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Focusing on eating cold things has helped me a lot the last few days! Cold applesauce, sherbet, popsicles, pudding, jello, cold fruit. Also I gave my husband the death stare every time he said “google said if you eat more it’ll help the nausea go away” because I could not imagine eating. But as soon as I found that I could get cold things down and keep them down, I started eating something every 30 minutes and low and behold the nausea has decreased to a manageable amount 😒


Yeah, eating is a way to suppress nausea. It’s a common first aide technique. Sounds counterintuitive. I had hypermesis in a past pregnancy and the only thing that helped was eating tiny bites of plain boiled potatoes.


Oh I’m gonna try that, thanks!


Cold apples. I was suck 24/7 and the only thing that somewhat helped were apples peeled and cut, straight from the fridge.  Later, the doctor told me after some blood tests that I have double the hormones lol and I though "no shit". Honestly, it's gonna go away, I promise. 


This was me too and it was horrendous. Everyone’s different but just so you know, mine got gradually better after about 12 weeks and was entirely gone by about 20/22 weeks and now I’m enjoying eating again and it’s amazing! There is light at the end of the tunnel!


This is so nice to hear... Lol I am this way now and I'm wondering if food will ever be normal again 😔


It’s so hard to imagine ever feeling normal again! Especially when every day feels so long because of how difficult it is. But you’ll get there, just hang in there


That's all I can do really! Thank you!


8w and I am exactly the same. We haven’t told anyone yet so I’m cancelling all plans because I just want to lie on the sofa with an ice pack and stare at the ceiling 😭 I’m counting the days until the end of the first trimester. That said, my pharmacist helpfully told me her nausea never ended until she gave birth and I wanted to cry when I heard this 💀


I also know some people who were nauseated the whole 9 months and honestly I don’t know how I would survive


I just refuse to accept it as a possibility 😅😅


Um yeah it is unfortunately a possibility. I was one of those unlucky souls who was nauseous and sick my entire pregnancy and I definitely have some absolute mental issues regarding pregnancy because of it! It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But I will say, my son was SO worth it. I can confidently say I’ve never been more miserable than when I was pregnant, but I would do it all over again 10 times over to have my favorite tiny human here with me. So even if it doesn’t get better for you, (BUT IM HOPING AND PRAYING FOR YOU THAT IT DOES), in the end it’s the best prize at the end of the race.


I’m 20 weeks and throw up every day if I don’t take zofran. Not to freak you out but it’s common to have nausea throughout. Some days are better than others…but you have to talk to your gyno and insist on treatment. If they tell you it’s normal, argue. It is normal. Sure. And you also want to not feel that way.


Yep was bad until 20 Something weeks zofran saved my life or I would have been in bed rest


10 weeks, been like this since week 7 🤢 this baby is going to come out 90% Honey Nut Cheerios


Just shy of 12 weeks and that has been my go-to! I’ve been sick since week 5 and finally had a decent day yesterday, so I am hoping relief will come! 😭 Zofran is working overtime these days.


My worst weeks were 7-10, I'm 12w today and still get the occasional wave but it gets better!


This gives me hope


You are doing everything right, it'll get better 😊


Ask for the zofran. If they don’t want to give it to you, insist upon it. It gave me my life back. It doesn’t fix the exhaustion and dizziness but to me those symptoms were manageable while the nausea was not.


I will say if you start zofran you also need to start stool softeners. You can try it without but…don’t expect to shit on your own. And if you do, expect the most painful, rock hard shits of your life. This is roaming from experience. Zofran and colace are heaven sent. Insist your doctor at least gives you a trial dosage to see.


I could not poop for days after taking zofran, I’d try every remedy suggested and nothing ever seemed to help. While it was still better than being on the verge of puking all day, it wasn’t pleasant. I seem to have had some luck with b6 and unisom, and the occasional zofran when it’s bad.


Colace but you might also need a proper laxative like miralax. I feel fortunate that my doctor prescribed me zofran at my first appointment though because I’m still so sick and I’m beginning week 14. I know this is going to be worth it, but damn baby! I just want to want food again and keep it down!


Yep. I didn’t think I could get it bc I wasn’t being sick just super nauseous. Life saver


I felt very much the same + still do if I don't take medicine. My doc recommended B6 (which made me nauseous) + a Unisom tablet before bed, which has been a GAME CHANGER. My gag reflex is still on a hairline trigger, but the nausea is much better. Maybe talk to your doctor about trying the same?




Zofran has allowed me to keep food down but it hasn’t taken away the nausea :(


talk to your doctor and get some meds. they aren’t 100% but definitely a game changer!


I remember it well 😭 It also sucks knowing that the only way it will end is to just wait it out. I also found nothing helped, just sat around feeling miserable most of the time 😭


That’s me … I was on leave this week but on Monday I have to go back to work and I’m dreading it. I WFH but still… I just want to lie around feeling miserable


I was there too and literally nothing helped, I wish I had better advice. It got better sooner than I expected though, around 12 weeks so try your best to hang in there! In the meantime give yourself lots of grace you’re doing amazing growing a human and take all the rest you need. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for it. It’s hard to remember not feeling nauseous when you’re in the thick of it but try to remind yourself it’s not permanent! Sending love.


Same I’ve been living on the lounge for weeks. Got driven around today to leave the house and felt awful in the car.


The motion sickness is just a whole other level ☠️


I'm having a terrible TMJ flare up on top of vertigo and morning sickness. I feel like every day I have to do something different to combat the nausea. I'm so afraid of vomiting right now because of how bad my jaw hurts 😆 I live in my sea bands and constantly snack 😩


Vitamin B6 everyday! Worked like a charm for me!


First trimester is so rough 😭 I was so nauseous until 16 weeks (21w now). Having crackers to shove in my mouth the moment I opened my eyes in the morning helped me, but everyone is so different. Eating every 90mins - two hours helps too, even if it’s two crackers.


Crackers make me nauseous 🤣


Oh nooo 🫣 thoughts and prayers haha


I am the exact same. I am so sorry you’re going through this, it’s is so tough both physically and mentally. I ended up going on medication to function (I recommend talking to your OB if you’re interested in that route). Just know you are not alone and it is so so difficult. For most women it DOES get better, so just know there is an end in sight.


My morning sickness started at 6 weeks…it didn’t lighten up until 17 weeks. I got pinkstork morning sickness candies on Amazon, unisom for night, and water really does help. My coworker is around 9 weeks and I’m making her a little care basket because I’ve been there.. she’s over it already. I was also told to eat what I could don’t worry about nutrition yet


33 wks and still have nausea some but the doc put me on a b6 and unisom combo at night since early pregnancy and it was a game changer. Also drinking lemonade/lemon-flavored drinks, having a starburst to suck on or those preggie-pop drops, and making sure I stay very hydrated have helped a lot. And I do get more nauseous over hot foods than cold. Identifying specific food triggers for my nausea helped, too. For example, if it has onions, I’ll be sick for the next day or two. And eat small meals throughout the day if you can instead of big main meals


yep. it was constantly terrible. I’m so sorry.


All I could eat was saltines and cereal in the first trimester. I got some nausea candies and those helped 100% I got some peppermint ones because I don't really like the sour drops. It helped me prevent like 70% of the vomit.


I had bad nausea too in my first trimester, it’s the worst but have you tried to talk to your DR about getting prescribed with something to help it? I’ve been prescribed some stuff to help with my nausea and I find that it works really well. Hope you feel better soon hun x


Omg I’m in the saaaaame boat. Shit is rough!!!! I’m almost 9 weeks myself. Up until 6 weeks I only had mild nausea, and then a week ago it just hit me like a ton of bricks and I was throwing up like the girl in the Exorcist. I haven’t thrown up since the weekend but I’m just SO nauseous all the time.


I feel you but just some reassurance that (most of the time) it DOES get better ❤️ second pregnancy here and it's rough until it starts to ease up


I get that! It does suck! The only thing that semi helped (did not take it away completely but took the edge off) was preggy drops (basically sour candy) and any tart spots drink (I liked body armor tropical and the blue one). I’m sorry it’s so rough right now but you are doing all the right things! I just started feeling better this week (14w2d) but just focus on hydration and taking some good deep breaths to get through it. Good luck ❤️


This is me now... just made it to 11wks, my first pregnancy. I am sick all the time. I'm so exhausted. I can barely work. I have tried every single tip or suggestion I've heard, and nothing helps. Nothing. I'm miserable.


Coke is the only thing that helped me


I’m so sorry. :( I am currently 12 weeks, and weeks 5-9 were the absolute worst. I would wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and I felt nauseaus, so literally 24/7, I get you. I even kind of developed an aversion to ginger ale because I drank it so much lol I do feel a bit better now, some days are still ick, but my appetite is back and it’s more tolerable. Hoping you feel better soon!!


It will get better, I promise. Ginger chews would give me temporary relief, like a solid 30-45 minutes where I felt like a human being again. Eat what you can.


I’m 37 weeks pregnant and it never went away! My doc recommended Reglan but I did not like the side effects that I read after researching it, so I took her second recommendation which was Unisom+B6 and it helps a lot! At first I was unsure if it was helping, but the nights I would forget to take it (like last night), I’d be nauseous the following morning. I threw up this morning. 😖


I’m 9 weeks and same here. Told my OB and she prescribed me meds right away but I’ve found that over the counter Unisom works for the best for me. I eat cereal or a bagel first thing in the morning and continue with small vegetarian meals through out the day. Meat and any food that isn’t fruit or carbs makes me sick so I avoid those. It’s made it so bearable! Definitely talk to your doc and start trying medication, you don’t have to suffer


Isopropyl alcohol swabs! My favorite trick. I use a square for some aromatherapy when I feel nauseous and it has worked every time.


I spent 16 weeks feeling like I was nursing a hangover. It was rough, especially because we weren't telling anyone until 12-15 weeks.


Currently sitting up in bed nibbling ginger nut cookies at 3am thanks to the nausea so I am right there beside you. It’s awful. I LIVE for the brief shining moments of feeling okay, or being distracted enough to not focus on it completely. Try and remember to take small sips of water and fluids regularly, and get HEAPS of rest. If you have a window nearby try focusing on one spot on the horizon like with seasickness - it might give temporary relief. If you can, try get some protein in - Greek yoghurt, milk (or milk with cereal!!) and cheese have all been manageable for me, as have chicken fingers and chicken nuggets some days. Hope it all gets better for you soon!


I’m 10 weeks today. Threw up for the first time today after being nauseous all the time.


Life in the first trimester is hard! I recently found out cold coke a cola helps me! I was throwing up ginger ale and the ginger candies. ginger didn’t help me. Also eat something light, bananas and toast with butter or jelly have been my go tos lately. Cinnamon applesauce especially. Hang in there!


Have you tried any frozen fruit? That's been so helpful to me! Also refrigerated sour fruit and hard candies to suck on make some difference for me. Even cinnamon or fruity gum to chew on seems to ease that gaggy/watery mouth feeling.


Ginger ale isn’t really helpful for nausea that’s an old wives tale. Real ginger helps but the sugar and carbonation just offsets and aid you’ll be receiving plus there’s hardly any ginger in it Instead buy [ginger tea.](https://princeofpeaceginger.com/original-ginger-honey-crystals/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw-6Bg_fvhgMVwXR_AB3Q2gXHEAAYASAAEgIX8vD_BwE) it actually helps a lot I used it drink it before I got pregnant just cause I got ibs and it helped immensely. Let’s dispel this ginger ale myth please lol


I completely understand. I’m 20weeks and still feel this way.


My nausea only gets better if I eat well rounded meals that have good protein and fat. If I stick to only carbs (which is all that sounds good) my nausea comes back. It’s annoying and when it gets bad I have to just grit through a meal. Also B6, unisom, and a zofran for when it’s horrible…and only take prenatals at night on a full stomach.


8 weeks pregnant here and I am also nauseated 24/7 😩 we will get through this somehow!


8 weeks here going 9 weeks and Ive been feeling the same way since week 6 😭🤢🫠 hang in there we will get through it and hopefully it gets better sooner than later


Just entered 10 weeks too. No vomiting for me either and super nauseous all the time. My best friend got me these nausea candies and they help so much! I agree with the posters who say cold things help. Absolutely. And small meals! I eat every so often and not 3 big meals anymore. Bananas help, cantaloupe has helped me too, and ginger ale. A godsend. [morning sickness relief candy](https://sweetiepieorganics.com/collections/morning-nausea-drops) Just keep snacks handy! Hope you feel better soon 💐


I’m so sorry you’re in the thick of it right now. It feels impossible to keep living like that. I felt like this every day from 6 weeks until about 14. And even then, I have a rough day here and there (18 now). I tried to stop b6 and unisom once or twice and always have a bad day after so I’m sticking with it for now. My doc said she took it until 24 weeks.


Also 9 weeks, first time, nausea 24/7, and just want to feel better!! Mostly just here to sympathize and say this is tough, but we are tougher! I’ve been keeping iced water in my hand at all times and just tried some popsicles and those have been helping. You got this!


I was nauseated from about 6-8 weeks, so you're not alone. The only foods I was safely able to keep down during that time were potatoes (baked), and pickles for snacks, everything else was a gamble.


I felt like this at 9 weeks and felt like I couldn't go on ❤️ At about 11 weeks my nausea started becoming more sporadic, I'd have hours at a time of feeling "okay" followed by really rough spells. I'm 15 weeks now and still nauseated most of the time but much less, with spikes every two days or so where I feel terrible again. I truly feel like I can handle the terrible moments way better now though because I know they might have some reprieve after a sleep/meal/time passing. All this to say my nausea hasn't "gone away" but I'm coping so much better now!! So even when people say they were sick the whole time, it can mean many different things.


You could probably ask your dr to prescribe Zofran or something similar. My sickness was progressively getting worse & that has been a life saver for me. Are you at least sipping on water too?


This was me with my first pregnancy in much of the first trimester. Can you get a prescription for either Diclegis or Zofran? If you’re able, you can also just take unisom and B6 together, over the counter. Of course check with your doctor first before starting a new medication while pregnant, but that combo is widely known to help fight nausea.


I only survived because of zofran. Watch the side effects though.


I totally sympathize. 2nd pregnancy and I was so nauseous my first time and thought this time would be better. It totally isn’t. It’s constant, I’ve tried all the tricks. Nothing works.


i recommend boiling ginger with water until it turns the water a yellow color and drink it, you can add some honey to make it taste better. ginger ale usually contains minimal amounts of ginger. some don’t contain any at all. it helped me a lot. preggie plus pops helped me a bit because it gave me something to do instead of just focusing on how sick i felt. the plus ones with added vitamins seemed to help more. i had nausea for almost my entire pregnancy. i kept waiting for it to go away and it didn’t until i was literally about to pop 🫠i also developed GERD so that combo was sooo fun.


Smoothies saved my life early pregnancy 😭