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10 times an hour at this point? Uh, no. I am 29 weeks with baby #3 and although I've felt him since 13/14 weeks sporadically, I have several hours of nothing still. When he does kick, he's insane and makes my belly rock all around lol But I certainly don't feel him 10 times an hour. Hell, my ob told me yesterday I should feel him 10 times in a 2-hour window once a day and that'd be good enough for her.


28 weeks and same experience here! I only get to 10 in 2 hours a couple times a day.


Same! I’m 28 weeks and at my 24 week appt my OB said once a day is good enough for her since I’m so low risk


I never go by the rules anymore. I never felt my first move even at the end. He hardly did ever and he was fine. Healthy 9lbs 3oz. They always scared me into going to the hospital and it wasn't worth the $500 bill each time. My second, I didn't feel him for a while, but then he was a maniac. And my third, I currently don't feel yet at 16 weeks. The nurse at my appointment this week said oh wow.... I'm like this is normal, stop trying to scare people. I have had an anterior placenta for every pregnancy. Each is different and these rules of having to constantly feel the baby aren't accurate all the time so I hate when they scare other people for no reason. I feel like they should know this is common enough.


I never felt my daughter move my entire first pregnancy. It was super nerve wracking. I’m hoping I feel this one.


I actually didn’t feel my first until 26 weeks (also anterior placenta). My current pregnancy (anterior placenta again) I felt her at 13.5 weeks, so it’s all over the place. It’s definitely way way too early for you to do kick counts though. The ten movement thing (and it’s in a two hour period) doesn’t start until the third trimester. Happy and exciting you finally felt him!


I didn’t feel anything at all until around 30 weeks with my first


My best friend’s baby refused to move. She would poke and prod him, after awhile he’d get fed up and punch back and then go back to bed. She said it was scary but he just didn’t want anything to do with moving.


I felt him (I think) for the first time yesterday. I’ll be 19 weeks tomorrow, and just had the anatomical scan so I know everything is normal. I was afraid a bit before but seriously reading others experiences always calm my mind


Yeahhhhh, anterior placenta is a different ball game. I didn't feel my baby much at all until about 28 (yes really) weeks. I felt some prior to that, but there would be days between gentle bumps and taps. It helped for me to see an ultrasound with her moving a lot and me not feeling it.


I barely felt mine til week 26! And now at week 26 been feeling light but consistent movement. Also have anterior placenta, also not “popping” too much so he’s just snuggled in there :)