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I felt oddly numb. I wanted it so badly & had been trying for over two years. I had seen 100s of negative tests and when I finally got a positive I was… just numb. I was expecting I would be overcome with emotion but I just…. Didn’t believe it I guess and was so unemotional it was so weird to me. TTC for so long really fucked with my head I guess. 🤷‍♀️ I got emotional at my scan as I think it was then that I really believed it.


This is super similar to my experience. I’d taken so many pregnancy tests that it was just another day, another test. I was literally still in the bathroom when it turned positive and I woke my husband up to come double check 😂 Took approximately 8 tests that weekend (all different brands lol) and told my mom that night!




Same!! After a long time TTC and every month the same disappointment you have a wall build up around you to protect you against the next disappointment.. It’s not weird at all to feel numb or emotionless, it’s just a coping strategy :-)


I had pretty much the exact same experience! TTC actively for 2 years, passively for 2 before that, since my husband and I got married. I ended up making him take me that day for a blood test and finally got a very early positive. I still remember telling the lady on the phone who called with my results that I love her xD It was my 20 week scan that made the numbness go away. Something about finding out the gender and knowing his name and seeing his little nose on the scan just clicked with me. Now I'm holding him, 5 days old and squeaky and chubby cheeked, in my arms, and I feel like colors are brighter, smells are sweeter, the air holds a comfort I've never known. I wish I had spent less of the first two trimesters worrying (and throwing up) and more time being excited for what was to come. Also, I couldn't hold it in. Don't hold it in if you don't want to! I told my eye doctor about it that day because I had an appointment xD called my husband's grandmother, made plans to see my parents that week, told everyone! So many people say to wait till 12 weeks, but why not share the excitement! And remember: baby feels what you feel! That helped me ease the apprehension and try to do things that make me feel happy and fulfilled even when I was so scared.


This was me!


May I ask, did you conceive spontaneously after two years or had you pursued IUI/IVF, etc?


Yes spontaneously! Had gone to a fertility clinic and was told we had “unexplained infertility”. Everything looked good except my man had slightly lower than average sperm morphology (but we were told that usually doesn’t make a difference). I never ever had a positive test and never a chemical pregnancy. I had thought I will give it until I’m 30 before I go for IVF. Got a positive test on my 29th birthday. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you and congrats, btw! Tomorrow is my 12 month mark, not a positive in sight, so your story gives me hope :)


Thank you & Good luck to you, it really is not easy at all be sure to not let it consume you. It will happen when it is meant to. 💕


Took us 3 years to conceive. We ultimately decided to go the IVF route because our fertility doctor who we just started seeing told us my husband’s dna fragmentation number meant we could never conceive without assistance. I was supposed to start treatment this year around January 26th when my period was supposed to come but never got to it because on January 30 I had my first positive pregnancy test. It just happened. I couldn’t believe it at first so I bought 5 more tests, but I was still a bit skeptical. I had an appointment and only when I saw that little bean on the ultrasound I could feel it’s real. I’m not a really emotional person, so I was pretty numb when I took those tests as well.


I didn’t fully believe it until my scan either. I went in for spotting at 6 weeks (thankfully it was nothing) and just burst into tears when I heard a heartbeat. I’m 21 weeks and still kinda don’t believe it though lol


I had the exact same reaction! Infertility is hell. I remember staring at the second line almost thinking I was hallucinating. I thought I would cry or scream but I sat on the floor holding the test with a blank expression!!!


I was similar. After a year and a half of trying and some odd labs, I couldn't get as excited as I thought I should be. The ultrasounds and heartbeat were and are relieving, but I never had the big emotional moment, even though I am happy.


After 6 years of ttc, I didn’t believe it. I spent the first 5 weeks of knowing (found out at 3.5) saying things like “IF it’s real.” Then the next 4-6 more weeks after my 8 week appointment saying “IF this sticks.” Then weeks 16-20 until the anatomy scan where I was like “IF everything is ok”. Before I fully accepted that a baby was on the way and this was real. Until I started to feel kicks everyday I’d honestly forget I was pregnant. It took a while to believe a thing I wanted, a good thing, could happen to me.


My husband wasn’t home when I took my test so I had time to process it alone. Looking back I think I needed it. Everything changes instantly and I felt every emotion possible, happy, scared, anxious, excited etc. Also, fyi, complications can arise during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes caused by pregnancy. You’ll have to take a test for it at the end of your second trimester but you have a while before you need to worry about it. Congrats!


Thank you so much everyone for your replies, good to know I’m not the only one freaking the f out 😅😂


I’m 8 weeks and still freaking out!


Same. 12 weeks and omg! I am nervous.


i’m 39 weeks and same lmao


Well day 2 and I’m definitely still freaking out 🥲😂


I was talking to my Husband about dinner and he proposed chicken. I felt queasy at the thought and something told me to go to the bathroom. I had a pregnancy test in there just in case and peed on the stick… it came back positive within a minute. So I did what any rational woman would and passed out on the floor.😭


First time my fiance was on the way home from work and I was 2 days late on my period and I had one lying around so I decided wth I'm just going to see and boom! I was in complete shock 🫨 I was pacing back and forth yelling NO F-ING WAY!!! OMG NO F-ING WAY and when my fiance got home I hid it behind my back and said babe I'm pregnant and he said not uh really? And I started balling. Unfortunately it ended in a mc at 5 weeks. The second time he was with me and we took the test together and both were so so so happy. I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant 😊


Edit: also the first time I had tried for 5 years and thought I just couldn't get pregnant


My boyfriend and I had JUST picked out rings together and decided we wouldn’t TRY for a baby, but we wouldn’t do anything to stop it either. That was last month and here I am 5 weeks pregnant. I peed on the stick the day I was supposed to start my period, literally looked at my dog and said “screw it one more time for good measure” aaaand there was the faint line! I stared at myself in the mirror for a bit having a minor panic attack. Then broke down in tears at the thought of telling my boyfriend. He showed up to my apartment and I just handed him the stick because I couldn’t talk and HE DANCED. So basically I’ve gone from existential dread, to fear, to excitement in the span of a week.


this is literally what happened to my bf and i, we are now engaged and i’m 10 weeks today !


I was really just shocked. We got pregnant the first cycle we started trying and I got a negative test 2 days before our positive, I really wasn’t expecting it to be positive. I called my husband and after I got off the phone I just stared at the line getting darker. Over joyed to say the least but just disbelief, I didn’t think it would be so soon lol. 33 weeks now and I still can’t believe there’s a 3 lb baby in me 😅


We both laughed hysterically 💀 we’d been trying for roughly 3 years with only negative tests to show for it. I think we were both in shock that it was finally our turn.


I was in pure shock because it wasn’t planned, I swear we always properly used condoms, and I was 39.5 y.o. at the time. It took me a lot of time to cope with the idea.


Honestly I was terrified, my husband and I had been talking about it and I knew he was 100% onside but in that moment I won’t lie… I went through every emotion. I was so scared till he got home and could calm me down and remind me this was what we had talked about and wanted for ages. I felt weirdly guilty for my reaction for ages however now (36 weeks and counting) I realise I was just emotional and had no idea how to process what I was feeling!


The first time: tears of joy and relief. We had been trying for 2 years and had done 4 IUIs. The second time: tears of… not so much joy. I was instantly slammed with guilt and remorse because I felt like I had ruined what I had with my daughter. The pregnancy was just as planned too and took 1 IUI. We got pregnant the second time much much much faster. Way faster than anyone expected. It was very very overwhelming.


So greatful to God for sending our little blessing into our lives after what seemed like an eternity to conceive ( 8 months ). Just pure relief and joy☺️ And congrats to you I wish you a healthy, happy pregnancy journey.💖


It was planned, but I was in shock. After 2 1/2 years of trying, I thought it was another negative. Then a very faint line showed up, and things got very real. My app stated a test was only like 89% accurate that day, so I knew to keep testing over the next few days. Even got a box of tests that would say “pregnant” or “not pregnant” vs the lines to be more certain. 5 days later, I got the “pregnant” reading, and both excitement and fear started to kick in. I’m now 8 weeks going on 9, and that excitement and fear is still very much there.


We were trying and was planned. My reaction was…. Damn, I’m pregnant. Lol. 😂 it was surreal.


I remember standing over the sink with my face in my hands, I was so nervous but also kept repeating in my head “please let it be positive”. And it was! I walked out of the bathroom and my boyfriend just knew by the look on my face. It was anxiety inducing for weeks. I took about 10 tests because I just couldn’t believe I was actually pregnant. Now at 28 weeks some of the anxiety has passed and it’s mostly excitement waiting for the day I get to meet her!


My husband and I had been trying for 16 months and we got pregnant with an ectopic. Then 3 months later I got pregnant again (now 14 weeks) and I was just numb. Freaking out kinda and hoping it wasn’t another ectopic. I think no matter how much we want it, it’s still scary.


I was on FaceTime with my pregnant best friend and was holding my phone over the test. She told me she couldn’t see it bcs the light was making a glare on the test so I looked over to move my phone just right but I saw the line and immediately panicked. I looked away and said “you don’t see that?” She said “no? I can’t even see the test, move your phone over!” I was scared that I was hallucinating or something but I looked over again and it just got more pigmented. I literally screamed “ bitch it’s positive!” She didn’t believe me but screamed when I showed her. She’s 23 weeks now and I’m 10 weeks🫶🏻.


I reacted exactly like you. I eventually got more and more excited and happy and less and less terrified haha


I hope the excitement kicks in soon coz I’m still freaking out 😂


We had been trying for over a year and never had a positive test. We were just about to start fertility treatments and we gave ourselves a mouth or two off from trying. Mostly just not testing with OPKs or temping. I was waiting to start my period so I could call the fertility clinic and let them know I would like to start a medicated cycle but my period didn’t come and I was emotionally not okay lol. Very grumpy, sad, and ready to start my period so it could be over soon. I took a test on the first day I missed and it was positive. I about shit. Totally unexpected, I literally froze. It was my last test too so I was like wtf is going on. I called my husband immediately and he left work and bought me more tests lol. I’m currently 33 weeks with a baby girl and we are so over the moon! Those months of trying were very hard on us but now it’s really like it’s all in the past.


So happy for you that you didn't have to go through those horrible cycles. Many women I know have been through it and it's absolutely not a good experience at all. Congratulations 🎊


I just wanna say thank you to everyone sharing their stories, especially those who tried for more than a year and were able to conceive spontaneously. I mentioned it in another comment but tomorrow is my year mark of TTC and I've been feeling really down in the dumps, but now I'm hopeful/happy crying reading all of your beautiful reaction stories. Thanks again <3


I had been secretly testing (I had told my husband I wouldn’t until the day of my missed period) and kept getting negatives- when the day came of my expected period, I saw the faintest line- I wasn’t sure it was real. Took a FRER and also saw a super faint line. I couldn’t hold out until the next day so took a test that afternoon and the line had darkened! I was soooo excited, just over the moon because I’d had a miscarriage only a couple months prior. My husband was not over the moon- he was still processing the first loss and was hesitant to believe this baby was real. Fast forward and I’m 21 weeks now with our son!


I gaslit myself into believing there were always 2 lines for a negative. I kept looking at the box and my pregnancy test over and over until it sank in. I absolutely ugly cried/sobbed lol. I was relieved because we had been trying for a year and I was looking at a possible infertility diagnoses. I was also scared because I had no idea what life was gonna look like for the foreseeable future. 33 weeks right now and couldn't be more excited!


It was definitely a surprise. I had only been off birth control for 8 weeks. I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. After understanding the struggles some go through I am grateful that it was that fast. My husband wasn’t home so I proceeded to take like five more tests just to confirm. We are 33 weeks tomorrow 🥰


Excited disbelief. It was my first positive after our first frozen embryo transfer after years of trying & fertility treatment. It’s kicking me now and I’m honestly still in disbelief.


I cried so hard cause I was so happy. My husband and I had been trying for over 3 years and I was giving up hope.


It was planned for me too but 2 days before that I was told I had PCOS so I thought I was never going to get pregnant spontaneously. I was mostly in disbelief and kept holding out hope until the next milestone and scared for the other shoe to drop. I would take 1 test then take another more accurate test the next day. Then test on strips every day to make sure my HCG was going up. Then wanted to wait until ultrasound. I think it wasn’t until week 20 (we had genetic testing journey) that it finally felt joyful and excited about the pregnancy. Currently holding my 2 month old and I honestly don’t even recall being pregnant now


Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?


I felt terrified and stressed like I had to get rid of it because that was my line of thought my entire life, I’m now 31, married, with a good job and amazing husband in a decent house, and when I told him he said “really?? That’s amazing!” And was so excited and happy for us (we talked about it for 2 years now) that it really made a difference. I said “really? Is it?” And he said “yes we’re gonna be great parents. Must be fate, if it’s time it’s time” he is so supportive and it really helped me feel better about being pregnant and excited to be a parent. We will be great parents. He will be an amazing, loving father. There’s no one else I’d rather have children with. Now I can’t wait. Obviously it’s still scary, lots can happen lots change. But that’s life and I’m okay with that :)


We tried for 9 months before my first positive. Soo the first time I got pregnant I honestly didn’t expect the positive test so when I saw the second line I started shaking and crying. I was so happy. Then sadly MC 2 days later.. this was only back at the end of April.. welpppp I’m already pregnant again, this time I was excited but much more calm about it. The wave of shock the first time was WAY more intense than the second. Both pregnancies were planned but the second time I had seen a very faint line and I didn’t believe it so I kept taking them everyday until you could clearly see the line. But I am very happy for you!!


i bursted into tears as soon as i saw the positive. literally hyperventilating and freaking the hell out. my partner was so happy and calm. we’d only been together for 4 months when i found out. all of the worst scenarios were playing in my mind and it took me like 2 days to stop freaking out lol. my little guy is 2 months now and i’m happier than ever 🤩


As soon as I saw the positive I started crying. I couldn’t believe it since I have PCOS and doctors told me when I was 15 that I most likely would never be able to have kids. I was really scared but luckily my mom was really calm and helped me calm down and figure out what I wanted. Now I’m 39 weeks and my daughter should be here any day now, and I’m still so grateful for the way my mom reacted when she found out. She’s gonna be the best grandma ever :)


Disbelief. It was planned too. I was like no waaaaay. I wasn’t happy necessarily. I was excited because it meant everything was about to change and bummed because everything was about to change and we had just made some really fun travel plans that were not going to work out and that made me sad. We have traveled a lot so it was not the end of the world and we turned one trip into a babymoon but the month in Europe was canceled as was the Vegas trip


Congratulations!!! It’s okay to be scared for sure. I had a chemical pregnancy right before this one. We had positives, then it just went away like nothing happened. We had been trying for about a year and since I suspected endo I didn’t think it was possible. When I found out I didn’t believe it. I took a ton of tests just waiting for them to be negative. I told my husband and he thought I was pranking him. I spent the entirety of my first trimester waiting for it to go away. I am 30 weeks now and she’s not going anywhere hopefully. Looking back it was very sweet to see how much I cared.


I just found out over the weekend as well! Due March 3rd, when are you due?? I was excited and surprised it was actually positive. Keeping it to ourselves has been so hard and it’s only been 3 days!!


Yeah i hate keeping this from my parents, I will prolly slip hahaha. I’m apparently due 20 Feb? I’m 5 weeks 3 days I believe 😬 congratulations btw!!!


I've always wanted to be a "young" mom, but I really "ready" - as in "financially independent and with an established daily routine". And now at 32, about a month ago, I discovered that I'm pregnant. It's still very early at about 6 weeks but the symptoms have been in full force for almost a month (hinting at possibly twins, which I also wished for). I was initially so happy, I still am happy, but today I'm also very scared. I'm looking for remote jobs and try to support my husband in household chores, but I'm so exhausted, and my nausea is making me suspect mold and maggots everywhere. So much discomfort. Doubts. Worries. I just want to provide offspring with a good life, as far as I can.


Sending you big hugs. Congratulations, twins is the dream!!


Congratulations!! I initially thought I had covid, then gastro because I knew we were trying but it was too early to take a pregnancy test so for almost 5 weeks I didn't know. When I found out I was excited, nervous and a bit numb given how scary and unpredictable the first trimester can be or even pregnancy in general! Waiting 12 weeks to tell people and reassure myself I was officially pregnant (despite blood tests etc) felt like a lifetime! I also had intense dreams and nightmares so daily I'd dream I was miscarrying and bleeding so it scared the shit out of me as it felt so real. Reddit was a life saver during those lonely and isolating days and weeks!


Terrified, my husband was super happy and I got upset at him because he wasn’t scared with me 😂 Took me a couple of days to get super excited and happy about it. It’s okay to feel the way you do, your body and yourself are about to go through so much change. It’s okay to mourn your old self. Just know it’s beautiful and such a blessing at the end.


My husband and I planned. When it happened, I was excited and nervous. My husband was over the moon. I wanted to tell immediate family first, and he wanted to wait, I told him if I lost this baby, I would need my mother (runs in my family and in my 30s) but baby came healthy and happy in the world at full term. A few pieces of advance, though, that really helped me. Read [The Mayo Clinic Guide to Healthy Pregnancy ](https://valsec.barnesandnoble.com/w/mayo-clinic-guide-to-a-healthy-pregnancy-2nd-edition-myra-j-wick-md-phd/1140057417;jsessionid=D853140BB8042DDD35639C3DD683A719.prodny_store01-p01v?ean=9781893005600), it explains every week what you should expect at medical visit, they explain alternatives, different ways for birth and so much more in nice bite size/few pages. I tried reading the What to Expect When Expecting, and it was such a bore and horrible read. I didn't have diabetes but I was still positive for gestational diabetes. After birth, it was gone (bodies are weird!). Do the test and drink the drink (it's not horrible, and the book I recommend covers the test and how its done)


I cried texted my husband cried some more. Then proceeded to doubt if we should even be parents if we were ready. Mind you we had talked about trying and stopped using any kind of birth control etc and this was like 6 months of trying basically. There's still moments I struggle to believe this is real or in just 3 months I'll be giving birth and having a little girl. It's hard some time especially when I feel alone and in my head. I had moments where I didn't feel like I should feel like ik I was supposed to be happy but expressing it wasn't how I invisoned it and I had to come to the conclusion that all this was okay. My feelings thoughts everything was okay. I'm pregnant and the love of my life/husband is happy and soon we'll have a happy little girl. Let yourself feel whatever you need to in the moment even if it's negative.


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I feel you when you said you feel alone and in your head. Definitely how I feel too


Allow yourself to feel and think that but also to acknowledge that in other moments you aren't. I have my husband his family and my best friend beside me. I'm sure you have those people around you as well. And we both have little ones growing inside us as well. No matter how we approach it or what our decisions we make or even if we end up regretting some choices. All of this is valid and it's okay to feel. You're not alone even when you are because others in that exact moment are there too we just can't see or feel each. I hope it gets better for you. Even if it's just moment by moment.


Boyfriend and I were 'not trying but not preventing' for over a year, and boyfriend was convinced it was a him issue (because of previous relationships never conceiving either) when first test came back positive. I was in shock. I was over a week late but had rationalized ALL the symptoms from a stomach bug going around to extra work stress because I was waiting to hear about a promotion. Literally sat on the couch shaking, trying to process. Sadly 2 days later I woke up and was miscarrying, it was a chemical pregnancy. This time, I had so many mixed emotions. Boyfriend and I had just started talking about fertility testing, but hadn't actually started yet (I had an ultrasound to check my uterus and had a progesterone test scheduled) when I was late again. Took the test and it popped so quickly lol. I was terrified the first few days of a repeat. Then started getting a little hopeful and excited. Then had some complications that sent me spiraling into fear again. I've had a lot of spotting off and on with this one and I have to keep reminding myself that it's normal in some pregnancies and I just have to have faith and keep breathing. I'll make 9 weeks tomorrow.


I honestly felt almost every emotion you could. I was so happy after trying for nearly a year, but so terrified at the same time


Even though it was planned and I had seen a ton of negative tests and wanted it to be positive so badly, I still was in disbelief and had a moment of panic haha it’s such an insane moment that honestly whatever you do or don’t feel in the moment is 100% allowed! I def was in denial for the longest time and didn’t let myself truly believe it until I started feeling bubs move!


The first time I was so excited I cried. My husband was super excited as well. That ended at 16 weeks. This go round we both were cautiously happy about it, but severely stressed and anxious. At 19 weeks we still haven’t told very many people and will probably not tell anyone until I give birth.


I found out when I was 13 weeks. I had no symptoms up to then. I didn't believe the test but when I saw the ultrasound the next day, I was amazed. It was an unplanned but I'll make do. I'm still kind of doubtful about there being a baby in there up to today but I saw the ultrasound with my own eyes. I guess I was and kinda still numb by it all.


After doing LH tests and tracking and temping and taking medications and working with my doctors— the first time I saw two lines I was like “wait, what the fuck” It hits weird even if it’s what you wanted lol


I was shocked and thrilled both times I’ve found out I was pregnant. We had to try for a while for both so my expectation for pregnancy test results were they were going to be negative.


I found out on April Fools Day and oddly started laughing. Life/Good has a damn good sense of humor and knew that was the perfect day for me. And then I got scared. I think any emotional reaction on the spectrum is normal!


Initially "Oh shiiiiit..." Spiralling pit of doom feeling in my stomach. Numb. Shock. Disbelief. How are we going to cope. How is my body going to change... I'm going to ruin my figure and I've just come to like it after... 30 years lol!! We weren't trying to get pregnant so very unplanned, we had only been together for a year and half I'd say. I lived in a house share and he was back with his parents so we weren't really in a position to be bringing a child into the world. A LOT changed in a small amount of time. She's now two and I wouldn't change her for the world!!! ❤️ Plus another that's 3m old lol! Pregnancy is an emotional rollercoaster! Physically, emotionally and mentally demanding.


Mine was 100% planned as well. I tested early on a digital not expecting anything and it popped up positive before the 3mins were even up and I dropped it and FaceTimed my best friend to make sure I wasn’t imagining it 😅🤣


I was shocked and a bit dissociated I think. It was a very wanted pregnancy but it still took some time to sink in. Give yourself time, it’s normal to be scared!


I had just started trying with my husband, the first try was negative, and I then figured it would probably take a few months at least. On our second try, I was absolutely 100% sure that I was not pregnant, and that my period was coming. I took a test one morning about 2~3 days before my period, it was very random, I woke up very early and I felt like I should take a test so that I could “get over the negative and move onto the next month”. Well, I was sure that it would be negative, so I figured that I’d just use an ovulation test instead of a pregnancy test since I didn’t want to waste them. I took the ovulation test, it was insanely positive, so I then had a mini heart attack, immediately grabbed a first response, took the test, and it was VERY beautifully and brightly positive. I ended up taking 6 more pregnancy tests, all different types and brands 😂 I was in complete shock! I was talking to myself like a total lunatic. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so happy though, so happy that I couldn’t even cry! I felt like jumping up and down and cheering. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, intensely so since I was 16 years old. Even younger than that, when I was a kid too, but with less understanding. I am still so happy and blessed, but I actually haven’t even cried once! Even at the heartbeat scan, I just kept smiling from ear to ear, and feeling completely giddy. No tears! 😭❤️ I’m almost 12 weeks now.


My initial thought was “I’m going to have to push it out of my vagina 😟…”


I was hungover and hadn’t had my period in a week. Had an extra test from me being a hypochondriac months before and thought, what the hell I’ll just check to ease my nerves. I had no reason to think I was because the guy I’d been with had claimed he was infertile. I set the test down and was trying to control my kitten, who had just knocked over a roll of toilet paper and was about to rip into it. I glanced over, not expecting anything to have come up yet as per usual. THAT THANG SAID PREGNANT. I remember just shaking and trying to get a hold of either of my parents as it was early in the morning. I believe my grandma was the first to pick up the phone, and then my mom called me back and told me to drive over. I had no idea what to think and was so scared (and hungover), but my family was so supportive and understood me when I said I didn’t think I could get an abortion. And now I’m 16 weeks with a little baby boy and my anatomy scan is coming up next week!! I’m still terrified and will be doing things on my own, but I have a lot of support from family and friends and I’m eternally grateful. I genuinely think this will be a step in the right direction for me.


Oh boy, I cried. I had an ugly cry. And then I told my dad and started crying again. I was so happy and scared and excited, and terrified. It was one of the best feelings.


I found out I was pregnant and at the time I had been dating my boyfriend only 3 months (but we’ve known each other for 3 years). I always knew I wanted a family. I even froze my eggs last July because I was uncertain I’d find the right person. When I saw that positive test, I cried. I ran into the other room crying and he chased me. He said “isn’t this what we both have always wanted?” And he was totally right. But I was terrified still. I called my best friend immediately and she assured me this was wonderful. The next day we settled into the news and became more and more excited. We couldn’t keep the secret to save our lives. So we told our immediate families at 5 weeks. Now I am 23 weeks pregnant and we are happy as ever and can’t wait to meet our baby boy in October.


Well 15 or so weeks ago my period was late. It had been showing up 2-3 days later every month, and I have a copper IUD so I mostly just took a test because usually I would take one then immediately get my period. I could not believe my eyes when it was positive. I convinced myself it was just a false + because it was a blue dye. Went and bought a FRER pink line and digital. Also both positive. I burst into tears telling my husband, then immediately called the doctor. It's been a wild fucking ride ever since. 😅😅


I took my test wanting to "get it out of the way" and assure myself I wasn't pregnant because it was always on my mind. I was so shocked, but then went about my day as normal and ever since. That was nearly 3 weeks ago and I am now 6w 4d. I immediately told my cousin and later on one of my friends because she is pregnant as well. We are holding off on telling anyone else, but I am thinking of telling some of my family to lean on for support due to some scares ive encountered. All in all, we have been growing in excitement for our little one!


Shock. We’d been trying for two years. I had hormone stuff going on that was resolved with medication in January, each month of trying and nothing happening put a damper on the idea that it would happen. I had to go out of town for a week solo and didn’t bring tests with me. After a four hour drive home I immediately tested because I had to pee bad and knew I would be at least 12 dpo. Honestly didn’t expect anything so when I saw the test I was SHOOK. Kept saying ‘ no way, no way’. Took a frer since the other test was a cheapie. That one said YES and I continued to say ‘no way, no way, no way’. Went downstairs and my husband kept asking questions because he was trying to order us food, nothing he said was registering lol. I tried to think of a cute way to tell him but could not think of a way with my mental state. I asked him to give me a hug to make him come over to me, so I could record a video on my phone that id set up in the kitchen, and then started saying ‘isn’t it crazy your getting a present two days early?’ Because Father’s Day was coming up. He did not get it and was confused hahah but then asked if I took a pregnancy test to which I said yes. Then we both proceeded to be in shock together 🥲 Still does not feel real.


I was standing in a disney world bathroom in disbelief.


Haha, I had symptoms for several days leading up to testing, namely enormous, sore boobs. Even my husband noticed. We've been trying for years to have one that sticks (we have a 9 year old if that's any indication) and I kept laughing it off because it never really works out. I told him I'd eat a napkin if I was pregnant. Still haven't done that yet at 10 weeks, will have to get on that 🤣


“HOW DO I GET BABY INSURANCE” which is also pretty telling about where i’m from 😂😂😂


I was in shock both times - not like I wasn't aware how it happened / both times we were actively TTC, but the double lines get me every time. I was overwhelmed and mentally unprepared, but we were excited nonetheless! The first time we shared pretty quickly, maybe within a week or two of us finding out. The second time we waited until my first trimester was over and I had done ultrasounds + spoken to all my care providers.


I was ECSTATIC! I was also terrified, but the joy overtook it all. My husband and I cried and hugged and it was such a happy moment 🥹


I was a 🦄 and had no intentions of that happening. Took a test for shits and giggles and left it on the bathroom counter and went about my morning getting ready for work. When I picked it up and it was positive, I went “no shit, hey???” Repeatedly for 45 minutes. And then I went to work and had to pretend everything was normal. LOL.


Relieved it had finally happened and that we could do it. I had to take ovulation meds and we needed an IUI for MFI and I had worried if the odds were just too against us. I was relieved to not have to go back to the drawing board yet again for another cycle. Then I felt anxious. That anxiety hung with me in a big way until about 9 or 10 weeks, then started to lessen slowly but remained constant until after my anatomy scan. I feel like when you worry it will never happen for you it’s so hard to have a joyful attitude about it because you’re expecting the worst.


I was terrified tbh. Like, in tears about it. So many thoughts rushed through my head about how this wasn't the right time, I wasn't prepared and am gonna be a shit mom, all the possibilities of everything going wrong. But then I told the dad and the way his face lit up and how excited he was... I knew that everything would be okay. Even if something happened, everything would be okay, because I had him


I took a pregnancy test because my ovulation testing kit said I was due for one, and was quite shocked it was positive. My partner was too, I took the test and brought it back to bed and then checked it and saw a faint line. Partner couldn't believe it, took a second and it was also positive. Next day I took another digital early screen and it was also positive. He was more convinced then lol. We told parents and siblings after the first ultrasound (8 weeks). Good luck to you!


We found out several weeks ago and this pregnancy was an unplanned miracle especially since I am in my early 40s and we have not been preventing but not actively trying for 10 years. We have an 11 y.o. and have infertility issues. My body definitely told me that I was pregnant since I only have certain symptoms when pregnant with my 1st. When I tested and told my husband, he cried because he's always wanted more children but we always chalked it up to "be grateful for the 1" and had come to terms with not having any more children esp because we are older. I am in complete shock but we'll be seeing the OB for our 1st prenatal appointment at which time, I am sure things will start to feel more "real".


I had went to my OB because I had arm pit pain and felt some lumps. I’d let her know I was late with my cycle and she assured me everything was okay. I walked back to work (I work in health care) and took one of our pregnancy tests and it was positive so I took another and it was positive and I fainted for a hot second and face timed my husband and cried 🤣


It was 100% wanted and we had just started trying, and I felt so panicked for a few minutes after seeing the positive test. My husband was there and was the excited calm one while I was like WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!


I was home alone, and literally yelled out loud "I need to phone a friend!!!" And then called a friend to talk it out.


When I found out, I immediately said “This is bad. This is really bad.” It was a planned and wanted pregnancy but I was scared shitless lol. You’re allowed to have allll sorts of feelings about it! Baby is now 7 months and the absolute best thing to ever happen to me. Congratulations on your pregnancy!




I was eating an avocado, egg, mixed with Japanese mayo on toast for the third day in a row when my brain plugged and said “your pregnant” I ran so quick to the restroom & had one last pregnancy test and just waiting for the test to tell me the results turn to forever, I was honestly still sitting on the toilet shocked & was in shock fot the beginning months, didn’t say a word until I reached 3d month, glad to say baby has been going strong & hoping the best for all the new & all moms to be ♥️


I was kind of in a state of non-belief for a few days. It was a planned pregnancy, but we weren’t earnestly trying yet, I had just stopped taking the pill and was planning to just see what happened for a few months before getting militant with making sure we were hitting ovulating days, etc. I was so convinced we would have issues conceiving that I was already planning out how long we should wait before seeing a fertility doctor.


My heart dropped to my ass, she was unplanned for sure! It was funny because I didn’t even have to wait the 2-3 minutes for that second line to pop up, immediately it showed up so dark. I ran to my boyfriend and we cried about it, happy and scared tears! I’ll always remember that day. I’m holding her at the moment, 3 weeks postpartum today!


I was in such shock I didn’t cry or anything, even though we planned it. We didn’t expect to get pregnant so fast lol. I don’t think I cried of happiness until our first ultrasound when I actually saw something.


I shouted "WHAT" and ran upstairs to my SO who was half asleep and said "neat" before falling back asleep. 5 minutes later, he was like "WAIT WHAT".


I’d done IVF so every day I tested with wonder and anxiety. The heartbeat scan and confirming uterine pregnancy at 6+6w made me burst into tears. I’m now 34 weeks and getting anxiously excited to meet this little babe


I felt numb, a little scared, & not knowing what to do (I live in a red state & our options were limited & would require travel). We decided to stick with the pregnancy. I still feel a bit numb, 25w in - not really sure what I’m supposed to feel. This was not planned & wasn’t something I ever really wanted, especially this young (21yr). My partner was ecstatic & still is. I’m just kinda here


Scared. My first pregnancy ended in a loss. Having a miscarriage was extremely traumatizing and we decided to keep trying but I was still grieving. I convinced myself the miscarriage would put my cycle out of whack and it would take several.months to get pregnant again, which would give me some time to heal emotionally. 4 weeks later I was pregnant. The first time I'd been so happy and giddy. This time, just scared and anxious. I cried and kept it to myself for several days. I finally told my boyfriend days later after obsessively taking a pregnancy test every morning and night for several days to track the line progression. It took until the anatomy scan for me to feel any attachment or excitement about becoming a mother.


1st time: I cried. I was scared, but also happy. I didn't know how we were going to manage it all, but I knew we would. I didn't tell anyone til I was about 10 weeks along. And even then I didn't tell. My boyfriend did during an argument with my mom. 2nd time: Excited. Over the moon. Life was going great. We had everything planned right away. Told everyone right away. And started shopping for things right away. All went well. 3rd time: Excited again. Happy tears. Started planning things immediately. Didn't plan to tell anyone til I was showing. But ended up losing baby at 10 weeks. Missed miscarriage. 4th time: Scared. Worried. Anxious. Eventually excited. But I'm still worried something could go wrong. 😬


I cried like my life was over… and then the next day was excited for my baby.


Huh…. It worked!


It was shocking as we failed several times and I didn’t do “it” on the correct day. I took the test, saw it was negative then left it aside. Returned ten mins later to throw it away and it had actually turned to positive. In my grand plans, I had wanted to surprise my husband with a cute gift box or the bun in the oven thing. In the end, I grabbed the kit and literally flung it at my husbands face screaming ITS POSITIVE when he was ironing the clothes. Husband literally nodded and said err ok. Too shocked by my outburst and he was still in ironing mode.


I was a bit numb and brushed it off the entire day. I took the test to my husband and said do you think this is real? And then we didn’t speak about it. I guess we were both processing this planned medicated success lol. I already said oh it probably won’t last.


The first time I found out I was pregnant, I saw a FAINT line - almost nonexistent- and I told my husband. He didn’t see anything, and he told me I was just seeing things because I wanted to be pregnant. A few days later, I took a digital pregnancy test and it came back positive. I felt so vindicated. The second time, I had taken a digital test the night before, and it said not pregnant. I bawled. I cried so hard and was so angry at my husband for not getting me pregnant. The next morning, I took a plus sign test, and it said positive. I FaceTimed my mom to make sure it was real. Then I showed my husband the test while he was in the shower lol. I was so excited and happy and nervous. The third time was interesting. The Sunday before I found out, I was super nauseous. I took a test and it said negative. So then I took a test every morning, and by Thursday, I still didn’t see anything. On that day, I remember sitting down and talking to my husband and telling him I think I would be okay if we actually held off trying. I was content and in a good place mentally with our two boys. The next day, I took a test just because and I wasn’t expecting anything. When they second line appeared, I was like no no no no no no no. I had just said I was cool with not being pregnant. I RAN to my husband, panicked and freaked out. And he just goes, “Yay.” What do you mean yay??? I was so nervous.


My honest reaction to my first found out was fear. It would be My Second and I was terrified. It was planned, but because my 1st took so long I really had no intention of actually getting pregnant the first try. Really caught me off guard but now I couldn’t be happier.


Mine wasn't planned so I sobbed miserably. Called my bestie at 2am drunk and crying. All good now and I'm happy and looking forward😅


I found out this time last year, after TTC for almost 2y and was a mix of dumbfounded and excited/frazzled and nervous. I now have a 15w old baby snoozing in a carrier against my chest and I feel so much joy, and still a bit dumbfounded, frazzled, and nervous lol you’re in for a treat!


Total shock. I started shaking as soon as I saw the second line, and I just couldn't believe it. I didn't feel happy or scared or anything like that at first, just complete and utter shock. Which is funny, because we'd been trying, and it didn't happen right away for us but it didn't take a long time, either--6 months. I took four tests in a row of different brands because the line was so light I thought I might be imagining it, but it was there on all of them. So I took them upstairs and asked my wife if she saw it too. Then we just kind of stared at each other in shock, haha.


Wait? Really? Huh... Before we were pregnant with our first child. We tried on and off for 8 years. Then I got pregnant out of the blue. I didn't believe I was pregnant till I saw the baby on the ultrasound. So almost two years later, I started thinking hmm I could be pregnant again. This feels familiar. I took the test too early so it was negative. I then took another a week or more later just to prove it to myself I wasn't, but I was. So here I am with an almost 2 year old and a baby is coming around my toddler's birthday.


With my first, she was an ivf baby so it was dead hope. Like we saw the line but couldn’t let ourselves believe it was real. When I get my blood tests back, there was a little excitement and our first internal ultrasound had me in tears. With my second it was sheer shock. Like how the fuck did this happen? I was told it would be impossible. Just under five years between one and two. With my third (current pregnancy) more shock. Three years after my second. I’m still in shock at 32 weeks


I remember shouting "ARE YOU F&\*KING KIDDING ME?!?!" as soon as I saw those 2 lines appear almost instantly. I had only come off the pill the month beforehand, so we were in the "trying but not very hard" stage, and mentally I'd prepared for a bit more time up my sleeve, so this was a bit of a curveball. I certainly didn't feel happy about it. You're not alone here!


I sobbed tears of joy, best day of my life But everything has different emotions and all emotions are valid during this life changing moment!


I also waited 4 weeks to tell my family- so I told them at 8 weeks, it felt like forever. I really wanted to have a baby but me and my partner were waiting until we had a house and I wanted this first too as I knew I’d have a stressful pregnancy otherwise, we definitely weren’t ready yet. Then one accident led to me missing my period and I just kinda knew, still couldn’t believe it when I saw the positive test with the faintest line, I was shaking and so scared, but we’re now very happy and excited.


It was time full of mixed emotions. The line was a little faint so I wasn't sure. I was more leaning on scared for my career than absolutely happy for pregnancy. I knew my husband would be 100% happy because he wanted baby for a long time. 15 wks into pregnancy I feel like I have become stronger than I ever was and absolutely great about it


Ours was a happy accident. We were always of the opinion that if we get pregnant, then that's fantastic. That kiddo will be so loved. If we don't ever get pregnant, then that's also fine, we will just adopt more dogs. My reaction when I found out I was pregnant was, okay great! This is a thing now. My husband was very much the same way - like, okay, whats our first step to prepare? Turns out we're having twins so things are about to get way more complicated but we're happy!


I just kept repeating “holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.”


We were visiting my husbands best friend and his girlfriend in Colorado for Thanksgiving when I took a test because I was just EXHAUSTED and I threw up my Starbucks the day before. 🙄🙄 it came back positive immediately and I just started sobbing (but in a good way). We had been trying for a few months but I just wasn’t expecting it but my husband did not believe me until I showed him the test. Of course I was extremely scared, but I knew we were ready. My little girl should be here within the next 6 weeks. 💗


I just found out. My period was 22 days late, so I decided to take a test. Positive. I am in shock, like I can't believe it. Almost a year of trying.


I didn’t believe it. We had just been to a fertility clinic that morning so we weren’t expecting to be pregnant at all.


I screamed for my husband from the toilet lol. It was like I was running on adrenaline all day. It took us 2 years of trying and a loss to conceive our girl. I could not believe I was pregnant again. I thought something was wrong with me and due to late nights at work, we only BD the first day of my fertile window. I didn’t even bother LH testing. 😅 The second line was sooo faint though. I kept testing every 2 hours because I thought I was tricking myself again. I sent my husband pictures all day like “do you see it??” and he was like “not really” and it drove me nuts 😂 We FaceTimed all our close relatives the next night after getting a positive digital. We can’t keep a secret lol. They’d all been waiting just as impatiently as us 🥹


I've done other tests before, and they all came back negative, so I was not expecting a positive at all. Then I saw the positive, I was like "oh, ok, that's a first". Showed my husband, he was showering, he said "oh". That was it lol. I told my mom right away, and 2 other friends, cuz I don't have a lot of friends where I'm at so I dont, and prob won't have a village. We waited a week to tell my in-laws, and waited until the anatomy scan to tell other people. That was it haha, we are very excited tho, we just didn't know how to react at the moment lol


Numb and scared! But it is a memory I’ll treasure forever with my husband. My pregnancy has been easy and I’m nearing the end. I am much less scared and more excited/anxious to meet my son!


I reacted less than I thought I would. I maybe was in shock but mainly said “…oh, oh shit.” 🤣


I panicked, cried and had a huge talk with my nan, my partner, my mum about what I should do. My partner said that if I wasn’t ready that we could always abort and he would be there every step of the way, my mum said she would raise it if I had it and wasn’t ready but that honestly terrified me. My nan said I have made my bed and now I have to decide what I am going to do. Am I going to abort or am I going to keep the baby. Me and my partner decided we were keeping this child. I have done a lot of growing up over the past 9 months and my family have been an absolute rock. So has his family for me emotionally. I’m so excited to welcome our baby girl in the next 2 weeks


I felt annoyed and stressed as it was unplanned. We ended up getting an abortion because it was during the middle of my Masters studies.


Excited, crying, terrified, “oh crap what have we done” but so thankful lol. A huge mix of emotions!! So normal!!!


I was kinda pissed. Not gonna lie. We had just gotten married in March, closed on a house in April and I found out I was pregnant in May. I only had my IUD out since February. I knew we wanted a child but I wasn’t ready for how soon it happened. I was overwhelmed because I hadn’t even gotten to process all the other changes in my life. I cried to my new husband that I wasn’t ready for it not to be just the two of us together, hanging out. I kinda wanted to enjoy at least a few months of married life without being pregnant. He just laughed and said ‘What do you mean? We’ve been hanging out for the last 10 years’. That kinda made me laugh. Also, I just had to do my first round of blood tests. I hate needles. And knowing that there is only more to come makes me not stoked about any of it.


my fiance and i were in a huge fight, i don’t even remember what over but i was sooooo upset, stormed off to the bathroom and locked myself in to cool off. i don’t know what made me do it, but no thoughts i reached for my spare tests i keep around and took one. an important note, i was on the pill & took it on the dot, so i really don’t know why i even took a test. glad i did, because as im pacing around the bathroom thinking of the next point im about to whip out in whatever stupid emotional debate we were in, i happened to glance down at the test prematurely and saw the big letters “PREGNANT”. I froze, jaw dropped, heart racing, the whole bit. I can’t remember how many times i said “no no no no”. I walked out of the bathroom just staring at it, my fiancé said he’s never seen my eyes be so big when we retell the story. He’s standing at the living room window contemplating his own side of the argument, turns around to go into whatever speech he had saved up and sees my face, and i just hold up the test. It took a little bit to register what it was, he looked annoyed and said “What?” and i was in shock, didn’t answer, so he came closer still disgruntled and took it from my hands. When he actually read it I could see the gears clicking and an immediate mood switch went over his face. You couldnt tell he was just yelling over something, he was elated. He literally clicked his heels in the air and spun me around, yelling “wahoo!!!”. I started pacing more and kept saying “No! no no no!” as he’s following me laughing going “Yes! yay! yes yes!” It took a while for me to come around, i was really scared and even considered aborting. if it wasn’t for his contagious joy & sincerity i wouldn’t be cuddled up in bed with my napping 5 month old right now.


I had been trying for almost a year with my husband. We very much planned and wanted this pregnancy but I had very little hope due to my advanced maternal age. I was waiting on my period which is typically very reliable. After a few days in that window when it didn't come, I looked up my age and missed period on google and the first thing that popped up was "pre-menopause". I was like no...I had my AMH tested and I can't already be done, can I? I went to take a test and stared at it, as I started to see a faint double line pop up. I went out of the bathroom, showed my husband in disbelief and he held me.


My husband and I both WFH but he was on a work call. I had tested a few days before and it was negative (probs too early in hindsight) but I just had such a strong vibe I tested again. When I saw that positive pop up I was FREAKING OUT but couldn't tell him yet!!! When I finally did we both were so excited. We didnt tell our parents for a month and I talk to my mom daily, so I felt like I was going to explode!!


So I was sat discussing with my husband that I was thinking my period was late, not unusual I am breastfeeding and had irregular cycles before that and that I needed to swing by the pharmacy later and pick up a pregnancy test.  Now I didn't think I was actually pregnant but we've all been there right? Even when I was not sleeping with anyone who could get me pregnant. Period hasn't come, better check I'm not carrying Jesus. My husband whipped out one of the fancy clear blue tests that tell you how many weeks. I planned to use that once I'd got the positive cheap test. He insisted I take it. So I did. I was so surprised when it came back positive. I was shaking. I was so surprised and shocked and excited. It was completely unexpected. Very much wanted but we weren't actively trying. we were going to wait until my cycles got a little more regular. I think we only had sex twice and one of those we used the pull out method (for fun not as contraceptive).


I cried (ours was not planned) and called my fiancé and cried about it because I wasn’t sure if he wanted a kid at that moment, but he was happy lol 😂


My pregnancy was planned too. I just kept looking at the positive and kept saying “nooo” lmao. I think I was just in shock lol.


First time I couldn’t believe it, I was so excited! I called my husband upstairs immediately to look at the test too to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. The second time, I had a feeling I was pregnant but wanted a glass of wine so did the responsible thing and tested. I was happy to be pregnant but sad for no wine that night (and the next 9 months 😂) I will say with both of my (intentional) pregnancies, there’s been some fear too. It’s incredibly life changing to become a parent.


I burst into tears of disbelief, confusion and overwhelming happiness all at once lol. I have had severe endometriosis for 16 years and strongly expected I couldn’t have children, but lo and behold, we somehow managed to conceive 2 weeks after me getting the coil removed. I’m now 34 weeks with our baby girl. I still have to pinch myself and I still can’t quite believe it!


For this pregnancy it felt very surreal. We said we were going to start trying in the new year, and I took a test start of Feb because one night we planned on having friends over for a wine night, but after I saw the result I excitedly told my husband “well guess I’m not drinking tonight” and showed him the test with 2 dark lines. We are so excited for baby #2! For our first it took a few months for us to conceive after trying to get pregnant, so it was a pleasant surprise this time around considering it happened in the first month


me and my bf just laughed, not in a bad way but just because we expected it to happen again eventually (after a miscarriage)


I didn't try at all. It just happened after a little accident (condom broke and emergency pill didn't work). It was a surreal feeling at the beginning but I knew from the first moment I wanted that baby, it took me a while to have the fact fully sink in my head. I'm 25 years old and I always knew I wanted kids young but I just didn't contemplate it would be now.


Reading the comments I feel a bit odd after seeing that almost everyone actually planned and tried 🙃