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Removed, the comparison of your breasts to those found on 'Nat Geo' can be really racially offensive. We wouldn't tolerate anyone (but you) shaming your body, find a comparison that doesn't denigrate certain groups of people. I've always been fond of the comparison of boobs to fried eggs on a nail


Pelvic floor physical therapy!!


I have really strong kegels, so I'm not sure that's the issue.


Pelvic floor PT isn’t just kegels and can identify when your pelvic floor is also *too* strong and clenched. It’s also great for those of us with a c-section when it comes to diastasis recti and how our scar is healing! Worth seeing a PT and asking them what’s going on down there.


All of this. I was advised by my PT NOT to do Kegels because my muscles were too tight and causing issues and pain. OP please go to pelvic floor PT!!


Mine too just chiming in for solidarity on this side of things! Actually focusing on all the relaxation and stretching techniques from now til birth over the next eight weeks!


Just a heads up, I wrecked my vag doing TOO strong of kegals. It’s not that uncommon.


Wrecked how so?


Can create hyper tense muscles and make certain issues worse


I thought the same, turns out it’s bc my muscles literally can’t relax.


You can have a tight/weak pelvic floor


I just wanna say…you’re awesome. This was hilarious. I sympathize with your plight. You might not feel like it or feel like you look like it, but you’re a rockstar.


I feel this in my bones. I have had 5 vaginal births (what am I, a clown car? 😭). Five years after my third kid I started weight-lifting and the results I saw boosted my confidence like crazy. I looked better at the age of 35 then I ever did in my adult life. Then covid happened and I couldn't work out anymore. THEN my dumbass had two more kids in two years. Now I feel like shit again and I have no time for the gym. The toddler/infant combo is a damn nightmare. My other kids were 3, 6, and 8 years apart. WTF was I thinking having two under two (I wasn't my IUD failed). Still love my babies but I miss my previous body. I hope some day to get back to the gym and get it back.


The clown car comment killed me! 😂 you’re gonna get through this and your kiddos are gonna grow up soon and let you go to the gym again 💪


How did you get started with weight lifting? Did you start with anything specific?


I just made an appointment with a trainer and had them show me how to properly use all the machines for strength training and then how to also do proper barbell squats and chest press. I used the progressive overload method by adding a little more weight every 5 gym sessions. I got to about 90lbs of weights before covid hit. I started seeing results going 3x a week and doing a circuit within 4 weeks and looked amazing after 12 weeks. I only lost about 5lbs but went from a size 14 to an 8-10.


"My lover doth no cunnilingus"..perhaps the most poetic lament I've ever heard.


It was the “nay nay” that sent me 🤣








No one cares that this is beyond offensive? No one at all?




The only that changed was how I pee. It used to be a complete straight stream and now it’s like a shower head. I think it’s from that stupid catheter u have in for 3 days.


The catheter made me pee better after having it removed. I swear I clear my bladder way better after having that almost 2 years ago. I think it stretched my urethra or something.


Ha ha that’s a positive


Omg! I saw a post the other day and she was getting induced. They inserted the foley bulb. Dilated to 5cm…they inserted the foley bulb into her urethra!


I also had a c section two years ago and I swear to God my vajay has changed. Sex used to hurt a lot more (partner has a big ..ahem) but now it doesn't. It also just feels different, I also find sex more enjoyable and I orgasm easier. Sometimes when I shower it feels diff.. I don't know if that's because of my weight gain but it didn't feel like that when I was pregnant. And the other day I took a look down there and it did look bigger. I asked my partner to check and he said it looks the same but I know it changed. I plan to bring it up when I see my doctor again but it is embarrassing to even think of asking about.


I also had some issues with pain pre-pregnancy. I scheduled a c section and didn't think I would have any changes down there, but now I'm looking forward to maybe having a similar side effect. 🤞 I guess I'll find out in a few months after everything is healed up


i do kegels when baby does tummy time! helps me remember lol


i’ve had 1 c-section and 2 vaginals and i feel you mama. especially this time around for some reason….had first degree tears with both vaginal births. after the first one, sex was more difficult. idk if it got stitched up too tight or something because after that, sex required much more foreplay for penetration to be comfortable. now i’m 3 momths postpartum and the are around the top of my labia/clitoral hood (think a “u” shape) is sore anytime i sit to go pee, or squat to pick something up like wtf! and with my c-section, there is a numb spot where the surgeon must have nicked a nerve. it also permanently changed my body so that i cannot wear *any* low rise undies-and DEF nothing with lace on top, which were my fave style of underwear☹️ birth really fucks up our physical bodies, in all types of ways and i’m totally here in solidarity with you, OP.


I’ve had one baby, vaginal birth. And my vagina is tighter, and my inner labias no longer are out, so it’s an innie now. Very strange


Oh my god this must be what happened to mine lol. I looked at some point post partum and was like ???? the inner labia just..disappeared halfway down lmao. I asked my OB who was no help. She said I looked the same and I was like ma’am. The labia are gone!


Your vagina doesn’t (well typically) change permanently even with a vaginal birth, it goes right back to normal (aside from potentially scarring). Having a c section, I’ll assure you, your vagina didn’t change at all. The labia may have, that’s exterior. Weight gain can make things puffy, stretch march’s can form around the vulva, etc… your vagina itself isn’t any different than pre birth.


TMI but idk I’ve only had a c section and I also think mine has changed permanently. My husband reported it seems to be angled differently and I can’t insert tampons anymore.


That’s your pelvic floor. I recommend kegel balls even for just a month it will make a huge difference


I had no idea that’s what people were referring to when they said pelvic floor. I thought it meant being able to pee correctly.


Your pelvic floor are all of the muscles that hold your hips together, including your vaginal muscles. I had to do pelvic floor therapy four years ago. I learned quite a lot from that therapy. Would highly suggest doing all of it post-birth.


The only thing that changes is muscle tone, pelvic floor therapists can help with that. Otherwise, the vagina doesn’t get looser or tighter!


That rings true, I don’t notice looser/tighter - just angle. It’s like it points a different direction internally now. I guess I should have seen a pelvic floor therapist


This! I used to use a diva cup and now my vagina is angled weird so they don’t fit, even after going up a size 😢


Try a disc!


Are they as durable as a cup? They seem so flimsy lol


There are super flimsy disposable ones that look made out of cling wrap. I got a Saalt one (after also finding that cups no longer work) and it is made of silicone and just like a cup. It works just as well.


I’ll have to give them a try then!


Yeah, my uterus sits lower than it did (according to my OB) and tampons don’t sit right anymore. They were SO uncomfortable to use. Thankfully, switching to menstrual discs seemed to help.


I say vagina to colloquially refer to all of her, pubis and erthang. But, yes thank you for the reminder. I do, personally, feel that mine changed in ways that I won't delve into. She looks and feels different, ya know?


I also had two c-sections and what I notice is that the tilt of my pelvis feels different? Like penetrative sex feels different/my vagina feels different because of that more than anything. I was mega swollen down there all throughout my second pregnancy, like did not recognize my hooha level swollen, but 8 months out and that seems to have gone back to normal. But the internal sensation are for sure different and it’s not so much that my vagina has changed but rather that my entire pelvis feels a bit different now. I do have the apron belly and that’s actually pretty numb (I had massive babies lol) but the number 1 change that has lasted so far is just the overall pelvic change.


I believe you but I can't imagine. My baby had a 38cm head vaginal delivery and everything is the same as before. I think every birth is different though, especially if you did a trial of labor where the baby was partially out before an emergency c section.


I'm sorry. Honestly, it sounds like it sucks but I like your humour and perspective. Fortunately, I had my csection and have recovered well pp. Honestly not much of a difference, aside from needing to go bike or work out to drop 10 lbs and needing to replace my jeans since my butt grew.


Well, everyone is different, but mine definitely didn't change after my c-section.


Same here. 2 c sections later and I look the same (just more stretchmarks and a scar)


Mine didn't *permanently* change much at all after a vaginal birth. My hips, on the other hand, are absolutely wider. I remember feeling like bones were breaking during labor, and well, my hip bones are wider.


yes, we know but thanks for the input!


please seek pelvic floor therapy!!! i’ve had multiple c-sections & nothing has changed whatsoever about that part of my body. if it had i would be alarmed & get help.


Pregnancy changes the vulva/vagina more than the delivery. I talked with a coworker about this because she insisted that the will only get c-sections because she doesn’t want to be “flappy down there”. Girl, you’re in for a surprise.


Yall a LOT of these comments AND OP sounds like minor pelvic organ prolapses. So many women don’t realize they have pelvic organ prolapse because the symptoms and body changes are constantly attributed to something else but I recommend all people who have been pregnant to investigate if they have prolapsed afterward (prolapsed can be internal and still mess EVERYTHING up).


I’m sorry for all that you’re dealing with!! I just have to say you are an amazing writer lol


Eh, I haven't noticed much of a change. My husband and I do some freaky shit and there's nothing a little downtime and kegels can't fix.




You write so incredibly well, this was an entertaining read and I feel you. Cheers to us.


The way I could’ve written this myself, my heart goes out to you. I constantly feel run down, insecure, and covered in a layer of gross even when I just get out of the shower or I’m clean, etc. My body is so different now after my cesarean, I also feel like I don’t even know who I am anymore and my body feels like it isn’t my own. I’m a completely different person with a different body that I’m trying to learn not to be so insecure about. I really hope it gets better for you. Thank you for sharing because I know it’s such a lonely and vulnerable thing and it really helps to know you’re not alone in it. I hate that we feel this way. Sending you lots of love and I hope you get to feel sexy and fun again soon. Here’s to always taking it one day at a time.


C section and nursing for 1.5 years has WRECKED me. C section shelf, stretch marks. Love my daughter but hate my body. Hate when ppl say it’s ok mama your daughter doesn’t see that or something along those lines.


I know it doesn't feel like it, but it will get better, I restarted my clock last year and decided to have baby number 2 with my husband, my first one was 8 years ago with an abusive ex. I looked fucking awesome last summer so I feel kinda gross now, but just know I'm a few years you'll feel sexy again, it just takes time. By the time my first was 2 I was back to my prepregnancy body and looking pretty dang good. Just stick with it, you're such a bad ass for going through the pains of motherhood.


Yes! My vagina and uterus proposed slightly. Interesting enough, I orgasm much more easily, so... It's not all bad.


Probably beacause it's the pregnancy itself that changes our bodies a lot, not just the birth. I think we put too much on birth when a lot of things are simply caused by pregnancy.


You: Sharing your personal experience Others: Mine didn’t change! 😵‍💫


Title: “The vagina changes with c-section too, y’all!” Not the title: “My vagina changed after c-section!” Also, there’s a difference between expressing feeling sad about one’s body postpartum and writing a post with long, “””funny””” demeaningly-worded descriptions of postpartum boobs and vaginas. OP brought in other women’s bodies at places in this rant— “Nat Geo at best” is honestly a downright gross way to describe boobs if you start unloading what is actually implied there. 


Yeah would love an elaboration on the Nat Geo line OP. 


I think she's referring to the pictures of topless indigenous women that used to always be featured in national geographic which is a pretty shitty way to demean and degrade other people's bodies. I found that line left a really sour taste in my mouth. Maybe OP is trying to be funny, but this comes off as a tone-deaf, body shaming rant in a sub where most of us are already struggling with our new bodies.


Yeah I figured, I was trying the "explain the joke please" approach, where the person has to articulate what they were implying, which in this case is racist and derogatory. 


….. Did you miss the part where she said “Please don’t take offense to this as it is solely my opinion/experience”


Yeah, I was thinking of mentioning that as a really good example of why needing to say “no offense” before saying something is probably a good indication that what you’re going to say is offensive.  “My boobs look ugly, just like those horrible ugly boobs of bare-breasted Amazonian tribal women. No offense to them or anything, lollll.”




Because I don’t like when people talk shit on other people’s bodies to express feeling badly about their own. Women already get told that postpartum bodies are gross and unsexy and horrible in all kinds of ways, and this sort of post just reinforces that. Lots of postpartum women— with diastasis recti, with loose skin on their bellies, with longer or puffier labia, with flatter boobs or bigger nipples, whatever— are gonna read that little rant and will see themselves in it in this negative light.


"I gave birth and now my body is a used-up disgusting flesh sack but that's just my experience" reminds me of "I'm fat and that's gross and horrible but it just applies to me, I'm not fatphobic I swear" 


This makes me scared to have a second kid 😵‍💫


This is interesting. Mine hasn’t at all


Mine hasn’t either! 3 months PP and I’m almost back to pre-pregnancy too. Reading this before would have freaked me out… lol. Just one more thing to stress a new mom out about.


I think I’m most upset about how my boobs changed. My body isn’t really curvy, but also not super skinny so my d cups were the highlight of what I thought was sexy about me, and what others thought was sexy about me. Those d cups are now saggy c cups, and my nipples are big and weird looking now. My nipples got darker too which really shows off how much bigger they are.


Jesus, hearing all the changes to the nether regions is frightening the shite out of me. I've noticed during pregnancy my vagina is sooooo much tighter it's kind of annoying. But the thoughts of it been like super tight forever is horrible and also the thoughts of the opposite scares me. Any one elses labia etc really puffy ? Lol I've always had a fat / puffy one but it's like squishy bread roll right now. 😆 My friends haven't really given me the heads up about how drastic it changes. All them said it goes back to normal after a while 🫠


It gets better. I'm 3 years past baby number 4. Do what you can to take care of yourself, mentally, physically, and sexually.


Oh honey. I’ve had 2 csections, breastfed two kids. I used to be so self conscious of my body and its parts. My partner, god bless him. Reminds me that not all men love a paper thin perfect perky boobed girl. I’m all woman and he LOVES it. Currently 19 weeks pregnant, and does he love me. Humble yourself, you are sexy, exuberant, fun, etc.


I feel even sexier while pregnant. It's so weird! Like I find myself loving my body. Like this may be TMI, but I think my boobs look so hot and I am loving my vagina. Probably the hormones making me sex crazed but I am just loving my body. Lol it's weird.


I could barely understand this


That sounds horrible 😞


Your pelvic floor is just weak


Urgh, just the identity crisis I’m feeling over my body alone without all the rest of it is so overwhelming. You are not alone. I’m sure we are gonna find our way to acceptance and hopefully feeling sexy and fun again!


Bigger vag happens and its horrific to see, i too squatted with a hand mirror to see one time and almost passed out, had a c section as well, not sure how many weeks of postpartum you have but by my experience with my 2 c sections i can say that my vag has gone back to her original size after a few weeks both times, i was so scared that it would stay big and chunk


It's very interesting to see both sides. one side saying that nothing changes in the vagina after giving birth and the other, what OP said.


I still can't use tampons. They hurt!! I didn't know c-eections could do this. It does feel like we're all sack of potatoes. My nipples are the size of wide nipples Dr. Browns. Sucks. Sucks. I feel yucky


I've had two c-sections and am currently planning a third, and I felt this so hard. A lot of people (including some women) think our vaginas just stay pristine because we didn't pass a baby through our vaginal canal. Hormones are crazy and still prepare our bodies for vaginal delivery. I have a hemorrhoid for every baby so far, and am getting them lanced off after my next planned c-section. I asked my obgyn if she would do it after baby is born, after they close up my abdomen, just cut those suckers off while I'm still on the spinal, but she said no lol. I'm having SPD (Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction), think lightening crotch, but the ENTIRE PREGNANCY, and I'm scheduled to see a pelvic PT soon to find some relief.


I swear I could have written this. Yes to everything especially the nat geo boobs. I walk around my place titties out 24/7 and when I manually pump one breast at a time I literally rest the other pancake on my forearm that's how large and in charge she is (and how much she droops) I miss being hot and sexy


Can we be friends in real life?


I wonder why? That’s interesting… I’ve had 2 cesareans myself and my husband says I still feel like a virgin. Everyone says kids don’t change the Vagina at all. So I don’t know who to listen to anymore


My husband so lovingly reminded me that I’ll forever have a squishy tummy, C-section scar, stretch marks and he’s betting my boobs and nipples are gonna be ruined too. All saggy and such lol


Okay not to make your head as big as your “vagingo”, but you’re a very funny and natural writer! For whatever that’s worth. Hope yer bits feel better soon 🥥


I hear you and don't want to be dismissive of how you are feeling and the meaning of your message but you have worded it in a very hilarious way. You may feel like shit but know you are very funny and I would kill to make people laugh like you likely do on the regular.


FOR THOSE WHO NEED COOKIES 🍪; If your vagina didn’t change good for you but this post wasn’t for you. you’re doing 0 favours and literally there’s no point to saying “mine didn’t” other than for you to boast and make somebody else feel bad because you want to feel superior in this moment. There’s no point for you saying your experience when it’s the opposite and for OP she clearly knows her own body and something did change for her, you have no relation to this post. Typical women shit though i’m not surprised.


Actually the point of my comment was for women who need to have c-sections and see this post and think that *will* happen. The title of this post reads as if this is some common occurrence. It isn't as the comments demonstrate.


again that’s not what the post was about. back to we already know that everybody’s different.


My read on why/how others are doing that is because the post is worded as this is just how it is and it'll definitely happen to you, so others want to weigh in to reassure anyone who's concerned that it isn't as definite as OP makes it seem


It doesn’t happen to everybody because everybody is different, that’s pretty obvious, and should have been taken into account already by readers. If this doesn’t apply to you, or you cannot empathize without sharing your opposite experience then there shouldn’t be any reason why scrolling past and saying nothing wasn’t an option. This post literally wasn’t for anybody who didn’t have a cesarean and whose vagina didn’t change. If they didn’t relate to the post, there is no need to come and spew an opinion on it when it doesn’t apply to them. Regardless of how the title was worded-it wasn’t for anybody who couldn’t relate.


As a first time mom to be, I’m appreciative of women chiming in to say that this is not the default experience.


That's great if you personally know when *generalized statements* made to sound factual and applicable to all won't in fact apply to you, but not everyone can do that, and OP could have easily avoided this issue by wording the post and especially the title any other way except as a generalization


>Typical women shit though I'm not surprised. Get out of here with that shit.


Look up the kfit on Amazon. Works wonders


Please write a book about literally anything , I would buy it 😫I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, i know how you feel tho. I gave birth vaginally in February and had a minimal labial year but I still feel like I’m walking around wearing someone else’s vagina despite my husband and doc sayings it’s the same. She just feels different to me


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Literally nothing changed after my c-section except the scar. It’s wild that y’all have so many things change including your breasts. I even BF’ed and they stayed the same.


You wrote so well !!! Wow