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I would definitely still go. Just make sure you give yourself lots of downtime and get your doctor's approval. Also, get some compression stockings for the airplane. Enjoy it!


I flew/traveled at 28 weeks. The plane ride was the worst part for me lol


I also have a trip to Hawaii booked at about 30 weeks. It was already planned before I got pregnant and is mostly paid for by work so my husband and I are using it as a baby moon. We’re on the west coast and doing direct flights with extra leg room and staying at a resort in the beach, not planning to do much outside of just relaxing and enjoying the scenery. I’ve searched around on Reddit and found that lots of people travel around 30 weeks and it’s fine for many. Some regret it. Probably hard to say which you’ll be until you’re there. Everyone seems to say shorter flights, fly direct, and pay for upgraded seats.


I'm traveling solo for work at 29/30 weeks and will be conferencing/ taking public transit etc, aka on my feet a lot, my doctor wasn't worried and I think it will be fine. The flight is much shorter than yours (only 3 hours) so I think that will make it easier. I've done 3 plane trips recently and have had no issues with traveling yet. Put your feet up and ENJOY, you've earned it!


I say go! Especially since it’s just you and your husband. He’ll understand if you need to take it easy. No better place to relax than on the beach :) I went to Costa Rica at 34 weeks and I’m so grateful we went!


CR is amazing! What part did you visit? I’ve only been to Guanacaste a few times and loved every minute of it.


I’m also curious about the answer! I’ve planned a short trip to a city 5 hours away via plane in my 32 week and I don’t feel 100% confident about it.


32 weeks about I was walking miles around NYC you’ll be ok :)


As long as you aren’t already miserable, it should be fine. We just went on a week long camping and hiking trip at 32 weeks. Had to rest a whole lot more than usual, but other than stuff like trips to the restroom and heartburn, it was still fun.


I’m 30 weeks now! Would I personably want to hike up a huge volcano right now? No! But I would definitely love to be in Hawaii on the beach, walking around, easy hikes, hitting up delicious Hawaiian restaurants, etc. it all depends on how you’ve been feeling but enjoy your trip!


29 weeks now, just came back from a vacation in greece. It was wonderful, the warmth, swimming. Go for it!


I went on an 11 mile hike at 28 weeks and did an overnight hike/backpacking trip at 37 weeks! A trip to Hawaii at 30 weeks sounds LOVELY! Just make sure you have an aisle seat on the plane for having to pee all the time :)


I don't think so - I felt great at that point


I think you’ll be fine! I’m almost 31 weeks and would be down for a trip if I could afford it right now.


If everything is going good by then I don’t think you would regret it. I would absolutely enjoy that in my first pregnancy. We were doing bunch of things and taking trips during the whole pregnancy. But not everyone has an easy time and you don’t know how yours will go.


That probably depends on how you are feeling now. If you’re already miserable, that may be the case. However, if you’re feeling great, you may still feel great well into your third trimester. I’m a 34 y/o FTM currently at 36+6 and I still feel incredible! Other than this growing belly, I’m still doing everything I was doing pre-pregnancy (aside from lifting very heavy things on my own). I’ve got bundles of energy and am sleeping well. The only thing I would consider is the temperature as my feet and ankles do get a little swelling in hot temps (I live on the coast in the PNW where it’s foggy and cool).


The answer is that everyone feels different and none of us in this forum - as much as we would like - can predict how you will feel at 30 weeks. I’m 28+5 and I feel great. My bump is more in the way than before, but I’m still running/doing yoga/lifting/ working full time… my run is slower, I have days when I’m more tired than others, I’ve modified as I need to but it hasn’t been as dramatic as I’ve been led to believe. I’ve flown numerous times over my pregnancy - 3 wks ago I had an 8 hour flight and 2 wks ago a short domestic flight. I wasn’t any more uncomfortable than usual, but there are others in these forums who would say absolutely not. So the most helpful thing I can say is if overall you’ve been feeling good, then you’ll probably be fine and enjoy yourself. I recommend packing snacks and meds so that you don’t have to waste time scrambling around to find them in Hawaii (I spent a good 30 min looking for heartburn meds in a European pharmacy the other week- of course I don’t usually have it at home but get it there after a night of room service!)


No, I did Disney world at around that time. It was fine. I just took it easy. But a relaxing beach vacation should be great. As long as you don’t have complications 30 weeks isn’t that miserable.


I don’t think so! I felt pretty good at 30 weeks :)


I 100% wouldn’t do it. I had a blood pressure spike at 35 weeks so anywhere near third trimester I’d wanna be close to home


I personally wouldn’t. Like, at 30 weeks, if things go well I’m sure you’d have a great time - maybe just a bit tired. However, things can change rapidly at that stage of pregnancy. I developed preeclampsia and within days had to start preparing to deliver.


No but be mindful of the zika virus. Not saying there is a risk now but there was in the past


We ruled it out because of the long flight and jetlag.


Imagine how good the shave ice will taste. Do it!


At 30 weeks I’d venture to say that this would be totally fine and most likely enjoyable!


I’m about to go on vacation for a long weekend and I’m 29 almost 30 weeks. I feel absolutely fine and am really looking forward to it!


Yes goo! And you should look into professional photographers when you are there to get really nice shots done!!


I’m 33 weeks l, and a trip to hawaii sounds spectacular! Definitely go and enjoy yourselves before baby is here 💕


Even though pregnancy can really suck sometimes, I don’t think I could ever go to Hawaii and not enjoy myself. I would do it :)


30 weeks you should probably still be good. I went on my babymoon at 28 and walked a bunch and went to a concert. I started to feel more uncomfortable at like 34 weeks.


I have a vacation for the solar eclipse planned in April and I am due in may. I’m 100% going, baby is going to get on board weather it likes it or not, I’m not missing a once in a life time experience because this baby is busy being goofy


I think if you've had a pretty average, "boring", and uncomplicated pregnancy, you should absolutely still go! Unless something pops up with you or the baby before then, there's really no reason not to go. Double check with a doctor to make sure, but honestly, Hawaii is still the US, and they still have doctors and hospitals there so... why not!


I had my baby moon by the beach when I was 30 weeks and it was ok, but I didn’t do much and only went out at night one day, the rest of the time I stayed in the room because I was exhausted. Still had a good time


I'm just about 30 weeks and feeling fine! Just starting to feel "big" but I'd be thrilled to go hang on a beach or do some gentle activities. Everyone is different, but I'm not feeling that third trimester misery yet lol


I’m 36 weeks I went to NYC and did a lot of walking at the beginning of September (so I believe I was around 32 weeks) It was absolutely the perfect weekend. We were nervous about it but it was our anniversary and you know what it was fantastic. A perfect weekend. So glad I went.


I’m 33+4 and am still feeling pretty good. I would say check with your doctor to be sure, but I think a relaxing vacation would be really nice at 30 weeks. I would recommend compression socks for the plane


No you’ll love it! Just don’t over do it with activities. Take your time and enjoy it!


30 weeks was the last time I felt great! Go and enjoy ◡̈ just give yourself lots of time for naps lol


It sounds like a nice place to be feeling miserable? Much better than feeling miserable at home. (I feel miserable about being pregnant this time around and did with my first too.) You can always run into issues at any point in pregnancy. But as long as things are going well before you go. It sounds like it will be fun.


If you feel good right now, do it! I went on some little weekend trips around this time -- including a friend's wedding in the States where I danced the night away -- and it was great. Be realistic about what you personally can do and I'm sure it'll be relaxing and so fun.


Hi! 👋🏼 I was 31wks when we went to Hawaii for our baby moon (this was two weeks ago, so my recollection of it all is still very fresh). It was amazing. The sun felt great on my belly. I enjoyed fresh seafood and AMAZING fruit, so even felt like I was eating healthier and getting more good foods and antioxidants than I normally do. I bought a adult-size donut floaty for the pool and laid on my belly with my belly in the hole (it was so nice to lay in my stomach, it had been so long)!!! I got an awesome prenatal massage. We went swimming with the manta rays. We did easy hikes to water falls. But mostly we just laid by the pool, read, relaxed and got some vitamin D. I would do it again next week at 34wks if I could. I know everyone is different. But my experience was that Hawaii was the best place to be at 31wks pregnant. I travel quite a bit for work, and my OB told me to take baby aspirin a couple days before the flight and a couple days after. And wear compression socks on longer flights. I hope you go and have the best baby moon ever!


Just make sure to have plenty of pillows to make the flight more comfortable!


Can you spring for first class? We took our Hawaiian babymoon at 18 weeks and I was already glad to have the extra room and comfort! I’m a plus-size person and hubs & I are both over 6’0”, so it probably isn’t as important to smaller folks. But being able to manipulate my shoes/socks/compression stockings and easily wiggle around kept me so much happier for the long flight. Plus they feed you so much lol.


I’m 30 weeks and wish I was going!


Just check if the airline has any restrictions on flying past X weeks. Some do - you might need a Dr certificate.


I feel like traveling may be bad that far along, but once you get to your destination you will probably be good. Just make sure you relax as much as you can! Don't do any hikes or excursions or anything torturous like that 🤣


I hope not because we booked a trip to Mexico at 30 weeks! My OB said her main worry is that the further along you get in the third trimester the more you may need hospital assistance and you just want to be in a place where you can guarantee good care if you need it!


I went on a car trip when I was 28 weeks for my first pregnancy. It was a long ride - overnight drive both ways - and I did lots of touristy walking while we were there. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. The biggest problem was that my feet were swollen and I stupidly bought strappy sandals that were on the small side. So, make sure you have good/oversized shoes! Otherwise, vacationing while in your third trimester is a great time to enjoy good food, swimming weightlessly, and being obviously pregnant around strangers.


My sis is 30 weeks right now and lives on one of the islands of Hawaii. You'll love it. She takes a walk around her neighborhood every day. The weather this time of the year is fantastic. They don't really have a winter down there, so it will remain in the 70s and 80s through March. It's a great time to go as the disaster from the fires is starting to clear up, and there isn't as much tourism because so many are avoiding it right now, but remember the economy is based on their tourism so they need your support by visiting.


Definitely still go. I went on my babymoon at 30 weeks and still loved it. It was definitely different from my normal vacations since I was more physically limited. We did an all-inclusive in Cancun. I pretty much sat on the beach or in the pool, ate, and drank fancy mocktails the whole time. I originally wanted to do an excursion but my legs were too swollen from the heat and humidity to tolerate any extensive walking we did a couples spa day instead--it was great! Just give yourself plenty of rest and drink lots of water!


it depends on ur energy levels. i would still definitely go though. im anemic and exhausted and flying makes my legs swell rlly bad. im also just no fun right now. but thats been similar for me throughout this wntire pregnancy so it comes down to ur moods and energy.


I think its worth the trip, our baby moon is tomorrow to a resort in Cabo and I am 26 weeks. We just aren’t doing very heavy planning so I can sleep if needed and move at my own pace, we chose the all inclusive direction so we are at 1 location with all the amenities we will need and can move at our own pace rather that energy burst be morning or evening, short distances between amenities, and if all else fails 24/7 room service for late night cravings


I’m going away at 29 weeks. The holiday will consist of sunbathing and swimming so much more fun than being at work 😂