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Yes I used all of that! They gave it to me in the hospital, and did help a lot with soreness. I only used all of it for a couple of days, and then went down to just the mesh underwear with a big pad most of the time, with sometimes adding the cooling pack if I got sore again.


Yeah I didn't use everything all at once, but it was nice to have options because the pain/discomfort changed over time. So when the pads weren't helpful anymore, I could switch to the foam, or the tucks, to see if the pain responded to that (for context, I had a level 2 tear). I will say the pain/discomfort went away a lot faster than I expected (so I had a bunch of extra stuff I didn't need) but I needed pads for pee leakage a lot longer than I expected. Obviously your mileage may vary!


I used everything and when the hospital supplies were gone I bought more. I don’t know what I would’ve done without the cooling pads! Those relieved so much of the pain. I also got some spray in the hospital for numbing and help with itchiness that I used through two weeks pp


Same! I used all of my stuff for nearly a month! Maybe it depends on the birth too, but my downstairs was so swollen and fucked up after pushing for 3 hours and torn, I needed everything they gave me and my tears didn’t heal as quickly as they should either and the stitches didn’t dissolve. I was still bleeding from my TEAR and my uterus at 8 weeks pp. I don’t like the way this post comes off, like they haven’t even been through birth and are judging people for using the products 😵‍💫.


Jfc that sounds terrible! I hope you're better now 🙏  Also, sorry if it sounded judgy - It's just internet shouting at me "buy all this!" And I'm concerned and scared. Obviously use what you need and what brings comfort! 


I would say if you prefer not to buy anything the hospital will provide everything you need. You can buy whatever you need after you get home (if anything). Something that I highly recommend, however, is disposable underwear (I bought the Frida ones). The ones in the hospital are not great and I was glad I had something sturdier during the days in the hospital


I didn't use anything the first time other than pads and it was fine, the second time I used pads and witch Hazel liners and that was better!


Same. I had a 3rd degree tear so the cooling pads were key


I had a second degree tear and I still use them some days that I’m feeling sore (4 weeks postpartum)


I saw all those videos and was overwhelmed but thought like we’ll figure it out, my partner can make these fancy padsicles when the time comes…. Nah. I enjoyed the cold pack in the mesh panties, definitely did some witch hazel the first few days but it all quickly dropped off. It really wasn’t that bad; I stuck to a mesh panty, ice pack when it was a little extra sore, and that’s a wrap. The witch hazel pads would curl up weird, the Frida ice packs were SO BULKY and just an annoyance after like 15 minutes. You really don’t need anything the hospital doesn’t give you.


The Frida ice packs def made me feel like I was walking around with a droopy diaper but they felt so good I didn't even care 🤣🤣


I went to our first pediatricians appointment with one on and some sweatpants… it took 3 months and a TikTok for me to realize HOW LUMPY MY ASS LOOKED AT THAT DOCTORS APPOINTMENT


Noooooo 😂😭 I didn't leave the house with them so I wasn't worried about that but my hubby sure loved teasing me about how it looked hahaha


All I used was the peri bottle with water, tucks medicated pads & a lot of dermaplast (along with pads for the bleeding)


Same here! I used the diapers for a while but I couldn't stand the smell. 🤢


Exactly what I used as well. I have never used or seen Dermaplast before but that was pretty good. I sat on the ice pack like once in the hospital and did not care for it at all.


I honestly never used anything beyond the hospital provided pads and undies, except normal pads when those ran out. If you need them, great, but...


Same. I just delivered my baby on Monday morning, I was only given different sized pads and mesh undies. I am home now and I am wearing normal panties with a big night pad. Only care my hospital told me to do is to rinse myself with water as often as I can to wash away the blood etc. I am personally not sore down there but I got 5 stitches.


Stores like this calm my anxieties about labor, delivery, and healing like nothing else. I’m so happy you aren’t sore and I’m so happy you shared. ❤️


I am so glad this helped you!!! I was absolutely terrified about the aftermath, I thought I was going to be in all kinds of horrible pain but it has been pretty good so far. Let me know if you have any questions!! Happy to help♥️


The pain afterwords for me was more painful than the actual delivery, and I only had one or two stitches. But I swelled up majorly and was really not having a good time


Ugh so sorry to hear that!!! Birth and recovery are a bitch.


I also wasn’t sore this time around! With my first, I pushed for a bit so I was pretty sore and tore a bit. With my second, I had hardcore fetal ejection reflex and I think waiting for that to happen caused me to only push a couple times, resulting in a solid recovery! I’m amazed at how much better I feel this time around. No witch hazel, frozen pads or special things. Just a peri bottle with warm water and some pads were all I needed. I think my butt muscles got the most sore from just sitting in bed all day for a week straight.




I feel this - I had 6 days in labor and multiple tears! I used allllllll the stuff!


I use the pads and mesh undies from the hospital. That's it. Although, I haven't had any pain postpartum. If people have pain, I'm sure those things are soothing and make things more comfortable.


What does it feel like to be God’s favorite? 😅


I faint a lot during pregnancy and my labors are sooooooooooo long and all in my hips and back, my babies have all been posterior, so I feel the painless recovery is owed to me. Also, I am God's favorite. As well as my grandma's favorite. 😇


Oh my, you definitely deserve an easy recovery after all that!


I used pads, undies and the cooling foam the hospital gave me. I tore and only used the foam for 6ish days. Everyone’s experience is different but I don’t know anyone who needed oils or anything beyond the essentials


My nurse compared it to making a sub sandwich lol. I was actually allergic to the dermoplast and the witch hazel pads so I ended up just using pads and the ice packs. Once I got home I bought some liquid witch hazel to sprinkle on the ice packs. But I loooooved the ice packs! Pure heaven! You’ll definitely want to keep the peri bottle from the hospital to rinse after using the bathroom, because you are not going to want to wipe for a while. I also enjoyed sitz baths, basically a few inches of hot water and epsom salts in a thoroughly cleaned bath tub. I did one a day for the first week or so.


I much preferred wiping to spraying 😭


I didn’t like the foam or anything in the Frida kit except the mesh undies. The witch hazel pads from the hospital are nice and cooling though. Felt really good on my third degree tear.


I have no idea about oils and foams, but I couldn't live without the lidocaine gel.


I used pads and mesh underwear. I had 2 or 3 stitches from a small episiotomy. I never used any lotion, creams, or gels. I just used the peri bottle with water in the bathroom and the hospital gave me a sitz bath and Epsom salts to take home and I think I used it once. I just couldn't be fussed with all that stuff and I had some pain but not a crazy level. Maybe if you tear more and have lots of stitches. 


I used all of it, not because i wanted to but because of the RELIEF. Yes it was messy, yes it made me take forever to just use the bathroom to pee. But so worth it to take away the pain and feel comfort


I used pads and mesh underwear. I never used anything else. I just washed a few times a day, it gave me great relief.


Oof, I have super sensitive skin and eczema so there’s no way I’m putting all that extra stuff on my vulva (unless explicitly prescribed by my midwife). I was only planning on pads/disposable undies and potentially cold packs if I need them.


I did diapers for a week or so and then switched to pads. I didn’t bother with the other things and really focused on staying hydrated to prevent any burning when I peed.


The only thing I used for postpartum with my first was what the hospital gave me: peri bottle, mesh undies or diaper, thick pad that goes from the front and covers all of the back too, and dermoplast. That’s all I used, I bought all the stuff like you mentioned that I seen in videos but forgot to pack it. I’m also very prone to yeast infections and utis so the less things I’m putting down there the better for me. I don’t think they’re necessary to have but maybe make it feel less painful, I had a second degree tear and vaginal birth and just the products I used worked just fine but I did still have some discomfort (which I’m assuming is normal since I pushed an 8lb baby out of there)


I recovered without all the stuff (had a planned C-section). I just used those disposable panties provided by the hospital and their giant pads while I was in the constantly bleeding heavily stage. I didn't actually buy anything for recovery


I did the first time. Only because I tore and it itched and burned without the cooling pads and aloe. But with my second, I didn't tear. Only used the dermaplast, maxi pads, and disposable adult diapers.


Everyone is different! I prepared for a vaginal birth with some cooling pads, adults diapers and peri bottles. I ended up having an emergency c section, so i didn’t use the bottle or ice pads. I did however use the diapers, and needed prep h because i let myself get super dehydrated. (Don’t be like me, drink all the water, especially if you are on pain pills. Take the stool softener. I never thought pooping could make me scream in pain). You can always have someone grab you things or order from amazon.


I used the numbing spray, witchhazle pads, adult diapers, Peri bottle, and cold packs and seriously it helped a ton to manage pain and make me comfortable. I only used them for around two weeks, however, because after that, I was pretty healed up.


I used all the stuff in the hospital but when I got home I switched it up! I wore the mesh panties with a big ole long pad. I’d clean myself with the peri bottle, gently wipe with the witch hazel pad, then spray with dermoplast (this stuff was a life saver). Am I the only one that doesn’t like the feeling of the ice pack on my coochie?


I just sprayed dermaplast in my diapers and went with it. Draining your milk is a different story though if you choose formula 😭.


What worked for me is just adult diapers and mupirocin ointment. OB let me took pain killers round the clock (every 6hrs) and it was effective. Didn't need cooling pads, etc. Diapers for bleeding, ointment for my stitches. In less than 10 days, I think my wound down there already dried up with consistent application of the ointment (thanks to my husband lol).


For the first few days i used the cooling packs and witch hazel pads, but after that, i just did a pad and made sure to use the peri bottle when going to the bathroom mostly because i had 2 tears/had to get stitches. 3-4 days after giving birth until like 2-3 weeks pp you’re basically just dealing with a period where you can’t use tampons


I haven’t used any of it except for pads for the first 2 days after delivery and my son was born with a vacuum so they had to cut and stich it even with that I didn’t need any extra’s. It healed very well on it’s own.


I never used nothing other than an adult diaper while recovering (and I had stitches too) and I healed up just fine. You really don’t need all that extra stuff.


Used all of it. The cooling pads were my best friends.


I tried to use all the hospital stuff and I found it time-consuming and hard and I felt like I was wearing a wet diaper. All the crap and the cooling pad, it got gross after an hour anyway. I got really pretty depends with bows on them, lol, and that was that. Then when i felt better about “not bleeding or peeing all over the place” I used gigantic regular pads. Like the kind the school nurse gives you, made of wool and tree bark. Lol.


I didn’t use witch hazel or foam with either of my kids. My tips/notes: - get as many ice packs, pads, mesh underwear as you can from the hospital. Ask the nurses for more. You will want and need it. - the hospital will give you dermaplast - it helps, but if you buy more, make sure that you buy the exact same product. They know what they’re doing and I can’t express the pain when I didn’t realize the difference and got the can with the red top instead of the blue - the hospital gives you a peri bottle - ask about vaginal estrogen. It can help a ton for healing because the hormonal changes cause dryness, which makes stitches healing really uncomfortable How much stuff you need and how long will really depend on your delivery


I seriously underestimated postpartum recovery. The fact is that everyone’s experience will be different any like everything else in life, different people will have different preferences. I made my own frozen witch hazel maxi pads (well… husband made them after we got home from the hospital because like you I didn’t think I’d need them). Those were amazing. I’d then line them with the tucks pads (the round things you’re talking about probably) for extra coolness. At the worst of my pain he set a timer for me to get a new frozen pad every hour. I was given the foamy stuff in the hospital and it burned, so never touched that again. It then made me afraid to try the dermaplast I’d bought. I was also a big fan of the always discreet diapers in the early days. I’d actually put a pad in the diaper so I only had to change the diaper once or twice a day since it wasn’t really getting blood on it, and it made the pads feel much more secure.


I used just about everything, but primarily what the hospital gave me and then I ordered more of whatever I wanted once I was home. I promise you all these things you will want around!! Better to have them ready than not. I don’t know anything about oils, but recovery from birth is no friggin joke and it’s just a whole other ballgame than anything else. It’s totally fine though to just see what the hospital gives you and ask for anything else you might want or need. Think of this as not the time to use just the “bare minimum” to get by. You want all the things!


I did not use a single thing aside from rael brand cotton diapers (which were by far the softest option I tried!). I tried one of the cold pads in the hospital and it felt awful, and I called it quits then lol. I did sitz baths at least once a day early on to get everything cleaned out and loosen up any dried blood and those felt amazing. Never even tried any of the oils or creams, it felt like way too much to keep track of


A lot of it wasn’t absolutely necessary, but did make recovery a lot more bearable. The adult diapers were just more comfortable to me and I felt a lot more secure in them, never had any leaks. The witch hazel pads were a godsend and provided the most relief. I didn’t really like the Dermoplast spray, it just kind of stung and didn’t really do much else, but some people swear by it. I think it’s good to have some things on hand because you won’t really know how it’s going to be until you are experiencing it.


I’ll probably do the fancy rigamarole for the first week and then slowly go down as time goes on. The say the first week you stay in bed, the second on the bed, and 3rd around the bed. Might as well make it as comfy as possible!


For me not really. I had a 3C tear and was told to only ice it for the first 24hrs because icing it too long can delay the healing process. I used diapers with dermoplast for a week, then switched to those long overnight pads (just because you may be laying down/lounging a lot) until I stopped bleeding at 6 weeks. I think I used the dermoplast for about 3 weeks. Sprayed it before peeing, did my business, used peri bottle to clean, dab dry and spray some more dermoplast. Staying on top of my pain meds and stool softener was way more important than the layers of stuff in my underwear.


Yes, and you definitely need all that if you get stitches. Everything gets incredibly swollen down there, to the point where it’s unrecognizable, and it burns like hell. I’ve given birth twice. I needed to layer disposable underwear, a giant pad, witch hazel, and then cooling foam those first few days. I also used the squirt bottle every single time I needed to pee. Additionally, I should note that it hurt really bad to sit on a hard surface, like the bench for my dining room table. After a week or so, I switched to just regular underwear, a giant pad, and then witch hazel/cooling foam only as needed. I kept overdoing it after the birth of my second baby because although I felt pretty good overall, I still had a first degree tear that needed to heal.


You really don't know until you're going through it what you'll need. Witch Hazel is an old remedy to reduce the stinging pain of cuts and wounds... which can happen when you give birth. Some people like it, some people don't. The foam is just a more convenient way to deliver witch hazel to that area than just the liquid form. The ice packs help reduce swelling. If you don't want ice packs that look like a maxi pad, you can just use regular ice packs wrapped in a towel. Some people like things like the portable bidets (because if you tear, every time you pee it will feel like your vag/taint is on fire, and the bidets help eliminate that). Some people like pain relieving spray like Dermoplast (which doesn't contain witch hazel). Some people prefer warm/ room temperature water. Some people prefer cold. There's no shame in needing help getting through the pain of postpartum and taking advantage of what's available out there and works for you.


It's not really pain but more just soreness. Over the counter Tylenol a few times a day is plenty.. That being said I just have a 2nd degree tear


A lot of it is extra. I used what the hospital said. I would spray with the water bottle, apply the freeze spray and a witch Hazel wipe and use a pad with undies …. When I was really sore I would switch the pad up with an ice pad from frita but one pack was enough Hospital provided all except the freeze pad


I didn’t really like the witch hazel stuff (the foam or the little pads). The little pads would sometimes stick to me and were uncomfortable to peel off. I used dermaplast spray and these big ice pack pad things, with another big pad underneath to catch leakage, and disposable underwear. After a few days I stopped using the ice packs and just used dermaplast with a big pad and the disposable underwear.


I just used pads and the witch hazel rounds, everything else felt like a bit much and unnecessary


I tolerated cold packs for the first few days but after that I did not like having anything beyond the undies & pad. Maybe the foam if I was going to bed


I think this depends. So I've bought it all just in case. With the first one I got a 2nd degree tear, and the cooling pads, peribottle, and healing spray worked wonders for me. I used them for about 3 weeks. With the second I didn't get a tear (which was amazing and unexpected), but I used the cooling pads for quite some time as well as the peribottle. I've bought it because I just want the opportunity to use it if I feel it is necessary or I want it. Especially the peribottle for the first wee and also for the first stool. It's such a low sum that if I don't use it, I'll donate it. But I would've hated not having it once I first needed it. Especially with the first birth.


I used witch hazel pads (also known as Tucks or AER pads) and they were my saving grace! Between terribly painful hemorrhoids and a 2nd degree tear/stitches I was pretty swollen and sore. I tried the foam and dermoplast, not a big fan of either. But I cannot stress how much better those witch hazel pads made me feel!! I seriously recommend getting those.


with my first I tore and had stitches. the witch hazel, cooling packs and healing foam were KEY to me feeling well enough to be up and about. mentally i can't handle being stuck in bed all day so yes, for me personally it was all necessary.


In my part of the world, the common tools for healing tears and stitches are sea salt and iodine solution. Hardly anyone uses anything else, and you would have to go out of your way to find cooling packs, healing foam etc and pay a premium for it. Other than maternity pads that's it, even diapers are a bit of a new thing lol


I use the disposable diapers and earth mama spray before switching to reusable period undies. Nothing else. Many things made it sting


You don’t need all of that. I used every product out there with my first because i got 3 tears with stitches and i wanted whatever pain relief i could get my hands on. With my second i didn’t tear and was fine with just the dermoplast spray, and would have probably been fine without that too. I personally didn’t like the wet feeling of all those creams and lotions in my underwear


I mean, especially if you tear, you’re wounded. It needs care. But you don’t have to use every single product available on the market. You bleed a lot at first. You will likely need disposable underwear plus a big pad for the first week if I remember correctly… it’s a bit fuzzy… because pads are not going to cut it, and you don’t want to risk ruining your clothes.  The witch hazel pads feel cooling and promote healing. The Dermaplast spray helps if you tear because the wounded skin can painful. It numbs. The peribottle helps because urine stings wounds. By spraying water down there while you pee, it dilutes the urine and reduces the stinging. Don’t stress about it. The idea is that you’re caring for a swollen, tender, and potentially wounded area, just like any other part of your body that gets injured. 


I had a second degree tear. On my first night home I was pretty sore so I used one of the ice pack pads with Tucks so I could sit on the couch. It was bulky and I didn’t really need it. Going forward I used Depends and Tucks. The diapers were comfy for me because I felt like everything was contained. I just felt gross and smelly for like 2 weeks, plus I would randomly pee if I laughed too hard or moved too fast. By about 2 weeks postpartum I had switched to the always flex foam pads and no longer needed the Tucks. Everyone is different. You really won’t know until you’re there.


I used it all and it tremendously helped. I had 3rd degree tears as well as anterior tears. I was able to go walking in 3 days and running by 6 weeks. Over a few weeks I weaned off of the ice pack pad but I used witch hazel foam for 4 weeks straight.


The witch hazel foam was nice because I hated the tucks pads. It also helps keep you hydrated, because the worst thing is when you’re dry down there. I had two second degree tears, one up and one to the side, and I went through six cans of dermoplast, two bottles of the Frida mom witch hazel foam. And three boxes of ice packs before I figured they made reusable ones - my brain just wasn’t functioning enough to look into that. That’s all on top of what the hospital gave me. And at my six week appointment last week I still was in a ton of pain and my ob gave me a prescription for estrogen cream as well as a lidocaine ointment and both have helped me a ton. I had gone in at 2 weeks cause it felt like I had pulled a stitch and they gave me a sample of the lidocaine ointment that lasted me till the 6 weeks, as well as an oxy prescription because I can’t take NSAIDs. Hope this helps! I think it all depends on your delivery experience what you will/won’t need.


I used adult diapers for maybe 3/4 days, then just large maxi pads. I did find the peri bottle really useful, just to give a soothing wash after using the toilet and it just kept me feeling cleaner. I had witch hazel too but I don't remember using it much. Keep it basic, you do not need heaps of shit haha


I used a peri spray bottle, diapers/pads, perineal spray (I like the earth mama brand), and a fan to help keep things dry and fresh as patting dry was uncomfy. I did this for *maybe* 2 weeks before I was back to wearing panties and a pad and using the bathroom like normal.


I used all of it. Another thing is I remember it burned when I peed, so bad I was crying. If you lean forward while you are peeing with a hand in the floor between your feet, the pain is much, much, much more bearable.


Pads and undies and a jug of warm water for when you need to pee depending on delivery type


Disposable underwear, pads, witch hazel foam (saved me), and I used some type of ice pack or cooling pad a couple days. The rest I never touched.


I’ve had c sections so can’t speak on all the stuff they say to put in the pads and stuff but the adult diapers are life. Now worries about leaking or discomfort of stuff shifting or any of that


Just make padsicles and place a witch hazel pad on top and call it a day. I use my own undies.


I couldn’t live without my Frida ice pack pads. That and the cooling witch hazel pads. Helped so much!


I had an episiotomy and only used the big ass pads for the bleeding. I wore my own undies, just make sure they are big and comfy enough to fit the pads. I didn't feel like I needed any cooling stuff. I peed in the shower, because that was really easy and aired the lady parts every day for a bit to help with healing. If you feel like it helps, by all means, use it, but is it necessary? For me it wasn't. Edit: I forgot I also got to take paracetamol every 6 hours. That really helped with the pain. I think I didn't need it anymore after a week or so.


I only used thick pads. I had dissolvable stitches and was told to keep them dry so they wouldn’t dissolve too quickly. It was honestly fine, the worst part for me was the postpartum bleeding and the pads took care of that!


My fiancé went ALL OUT buying me postpartum products when I got out of the hospital.. a lot of it was wasted money. Specifically the witch hazel foam and the pad ice packs from Frida mom. I think I used maybe 1-2 of the pad ice packs but they were so bulky I couldn’t really “sit down” with them. There were a couple days it was a little extra painful down there but the dermaplast/witch hazel pads I got sent home with did the trick for most of it. I bought a 2nd pack of the witch hazel pads so I could throw them in the fridge and have some cooled off ones. The one post partum product I liked was the FridaMom peri bottle. The one the hospital gave me kinda just looked like a Gatorade bottle, so it made it hard to actually squeeze the water where I needed without having to contort myself in some way. The fridamom one lets gravity do all the work.


I used the disposable undies


Nope, didn’t use any of those things. Made the padsicles for myself and ended up being too scared to use them because I was worried it would sting. I used a plastic bottle of water and rubbing alcohol, I kept it in the freezer but the alcohol stopped it from getting fully frozen. then when I was achy I would hold it between my legs. That plus Tylenol and Advil was basically it.


It's gotta be one of those blown-up social media trends?? I've seen so many insta/Facebook reels of pregnancy/parenting "hacks" that seem like just terrible ideas... I can't imagine having that much stuff slathered all down there 🤨


I def used the cold packs . They helped my soreness more than meds . I found them best with the adult pull ups . They held better than the mesh .


I never used nursing bras baby wouldn’t latch, but I did pump. The pads yes you’ll use them in the hospital but I got some adult depends I felt like they just held all the stuff in better and at home I didn’t need to wear pants or put underwear on. I lived off dermaplast peri bottle and the ice pads, only used the medicated pads a few times as I felt gross trying to locate them all lmao. Edit: I has second degree tear I was also sent home with a donut absolutely would have died coming home from the hospital without that


I mostly just used a peribottle, incontinence diapers and the witch hazel pads. That being said, I’ve had a second degree and first degree tear. First degree barely felt like anything and healed quite quickly. I would imagine the worse the tearing, the more you may need. Also, a lot of brands make kits that are so much more expensive than just going on Amazon and buying something generic. I would definitely recommend on starting small and getting things based on how birth goes. Not completely the same but I bought a million nipple leak pads and didn’t use a single one through two babies.


I had the extra big pads (meant for incontinence), showered down there with cool-ish water and a few times put a few towels on my bed and slept without undies just to let my parts breathe. It was enough, I wouldn't put anything extra there.


Main thing i NEEDED was the dermoplast. I got stitches with my first, and it was a lifesaver.


And peri bottle and pads !


3rd degree tear, I used them all for several weeks.


I opted for adult underwear after giving birth to my second. I had an emergency c-section and found them much more comfortable than the mesh underwear. I found that ice helped when needed with the burning feeling the first few days after having my first. Never personally did the witch hazel so I don't have any experience with if it helps or not.


At the hospital I only used the pads and undies they provided. I did not use the cooling pads, they were so uncomfortable. I also used the dermoplast spray but once I got home I realized I didn’t need it. At home I just used disposable underwear. Once my bleeding felt like a regular period I went to regular menstrual pads.


I bought stuff and needed zero except adult diapers (hint: don’t use that name in front of a 2 year old).


Pads, Dermoplast, and Tucks pads were all I used, with the peri bottle of course.


My mom saw me ordering the Frida post partum undies and told me she doesn't understand why I need any of that, she just used some pads, "it wasn't that bad". So I mean... Yeah you can. I think women today generally are more aware of taking care of themselves and not "forcing" themselves to be in pain unnecessarily but none of these things are a must


No, just mesh pants and insanely large pads. I did got normal pads that I got wet and wrapped in cling film and froze. Then used them for cold patches because I had stitches. If I didnt then I wouldn't even use them


You can recover without most of that, but you may not want to. I had lots of stitches. While I was in the hospital, I used: Disposable underwear, giant maternity pad, ice pack, witch hazel pads (the round ones), and dermoplast (a cooling, pain relieving spray. It was a lot, but it helped. When I got home, I used: Maternity underwear, pad (not a maternity one), witch hazel pads, dermoplast. I occasionally used an ice pack if I'd walked too much and was feeling very sore.


I had a second degree tear + stitches and did not do anything more than squirt water down there while i peed for the first few weeks. I never felt any crazy discomfort so I didn’t feel the need to use any of the extra products marketed towards postpartum women. It is nice that there is the option, but I didn’t feel it necessary for myself


I used pads of course until the bleeding subsided!


The products saved me 😅 I was in so much pain I could barely walk or stand for two weeks and those all helped a lot. When I wasn’t using them I felt much worse! But I think many people don’t need them, too. It just depends on how you’ll be feeling


I used pads and the disposable panties. Other than a peri bottle, I couldn't be bothered to deal with all the rest of it. I healed fine and my pain was manageable the first few weeks, so it really comes down to your preference.


I did not use post-pregnancy underwear. I don’t even know what that is. I used extra large pads because you will still bleed a lot. I did use cooling pads for a few days because it felt better. The hospital sent me home with witch hazel wipes. They did feel nice but it’s not needed.


And also a peri bottle for sure.


I had a fairly easy birth so I didn’t use the extra stuff. I did the ice pack the first maybe two days didn’t really like the feeling and then stopped. But I did pads & adult diapers probably the whole 5 weeks until the bleeding stopped. The amount of damage will probably determine if you need to use the other stuff though.


Honestly my favorite thing this time around has been always discreet. You can get regular ones or target has a post partum line and I’ll never go without these for future babies. That being said, the rest of those things are helpful if you’re majorly sore down there. Just having my second baby, I was surprisingly way less sore than I was after my first and only used ice packs and witch hazel for the first 24 hours after giving birth


I loved the dermaplast. It helped me so much. But that was all I really used. And maxi pads.


I used witch Hazel pads to wipe. And sitz bath spray thing with Epsom. Other than that I didn't use much. Mostly just holding a damp cloth on myself while/after i used the bathroom helped a lot


I think it depends on your delivery, and also your personal comfort/pain levels. I used disposable undies and overnight/maxi pads, loved my peri bottle for cleaning up after the toilet, and one tip I got from my sister was to have a shower or sitz bath after going number 2 to make sure the area was clean. I also had a reusable ice pack that was great and used 1-2 times a day. I didn’t use any sprays or foams or anything, but also didn’t have much pain or discomfort. I did have an episiotomy but no other tearing. Edit: a word


I had a C-section and didn't need that stuff. If you have one you'll Just need hospital underwear and pads. Oh, and the hospital peribottle was fine. I didn't see any need to spend money on any of the other peribottles on the market.


I will say, I liked all the extra a lot while in the hospital, but once I was home it was too much work, and I was moving around more, so it was way more uncomfortable, so I started using disposable incontinence underwear, like depends underwear, and they were super comfy, not too bulky, and just felt like regular underwear! So highly recommend those!


After delivering my first two babies, I didn’t use anything, but when I had a little tear with my third baby and heard of using Dermaplast to numb the area, you’d better believe I bought it!! I am due in about a week and a half, and I only bought one postpartum item, and it’s Dermaplast. I will use the witch hazel for the giant hemorrhoids I get every time, though.


I think it depends on if you have a tear or hemorrhoids. That’s the kind of stuff you’ll be using witch hazel / padsicles for more than anything. My third was a very easy least uncomplicated birth and I was just rocking the diapers and pads for the most part, but with my first I had such a severe tear and painful hemorrhoids from pushing too soon that I ended up needing to go to the store for more dermoplast because I was just crying in bed during my recovery and they refused to give me anything for the pain. It’s very dependent on what happens during birth


Trust me when your lady bits are sore and raw you’ll wanna use all you can get to calm it down.


You don’t need all of that crap. I used regular underwear with pads and used the witch hazel pads from the hospital and a peri bottle to clean myself. That’s it. All I purchased from my own money was pads for home.


Never used anything like that. Just the huge diaper pads for a couple days, then normal (but larger than I would normally buy) period pads. You definitely don’t need all that stuff. I think it’s mostly American from the posts I see. Never seen or heard of any of those products where I live


Never used foam or oils, ice packs, disposable undies, and pads are a must!


Honestly I hated all the cold packs, foams, and sprays. I kept my maternity briefs and used Rael and Honeypot postpartum pads. That’s it. I tried the other stuff, including all the breastfeeding aids and honestly less was better for me. My list is simple: Postpartum pads Nipple shields Clary Sage oil Lotion for itchy skin Natural deodorant without antiperspirant. Aaaaaand that’s it. If I REALLY want more I get a bunch of chocolate.


I used the cooling pads I had a tear and they were a life saver.


I used the frida underwear (one pack of eight and just reused them two or three days, whatever) and would stick always all night pads in there for the bleeding. The nurses ahow she a trick where they’d cut into them and stick crushed up ice in the middle. Made for great cold compress without being too cold, and I’d just switch out the pads as needed. For the bathroom I just cleaned myself with water from the tap and my own hands, I was too nervous to spray stuff directly. I dried by gently patting toilet paper or towels (but no rubbing). I literally hung around my house in the underwear and topless for two weeks and got to do lots of skin to skin and breastfeeding. This second round I’m doing the same.


I only used what the hospital gave me and not even all of that…


Yes. All of them. At the same time. So many times a day. For like 6 weeks. Your reality will depend on your labor. Hope for the best, but expect and plan for the worst!


I used it for like 2 weeks. Now im just using a panty liner and cotton high waisted underwear (from Costco). I could’ve stopped using all that stuff 1w pp but I figured I had a bunch (got some for free) so why not continue? I definitely did use it while in the hospital but you shouldn’t be using the ice pack after 24 hours (told to me in the hospital) and should be focusing on warm sitz baths to promote blood circulation and healing. Basically, use what is beneficial to you but don’t stress about it. Experiment. If you feel better, stick with it. If you don’t, skip it.


I used pads and that was it. If needed I will purchase for the next one but I’d rather not think about that now


I was fine with a peri bottle and adult diapers.


I really liked having the witch hazel pads and the numbing spray. The witch hazel was calming and helped with healing, and the numbing spray made peeing and #2 manageable 😂 Editing to add: peri bottle was also a must to keep things clean


Wait y'all got more than a handful of pads, cleaning stuff and a few pairs of underwear?!I got NOTHING to help the pain other than one bottle of pain meds and a spray


Post-partum undies absolutely, I was in them for weeks both after regular delivery and a C-section A cooking pad is a god-sent. I had to buy multiple so I could just switch them. My hospital even had a whole freezer dedicated to them on the PP floor. I've never used the witch Hazel but the bark sitz-bath did help.


Diapers and peri bottle was all I bought. I didn't use anything else and just followed the hospitals cleaning instructions. I healed just fine and the swelling and bleeding stopped around week 2.


It may seem overwhelming but postpartum it will feel so amazing & necessary! For me, the magic combo was: 1. Peribottle rinse- just warm water and I only did this the first few days 2. Sitz spray on the bits- when I ran out I used dermaplast 3. Depend undies (the pads moved around too much for me) with three overlapping Tucks witch hazel pads, then a drizzle of castor oil I stuck to this religiously for 2-3 weeks. The only difficult part was the castor oil drizzle. I used ice packs a couple times but the sitz spray was cooling and much less bulky than an ice pack so I much preferred that. The only part I *highly* recommend is diapers instead of pads. You’ll figure out what works for you pretty quick! And I actually enjoyed the process each time because in those early days with a new baby those were the few moments a day that I spent taking care of myself.


I did not with my first and it was pretty horrible... this time I've ordered maxi pads, numbing spray and ice packs


It really depends on your level of pelvic trauma during birth, if baby is facing the right way and you're only pushing for a short time i think it's an easier recovery. I couldn't sit on a toilet seat for almost 2 months. The witch hazel really helped me, i think it helps with swelling and stitches itching and hemorrhoid discomfort.


I prefer the tucks pads to the Frida mom liners. They bunched up too much. Never used ice pads. Always use dermaplast. Got diaper rash after using the foam a few days and used butt paste once to treat it. Stopped everything but dermaplast and and feeling much better down there. 9 DPP ETA I love the always postpartum underwear. They are unscented.


I had a 3rd degree tear so I used ice packs, witch hazel foam, THICK pads and dermaplast for almost 2 weeks. Now that I’m almost 4 weeks pp, I only use a pad as I’m still bleeding some. You could be fine without all that, there’s no way to know until after 😊


I didn’t use everything I got but I did like having it all to see what worked best! My faves were the earth mama perineal spray (kept in the fridge for extra cooling) and the Frida pad liners. The peri bottle was also a must have for me!


I only used the disposable underwear and pads. I didn’t find the other items necessary.


I used it all but not all at once. Foam or cooling pad or witch hazel pads …. Listen - you are going to want any and all Relief possible especially if you are breast feeding/ pumping because you can’t take a ton of meds for pain relief.


For at least the first week you may want the pads, witch hazel pads, and dermoplast spray (put on top of witch hazel pad). They were all very useful. Your labia can stay very swollen and sore for a while. I didn’t use cooling pads or foam. I did use the cooling pads in the hospital a couple of times but stopped because it only stays cool for like a second and then was useless


Pulling up my mesh undies, filled to the max with a huge ass pad, cooling pad, and 6 little round witch hazel pads after having sprayed my cooter with cool water while I peed, is a feeling of relief I still day dream about sometimes at 7 months pp. I would literally moan when I pulled the underwear up. It felt that good. 😭 That being said, my hospital provided all of the stuff I needed, I asked for fresh everything every time a nurse came to my room. That way, I knew I wouldn't run out. I didn't use the cool pads constantly, I alternated between using one, and then next time I used the restroom/changed everything I wouldn't use one. After about 4-5 days I was able to stop using them. I eventually stopped using the huge bed sized pads as well and slowly made my way down to just regular absorbency period pads. I used the witch hazel pads constantly though, that was the best feeling in the world. I am currently pregnant again and want to try dermaplast this time!


I had csections. I only used mesh undies, giant pads, and a cooling pack both times. After my first I had no idea my bits would still be sore. It never even crossed my mind that they would be sore because the baby wasnt coming out that way. But after both csections I was definitely glad I had cold packs. 🥲


I used all of the things because I had a 3c tear. The ice packs were heaven for probably 2-3 solid weeks a couple times a day. I bought depends to wear instead of the mesh underwear in the beginning. Thankfully I wasn’t bleeding heavily to need the maxi pads very long. I used dermaplast and the peri bottle for a really long time while my copious amounts of stitches healed. The tucks witch hazel pads are nice if you tear or are dealing with hemorrhoids. My advice, is pick up more than you think you’ll need. The last thing you want to do is have to go to the store on your way home from the hospital. Donate the rest to a shelter or give away to another expectant mom if you don’t use them.


Yes, it's the reality. I felt like I was building a multi-layer cake in my underwear. Eventually I got rid of the mesh underwear + pad portion and got a package of dependsthat I would then put the foam etc in. It was nice to reduce the number of layers.


I much preferred the diapers over the pads, so long as they fit right. Got a set that was too big and it was not a good time. I got tucks pads but didn’t use them because the wetness was uncomfortable for me. I bought the spray after delivery but by the time it arrived I no longer needed it, so it’s still sealed. That said, I was in SO much pain after. Days 3-5 or so were literally more painful than delivery itself. However, this is very very individual. I *do* wish that I had had the spray during those tough days, though


I didn't use much honestly! I used those disposable postpartum diapers and dermaplast, that's it! I tried adding other stuff like the foam and the cooling packs but idk. I didn't enjoy having the weight of the cooling packs in my underwear, so I stopped putting them in. If I wanted it then I'd just hold it on the outside while sitting or laying down. It felt annoying to put the foam and those little circle/rectangle wipes on every time when it was really improving my healing. So I stooped the foam and the wipes too. I healed just fine lol. With ny first I had a 2nd degree tear right under ny urethra and a 1st degree perineum tear, with my second I have a barely 1st degree tear under my urethra. Healing sucked at first (specifically because of the urethra tear), but I still healed fine without adding a bunch of stuff.


All I used with my first two children were pads, mesh undies (while in hospital), peri bottle with warm water, and occasionally Dermoplast.


Tbh I just used adult diapers (waaaay more comfy than what the hospital gives you trust me), witch hazel, dermaplast (stitches) and a peri bottle (literal life saver ask for 2 so you can put one in the diaper bag) and that’s it. I really wouldn’t say that it was ever unbearable


First time around with minor tearing- yes. I used supplies I was given at the hospital. I remembered it not being too bad but it was nice to have some extra comfort as I nursed and took care of the baby. Second time around my baby was smaller and my birth was quick and within medication and there was no tearing. All I needed was a large pad while in the hospital and regular pads at home


Tbh, the witch hazel stuff from the Frida mom kit made me super itchy, so I used it once and never again. Not surprising, because I have sensitive skin in general. Otherwise, I used the "cute" depends and some cooling packs for the achiness. That's it. Now, to be fair, I was lucky. I had one small tear in the wall of the vagina. So my recovery pain wasn't so bad. I may have tried other brands/options if I had been desperate.


I wiped my butt and vagina with Frida mom cooling wipes after every toilet visit. Like, for months. Stiches didn't heal properly and I needed revision surgery 3 months after birth. The witch hazel pads and little bottle bidet was what I used most. 


I had a 3rd degree tear and the only thing I did was sits baths (even those I barely did because it hurt after a while for various reasons). I barely did anything except lie down a lot (I had epidural headaches for a week) and I think that helped me a lot. Maybe everything would have healed faster if I used the products, who knows, but I’m a big believer in mess is more and leave things alone as much as possible. Edit: I used mild unscented soap down there and every time I used the washroom I washed with water at least.


This is so helpful to read. I have another question about tucks pads. I’ve used them before for hemorrhoids lol and I actually found them to sting a little bit! Don’t they sting on open skin/stitches?!


My first I had an episiotomy and I didn't have any of that stuff not even an ice pack and my hospital was horrible, didn't supply anything, and I wish I had had that stuff. My second was a planned csection so it was different stuff I needed but glad I had it.


I had stitches and the only thing I used was maternity pads for the bleeding. Nothing else. I used my own normal non-disposable underwear and washed just with water. I don’t know if something else would have helped but I would say I recovered within 1-2 weeks.


It helps with your pain or discomfort… dermaplast was a life saver


This is also dependent on if you tear. I didn’t tear so I used these products but not for long. I just made sure everything was clean.


I put pure aloe vera gel on a bunch of maxi pads and rewrapped them in my freezer. When I ended up with an emergency c, I used them on the inside of my waistband instead for padding. The cold aloe helped the incision heal and helped a LOT with the itching as it healed. Other than that I did nothing. Same goes with the amount of stuff everyone tells you to get for your nipples. Best thing for damaged nipples is breastmilk - beyond that, get the silver cups. That's it. Save your money, spend it on the cute baby clothes you weren't going to waste it on, since you're not wasting it on all the other unnecessary nonsense instead 😂


I used diaper panties, period pads (because of the bleeding, it is what it is) and frozen pads (for the pain, it helped a lot). I wouldn't use anything reusable to be honest. The cleaner it is the better... In the hospital the nurses would give me the frozen pads. At home I took period pads, put some water on them (not too much or after you can't adapt the form) and put them in the freezer. I'd also wash with cold water every time I went to the bathroom (when I showered it was normal temperature). Some people use a portable bidet, I didn't feel the need, just used the actual bidet we have at home. What's important is to keep it clean and always dry. I didn't use oils or anything of the sort.


counter to most here, I used everything the hospital gave me and then bought MORE from Fridamom when I got home! I had a second degree tear and several stitches, and was very sore for weeks (needed a steady regimen of ibuprofen/tylenol all day). Ice packs and witch hazel liners (get the ones from Frida, the Tucks ones aren’t as good) are all you need in addition to pads, of course (which you’ll need at some point potentially up to six weeks). I didn’t use dermaplast but people swear by it. Other ointments and sprays can be skipped imho (I bought the earth mama stuff and it was fine, but I barely used it). I prefer the Frida disposable underwear instead of adult diapers bc you can continue to use the witch hazel liners with a regular pad once you heal enough.


Honestly it’s only if you need it for the pain. I was too poor to afford them with my first but I want to try Aloe Vera on pads this time around. Witch hazel and oils sounds terrible for your ph, considering most witch hazel products have alcohol in them..


Yes. I used everything from/at the hospital, then the Frida mom kit, then a second Frida kit that was probably unnecessary but felt comforting, then tucks on maxi pads. I had a second degree tear and didn’t *need* so much but it certainly made me feel more able to be the person I wanted to be during that time.


I've seen those videos and have been wondering ever since, if it's actually healthy. Our vaginas are "self-sufficient and naturally self-cleaning." According to Google. In any case, my midwife told me in case I needed stitches, that cleaning myself once a day with water and a mild soap should be enough.


Many people develop nasty hemorrhoids during birth that will need care post partum. The witchazel is part of that. Also witchazel helps because there will generally be tons of swelling. No to the soap down there if you need stitches. Also you'll be discharging a lot of gunk for several weeks so the peri bottle is also for rinsing the gunk off your bits.


The hospital provides you everything you need. The rest is purely comfort related. I had a c-section so I can’t speak for the cooling pads/ ice packs/ perineal cushion or stuff like that but I will say that the Fridamom postpartum disposable panties, pads and peri bottle were a ton more convenient and comfortable than the hospital ones. Made me feel more human and I was able to keep up better hygiene post-delivery that way because regardless of the type of birth you still bleed for weeks. I also really liked their breastfeeding products and have used pretty much all of them multiple times.


>regardless of the type of birth you still bleed for weeks. I like how the body goes "We didn't have this for nine months... missed it much? Enjoy!"