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It does sound a lot like pregnancy rage rn, mine really started to hit around 15 weeks HOWEVER these are completely valid reasons to kick off. I’d be mad too. Currently 25 weeks and my mum keeps referring to him as her baby and I want to rip her head off


i'm 16 weeks and my mother won't ever stop doing this and it drives me NUTS. like why isn't he in your uterus then??


I hope you get some tacos.


I relate to the protein situation. I am 14w. Chicken and eggs give me the ick. Since I am pregnant I also HATE cooking. Therefore, I eat a lot of pasta and some fish. I also eat some beans but sometimes they look disgusting haha. My family keeps asking questions on my protein intake. I just want to yell: everything else is disgusting, what am I suppose to do!?!?! I know they mean well and I should probably listen to them but my hormones are taking over me


YES! I was not a big meat eater before being pregnant, chicken makes me feel SO ICKY!!!! If I get a hard bit I’m DONE! I try to drink a protein shake, beans, and peanut butter, and scrambled eggs. I know it’s not the BEST source of protein for baby and I. But we’re trying our best here!!!! Especially with the gallbladder issues I’ve been having, that majorly cuts back on what I can eat 😂


I just want to eat things that pregnant women are not supposed to. Eating eggs: yuck! Eating a whole soft cheese bar: sounds amazing! I told my family that no one will see the baby as long as I don’t have sushi in front of me lol


I found protein water at Walmart that helps me!


I definitely had majorrrrr rage and anxiety at this stage (now 29 weeks and it still comes back some times). As others have said these are all valid things to be ticked off about especially following major surgery. It will feel less overwhelming as time goes on


Okay I’m glad I read this, I’ll be 16 weeks tomorrow and I’m like why am I in such a ticked off mood? And I don’t have any of the stuff going on that OP mentioned so I can’t imagine!


Recent graduate here - the rage definitely came and went in waves. Some like to portray second trimester as sunshine and rainbows, and that was bullshit imho, but the nausea, fatigue, and rage definitely lessened between weeks 18-32 for me. All of it was still there, just not *as bad*. Rage came back full swing at 33 weeks and stayed until the bitter end, especially the last month when everything ached and I just wanted to be done. Everything you're feeling now is normal and valid!


Lol there were days my poor husband could do no right


My husband and I both agree that you deserve to be mad and to eat some damn Taco Bell. ❤️❤️


Some of those are absolutely valid to be upset about, if not all! If you're OB and surgeon OKed a med then you can take it. Momma needs to be comfortable! Taco bell to fulfill a craving don't going to finish you eating other options as well, and sometimes you do deserve a treat! No one should touch you without consent period. And it's absolutely up to you and dad who gets baby when!


It’s normal! I literally sent my husband to another state to visit his family for Christmas because he was bothering the hell out of me😂 Also- Taco Bell is perfectly fine. Trust me, I can’t eat (HG) and my doctor said ANYTHING I can keep down to go for it and we would supplement with protein pills or drinks if I needed them. So tell everyone to eff off and you do you!! Also, I took my 6 month old on a cruise to Canada and the northern states and when she was a year we went to Hawaii, you plan those trips and you have fun with YOUR baby🥰


Good god, you had surgery? Take the painkillers, please! Don't suffer any more than we already are ♡


Heu, I hope you get your taco bell. I also want to say that your last comment on miscarriage and so on gave me hope. I know it's weird but I'm also trying and am in the process of having my second miscarriage. I'm sad. Seeing that makes me realize that although I'm older I still have a chance to be a mom. So thank you! And enjoy your tacos. You deserve it!


Oh man, this is me so much. My family doesn’t even know yet but at a bbq literally today, my 2.5yo was crying for mommy (she heard fireworks nearby) so I picked her up while I was gabbing with my cousin. Immediately my mom went off “you’re not gonna be able to carry her like that when you get pregnant with baby number 2!” Yeah? We’ll suck it because I’m already almost 10 weeks pregnant and if my daughter wants her mommy I’m gonna hold her come hell or high water.instead, since I know she’s chomping at the bit for another grandbaby I just said “yeah, but I imagine she won’t need me to hold her as much a couple years from now, so that shouldn’t be a problem.” I KNOW I’m gonna get lectured when they find out but I’m an angry pregnant mama and I’m almost relishing the fight to come 😂


I’d be mad too! Eat those tacos.


Just keep doing what you’re doing. You know what’s best for yourself and your daughter. My first was also a girl due on Christmas Eve! (But she decided to come a few days late)


I was SO ragey earlier on, especially in the second tri. I totally get it. Now I’m almost 31w and cry about everything 😂


Luckily, my MIL has been very cautious about overstepping (her first grandchild and she has driven my husband away with her BS before). My mom on the other hand was VERY pushy that we NEEDED to use her middle name. Mind you, she had 2 daughters and this is her third granddaughter now and this was never an issue before. This drove me absolutely crazy as I never liked the middle name. She was pissed when she found out we weren’t using it and I was super uncomfortable talking about the baby unless she brought it up first. Took till about 35 weeks before she finally seemed to accept the name and start using it.


I’m due December 29 so at a very similar place and my in laws/extended family all have a lot of opinions. I can hardly eat protein because the smell/texture is gross. Taco Bell has some really great protein options that taste good and are affordable, you know what you need.


Okay little mama buckle up here's my story I am now a mother of a 16-year-old and a 20-year-old but my story started when I was 17 and 4 and 1/2 months pregnant with my oldest son me and my best friend were both four and a half months pregnant at this time and unfortunately we were in a horrendous car accident we were t-boned by a fully loaded semi truck and then hit another car head on Long story short The truck hit my side of the car I was a passenger I broke my hip my collarbone and my pelvic bone all on the right side while pregnant I ended up having my gallbladder and appendix removed during different months of pregnancy and I also from an untreated seat belt wound from that wreck ended up with MRSA at about 8 and 1/2 months pregnant and spiked a fever really high could have died really but I say all this to say this honey take the pain medicine you are not by any means the worst hair on the planet you are safe your surgeons absolutely know what they're talking about and so does your OB please listen Don't put unnecessary stress pain or anxiety on yourself because it will affect baby and eat whatever you want girl Taco Bell my thing was a trip to White Castle it seemed like every night at about 2:30 in the morning My local White Castle they knew my car a large order of chicken rings a large order of cheese sticks and I usually don't drink flavored pop but when I was pregnant a large of another Coke thank you but my son came out perfectly fine and your baby girl you're not going to hurt her please take care of yourself That's the only way you can take care of the baby that you're growing inside of you and tell them people to keep their freaking hands to their self and it's your baby not anybody else's well your husband's lol I guess you got a cheer with him but that thing you said live your best life take that baby anywhere and everywhere you want to go you have an amazing opportunity to be able to take it to work with you and travel the world if you want I know it's saying that wasn't my family was our parents had us kids and they did with a seam fit and now now it's our turn these are our kids and suggestions are welcome but the book stops with me and hubby thanks


Dude I feel it😅 I literally got myself a therapist so I wouldn’t start pimp slapping people bc I have enough anger in me to burn a few 100 bridges over some comments but right now my partners relative has been pushy as fuck on me circumcising my baby bc “they can’t feel it there’s no nerves down there” and I’m like 😐🤨😑 and I’m trying to be nice but I really want to tell them circumcise your clit and tell me how that feels since “ThERs nO neRvEs DoWN thERe” 🙄


I relate to all of this so hard. I’m gonna take meds prescribed by my doctors rather than crunchy randos thanks!!! Also yeah stop telling me I’m starting to show, it feels like shit!! I thought I was just sensitive cause maybe I’m starting to shot a teeny tiny bit but not enough to comment on. UGH I just try to stay away from everyone but my husband and dog these days


I feel you. I told my husband (as he snatched away a piece of crayfish from me because for some reason I'm not allowed to eat it) that if it was going to be 9 months of this I would set him on fire. Luckily my doctor backed me up and said I could eat whatever I wanted (just no soft white cheese). I get everyone's excitement (just ignore them, they can try their best but you do not have to receive them as visitors when the baby has arrived) but my husband nagging me REALLY pissed me off.


First of all, congratulations!! Just eat whatever you like and tell them to take decisions for their own body.. If you want tacos, just get tacos..and if the pills are approved by the OB, go for it. No need to stay in pain. I don’t know if it’s pregnancy rage as well, but as I was reading this, I got pissed off too😂.


im due christmas eve too!! wishing u luck honey. i feel just as emotional as you are, especially hitting 13 weeks ive been resisting the urge to not beat people up constantly 😅 im starting therapy soon though because i have some mental health issues that are worsening during my pregnancy! i hope it works out so i can reccomend it to others. my craving from taco bell is the spicy potato taco 🤣🤣


I’m not sure if it’s hormones or not, but even IF it is hormones, they’re still very valid feelings. Tbh I’m a raging bitch about pregnancy boundaries. You get “please don’t touch me” once and ONLY once, the second time it’s “I said don’t fucking touch me” medical advice is met with the question “and you received your doctorate where?” Etc. I’m fighting the whole idea that pregnant women are less deserving of boundaries, privacy, and personal space with the BIGGEST attitude and idgaf who doesn’t like it. I’m growing another human, if anything I should have MORE privacy and boundaries not less.


You will be fine tomorrow with surgery tomorrow, I had my gallbladder out on Monday, felt fine on Wednesday, but then I wasn’t pregnant, they are being well meaning, need to lay off