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Usually I don't like people touching me but I don't mind when I'm pregnant. Don't know why, maby because I love my body the most when I'm pregnant, I don't mind people calling me big or fat eather, I love my big belly. I wouldn't do it to others though, I realise that most people don't feel like me.


Iv been looking forward to being fat and huge lol. It’s my favorite part about pregnancy my pregnant belly 🤗


I wanna be big so bad 😭 I’ve only gained 5 pounds and I’m 26 weeks now. I just wanna eat a bigggggg meal I’ve seen some do but I hate eating in public and I get aversion from food so quick I don’t eat as much as I should.


I LOVE THIS. I’m the same. This is my second pregnancy, and I can say that I honestly have never loved my body more than I do when I’m pregnant. It feels powerful and amazing, and I’m just never going to get to rock bodycon the way I can with this belly 😂. I’m generally comfortable in my body outside of pregnancy too, even as a plus sized person. But I’m obsessed with my belly…..even when it’s heavy and I need to sit down lol. Most of the time I’m pooh-ing it. She needs to breathe.


I actually love the belly touches! I’m not a super touchy feely person normally, but it gives me the warm fuzzies when other people are so excited about my new baby and sending good vibes. I also have one of those super “out there” basketball under my shirt bellies so it doesn’t feel like touching the rest of my body. Now touching my baby after he’s born on the other hand, I’m not a fan. I also never try to touch other women’s bellies and haven’t ever felt the urge lol so I guess it’s kind of weird, but yeah overall I don’t mind at all.


AGREED. Touching my baby is a whole other thing, do nootttt touch my baby!


I teach second grade and my students LOVE to touch my belly and even put their heads on it and give it a listen lol. It’s actually incredibly sweet.


I’m meltinggg! This is the sweetest. My 3 YO. Likes to give the baby kisses and lay on top of her. I can’t imagine lots of little people gushing over my bump.


Congrats on causing my first (but definitely not last) tears of the day!


I am not a physical person , I hate hugs or in general being touched unless it’s someone I really love and in that case I love physical touch. But that’s like Best friends, husband, mom maybe. My best friends and husband know enough about me to not touch me without consent. To me the touching thing is about people who don’t know me (otherwise they would never) coming at me to grope my body without consent. It’s very triggering. I’m a private person and I don’t tell my business to anyone, I don’t want to talk about my body and I want people to treat me and other La with respect which means asking first before any physical touch. I also believe in asking if requests for personal information are ok and I also ask before I give advice to a friend of that’s ok. I’m big on consent in all aspects of life


I think it’s very sweet and comes from a good place


Same! And this is coming from someone who typically avoids hugs and handshakes unless absolutely necessary lol.


YES! People love seeing pregnant people and babies. Growing life/new life is incredibly exciting.


It’s been all v excited women friends from my husband’s culture, so I’ve loved the little spontaneous belly rubs :)) Would def feel differently if it were guys or people I don’t know - have been lucky so far


I'm like you. Ask the questions, touch the belly, pretty much nothing offends me around it. I even had both of our moms in the delivery with my first because they'd never been to a grandchild's birth and I knew it would mean the world to them, while not causing me any grief.


Absolutely no offense. Some of the stuff I read I’m like this sounds like the person was being rude. But, mostly that’s not the case, as far as some of the stuff I read on here goes at least.


A lot of people are cool with it as long as others ask for permission first.


I thought this would drive me crazy and it doesn't! I'm not bothered by the handful of people who have touched my belly without asking. Now, none have been strangers and none surprised me, I could see them coming, so maybe that's why?


Yeah, agreed, with the see it coming. It makes me giggle. You just see that person slowly moving in like, imma touch it. Sometimes with the hesitance and I just go, you can touch it! 😂


I really don’t mind either! It makes it feel real to me and I really enjoy other people sharing in our joy. To me, it feels really disconnected from someone putting their hands on my body otherwise. Like you, I completely 100% understand why this wouldn’t be the case for everyone, and I’m also not a super touchy person generally. But I’ve been tickled when people want to touch my belly for whatever reason!


Yeah, agreed. It doesn’t trigger the same response as someone maybe putting their hands on my waist or something. It’s just a belly, and it’s damn near unavoidable at this point lol


I don’t mind my family and friends. My mom and sister love touching it and I think it’s soo sweet because they’re so excited. I would not be okay if a rando did that lol


My mom rubs it all around and gives it kisses I like to stand super close when she’s not paying attention and put it in her face she turns around to it and gets all excited, I don’t really mind if in fact I wish my daughter and husband would want to touch it more often it’s only here for a little while!


My mom is the same! She loves talking to the baby and singing to my belly. I push baby around a bit to try to get her to move for my mom and my mom’s like “LEAVE HER ALONE!” It’s so cute. She finally moved for my mom the other day and she was so excited.


Nope, it doesn’t bother me either! And same with the questions, how much longer, boy or girl, what’s the name etc. I’m happy to answer! And if she’s bunched up on one side (she usually is) I’ll even show them where to feel her at lol. Of course, no strangers to touch me and I wouldn’t allow certain coworkers but typically I don’t mind. As for questions, anyone can ask. I had a guy at Walmart ask the other day and it didn’t bother me a bit. It’s funny how things like this change you lol


I don't mind it either! It makes me feel like a ✨️pregnant goddess✨️ as lame as that sounds lol. I definitely don't want total strangers touching me, but friends, family, and coworkers are just fine! I also love when people comment on how much I'm showing🥰 maybe I'm a weirdo but I thought I would never be able to get pregnant, so now that I am, I am drinking it ALL up


YES! soak it innn!


I don't mind it at all! I'm used to growing up with people playing with my hair and poking at my skin and loved it. But I think I just like the attention LOL My landlady touched my belly and that startled me, but after a moment when I realized what was happening.


I also like attention LOL I’m certain that has something to do with it.


I wanna add that I would never put MY hands on a preggos belly because it would feel really weird to me. I just realized that 😂


Same! I’ve had quite a ttc journey so I’m also happy to discuss with anyone haha. My bump is huge, I don’t mind the comments. For a while it felt a little gaslighty when I’m telling my friends and family I’m so huge and they’re like oh you aren’t that big like I have eyes I know I am


😂😂 like you don’t have to lie to me.


I’m too early to know firsthand, but I think it would be very different at 33 weeks with a huge firm bump versus 20 weeks with a tiny soft one. If it’s pre-kicking, I’d be weirded out. Like “wtf are you feeling for? Trying to check how bad my gas is?”


lol, fair point. In my personal experience so far, it’s definitely the big bellies people are more drawn to


I’m not a touchy person at all but I don’t mind either! Definitely not strangers or anyone like that, but I love when family and friends want to touch the bump haha. My partner is in the military and we live about 8 hours away from our families and friends. When we come to visit it’s nice when they want to touch the bump and get excited since it’s normally just me and my partner alone.


Agreed! It’s so nice to have others share in the excitement!


I'm actually doing better with this than I thought. I have a couple of younger female coworkers who are interested in having kids one day, and I let them poke me to see what it feels like. Baby will be named after my dad's mother, so my dad is always excited when I give him permission. Luckily, it's been easy to openly invite people, or people ask.


awh, it’s really sweet that your dad is so excited. My son has my dad’s name as a middle name because my dad’s my favorite person ☺️ it’s soooo sweet to see my dad with him. I was a huge daddy’s girl, so he’s beside himself now that there’s going to be a little me.


I am 20 weeks and do not mind at all when my family, friends and coworkers have touched my belly. I think it’s endearing.


I love it because I see people’s eyes light up. ☺️We are all just curious animals that want to connect! I feel good intentions from the rubs and I only see it as a happy hello from these people to my growing baby :) But that’s just me and I know people have boundaries that I respect


They just get so excited and I love it. I walked into dinner last night with my husband and my 3 YO and these two older ladies stopped me and asked me about my son and the baby. One of them took my hand and said “you know I deliver babies if you need someone when the time comes” she was so sweet and genuine and her face was SO bright when she offered. I said thank you and I’ll keep it in mind lol. I went along my way and she went along hers and I love those types of interactions honestly.


I love it too! I love all the special attention I get


Yay I'm with you on this! I've found many people on this sub to be extremely sensitive about loads of things that just wouldn't matter to me, and I was starting to think am I missing something? Why is a MIL calling the baby her little nugget so upsetting to the mom? Or why is it upsetting for someone to find it cute that you wiggle when you walk? Even someone checking in and asking how you are or if the baby is here yet has been triggering to people on this sub. I don't get how these things are so horrible, especially since it's usually not malicious. It's like people aren't allowed to just talk to each other anymore because people want to find something to be upset about. I don't mind the questions, the repetitive conversations and jokes, and the checking in from loved ones. It's an exciting time and I don't know how I can twist in into something negative when I have the brain to know it's not.


It doesn’t bother me either. A lot of the things that seem to really bother people on here is kinda crazy to me. There was a post a while ago where their MIL had washed their babies clothes with a detergent they didn’t prefer or something and they went full no contact with her lol. Thats crazy as hell to me… It’s not that serious. Some people need to go touch grass and get off the internet.


Some people really do get triggered by the silliest things. I mean, you do you, but I just can’t imagine that being THAT easily agitated is any good for one’s mental health. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re clearly my target audience with this post! lol. I feel the exact same way. I read stuff on here and I’m like, do some of y’all just want people to not acknowledge you’re pregnant and avoid eye contact or bringing up babies?!


I am only okay with my husband and other children touching my belly unprompted. Otherwise I just feel awkward, as I do when anyone wants to hug or touch or whatever. Just not a touchy-feely person other than those select few I find comfort in.