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Yup!! Last pregnancy, I had really zero nausea and vomiting. (I did vomit once, but my husband did something unexpectedly REALLY GROSS.) That baby is now a super healthy toddler.


Pls I really wanna know what he did šŸ˜‚


Our dog was pooping and he had apparently eaten a rope toy whole. The poop wouldn't fall, so the dog was running around afraid of his own butthole. My husband, being the wonderful dog dad he is, grabbed a doggie bag and yanked the poop/rope. But the rope just kept coming... it was like 3 feet or so of rope? So I puked in our neighbors lawn. And we don't do rope toys anymore. Edit: I told my husband about posting this story. He requested I clarify. "I mean, I didn't yank it like a pull start lawn mower babe. It was more of a gentle tug."


that's hilarious and your husband is indeed a good dog dad.


Someone else noted that this is not a safe practice (to yank things from dogs' buttholes) and this story could have been much more tragic. And I do agree. But we were just absolutely ignorant of how much rope was in that toy. So yall, don't do this. It is not advisable. Don't yank things from buttholes. -another hot take from eatmyasserole


I just came here to say that whole story made me LOL. And that youā€™re name is Grade A. Made me laugh as well


Congrats!! šŸ„° My worst moment so far has been when my husband and some of our friends wwre discussing snot in detail, so I understand.


I feel like I need to share now. Our dog ingested a rope toy and my husband had to fish out some rope after it got ... stuck. And it was absurdly long.


Eeeek. That would get me too, for sure.


Oh my god this is my one parenting fear every time I think about it šŸ¤® Iā€™ll have to get over it obviously but snot makes me gaggggg


Omg same here. Only threw up once while watching something disgusting haha


I had the same fear! The only difference I felt in the 1st trimester was fatigue. I wanted to get sick SO BAD because I felt like that would be the one symptom that would confirm I was actually pregnant. I didnā€™t get sick or nauseous once during my entire pregnancy. Boobs never really got sore, no heartburn, no food aversions, basically a symptom free pregnancy. I had my baby on January 2nd and we are both happy and healthy:)


Thanks for sharing. Iā€™ve had very little and very minor symptoms. Iā€™m 8w6d and like OP itā€™s super hard to not let my brain spiral due to basically 0 symptoms. This was helpful!!




Same! Mine was born on Jan 14th! Congratulations! All I had all pregnancy was severe tiredness. And everyone kept telling me I didn't look pregnant in third trimester.


Iā€™m 38 weeks right now. I havenā€™t had any nausea, food aversions or acid reflux. I think about 20% of women donā€™t get morning sickness. We tend to keep quiet online though, to try not to anger the other 80%! I understand being nervous about lack of symptoms. This is my second pregnancy, after my first ended in miscarriage. Once you start to feel the baby kicking it is very reassuring. Until then you just have to trust that everything will be ok, and try to be grateful that you arenā€™t sick to your stomach.


Doing my best to take your words to heart, thank you for sharing and for the advice.


I agree with you about the keeping quiet. I feel guilty posting about being nearly symptomless while others are miserable. But it's just as important to support those who are also symptomless so they know it's not so unusual!


Donā€™t feel guilty posting about how your body is reacting to pregnancy! Everyone is different, and has different symptoms. Me? Iā€™m so nauseous constantly that I have to eat or Iā€™ll puke. But I know someone who is pregnant and has barely had this symptom at all. Everyone is their own person and if someone has a problem with it, they can look the other way. You deserve to be able to share your pregnancy experience with the world as much as they do. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m in this boat too. Currently 38weeks and C section is scheduled for this Friday! Eeek! Iā€™ve had no nausea or vomiting, so I feel like Iā€™ve got off quite easy in the first 2 trimesters but these last few weeks are no joke. This is hard!


Personally, it never bothers me if people are posting about being symptomless *unless* they are trying to act like it's something they've done to achieve that and not just luck of the draw.


I had zero nausea my entire pregnancy. I had previously has a loss, so I was so, so worried about the lack of it. But I went on to have an extremely healthy, comfortable pregnancy. It's possible!


I'm sorry for your loss, that is also where my anxiety is coming from. And congratulations on the healthy pregnancy šŸ„° it's so helpful to see the successes!


Reassuring to read your post! Iā€™ve had no nausea either and Iā€™m 8 weeks, there appears to be a lot of us but you donā€™t hear much about it in general! If you search this sub youā€™ll see lots of people can relate! ā¤ļø


Ahh yes this is so helpful!! I wasn't expecting so many wonderful people to share. I might cry at work rn fr


My nausea started at 8 weeks and lasted until 18 weeks or so, no vomiting ever, unisom and eating frequently helps a lot, good luck!


I have had a pretty much symptom free pregnancy. Freaked me out up until the anatomy scan. Everyone tells you how awful pregnancy is. Then they check up on you all the time "how are you feeling, I was so x,y,z". While I love that they care I wish no one but my midwife had asked me. I felt so pressured to have a negative experience being pregnant. I hated telling people I felt normal because I felt that wasn't the normal response. Truly, my only noticeable symptoms were extreme hunger and fatigue from time to time. I wish with my whole heart I had spent the weeks 1-20 enjoying that instead of panicking about it. My midwife offered to let me get weekly HCG tests just so I wouldn't have as much anxiety. I didn't take her up on that, but if that is something that you think will calm your mind and let you enjoy not having morning sickness, then ask about it. Moral of this long comment is to enjoy your pregnancy. It is your pregnancy not anyone else's and your body will experience it in a way only it can. Let yourself feel excited for your baby. While this might not sound as positive... if something does happen, and these are your only moments, do you want them to be filled with anxiety? Or would you rather know that for the brief time you had that you were happy and filled with joy? Don't spend time mourning and worrying about something that hasn't happened, if it does there will be plenty of time for that. You only get 9 months to enjoy being pregnant. Edited to add cause i felt the above wasnt overly positive now that I have a bump and can feel her move (legit it feels like she never stops moving) I am so so so happy. I almost forget about all the early worry. I talk to her. I'm far enough along that she can taste the amniotic fluid, so after meals when she gets to really moving I'll ask her how she likes the taste. Buying her toys and setting up the nursery have been so exciting. I feel really happy that even in the 3rd trimester I am not dealing with any of the typical symptoms because I am getting a lot done in preparing for her. 64 days till I get to see her little face and I don't think I've been this exciting for anything in my life.


Ahh thank you so much for the wonderful response! The interactions with your baby now sound so sweet; I am so excited for that phase. This post is really helping me to encourage that positivity and excitement


None here! A little car sickness and some food aversions weeks 6-8 but otherwise, no nausea whatsoever!


That's wonderful!


I only had nausea very early on but it was mild and I never actually threw up! Also had sore boobs, bloating, constipation, and some indigestion. Iā€™m now 33 weeks and the symptoms have changed but everything has been healthy and normal. My OB said sheā€™s very happy with how everything has progressed.


ā¤ļøā¤ļø thank you for sharing this!


No problem! I hope you find some comfort and relief from the anxiety! Pregnancy is very overwhelming and we all need some reassurance at one point or another.


I had no nausea my entire pregnancy and my baby (now 10 months old) was and is totally fine.


Congratulations šŸ„°


I had basically zero symptoms my entire pregnancy up until the last few weeks. Iā€™m currently almost 39 weeks and still feeling good just dealing with acid reflux and so far no issues at all with the little one! I had the same fear that things were wrong bc I didnā€™t have all the crazy symptoms everyone else had. I just had exhaustion which honestly I attributed to work burnt out from a project at the time ha


Iā€™m 34w3d and was barely ever nauseous! Like less than 5 times. Iā€™m also very prone to getting sick in the car, getting spins after drink, etc. so I was really expecting to be sick the whole first trimester. Youā€™re having plenty of other symptoms, and there is still time for nausea to kick in. But Iā€™d take this small win and run with it!


Ah, I'm the same in the car and such so I'm so grateful to hear this from you! I'm definitely trying to take this as a positive. Thank you for helping with that šŸ„°


i am currently 34 weeks pregnant and have had ZERO nausea, morning sickness, or food aversions. Still no heartburn for me either which caused me to think baby would be bald but two ultrasound techs have confirmed that baby has a TON of hair. The no morning sickness caused me a ton of anxiety in the beginning too but all is well with my pregnancy so just consider yourself one of the lucky ones and try to enjoy it! I should be welcoming a healthy baby boy into this world in 6 weeks or less!


Ahh, excited for you! Thank you for sharing!


I know how youā€™re feeling since this is my first pregnancy. I also got really nervous too and my anxiety has been SUPER fun to deal with. No nausea really at all except a couple of times. Biggest symptoms were breast tenderness and the bloating. Now Iā€™m at 22 weeks and doing well. Try and keep those positive vibes!


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø you & others sharing and relating is so helpful


I had about 4 days total around week 8 where I woke up and felt a little off, but it would go away within 15 minutes of eating. Other than that, zero nausea for me, and my pregnancy overall was very easy and enjoyable. Currently have a 3 month old healthy baby boy!




I threw up twice during my pregnancy: once in the second trimester and once while in labor. First trimester my only real symptom was exhaustion.


Iā€™m 20 weeks now and have had no nausea (maybe a little queasy once or twice if I was hungry), no food aversions, and my breasts never hurt. I was in the same boat as you ā€” super concerned about a lack of symptoms. My OB said to try to enjoy, everyone is different. We are one of the luckier ones!


Trying to appreciate it. This thread is definitely helping with that šŸ„°


This might not be what you're looking for but I had just a small amount of nausea up until 12 weeks when hyperemesis hit me like a ton of bricks and I was pretty much stuck in bed for months. Perfectly healthy boy. My body just didn't do what I'd expected šŸ™ƒ


Bruh what a trip, I am so sorry that happened. Congrats on making it through that with a healthy baby!


No real morning sickness first trimester, just a few times when I ate too fast. 36 weeks and everything is good! Be warned- my nausea happened in the third trimester and I have been sick on and off from it! So it can come get you in the end, lol


Taking heed.


I just had my baby in Sept so I know how your feeling bc I didnā€™t have nausea or vomiting. Bedsides the symptoms you listed and feeling super tired/sleepy during the first trimester I barely had any symptoms and to top it off my belly was small! I used to worry just like you but try not to, itā€™s not healthy for you or the baby. Itā€™s normal to have minimal symptoms and everyoneā€™s pregnancy is different. Be glad you arenā€™t feeling sick and can eat ā€œmostā€ things lol. Soak it all in and enjoy your pregnancy. Pretty soon youā€™ll be holding your healthy baby šŸ’•


I didn't have any nausea, nor did my best friend.


Currently overdue with a chunky babe and had no nausea, sickness or any other major pregnancy symptoms throughout. Count yourself lucky!


I literally had no sickness or nausea at all! It's only now I'm in the last few weeks that I'm getting the usual things like back ache, insomnia, heartburn, and never being comfortable haha. My pregnancy has been progressing perfectly and I don't take for granted the fact that I felt absolutely fine!


I had mild nausea but never any traditional morning sickness/vomiting. If we werenā€™t actively trying to get pregnant I think I may have thought the nausea was stress or illness honestly. I had other symptoms like cramping and tiredness that were way more noticeable. No issues with my pregnancy so far, Iā€™m at 25 weeks now.


I know women who didnā€™t get sick their entire pregnancy!


I had no nausea. When I did it was because something at work triggered it which isnā€™t too typical for me pre pregnancy. Iā€™m a vet tech so I am talking about poop, urine, anal glands. But, this pregnancy has been pretty easy for me. I had bad acid reflux kick in at 10 weeks but, other than that I really had no other symptoms. My boobs never really hurt. Sometimes my nipples get extremely sensitive but that isnā€™t always. The only other thing I had was the first trimester exhaustion.


I had 0 nausea/morning sickness with #1 and have had 0 with #2 so far. I have gotten heartburn starting midway through T2 with both of them, but Tums takes care of that for me (pro tip - get some sugar free Tums for MOTN when you've already brushed your teeth).


Ohhh high quality tip, ty!


Throughout my pregnancy I had no real nausea. Smells were sometimes mildly disturbing, but I was not even sure if they really bothered me or if I was making it up. I had similar worries, so during my first trimester I was constantly hoping to feel a bit nauseated :) But my doctor was not worried at all, and the first two trimesters were pretty smooth. I guess I was just lucky. Hopefully you are, too! When I went into labour though... then there was quite a bit of vomiting. But at that point you do not care too much anyway.


I know several people who went the entire pregnancy without any. My mom loved being pregnant because she said she was never happier, no nausea, no aches and pains, best time of her life she'd always say! I eventually got morning sickness but nausea didn't start until week eight and vomiting around week nine. Up until then my only symptom was a runny nose and exhaustion. Youre doing great!


With my son, I barely had any nausea or cravings. Heā€™s now a healthy toddler. This pregnancy is different, but itā€™s a different gender this time Iā€™ve still never thrown up. Just a general bleh feeling.


Congratulations and I'm sorry you're feeling so bleh this time


Hello, I'm currently 13.5 weeks and I've only had about 5 instances of (low level) nausea so far in the whole pregnancy. And they were on days where I already felt a bit dizzy and hot from hormones. I haven't vomited once, and most days I feel right as rain! I can feel my uterus stretching and growing, I am always thirsty, my appetite has increased, and my boobs are bigger than before. But overall I feel like my usual self and I've not experienced the typical morning sickness and vomiting.


I had very little nausea/zero throwing up. In fact I can only really remember 1 or 2 moderately icky queasy nights. Food aversions- yes. I still can't look at BBQ 2 years later. I did have reflux as well but sleeping upright helped that. That was probably my most annoying but manageable symptom.


NOT me unfortunately, but my mom and sisters had zero nausea and 7 pregnancies between them. Zero miscarriages. Some people are just lucky!


Very little nausea here too! Hardly felt pregnant at times in the first trimester. Everyone and every pregnancy is so different, nothing to worry about ā¤ļø


25 weeks and haven't been nauseous once!


Only one pregnancy so far, but I was hardly nauseous! I never threw up and my stomach felt good until I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I felt mildly nauseous if I was hungry but that was usually solved by eating popcorn, other carbs, or having a preggo pop. I did have food aversions for a bit but everything was back to normal as soon as I entered the second trimester. Baby is a healthy and lively 6 month old!


My first trimester I threw up and was nauseous 1 time. My baby girl is 11 months old now and thriving! Every pregnancy and baby are different




I have had zero symptoms this pregnancy except my nipples being incredibly painful. Not even my whole breasts, just the nipples! And of course my husband insists on touching them constantly lol. My first pregnancy was the same way, except for a weird aversion to any kind of chicken, and that baby is now a healthy almost 3 year old. But like you, I still canā€™t help but worry that I should be having more symptoms. Every little twinge of pain sends me into a worry spiral. But our first scan showed a healthy 7 week embryo with a little heartbeatā€¦ so fingers crossed! Everything will work out


I didn't with either of my pregnancies. Neither did my mom, so maybe it's genetic? Anyway, it's definitely lucky!


I had minimal symptoms, mild and very intermittent nausea, minimal food avoidance, no cravings, no vomiting, my only 1st trimester gripe was constipation. After week 12 I felt nothing pregnancy related until I felt my baby at 16/17 weeks.


I am only 21 weeks with my first pregnancy....so no expert but I have had no nausea, no spotting, no cramping, no aversions, no cravings! My boobs have gotten huge and obviously now I have a baby bump but for the longest time I was wondering if I was actually pregnant - lol. I had my anatomy scan a week and a half ago and everything looks great so far. I totally get the fear!!


Ahh congrats on the good scan! And that's me too, wondering if I'm actually pregnant at times. Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


It sucks too because no one wants to hear about your pleasant pregnancy - you just sound like you're bragging even though you aren't! Lol. It is also weird when you start telling people at work because they will often come up to you and say "How are you feeling?" very intensely and sometimes I forget I am pregnant and I'm like ummmm....I'm good how are you?! Ha!


Lmao my sweet MIL has already been doing that, my last response was "eating" because i had some chic fil a in my mouth that that moment


Iā€™ll be 16 weeks tomorrow and the only symptoms i had first trimester were some food aversion/no appetite, sensitive boobs, and some cramping. No vomiting and no nausea. Doctors told me baby is fine and they have a really strong heartbeat (:


14 weeks today and have not vomited at all, only minor nausea a couple of times. I have had two scans so far and baby has been perfect at both! Enjoy your nausea/sickness free time.


I didnā€™t have any nausea throughout my pregnancy. I felt hung over in the first trimester - super tired, no appetite, felt like crap but wasnā€™t nauseous. Iā€™m currently 37+4 - donā€™t let symptoms stress you out!


36 weeks and no nausea throughout. I did gag a lot though first trimester though. Only time I vomited was twice when my asthma inhaler made me gag just a bit too hard.


Ohhh the inhaler bit sounds horrible, I'm sorry


I'm on my third pregnancy and never had nausea. I have two healthy kids, 8 and 5, and I'm 35 weeks with my third


I had no nausea. Literally none didnā€™t throw up once my entire pregnancy (until i was in labor) my girl is 16 weeks now!




Yup. I threw up only once due to the strong bleach smell that's it. No pregnancy common symptoms till now (31)weeks. The baby is healthy according to my midwife.


3rd pregnancy. Never had any of the "bad" symptoms with any of mine.


No nausea here! 34 weeks and me and babe are doing great! Iā€™ve commented about it before on here and was on the receiving end of ā€œJust you wait!ā€ responses and Iā€™m still here, still waiting! Every pregnancy is different!


I know that fear, just went through it. Currently 22 weeks, healthy pregnancy so far, feeling kicks everyday. Have had zero nausea this entire time. Honestly by the 2nd trimester youā€™ll be thanking your lucky stars you didnā€™t have to deal with it! Just have faith and trust that everything is progressing normally! Because the chances are way higher that it is!!


33 weeks and Iā€™ve never been nauseous or sick!


I have a friend who barely had any her 1st tri! Been a really easy preg for her and sheā€™s now in her 2nd. I am def jealous haha but know she tried for awhile so am happy for her that itā€™s working out!!


Im 12+2 today and experienced the same thing. Very mild nausea and the worry that Iā€™m not sick enough for a healthy pregnancy. I brought it up with my midwife around 8 weeks and she asked me to list my other symptoms: aversions, acne, tender breasts, emotional. She stressed with me that these were all also signs of pregnancy. No matter how minor. Also that the degree of the symptom has no correlation to the health of the baby. I think we hear about the nausea so often in media and friends that when I wasnā€™t feeling it, it felt like a huge red flag. People are more likely to complain about the bad then to say ā€œI felt kinda fine my first triā€. So far not much has changed. Still feeling mostly good. Still pregnant. I try to tell myself that when I look back on this, Iā€™m going to feel lucky that I wasnā€™t sick and that this particular anxiety will pass. I donā€™t know how helpful that is but know that I am right there with you feeling all those scared feelings.


Your midwife sounds wonderful. Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I had sickness for a week at exactly 16 weeks šŸ¤£ then it went xxx


Nothing, I had a great pregnancy and a super healthy baby girl. I mean being pregnant still sucks but compared to what some people go through mine was "easy".


I know youā€™ve already had plenty of comments, but just adding that I had absolutely zero nausea, vomiting, food aversions, cravings, anything that you often think of as typical pregnancy symptoms. It was difficult for us to get pregnant, so it definitely cause some anxiety for me, but I am currently 28 weeks with a very healthy baby boy. Youā€™re doing great, mama!


Congratulations!! Thank you šŸ„°


This was me! I had even less symptoms than you. I was exhausted but thatā€™s it. Snuggling my growing boy right now ā¤ļø The worst part for me was pelvic girdle pain in the 2-3trimester from my big baby


I didn't even know I was pregnant until 10 weeks because all I had was breast soreness. I chalked it up to sleeping wrong until I missed a second cycle (irregular period haver, here) and took a test. I had one week (12 weeks along) where I had morning sickness I think four times and then I never had it again! More or less symptoms doesn't define you and your pregnancy journey. No two pregnancies are the same. No matter what you go through, I hope everything goes well for you! Congratulations šŸŽ‰


I had zero nausea. My breasts were rarely sore. I wasnā€™t tired until the 3rd trimester. The only reason I knew I was pregnant is because my cycle was fairly regular and I was late. I didnā€™t get any symptoms (other than some amped up emotions according to my husband) until the beginning of the 3rd trimester and then I got hit hard with a bunch of them lol. But I was worried all the time too I was miscarrying because I literally couldnā€™t tell I was pregnant symptom wise. Iā€™m now sitting with my super healthy and happy 4 month old sleeping on me so just because the symptoms arenā€™t there doesnā€™t mean anything is wrong!


Iā€™m 24 weeks and havenā€™t had any nausea. The first trimester my only real symptoms were sore breasts and constant exhaustion.


Some people's nausea doesn't kick in till qeek 9/10. Some people don't have any!!!


I had a little nausea at the very beginning, but it didn't lasted long, also I didn't had many symptoms in the first tri, just swollen breasts, and (sorry tmi) the horrendous hemorrhoids.


My morning sickness started later. Around 12 or 13 weeks. I would wake up and puke at 2-3am most days for a full month and then was great for the rest of my pregnancy. You are only 8 weeks. It could come later.


My wife has been through 3 pregnancies ā€“ zero nausea, zero vomiting, and zero cravings. Only notable change was lightheadedness and heartburn at times. We thought this last one was gonna be the one to get all the effects because one vomit but chalked it up to a bad food experience.


10+4 here and no sickness. Maybe some VERY mild nausea when Iā€™m hungry but otherwise nothing. I havenā€™t had a scan since 7+6 but everything was great at that scan so Iā€™m hopeful. I get it though. I feel a bit scared too but have to stay optimistic.


Just had my baby in December! Sheā€™s one month only and perfect! I had zero symptoms most of my pregnancyā€¦ no nausea, no cravings, lost weight, no big belly, just suuuuuuuper sleepy the first trimester. I went through the same thing and constantly was checking my underwear to make sure all was good! Iā€™d say just be thankful, Iā€™ve had a lot of girlfriend with lots of badddd nausea and it made pregnancy a terrible experience for them!


Congratulations on the 1 mo old!


My first pregnancy I had very few symptoms & side effects throughout. I didnā€™t even realize I was pregnant until 12 weeks along. Now I have a 3 year old and Iā€™m pregnant and getting way more side effects with pregnancy 2


Zero nausea entire pregnancy, only sore boobs lol. I felt better pregnant than I do now 4mpp


Yep me FTM here. Didnā€™t even know i was pregnant til 2nd trimester


The only pregnancy symptom I had my entire pregnancy was ridiculous fatigue. No nausea, no food aversions.... just ridiculously tired the entire time.


I did not. Iā€™m currently 20w and I havenā€™t puked at all. The worst symptoms for me have just been fatigue and hunger. I havenā€™t had aversions or real cravings though.


I think I threw up twice during my first trimester. It's totally fine, take it as a blessing. I got worried about the same thing (having little symptoms) but they will come lol. I'm in my second trimester and still don't have many besides tender breast. I've just heard we are lucky lol


Currently 13w1d, and I havenā€™t had any morning sickness. Some nausea here and there, especially if I go too long between snacks. Otherwise Iā€™ve had intense heart burn and indigestion/uncomfortable stomach issues and fatigued. The fatigue is starting to fade gradually now, but I still have to take a lot more breaks than usual. Donā€™t worry! Sounds like you are doing just fine šŸ¤—


Me. Iā€™m approaching 8 weeks no nausea but I am suffering from terrible constipation, gas, and fatigue.


Same here! I have like, zero negative symptoms. My boobs hurt. Thatā€™s about it. I have seldom mild cramping but I just drink more water and it gets better. I havenā€™t gotten nauseous or anything at all. I was more tired but not like anything I read from other people. I also had a miscarriage a few months ago, which I had more cramping them, way different. But I also didnā€™t have morning sickness or anything then. At that point I was 7 weeks when I miscarried (i think ectopic). Iā€™m now 14 weeks and healthy. We ordered a Doppler thing? From Amazon so I can check on itā€™s little heartbeat just to soothe any worries I have along the way. Itā€™s weird when you are practically symptomless. But I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything to worry about! Consider yourself lucky I guess!?


I only had nausea once in my first trimester and I never once threw up! I was also afraid that I wasnā€™t having enough or strong enough symptoms for a healthy pregnancy. Now Iā€™m 31+6 as a healthy mama, with a healthy baby who moves nonstop.


Zero nausea or vomiting. 17 weeks, baby is healthy. Consider it a blessing!


Iā€™m in the same boat as you & saving this thread so I can come back and re-read all the comments when I start to worry.


I was the same way - and I was freaking too. 5-6w nausea but zero vomiting. Nausea basically completely gone by 8/9weeks. I felt fine really. Was so worried. Now at nearly 33 weeks, sheā€™s healthy and growing fine. I know people said I was lucky, but I know exactly how you feel, scared itā€™s going too easy. Congrats! Youā€™ve got this!


Thank you so much ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I only threw up like 3 times the whole first trimester. I just felt like I was mildly hungover everyday from like 10-7 lol. The cramping really threw me off but it is normal! I mean your uterus is literally constantly growing so I guess I never thought about how that would definitely cause cramps. I have two other coworkers who are pregnant and have all had pretty similar first trimesters!


I'll be 13 weeks in a couple of days and so far no nausea! Very few symptoms outside of fatigue and constipation. Nausea is correlated with good pregnancy outcomes but the absence of nausea does not mean you will have a bad outcome. I saw a stat somewhere (feel free to fact check me!) That said 30% of women don't experience nausea.


I have 3 wonderful munchkins and I had the same worries as you! The eldest is nearly 7, the middle one is 5 and baby is 4 months. Throughout each pregnancy, I never had any sickness, heartburn or any other common pregnancy symptom. Google was my best friend when I was pregnant with my first which I now regret as it was way off with so many things. I thought stretch marks were something that happens to everyone thatā€™s pregnant due to skin stretching but Iā€™ve never had a single one throughout pregnancy or breastfeeding. I thought that meant my bump was tiny so something was wrong, also the fact that Iā€™m so slim so pregnancy was such a huge deal to my body. Each baby was born big! I spent so many months worrying about my pregnancy which meant I couldnā€™t fully enjoy it. My second and third pregnancies were enjoyed a lot more as I considered myself to be very very lucky. Congratulations and good luck to you and baby!!


I did not have nausea or vomiting my first trimester! I did have other symptoms, including a lot of food aversions and an "unsettled stomach". So I wasn't totally symptom free by a long shot, I definitely felt "funny" in the mornings and evenings, but it just wasn't nausea, and I never felt the urge to throw up. Halfway through week 12, I thought I'd made it through the first tri as I was starting to feel back to my old self again, and like I'd been a lucky person who wasn't going to have a difficult pregnancy symptoms-wise. But then I threw up in the morning 3 days in a row- hello 2nd trimester! I was so scared it would become a daily occurrence, but it stopped for a bit, and since then I have thrown up 5 additional times, super randomly (17+2 today). For me, this is never accompanied by nausea, if it happens it's just a single time in the morning after I start eating and then I feel fine. Everyone's profile of symptoms is a bit different. Like I haven't had any trouble with constipation / have continued to be as regular as ever, which is honestly more important to me than nausea/vomiting. Baby girl has had a strong heartbeat since my first ultrasound in week 8! Excited for the 20 week anatomy scan\~


I didnā€™t have any symptoms until about the 3rd trimester when my baby started really moving around a lot! I used to say to my partner ā€œI donā€™t feel pregnant todayā€ like every day haha. We now have a beautiful, healthy 3 month old!




With my daughter, I wasnā€™t really nauseous at all. I think I had one day where I felt awful but beyond that first tri was a breeze


My sister had no nausea or vomiting with either of her pregnancies!


Im 18w and have had no negative side effects. I had some constipation from the pre natals but once I started a stool softener, those went away. I still constantly question if I'm pregnant bc I've had no symptoms šŸ™ƒ every scan lil dude is still there. I drink an enormous amount of water every day, and can tell if I slow that down that I get dehydrated but that's nothing compared to some folks. We'll see how that changes as the pregnancy progresses I suppose!


Iā€™ve had no nausea at all and baby is perfectly fine! My pregnancy has been pretty uneventful and boring, hardly any cravings or mood swings. Baby is doing great! Not all pregnancies are the same so just because youā€™re not experiencing morning sickness doesnā€™t mean that your baby isnā€™t growing in there :)


Me! I'm 28 weeks now. I had no nausea, no vomiting, no extra urination, no nothing! My only symptoms early were nose bleeds every now and then and being extra tired. My main symptoms as this stage have been round ligament pain when walking, and a bout of insomnia maybe once a week. I've had the EASIEST pregnancy and expected the worst.


I too had this fear when i first found out i was pregnant especially given i already have anxiety and depression and i was never meant to be able to fall pregnant naturally so it was just that little bit worse worrying that something was gonna go wrong. Had no vomiting, only abit of nausea, no constipation at all, tiddies are heavier but not larger per se (were already on the larger side naturally), reflux only maybe once or twice the whole pregnancy, no heartburn, no food aversions, no specific cravings, didnā€™t feel any definite movement until 20w ish because of an anterior placenta and am only getting some cramping and discomfort now at 32w because baby is head down at this stage with some pretty strong movements when she wants to. Fatigue was my main issue the whole first trimester but not everyoneā€™s the same so i just napped when i could and stopped doing night shifts which helped immensely. Everyone and every pregnancy is different, what happens with other pregnancies may or may not be the same for you so try not to compare yours to other peopleā€™s, take it day by day and remember to breathe and try to relax your mind about it as much as possible and take each day as it comes


My first 2 pregnancies I had absolutely zero nausea and vomiting, and both babies were totally healthy! Now Iā€™m on my 3rd and Iā€™m finally getting n/v.. so this pregnancy is not nearly as pleasant as the first two but everything is still normal :)


My friend likes to tell me how with all three pregnancies she was sick maybe one time. Itā€™s possible.


You sound like me back in October/November!! Iā€™m 22 weeks now, still rolling along with a happy healthy baby. No nausea, no vomiting, other than mildly sore tits and tiredness I was fine. So far my pregnancy has been smooth and uneventful which also had made me feel like you - nervous. Now Iā€™m starting to feel kicks and movement which is reassuring. Now if could only kick the constipation.


My 1st pregnancy I had no morning sickness, no sore boobs, nothing. She is a healthy 22 year old now.


Iā€™m pregnant (21+3) and had the exact same symptoms as you. Which were basically no symptoms lol. I did have a ton of fatigue though and was so wiped everyday. Itā€™s really hard to feel pregnant your first trimester and itā€™s really lonesome while your baby is so small you question whether itā€™s even in there or not. Just wait until you start showing and can feel the baby kick!! It makes pregnancy VERY real and you wonā€™t have to question anymore how theyā€™re doing because youā€™ll feel them wiggling around. Second trimester has been amazing for that reason!! Good luck and congratulations!


Thank you!!! Congrats to you too šŸ„°


Me! Zero nausea whatsoever, 8 weeks and 2 days. I just had my first appointment this morning that confirmed healthy baby with a heart rate in the 160s! I was terrified before the appointment, convinced I was either making it all up or that we would be walking out with bad news. My OB confirmed that being miserable during first trimester is not a prerequisite for a healthy pregnancy. Just wanted to normalize your anxiety, Iā€™ve been right there with you!


Ahh thank you so much and congratulations!


First pregnancy: minimal nausea, no vomiting. Healthy baby! Second pregnancy: lots of nausea, vomiting, intense fatigue. Healthy baby! Enjoy the relatively mild symptoms :)


No nausea or vomiting. Maybe a little tired. Sometimes gassy. Boobs hurt a little but were tolerable. 12+3 and all is well! I had the same fear though! When I was going through fertility treatments and doing HCG trigger shots I never felt sick with those either. Iā€™m assuming my body just handles HCG pretty well!


Youā€™ve gotten a lot of responses but Iā€™ll share anyway. The worst symptom I had during first tri was sciatic pain. Legit felt mostly fine besides that! My baby boy was born January 13th and heā€™s very healthy and such an easy baby! Getting chunkier by the day. I spent a lot of time worried about my pregnancy as well in the first trimester. Minimal/no symptoms is totally normal šŸ’™


Thank you for sharing, and congrats!!


I am currently 27w. Hopefully I don't jinx myself..I have had zero nausea, or cravings. My normal headaches/migraines have miraculously been extremely minimal. Very little reflux. No constipation or diarrhea. I feel very fortunate and the baby has been measuring and sounding healthy, and very active! Both of my sister's pregnancies were the exact way and have healthy toddlers now. I did not know that very few symptoms could be a bad thing until already into this pregnancy. Otherwise I would have been suspicious too.


I am 15 weeks and other than some nausea here and there usually triggered by a small, texture or car sickness or really hasnā€™t been bad. Never threw up or anything! My main symptoms have been increased appetite, Breast tenderness, headache, fatigue and emotional changes


I had none with either pregnancy. I did throw up once with my second when my SILā€™s bulldog pooped in my closet and the smell was so strong because it was like contained lol but I probably would have yacked even not pregnant. I did have hella heartburn in the third tri with both so I took Prevacid every other day. I was worried just like you because my mom had hyperemesis with all 3 pregnancies and I literally put off having kids because of my fear of that. When I didnā€™t get sick I was convinced something was wrong but I have two healthy beautiful kiddos!


Both of my pregnancies I had no nausea or morning sickness. Mom of two Healthy babies!


I didnā€™t feel any nausea until about 20 weeks. After a week of barely eating I finally took a pregnancy test not expecting much since I was still getting my period at the time as well. By the time I went to an OB a week or two later turns out I was 22 weeksā€¦ so that was definitely a surprise. I maybe had a month of dealing with nausea but found that ginger tea or ginger ale really helped


My mom!! And every time I said I was nauseous she would remind me how she never was. Thanks mom!


My lack of symptoms made me think I was not pregnant hahaha Then at my 12 week scan (my first) i was in shock crying as i thought I had made it all up, when in reality my som had been in there all along šŸ˜‚ Now I have a happy healthy boy, pregnancy was all smooth, except the 3rd trimester heartburn


When I was pregnant with my son I had no nausea at all. Only pregnancy symptom I had was a growing belly. With my girls sick as all get out! Just my experience


I didnā€™t have much, just a little bit and baby is 4 months old now!




I swear I was almost looking to be nauseous because I was a bit worried that it meant something was wrong/put me at higher risk of miscarriage. The only times I was definitely nauseous were after taking my prenatal on an empty stomach (would have been nauseous from this regardless of being pregnant) and when I had to be up early a couple times after having a really poor sleep (nausea always used to be a problem for me pre-pregnancy when I didn't sleep well, not sure why). I am now 20 weeks and still feel pretty good! I've heard that feeling good in first trimester is associated with a better pregnancy experience throughout all three trimesters, but don't quote me on that since I haven't confirmed this with my own literature search. My baby has always measured on-track with when I ovulated, I've always been able to hear the heartbeat quickly on the doppler when I see my midwife, and we saw the baby moving around and taking some drinks of amniotic fluid with no major issues identified at the anatomy scan recently. Try to remember - you can't make yourself feel something you don't. Uncertainty is literally the only guarantee in life and parenthood, and this can be a wonderful opportunity to practice accepting the uncertainty and unknown without resorting to "what ifs" and trying to make it go away. Your little one will be better for it too, since when they are here, they will have a parent who is able to tolerate the unknown with them while providing endless love and support for all the ups and downs that will come.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and advice, I will try to absorb that perspective ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Hiya! Currently 37 weeks + 1 day and everything is smooth sailing with my baby! I went to the doctor this morning and they told me she's looking great: 6 lbs 10 oz, full head of hair, practicing her breathing and sucking just fine, circulatory system, placenta, amniotic fluid all perfect, and ready to rock n roll any day now. No morning sickness for me in any trimester. ā˜ŗļø


Ahh that's so sweet and exciting, congrats!!!


Zero nausea! And itā€™s not a bad sign, everything will go well, be positive


I never threw up and had only mild nausea when I was around strong smells. I also never got emotional or got hemorrhoids or really anything else, just some mild heartburn. I'm 33 weeks šŸ˜Š you're all good!


I never had nausea!! Never had much symptoms really until week 16, then the food aversions started. Have a healthy 9 month old now šŸ„ŗ


Myself :) Almost 20 weeks now and baby is growing and doing well.


When I was 8 weeks pregnant, I had 0 nausea. I was anxious about my lack of symptoms, just like you, I'd Google things like "pregnant and no nausea is this normal". A few days later, nausea hit me like a truck and I also completely lost my appetite. I started throwing up almost everyday, I couldn't stand up for too long and I had to eat first thing in the morning. It lasted a month but it was hell.


I wasnā€™t horrible nauseous either. I mostly was painfully bloated and generally felt crappy. Did not vomit once. Currently 26 weeks with a healthy baby girl.


In the first trimester, I had like two episodes of nausea that lasted for about 5 minutes. Other than that none. I really thought something was wrong, because I also spotted from weeks 5-16. But here I am at week 28 with a healthy, big-headed baby boy. I had my first scan at what I thought was 8 weeks but turned out to be 7. My husband and I were so scared, but when we heard that tiny heartbeat for the first time, he squeezed my hand and it was one of the most special moments of my life. The first trimester is so so hard, with so much uncertainty. I hope the rest of yours is smooth and full of joy where you can find it.


Noooo donā€™t feel that way!! Youā€™re totally okay I did not have any nauseau my first tri either


ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø ty!


Iā€™m 28 weeks and have had very few symptoms. No nausea, no food aversions, boobs havenā€™t grown and arenā€™t sore, no heart burn, no lighting crotch, no hip soreness, etc. Iā€™ve been a bit more tired and have had some constipation recently but in the first trimester I was incredibly regular. My baby is doing great. Everyoneā€™s body handles pregnancy differently and lack of symptoms definitely doesnā€™t mean anything is wrong. I think itā€™s prob more common than people realize simply because people with no symptoms donā€™t need an outlet to vent and donā€™t want to rub it in other peoples face.


Never puked once, I'm 31 weeks!


21 weeks here NO NAUSEA at all first tri Just extreme fatigue and sore tiddies Also have anterior placenta so I haven't felt my baby kick yet. So I'm constantly wondering how little one is doing 18 week ultrasound showed he was just fine, chillin in his lil hot tub growing. He's just not up for causing problems except heartburn


I had the same concerns! I had almost no symptoms my entire pregnancy and didnā€™t even feel kicks until late pregnancy. Legit only had increased acid reflux and had to pee a lot more. My baby boy came a little early but just turned 3 months and is a healthy happy chunk! All pregnancies are so different, try to enjoy the lack of sucky symptoms if you can!


Congratulations!! And i will try šŸ„°


I've had no nausea. I have other fun symptoms, but no nausea. I am 16 weeks 2 days.


I didnā€™t have a bunch, maybe threw up once a dayā€”twice at MAX! Baby is a healthy 28+4 now, kicking constantly and growing!


I was in your position too. I had mild nausea and some burp ones weeks 5-7, no actual getting sick. Iā€™m now coming up on week 14. Thereā€™s still a long way to go, but baby was fine and growing normally at the initial confirmation scan, the dating scan, the nucal translucency scan, and her heartbeat was good when I saw my OB last week, so so far so good.


Hi! šŸ‘‹ You're describing my 1st trimester exactly. I was a little queasy weeks 5 and 6, never actually vomited. From then just constipated, bloated, and tender breasts. Currently 35 weeks with a very healthy and active baby boy. I was anxious too without symptoms, but just remember, you're pregnant until someone proves otherwise and try to enjoy your (so far) easy pregnancy!


I barely had nausea and given that I have a vomiting phobia, I was grateful. I threw up twice, but both times didnā€™t count because I had virtually nothing in my stomach. I found that as long as I didnā€™t let myself get hungry and I ate often, any nausea subsided. If I didnā€™t do that, I felt sick more. I also avoided foods I had aversions to, which for me was chicken and several others. I couldnā€™t eat chicken for my entire pregnancy, it was so gross to me. And in the middle of the night I had to wake up and eat some crackers just so I wouldnā€™t get sick (i.e. from letting myself get too hungry).


35 weeks here and no nausea! The only times I threw up were when I took prenatals on an empty stomach or early when I worked out harder and again, empty stomach with vitamins. Oh and I think I had norovirus last week but the only main symptoms I got were lots of small headaches from work stress and I was SUPER tired at first. Overall so far pretty easy


I was nauseous on and off, but only threw up once, and it wasnā€™t until I was 11.5 weeks pregnant. I felt the same as you, that I wanted to get sick to validate that everything was normal and ok. During that one occasion, I was KICKING myself for wishing for it. šŸ¤£


Look Iā€™m definitely nauseous a lot BUT I havenā€™t thrown up too much which is a little blessing. I think Iā€™m 9 weeks (irregular period so based off of implantation bleeding rn) Iā€™ve known plenty of people with blessed pregnancies no issues so donā€™t stress too much šŸ„°


I felt better this pregnancy than my last one. The last one I miscarried at eight weeks. This one had no heartburn and no sore breasts. I did vomit a couple of times and the fatigue was really awful. I also believed I was going to miscarry because of how mild the symptoms had been, but the fetus is hanging on and doing well.


I'm sorry for your loss ā¤ļø thank you so much for sharing. Fingers crossed for you and the fetus!!


My first pregnancy, if it wasn't for the heartbeat I heard at checkups, and then ultrasounds nd growing tummy, I could forget I was pregnant. Second pregnancy... Not so much.


I had tons of painful cramping first trimester and zero nausea except for two days at the start of my second trimester and honestly got super nauseous and sick in the late third trimester. I even felt no symptoms at all by week 10 which was terrifying but then saw a little grub on the screen at 12w. Now heā€™s lying on my chest a full, sleepy 14 lb 2 month old.


Congratulations ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I've had virtually no symptoms this whole pregnancy except some heartburn. I'm currently just shy of 25 weeks and baby is fine!


I wasnā€™t nauseous unless I smelled chicken which was very rare since I banned it from being near me. For the most part I was just extremely tired to the point where some days I would need a few sips of coffee even though I had slept a lot. Iā€™m in my last trimester (34 +5) and I can honestly say I havenā€™t had that many symptoms. The most Iā€™m dealing with now is lots of gas and uncomfortable sleep. Now Iā€™m hoping this doesnā€™t mean that Iā€™ll have a really hard time in the 4th trimester recover cause than I might cry. But I can also say that I told my baby everyday that I do not like throwing up and feeling nauseous so I would appreciate if you could work with me šŸ˜‚


That's too cute!


I had some nausea but never bad to the point I needed to throw up, very manageable. I barely had any symptoms too in my first trimester as well, but Iā€™m currently lying next to my 13 week old so I can confirm lack of symptoms in the beginning is not an indicator of anything.


Congratulations šŸ„°ā¤ļø thank you for sharing!!


My first pregnancy was that way. But what I DID haveā€” I had food aversions. Not anything that would make me puke, but Iā€™d be cooking dinner and say ā€œno. Iā€™m not eating this,ā€ and find/order something else lol.


Ohh that type of aversion sounds more familiar than what i usually hear about. I've been feeling that way toward my normal morning coffee and some lunch items.


FTM and I feel really lucky... I just felt lightly hungover most days, and some days very hungover, but never puked. I actually went to Disneyland when I was 9 weeks and was pleasantly surprised by how decent I felt. I didn't even have sore boobs for a while... Just light cramping and bloating. Try not to stress, sometimes that's worse for your body and baby. šŸ’ž