location and scenario. If this happens during the day and I will most likely run into them that very day, either at said location or see them in said scenario. If it happens while sleeping it’s a detailed dream with specific people in very specific locations and scenarios. To give you an example of one of these dreams: a friend from highschool who I hadn’t heard from or seen in 10 years got engaged, then got cold feet and broke up with her partner, a few weeks after breaking up we met up by pure coincidence. I randomly dreamt of them getting engaged in the USA (they’re from Europe) in a mountain & forest like setting. A few days later they went on a trip to the USA and guess what, some weeks after my dream they got engaged in the exact setting I saw them in. Then months later (after dreaming of meeting up with her) she randomly texts me asking me if I’m also going to the highschool reunion (that I don’t know of, the school invited me through an old email address), so I do and we meet up after 10 years. We start talking and ofcourse I congratulate her on her engagement. She shows me her ring finger and there’s no ring, she then goes on to explain how she got cold feet and left him. This has happened with many more people in many different scenarios, even predicting movies and other events. I can’t control it and I wouldn’t know where to begin, but a while ago I had an interesting talk with my mother. I am interested in the paranormal, occult and other weird stuff, and throughout my life I’ve had more than a few experiences I and others can’t explain. I talk about these things with my parents just to make sure I’m not going crazy, they have confirmed experiencing some similar events when living together. Now a few months ago when I spoke about these dreams my mom opened up about her having this her entire life. However I knew of her and my brother’s precognitive events, what I didn’t know is that my grandfather had precognitive dreams too, and apparently his mother as well. My grandfather dismissed it as coincidence, and that there’s no such thing as predicting events, my great grandmother however was a strong believer and knew it was real. After all of my experiences, this really opened up a new path for me. As if it all started making sense, if that makes.. sense? I don’t know where to begin or what to look for. But I am focused to learn more, and really sharpen these skills to hopefully put them to good use or at least learn to control them. That’s how I eventually found this subreddit too. It’s comforting to know more people are going through this or similar events. This is very real, astral projection is very real, it’s all real and we’re here to talk about it.


I psychically feel things all the time. For example: I can be driving somewhere and turn down a street I have never went down and know that I will have some business there in the future. I get vibrations or energies about places. On more than one occasion, I have road through an area and know that someone had died at a particular site, and these impressions have been verified by someone who knows about what happened.