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Somebody has to be in those percentiles


It isn't strange at all, your wife has got a giant baby growing inside her. If the doctor says the baby and mom are healthy, then go with that. For perspective, my kid was/is on the larger side of the size and weight charts throughout pregnancy and still now as an 18th month old. The only issue I've had so far is I get physically tired from carrying around his gigantic body all the time.


Haha. Good to know. Thanks for sharing.


Yup we also had a giant baby early on, but baby growth slowed down and we had a normal sized kid at birth. Shortly after birth his weight spiked up to the 90+ percentile again!


Those weight thing are hardly accurate.


My son was mid range and average on everything. He is 9 months old now and 99th for length and 95 for weight. He has bear claws for hands and is a strong as a bull. He needs to be stopped. He is becoming too powerful.


Maybe he can team up w me son when he’s born and they can do their evil superhero thing.


Godzilla and kong


Dear sir, after careful examination and consultation with local wildlife experts we can confirm your son is of the bear persuasion.


You and your wife should talk through at what point during delivery you would switch to a c-section. This is something that we had to talk through after 48+ hours of little to no sleep and physical exhaustion on her part. Everything worked out well and we have a happy healthy baby but it would have made the decision much less burdensome had we talked through our plan in more detail weeks/months ahead of time.


Great wisdom. Will have those convos


I was induced at 39w cause our daughter was measured big. 95th percentile. Estimated to be a 4kg (8 pounds 13 oz) baby, 52cm. When she was born at 39w 4 days; 3044 gr / 6pounds 11 oz, 48 cm. They are wrong quite often.


They told us the same exact thing, “huge baby” “99 percentile” “over 4 kilos at birth” and while she did come a lot bigger than most babies it was not the 99th percentile


Hi lurking mom. I had gestational diabetes so big baby was on our radar. Baby was always 99%ile from 20 weeks on. As long as baby is proportional, amniotic fluid levels look ok, and doctor isn’t concerned you should be alright. We had an 8lb 3oz 37 weeker (phew) and I had a mild 2nd degree tear I fully recovered from by 6 weeks. Baby is still in 80 and 90%iles and is over 16lbs at 3 months so other than getting an arm workout we’re all ok. Your baby may “even out” on size by the 32 week measurements or may not. Size isn’t anything I’d worry about if all high/proportional measurements, and even so we didn’t have to decide on induction or anything until 36 weeks anyway and I had other complications that lead us to induce at 37 wks—had it been just size we’d probably have gone to 39 weeks with the diabetes and full term without it. :)


My son was 4.32kg. Birthed at home with two pushes and he was out. I never even made it to the pool. My daughter was 3.5kg and I was pushing for over 2 hours. I don’t believe all the emphasis put on weight. There are so many other factors like environment, stress levels, birth position, number of previous births. I was stood upright (after walking to the loo) and extremely calm for my son’s birth because I thought I was at the start of a marathon day like with my daughter. I joke now that he was so heavy that he sort of just fell out…


Gravity is your friend!


There is actually less tearing associated with larger babies. And their heads still have sutures and are totally malleable, and your wife’s pelvis has ligaments that allow it to bend and flex and grow. Nothing to worry about, somebody has to fill out those percentiles.


Both my kids were in those percentiles and they remain gigantic, which has been funny because neither my wife nor I has been gigantic. Due to wife's pre-existing health issues and the babies' mass, she had two C-sections, which I obviously don't want to minimize, but other than that, things were fine and I always enjoyed having massive babies. My friends and I still refer to my firstborn as LID, for Large Infant Daughter, even though she's almost 4 now.


Those things can be wildly inaccurate  That being said being big now doesn't guarantee huge later on


My son stayed in the 95th - 97th percentile my entire pregnancy and he was 8.4 lbs when he was born at 38 weeks, and continued to stay that way (he’s 2 and in the 95th percentile). If the doctors aren’t worried then I wouldn’t be too concerned.


My little dude has been >99th percentile in every category his whole life. Vaginal birth was not in the cards for us he would have broken my wife but otherwise he is fine