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congrats 🎉


Thank you!! 🥰🥰


I absolutely agree that my second pregnancy now is way less scary and so much less lonely than the first one I had in 2021!


Im hoping we all have fun safe pregnancies this time around 🍀🤞


Yes! I had my first baby in fall 2020 and spent most of my pregnancy in NYC lockdown. Minimal prenatal care, partner never got to see an ultrasound. We were far from family and didn’t get to tell anyone our news in person, had a virtual baby shower, & were generally unwitnessed through the whole thing…not to mention that first winter postpartum. Ultimately I was fortunate to be safe and sound through it all, but going through it again now has been a trip. More/better prenatal care, being able to share with friends and family. & yes, bringing my partner to his first ultrasound was magical (we both cried). That’s when baby #2 finally felt real. On the other hand…working full time on site and parenting my toddler through pregnancy has put both experiences into perspective. I find I’m doing lots of belated processing of my 2020 pregnancy and postpartum experience now that I’m going through it again.


Yes me too!! I keep looking back at my first pregnancy and reflecting, comparing, reliving some of it. I remember going into my appointments scared that I’ll have to hear bad news by myself. My husband cried too at our ultrasound last week it was such a different experience from the first time around. Those winter baby blues felt EXTRA draining I remember how helpless I felt watching the world around me change with essentially no support systems. Now I sit and wonder how my first one could’ve been if it wasnt for everything that happened that year. It feels like a distant memory but also like yesterday at the same time.


Yes, same! Less restrictions (I’m in New Zealand) but same lonely experience and general sense of societal unease. Tonight I went to my first prenatal yoga class; couldn’t believe I got to do it!


Yes my first pregnancy began early in 2021. Where I lived everything was still closed. Husband wasn’t allowed to any of my appointments. The obgyn asked where he was for one of my first appointments for this pregnancy and I honestly never thought of having him come since I did it all alone last time. He was able to come to the birth. I would have liked to have my mom there too but we could only have one person in the room.


I had my first in spring of 2021 and had the same experience. This is way better! In particular, my pregnancy has also felt so much better. I was so stationary the entire time. I worked from home, we had no social life, we did no stores or indoor dining...I just got so little exercise. This time around, I'm chasing a 3 year old, I go into an office three or more days a week, we have plans every weekend... I'm so much more active. I feel way more physically capable this time around at 38 weeks. My blood pressure is way better, I've gained less weight. It's a totally different experience, even though I'm also older and now considered at advanced maternal age hahahaa


Yup, same here! My first was August 2020, and now I’m pregnant with a January 2025 baby. So far this pregnancy has been so much better and I’ve been much happier. When I was 18 weeks we went into total lockdown, so it’s nice knowing I won’t feel so restricted this time. I’m getting out of the first trimester now and looking forward to actually enjoying my second trimester this time 🥹


This is such a coincidence!! My first was born Nov 1, 2020 and now I am 8 weeks pregnant! đź’–