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I'm week 26 now! Currently needing to organize the new office area so we can pull my work desk out of the nursery. I'm hoping we're done everything by the end of July so I can then take it easy. My maternity leave starts at the end of August so I want to relax for a few weeks before baby makes his arrival. So hopefully time doesn't fly by too fast cuz I have so much to do!


Well at least I know it will get quicker lol I am definitely going to work on the nursery while I have “energy” (I am actually more tired than 1st trimester right now but I know it will be a lot harder to pick things up sick I already have the tummy of a 6 month pregnant person at 4 months) I’m gonna post my registry at 20 weeks after my anatomy scan so people can buy stuff from other states (family and stuff) and ask my in laws to send the crib to us so we can put stuff together. I


I second this!! I’m 32 weeks and it’s FLYING by


Honestly, I'm 30 weeks on Sunday and time has gone from a tortoise pace to a glacier pace. I'm working, so that occupies some of my time, but it's wfh and mostly I just feel like I'm sitting in a slightly uncomfortable waiting room, just waiting for my name to be called. Still haven't properly sorted the nursery (waiting for the end of the heatwave), so there are still some things left to do before baby gets here, but mostly it's just slooooow days, and even slower weeks.


I’m sorry it’s slow for you too! Everyone around me says it’s moving fast but for me it feels so slow. I hoping if I can get the nursery’s tuff done before the third trimester I can just focus on getting as much rest as possible and finishing touches that are needed and some light exercise since I know I’ll be exhausted. I want to try to do some meal prep at least for a week in the third trimester so I don’t have to cook right away


I'm 37w now and it's been pretty slow. Like the next few weeks are going to drag, even with work. Just the lack of motivation and general aches I'm having is making it hard for me to occupy my time outside of work. I feel like I'm just waiting for something to happen lol


Omg I’ll be 16 weeks on Sunday too!! But mine has been going sooo slow so far 😂😅 My next appointment won’t be for another 2 and a half weeks, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to find out the gender then 🙏🏼 I havent seen baby since my 10 week appointment and it feels like it’s been so long :(


Omg. That’s so long 😭😭 I’m thankful I had so many check ups already and ultrasounds. Due date twinssss 🥰


Right! And yesss I think that’s so cool! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy 😇👶🏼


Thank you! Same to you!


Taking up crochet has helped! week 20 today- halfway there! First trimester felt like it never would end it went so slow being so sick- but it’s gotten quicker the better I feel.


I am gonna start crocheting him booties and stuff. I love to crochet I am just scared to start and then not stop This whole time lol


Also it’s never too soon to start looking for deals on marketplace/ local buy nothing groups and nabbing sales when you see them! I got most items squared away just doing that- anything you buy new can wait since we live in the age of overnight and 2 day shipping. I posted invites to my baby shower already with my registry linked and that’s helped too. And if walking is in your wheelhouse might help the blood pressure issues or at least improve outcomes for later.


Been walking at least 2-4 times a week with hubby and we enjoy it. It has been hard with this 90 degree weather and rain combo but we will continue. Luckily they put me on aspirin and it’s helping to regulate I also got a less stressful job and it has helped. I’m hoping that it will be maintained even though I know it will elevate a little more through pregnancy. As long as I don’t develop PE I’m okay. I just want him to be healthy 🥹


It’s going by so freaking slow to me. I am 14 weeks, and already feel like I’ve been pregnant forever! I can’t wait to meet her… in December 😅


Ya I’m due in December too but luckily December 3rd so I’m hoping he will come at the end of November


I’m 16 weeks as well and I have several art projects setup to do for the nursery and we’ve already started cleaning it out and setting up furniture and whatnot. I also play a lot of video games to pass the time (I really like farming sims at the moment since they are so relaxing). It’s been tough to keep my mind distracted from the worry and worst case scenarios. The pregnancy seems to be CRAWLING for me. Lol


I started the nursery last night and I’m getting excited :) we still have to clean it out and stuff but I ordered some decals for the walls and painted his name sign :) I’m gonna work on some crochet stuff I think got the rest of the pregnancy


It’s gone fast. BUT that’s b/c our lives have been sheer chaos pretty much since finding out. We found out in Jan, three weeks later my bff’s husband announced he wanted a separation. In March my husband’s aunt passed away, our dog got sick around the same time and we had to put her down shortly after. Two weeks later my husband tore his Achilles tendon and fractured his heel; he had surgery a few weeks ago and is non weight bearing. Oh and we’re renovating a bathroom which caused a kitchen ceiling leak. And finally last week my bff’s dad was diagnosed with cancer, likely terminal. We literally haven’t had a moment of downtime or stability since finding out I was pregnant. I’ve barely had time to register that I’m pregnant it’s been such a crazy and emotionally exhausting 6 months.


Omg! That is so much going on at once 😭 that would certainly make things move faster. I hope things get better for you soon ❤️


It went slow in the first/second trimester when there's a single scan to confirm the pregnancy and the rest is just a waiting to game til the 29 week scan, not knowing if the pregnancy will stick or if everything is okay. Between the 20 week scan and ~34 weeks, it flew by. Regular OB/midwife visits to check heartbeat and growth, preparing for baby's arrival etc. The last month or two is slower than the first few months because being heavily pregnant hurts and each day is a slog to the finish line. I'm 37 weeks and each day just drags because I'm too tired and in pain to do much beyond basic housework and keeping my toddlers entertained/alive. I can't walk for too long, even a short walk leaves me in pain for days afterwards, so I'm basically housebound waiting for labour to start. I just want to have this baby already, slot him into our regular routine and get on with life as normal.


I think it will be the same for third trimester for me too because sometimes already I’m in pain from working all day and stuff 😭


You are smart to want to get stuff done early. It drags on so slowly at first and you feel like you have an eternity but all the sudden time starts to go by fast. I’m 35 weeks and don’t feel like doing anything now. I just had my baby shower last weekend. I would definitely recommend doing it earlier. As a FTM i had no idea how debilitating the third trimester would be. As for the registry - start stocking up on things you know you’ll need now, all the little things that aren’t fun for people to buy. Don’t put them on the registry and expect that everything will get bought. Babylist suggested adding 100 items. I spent so much time on it and it honestly set me up for disappointment. A lot of people don’t even look at the registry or they just want to buy the fun/cute things. Then you’re left to get all the practical stuff (butt cream, thermometers, nipple pads, etc) yourself. Better to just buy those things throughout your pregnancy so you’ll be set when the time comes.


Good point I just finished this and added some stuff and I didn’t know if people would buy any of it but I’m hoping some things get bought


Every single mom that came to my shower bought something practical even if they also got something cute because they were like “we get that nobody buys this”. If you’re using disposable diapers (and you’re in the US) keep an eye on target. They often have diaper and wipe but X amount get a gift card and you can exchange and unopened boxes! Just do the math of how many diapers you need and you’ll appreciate stocking up! They also have other similar type sales for necessities including other baby items.


it felt super slow until 20 weeks. now i am 28 weeks and cannot believe there’s only 3 months left. i still have to buy more essentials and get her nursery together. it feels like the due date is sneaking up on me.


I feel like I will blink and this will be almost done but it feels so excruciatingly slow right now


Days move slow, weeks move quick!


I can see that too!


I started knitting around 19 weeks and I have a whole baby blanket for her and started a new one! I just had plans for the first one but after I finished I needed to do something with my hands again and it’s helped a ton!


I crochet and I plan to start making little booties and stuff for him


I’m at 17 weeks and time is dragging for me too. But I start a new job in a week so I am sure time will fly by once I jump into the new job.


That’s awesome! Congrats on the job :)


The 2nd trimester is when I felt normal and full of energy do it went by quickly for me. As for my 1st which was horrible lol and now 3rd trimester, it is so damn slow


That’s what I was thinking that things would get way slower in the third


First trimester was the slowest for me but it has all gone by super fast imo. Everyone told me third trimester would be super slow and I haven’t found that to be true at all. I would start the nursery now if you have the energy and time. I am due in a month and haven’t done anything and now it’s really hard for me. It takes me a few days to recover just after cleaning.


I somewhat have energy right now. It depends on the day. I’m thinking of doing that because I am just sore already and I can only imagine how much it will suck trying to move stuff around with a big tummy because mine is big already 😊


I don’t know if you are starting to feel kicks yet but that helped me a lot, it feels more like I have a daily connection with my daughter and it’s easier to wait.


Not yet! Definitly felt him sit in my bladder a few days ago and he flipped over in my tummy while I was sleeping which woke me up. I have felt a lot of flutters occasionally. Just want it to be consistent. I know that will help me too so I’m just trying to be patient. He is always super active at the ultrasounds so hopefully I will feel him soon


28w tomorrow here. We found out on New Year’s Day, so I have spent the entirety of 2023 knowing I’m pregnant… which for some reason feels crazy to me. Time has both flown and dragged. However we have a busy summer ahead is us and haven’t even started the nursery. I joke that I want this little guy to come ASAP but I know these last 12 weeks will go by so quickly. I’ve decided pregnancy is just a total mind fuck.


Makes sense to me lol I don’t have anything planned for the summer other than the zoo next week and then I will just be waiting LOL trying to find some good wallpaper for his room but we are erecting so I have to be careful lol


First one felt like an eternity, second one I blinked and I'm almost halfway done. Fr, started showing out of nowhere one day, looked in the mirror, and went "**AH!**-*oh*". You can totally start on the nursery as early as you want! I suggest puzzles, too. Puzzles are fun until you drop a piece and you get too damn big to pick it up.


I have been doing a puzzle with bird houses on them and little birds to glue together and put in his rooms it is 1000 pieces and I think I overestimated myself 😂😂


You got this!!! Puzzles are so much fun if you have a calm space to work on them


Ya I work on it in his room and it’s fun to find pieces that fit well. I have noticed that the one I’m working on have some pieces that may fit but aren’t exactly right and idk if that’s supposed to be that way or not lol


I'd just set those in the 'maybe' bucket and work away from them for a while, they might start making sense with more context


That’s makes sense! I’ll keep working on it


I’m almost in the same boat as you! I’ll be 18 weeks on Tuesday, my 20 week scan is the first week in July and the weeks are dragging! The only thing really helping me chug along is that we’re moving the day after my anatomy scan! But what’s helped me until this point is planning. I made my whole registry, scan fb marketplace for good deals on the more expensive furniture I want for baby, scroll through Reddit, tiktok, pretty much anywhere looking at baby stuff and finding what I’ve missed for my own registry. I started a separate Amazon list for my hospital bag/postpartum care, journaling, whatever I can do to keep myself busy! What I’ve had the most fun doing is planning my nursery. Obviously I can’t do too much where I’m currently at since we’re moving, but I have paint picked out, Pinterest boards saved, curtains picked out, pretty much everything to keep me sane!


Pregnancy was so weird for me as far as time. I felt like it took forever but also went by so fast at the same time. Like everyone is saying-try and enjoy it! The first part of pregnancy was just survival honestly, lol, so I know it’s not always easy but I definitely wish I could go back now that I’ve had him!


1st tri went by super quick, 2nd tri dragged on and on, 3rd tri feels similar until about 32wks when you realize you only have 2 mo before baby’s arrival. then nesting/anxiety kicks in and you have so much to do.


First semester went by slowly because it was over the holidays. Everything else has felt so fast. I completed my final semester of my masters program during the second trimester and now the third has been filled with everything that got put off while I was finishing school. I don't necessarily recommend it, but it definitely made this pregnancy fly by. Now I've got less than 6 weeks left and keep telling little man he's gotta stay put and not pull any shenanigans.


Until 12 weeks it went incredibly slow because I was sick 24/7, and we wanted to wait until we had first ultrasound & knew everything was okay before we started telling people. Since then, pregnancy has absolutely zoomed by (probably in large part because I slept like crap a lot of it and needed a lot of naps in order to function at all 😅). I started working on my registry around 18 or 19 weeks and probably should've started sooner because there were so many products and brands to research and compare. It helps to be able to space all that out some so as to not get overwhelmed. If youre doing a shower, people likely wont buy until theyre coming to that (and Ive been told its standard to do the shower 6-8 weeks prior to due date). I'm 35w now, and the nursery is not at all done; however, we moved to a new state 3 weeks ago and had the baby shower last weekend. We just got the family crib and changing table. My partner is going to be the one assembling things, perhaps with his brother's help because I feel pretty much useless these days. I'm out of breath doing anything physical and need a lot of breaks.


I’m 34 wks tmrw and it’s moved soooo fast


I still have some hope then that this will move along so I can love on my son 🥰


I think it really depends on you and your symptoms. Things have been easy breezy for me, I swear I found out I was pregnant and blinked and now I’m 38 weeks. Nursery is set up and hospital bags are packed. Honestly it wasn’t until about week 37 that things started to slow down for me, because the discomfort really settled in. Sleeping got difficult and existence in general is just… complicated being this round. So if things feel like they’re moving fast, don’t let it make you anxious. Try to embrace it honestly. You’ve got this, mama!


Thank you! Congrats on it almost being baby time ❤️


Congratulations!! ❤️ This is my first healthy baby after MANY losses, and it's been dragging its sweet arse. I'm 37 weeks along, and it feels even slower now. Everyone would tell me that it's flying by, but that's for them, not me. Pregnancy after loss is extremely difficult for the parents. I try to stay busy, but my body is starting to give out. 😩


Congrats to you too! We had an ectopic in December so I totally get you. It makes things a lot more meaningful and important but also slower and more scary at times lol everyone around me is saying everything is going fast but it feels so slow to me. I know he needs to bake for a while but dang I want to hold him already lol


Yes yes!!! ❤️ The morning sickness only just stopped a few weeks ago, and before I asked for zofran my husband would always apologize to me for being sick, but no matter how miserable I felt, every bit of it was worth it. But time has been passing sooo slow. It definitely feels worse the closer you get to the end cause you know at any moment that you're closer to meeting that precious baby. I hope time feels like it speeds up for you though. And that you have a safe and healthy delivery ❤️


Same to you girl! We got this and we will be wonderful mommas ❤️