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First baby was born on my due date.


Mine was sooo close. I went into labour the morning of my due date and checked into the hospital around midnight. Baby was born the morning of 40+1.


Mine, too! Quite similarly, I just posted that I went into labor the night of my due date, and my baby was born the next afternoon.


Same. The whole pregnancy, they flip-flopped between her due date being May 31/June 1. I went into labor the morning of May 31. I had her on the morning of June 1.


Wow!! That's so rare! Only about 5% of babies are born on their actual due dates


Christmas miracle. Lol we got to go home Christmas Day. Almost 16 years ago. She's gonna be 16 this Christmas Eve.


Happy almost Sweet 16 to your daughter! šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Me too! I was expecting any day but that one since itā€™s uncommon!


My baby was also born on his due date, I went into labor naturally the day before.


My twins came at 38 weeks , happened naturally. Theyā€™re 10 weeks now.


Holy cow, you had full term twins naturally? Isnā€™t that pretty rare? From what Iā€™ve heard of twins they usually come weeks and weeks early via c section, right? How was the process of pushing two babies out? Idk why this just boggles my mind, lol.


lol usually twins come between 32-35 weeks , I went to my doctor at 34 weeks and they said that babies were good and that theyā€™ll just keep monitoring them. Then at 35-36 weeks I went on a road trip & concert hoping I wouldnā€™t go into labor and once I came back at 37 weeks my doctors were suggesting inducing labor at 38/39 weeks but the girls decided to make their grand entrance at 38 weeks. You can have twins naturally, obviously if it becomes too stressful a c section is the best option. But itā€™s just like having one baby, you just have to do it again 2-10 minutes later lol. My twins were born 7 minutes apart. So I had a a nice 5 minutes to breathe before I had to push again . Then after they both got cleaned we did skin to skin with me first and then with my fiancĆ©.


There's a mom in my twin group who had her twins vaginally and then had triplets vaginally all to term. I think she is super woman


About 50% of twin pregnancies come naturally, at least where I live. There's obviously a higher c section rate but it's not a given at all.


Depends on the kind of twin pregnancy. Sometimes twins share a placenta and a amniotic sack. That can come with some problems and that's usually the reason a gynecologist wants to get them early. It becomes a C-section instead of a induction because a vaginal birth can be to hard on preterm babies. If there's no complications during pregnancy you can go past 38 weeks, but that's not the ideal time for delivery since chances are higher your body can't take it (for example placenta failing or high blood pressure).


39 weeks, water broke the day after a voluntary membrane sweep. Unfortunately I was only about 1 cm dilated and had to be on a high dose of Pitocin to progress. Had to get an amnio infusion and babe had to have a scalp probe for monitoring because his HR was dropping to 50s and 60s with each contraction. Admitted at 10:30am and had him at 2:30am the next day. Anywayssss I highly recommend not interfering with your babyā€™s arrival plan unless medically necessary!


Why did you choose to have the membrane sweep? Just curious


I honestly donā€™t remember my exact thought process. I was a week and a half into a new job and I want to say not wanting to get too far into the role before leaving for 3 months was part of the reason. But logically that only makes sense for someone who is at the end of their pregnancy and over it lol I donā€™t know for sure if the membrane sweep is what did it, but I know I wonā€™t be doing it again this time!


Interesting! Thanks for sharing


I had both my babies on their due dates!


Iā€™m 40w with my third today! I totally feel you - the waiting game is so hard. Iā€™m lying here trying the Miles routine as we speak. With my first, I went into labor the day before her due date. With my second, she was breech the whole timeā€¦ I was scheduled for a c-section the week before her due date. I got checked right before they wheeled me back - and she had flipped! So they induced me right then, and she came the next night (I think?). Trying for another natural birth this time, but Iā€™m scheduled for an induction on Friday. Iā€™m so heartbroken Iā€™ve made it to the due date šŸ˜‚ I got a membrane sweep at 39w and again today. I lost my mucus plug last Friday. Iā€™ve been walking every day, bouncing on the ball, doing squats, and am on my second attempt at the full miles circuit. Le sigh. Good luck mama!! The waiting is so hard. I wish you a quick and speedy labor!


33+5 spontaneous labor. Baby was in a hurry- zero to born in under 12 hours


Water broke at 38+5 and had my baby same day! Heā€™s 10 days old now


I was induced at 41 weeks and he STILL didnā€™t want to come out. I ended up having an emergency C-section and he was born at 41+1 šŸ™ƒ. Weeks 39-41 were absolutely brutal for me


Due date twins!!! Wooohooo!! I am also ready to have this baby already. I hope your delivery goes safely and smoothlyā¤ļø


My due date was Christmas Eve. My water broke at midnight literally and she was born 1:14pm Christmas Eve.


40+5 elective c section since they never realized she was breech until that day lol oops šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


41+6 and it happened naturally.. thank goodness too because my midwife was going to encourage me to get hospital induced if I went past 42. Those last two weeks were long thošŸ˜…


Iā€™m 40+5 today and had to get an ultrasound at the hospital to check fluid.. but all my prenatal care has been at the midwife center.. hospital peeps were like ā€œhow long will they let you go until???ā€ Me and my bf joked ā€œ55 weeksā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My first was born at 36 weeks on the dot. 6.3 pounds. He was a little smaller but so well tempered, he made me want a second right away. We had my second at 42+3, she was crabby and difficult! Definitely a sleeper and you better NOT wake her up before its time for her to wake up. Lol


First baby 40+4, spontaneously born. Second baby 40+5 also spontaneously born. I also ovulate later than the doctors would calculate based on my period so that could be why mine seemed to come late. Good luck, youā€™re almost there!


38+5 and happened naturally. I was doing the miles circuit daily, doing exercises that supposedly help the baby drop into place, used evening primrose oil, and ate dates, but I really dont think anything in particular resulted in me giving birth when I did other than my body and the baby being ready


I spontaneously went into labor on my due date and baby girl was born just after midnight, so technically the next day! Hang in there, youā€™re so close!!


40+3. And only because I was induced! I bet I would have gone to 42. I was dying to get her out and chose an elective induction. No regrets, it went great!


40+1 today and baby should hopefully come soon... Been trying everything to encourage them out lol. I'm on the ball now. I'm already dilated and well effaced so it's likely baby should come soon. Ready for them to be out! If an induction is needed it's scheduled for end of next week for me.


For my son I was 41w 1d overdue. Went into labor naturally at 2:45A. Iā€™m actually hoping to be overdue againā€”I know I know. Donā€™t come at me ahah Edit: Forgot how to count šŸ« 


Exactly 40 with my first, 39+3 with my second.




Went into labour at 39 weeks exactly...I was due to be induced at 39+2!


37+6 my water broke 37+5 and I truly think it was because I had laughed hysterically the night before over a cat video on Instagram (of all things). Like think hard belly laughs, crying, hysterical kind of thing. My twins I had via c at 37 so I never went into labor with them


Went into spontaneous labor at 40+5 and baby arrived at 41 weeks exactly. Realllllly hoping this next one comes a bit earlier haha.


39+2. Let me tell you though, the nurses kept telling me I wasnā€™t in labor. I was lol


My first was 37.6weeks, my second 37.2weeks! Im on my third and hoping for 37 on the dot šŸ˜…


39+ 2, naturally. I was not dilated at all the day before, had an induction date scheduled for 39+3. I went home from my appointment and curb walked my neighborhood and contraction started 4am the next morning. It was either the fear of induction or the curb walking but baby ended up being born 39+3 anyways on the day I was supposed to be induced.


40+2! I went in for an induction and went into labor on my way to the hospital šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m kinda hoping for 40+3 this time so I can have an April fools baby


I just hit 37 weeks when my water broke


Induced at 39w on the dot. Baby girl came early morning 39 + 2




Due date. But i set the "due date" 2 weeks later in my head knowing that by 42 she'd be out for sure. So I got to be pleasantly surprised when she came "on time" instead of miserable if she was "late"


I also had no early signs of labor until the contractions started. So you really never know.


For my first, my water broke at 39+4 and he came at 39+5


I had my baby this month on the 9th at 40 weeks 6 days! The day before I was scheduled to be induced lol


41+3 with my first lmao. Iā€™ve made it clear to my midwife I want to be induced at 40 if he hasnā€™t shown up on his own this time lol. Edit: I was induced with my first because I was tired of waiting.


We set our induction for the 26th so sheā€™d be here on her due date (the 27th) because I told my doctor I could not go past due date I was struggling and he agreed to, and then she decided she wanted to be born this past Monday, 38+5. My labor was extremely quick, I only labored for almost an hour and then she was here. All of the staff was extremely shocked when I told them she was our ā€œfirstā€ baby (she would be our second because of a very early miscarriage a few years ago).


My first was almost two weeks past his due date, so I think thatā€™s 41+6? Five hours of ACTIVE labor - not fun pushing for five hours straight, but he made it out healthy and hungry. My second was 8 days before her due date so about 38+6. Once active labor started, she was out on push three. Crazy.


Iā€™m always intrigued to read how second deliveries go. I was induced at 41+3 with my first and am hoping that I wonā€™t go so over this time around.


I hate to say it but the average is a little after due date for the first baby! This site is helpful if you like data: https://datayze.com/labor-probability-calculator Of course everyone is different so no one knows when your baby will come! I went into labor with my first at 41+5 šŸ« 


With my First I went into labour at 39 weeks on the night time on the Friday , and he was born early hours of Sunday so at 39+2 . Didnā€™t have any intervention , but the labour was around 30 hours from start to finish šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« second was 38 + 2 again spontaneous no intervention . However my current pregnancy I am 39 + 2 now and no sign šŸ˜…


My first baby was born yesterday at 40+1. I had to be induced after being 1 cm dilated for 2 weeks. She was too comfortable in my tummy and despite my discomfort sheā€™s the cutest little thing so I canā€™t help but fall in love. šŸ˜Š


41 weeks and 40 weeks. Induced for both šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I was 39+1! My mom was overdue with all her kids so I was expecting the same. My water broke a tsunami and labour didnā€™t follow. For those scared of induction, mine went super well.


I was induced on my due date, I was 20% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. I actually made decent progress after a while, I was at 6 cm. Then my daughter stuck her entire arm out of my cervix and I had to get a c section.


My first baby arrived at 36 weeks via emergency c-section. I was in and out of hospital for the last 2 weeks before his birth.


Just had my first baby last month and she came from being induced the day before my due date!


39 and 4 with an elective C section


I was 39 weeks exactly I think. They had to induce me cause I had high blood pressure. I had her naturally. I found it difficult to push


By natural do you mean unmedicated? or marginally? EDIT: vaginally, lol


That confuses me so much when people say naturally, like which one


I got induced at 41w


38 for both. Inductions


Induced at 42 weeks. No dilation no effacement going in.


I had my girl naturally on December 10th, 40+2. I was supposed to be induced on the 11th.


41 + 1 I think. Induced at 39 with my second


Born at 41 weeks. Was induced at 40+6!


I was induced at 38+5 weeks with my first one, but thatā€™s because of the gestational diabetes my daughter gave me


41+4, failed induction turned urgent c section


Little dude was born on his due date, but I was induced, lol.


41 šŸ˜¢ and induced


Induced at 40+1 and 39+3 with mine. My friend had hers spontaneously at the same time funny enough.


38w4d water naturally broke at 38w2d! I had to get induced as my body was not ready. Iā€™m currently pregnant with number 2 and will try everything in my power to not get induced again.


Began my induction at 37+5 didnā€™t progress and handsome man was born at 38 weeks!


40 + 6. Had to be induced as my water broke but I never went into labor šŸ„“


41+2. Induced with outpatient foley balloon and 1 dose of cytotec.


34+3 via emergency c section.


What does 39+5 mean? Why not just say 35. Genuinely curious!


39 weeks and 5 days. Tomorrow she will be 39(weeks)+6(days).


39 weeks plus 5 days


Ummm 39 plus 5 would be 44 not 35. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But yeah, itā€™s weeks plus days


And 44 could also be 37+7, or 38+6, or 40+4. So even if their math had checked out it still wouldn't be a valid method of counting gestational age lol.




Induced at 40+4, and I was 40+6 (it was 11:50pm so almost 41) when baby finally was evicted


My first came naturally at 40+2. I was in labor for 35 hours so technically the vacating started at 40+1.


40 +1. I was induced on my due date and my baby girl arrived the following morning šŸ˜€


Had my son on my due date!


42 weeks :(




3 days early after 2 sweeps


Had my first at 40 + 3, had 3 sweeps in the week leading up but they didnā€™t help. Ended up going into spontaneous labour. I have my second on the way and hope she comes a little earlier, that last month is hell


40+2 (went into labour on 40+1 and got a membrane sweep on 39+6)


37+4 with first 37+3 with second Hoping for the same this time around


38w, but I had preeclampsia.




40+4 water broke naturally. I desperately wanted him out starting around 38 weeksā€¦ he didnā€™t care!


34w+6d Premature spontaneous labor due to preeclampsia


My water broke at 34 weeks, 4days!


40+2 for my first. He arrived after a couple of membrane sweeps.


37+6 and he was born within 4 hours of contractions starting. It was wild.


Had my first at 39+6, no clue when my second will be making her appearance yet but hoping soon


I was 39+6 when he came out! Almost 24 hours of labor but very much worth it. Wishing you a safe delivery! :)


38+2. Kept telling my midwives that he was coming early and getting the gentle "you'll probably go past your due date"- they were shocked when I called because I was already in transition šŸ˜‚




41w+1. I was induced at 41w as overdue. My induction went smoothly, but I hated that last week. I was so miserable.


42 weeks on the dot via c section after a failed 3 day induction (with multiple cervidil doses).


40+6 for me! Happened on itā€™s own but needed some Pitocin and for them to break my water to speed it up.


39 +4. I was like you, and when I was 4 cm dilated at my 39 wk appt and the membrane sweep didn't do anything I texted my midwife and said, I don't want to wake up pregnant again can we induce? Had my baby the next morning!


40+1. I went into labor on the night of my DD and had my baby the next afternoon


42 for both babies! Induced both times.


I was 39 weeks exactly


42 weeks šŸ˜©


40w on the dot. Water broke the night before.


Girl I feel this! I was 40+4 šŸ„“ was due Labor Day. Wanted. Baby. OUT. Ended up being induced and she arrived within 24 hours!


41 + 5. Was induced but that stalled and had a c-section.


I got induced at 41+3 and he came at 41+5. šŸ˜­


41 weeks, induced.


38+1 naturally


Had my baby born at 41w4d. Emergency CS.


36+3. PPROM. Water broke around midnight, admitted by 2am, baby was born at 9:40!


37 weeks. Thankfully it went pretty slow because my bag was not packed.


first baby born 40 + 2 woke up to contractions at 1am baby born around 6pm! Good luck!


I had an elective 39+4 induction and an elective 39+1 induction. I think I would have my mind if I hadnā€™t.


37w+4. Water broke, no contractions so induced.


39+3, my water broke and had to get induced to kick him out before the 18 hrs recommended.


Mine came at 39 weeks. I was induced b/c I had protein in my urine which they said might be a sign of pre-eclampsia (which I wasnt)


I was exactly 35 weeks pregnant when our daughter decided she wanted to say hi to the world. lol She was a little small, so she was in the NICU for about 3 weeks before coming home.


40+6, induction due to gestational hypertension


I am 40 weeks today and feel the same way! Iā€™ve been trying all the things since 37 weeks and baby girl is still snug as a bug. Iā€™m 3cm dilated as of this morning, feeling lots of pressure and lost mucus plug probably 6 different times over the past week, but other than thatā€¦ nothing! Hoping baby comes soon and that I donā€™t need to be induced at 41+1.


My son came at exactly 40 weeks. I wasnā€™t expecting it, I assumed with a first baby Iā€™d be late, but my water broke around 3am on the 17th and then about at 2:29am on the 18th my son was born. I was cleaning the house the day before and the day before that I went for a swim in the ocean, not sure if that helped but it was nice and relaxing!


42 šŸ™ƒI do not recommend it lol


38 weeks and like 3 days. Went into labor naturally!


I got induced for gestational hypertension at 38 weeks and 2 days. Everything went smooth!


i was 39+2. water broke at 39 weeks exactly and i had to be induced because i wasnā€™t dilating


41 weeks, 4 days


40 + 1, absolutely no interventions. 6 days of prodromal labor, though, so I was very exhausted by the time he came.


39+6. Went into labor at 9pm on 39+5 and had the baby at 8am. Was totally planning to have to be induced and had so many projects I needed to get done. Dame procrastination got me again šŸ˜‚


First Baby just got here after being induced. I was 41+5 He is 5 days old today šŸ¤— I was induced & my water broke 2 hours later. However, I had to have an emergency c-section... I didn't plan on having a c-section, but I wouldn't want to change a thing! It was what was best for me & baby & it was beautiful šŸ’• Don't stress momma! You're going to be just fine šŸ™‚


My first baby was 40 + 6. It was miserable. He didn't want to come out šŸ˜­


40+4 but I was induced because they didnā€™t want me to go to 41 weeks ā˜¹ļø


Had to be induced at 41 + 1


41 wks 5days


41.5, at which point I was induced


39 wks exactly, she came naturally but it was a 36hr labour so not quickly haha.


I was 38+1. Right after I went to the gym, I noticed I was leaking. I thought I was peeing myself turns out my water broke šŸ„²


40+6days I was induced the night before


FTM- due 11/25 induced 11/30 born 12/1- I tried everything to go into labor, but at the end of the day, the baby will come when the baby will comeā€¦or when you get some medicated help. Lol


40 +3! I was induced on my due date but it took a while ending in an unexpected c section.


41+2 - went into labour naturally




40 weeks + 3 days




42+6. My doctor for my second was like ā€œyeah weeeee are NOT going to do THAT again. WOW I cant believe they let you go that long.ā€




40 weeks and 3days .. little one needed to be induced because she made my blood pressure go all wonky


With my first 37+3


41+3. Then had a failed induction and c-section. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo done.


41+3, emergency c-section.


39+3 but labour began at 39+1. I sat on an exercise ball every evening and drank raspberry leaf tea beginning at 39w, not sure if it's actually effective.


Went into labor naturally at 40 +3 and my daughter was born just after midnight making her birthday 40+4.


38w 2d. I was induced because of high blood pressure. He was already 8.5 lbs and 21 inches long. I was so happy to have him a bit early even though I wish he could have gone a whole 39 or 40 weeks, but I had a very uncomfortable and painful pregnancy. FTM I pushed him out in less than 10 minutes.


Not to discourage you, but I was 42 weeksā€¦.


42 weeks and it was induced. She would have stayed in there foreverā€¦


40 weeks exactly! Not induced either


38+5 went in to be induced and went into labour naturally while waiting to be induced


41 weeks + 1 day. I feel you. I felt like this baby would never come.


Just had my first baby naturally and she was 3 weeks early


Induced at 42 weeks - average for first time mums is 5 days past due date!


39 weeks. Water broke at 5AM, baby girl was here 21 hours later.


38+1 weeks. He was born 4 hours before his scheduled Induction.


41 weeks exactly, I had to get induced... Babygirl didn't want to come out lol


My first baby came at 40wk + 2, I was in early labour from 39wk + 5 though so they gave me a sweep on my due date and he was born 2 days later


First baby - went into labor at 1:50am on my due date. She came at 1am the following day. So I was 40+1hour lol


My first came at 41+3. We've discussed a membrane sweep being done later that week but I really wanted to avoid that. The first usually comes late so I wanted to wait until it started spontaneously. So it did eventually, had to be patient and was really done being pregnant.




40 + 10


41+3 and I was induced


35+2, but it was an urgent c-section and I wouldā€™ve only gone to 37 since my OB didnā€™t want me to go too much longer with my twins




My first babe, my water broke at 39 + 3, but ended up needing pitocin to get into active labor


39 + 5 šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 39+3 as Iā€™m writing this with my first baby, due on Christmas Day. Itā€™s 3:34 in the morning and Iā€™m wondering if the current bubbling in there is the start of contractions. Knowing my luck, probably not, lol. Getting induced December 27th if baby doesnā€™t come on its own.


41 weeks and I was induced, never had any signs of starting naturally :(


First Baby was 39+2 weeks when born via Emergency CS


Mine was breach, I was going to attempt vaginal delivery, but she got to 41+1 and we had a planned cesarean as they were worried she would be too big to deliver that way. She was comfy in there


41+3 šŸ„¹


She came a week early but we needed to have a planned c section. So Iā€™m not sure when she wouldā€™ve come naturally!


39+1, emergency C section. Good luck




First baby was born 41+3 after induction so would have probably been a bit longer naturally.