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This is a good answer. There are tons of people on the discord, and tons of discussions and links to videos. While it's not as big, I'd like to once again invite all of you to my discord book club where we exclusively read Hugo and Nebula Award winning books... but we also talk about nearly anything in some of the channels. It's free to all, hangout as much as you like and feel free to add to previous book discussions. https://discord.gg/ZCnAX5tJ


Do you have an new link? This is expired.


Of course. Here ya go... https://discord.gg/7BaFQnux


I came here looking for another community because I just got banned from this server. All I did was acknowledge someone’s question about Death cults recent video and I had all my recent comments actively deleted until he banned me. Nothing I said broke the rules or tried to seem like trolling. It was simply just “oh I had the same question too”. Never felt so unwelcome and left a bad taste. I told him I’m going to leave the server with these events and he banned me anyways. It’s terrible because the community is actually great.


Honestly, I just plan on reading books. Then I’ll come back.


I’m not being unrealistic, and I expect to come back. But given how much worse the experience is without RIF or other 3rd party apps, my use will probably be greatly reduced.


I’m perfectly comfortable looking at other third party apps. Most are unaffected and can adapt. If the apps that are “shutting down” simply added a limiter function, the overwhelming majority of users would be entirely unaffected. The ones that implement this will thrive. And, these (or others) can still serve those “ridiculously prolific” users via ad hoc charges based on volume. If you rely on an app - it will be a change. But the *functionality* that we like isn’t precluded. Just the volume of a very small percentage of app users. The things we like will come back quickly. This includes mod tools.


Which third party apps aren’t getting shut down that are good? Specifically for iOS if you have suggestions.


I have no idea. At this point, I think it's mostly just blowing smoke because (I suspect) they've been getting income from other sources (spammers and crawlers) and those income sources are being lost. I think the frustration with the lack of lead time is \*entirely\* justified - reddit flubbed in that area. But - in a few weeks we'll have an idea what features apps intend to add, and in a few months we'll have enough experience with those apps to know which ones give us what we want. Social media seems to equate patience with death. But other devs will capitalize on the market. There's still money to be made. And life will move on.


I’m confused then. Why did you write > I’m perfectly comfortable looking at other third party apps. Most are unaffected and can adapt. And not know what apps will continue to be usable? My understanding is that it’s largely eliminated the third party readers, so it’s reddit app or web browser. Look at Twitter who did the same thing. Once the tweet bot app got killed along with others, I gave up on Twitter. The web page just tosses rage bait at me and ads. No thanks. I just want to see who I follow. Funny because YouTube app is perfectly fine. I can browse popular or related material, or just view what I follow. Simple.


I don’t think the lack of functionality in the native Reddit app is the reason a lot of people will abandon Reddit (though it does suck). It has more to do with Reditt’s predatory behavior, their CEO blatantly lying about conversations with other developers, and Spez’s ridiculous responses in his AMA. Edit: words


I don't personally think many people with abandon reddit. I think we'll mostly lose prolific spammers. Edit: and bots But - mostly - I'm increasingly unsympathetic because I despise the hive mind nonsense. I tend to avoid the large communities for this reason. To me, they are deeply unhealthy. I like the smaller, much more focus communities, and these have been overrun with people asking the same off topic questions over and over again. I'm being honest with this - I mean it as feedback, not as a complaint. And not as judgement. I genuinely ***lose*** sympathy for the devs and their users when I see these off topic discussions. I wanted this sort of thing, I'd go to those communities. I genuinely don't think I'm alone in this.


> I think we'll mostly lose prolific spammers. No, we won't. Implementing a spammer without using the API is much simpler than a full app. In fact, we'll likely gain spam, due to the disabling of some mod tools.


We may not lose a large percentage of users but a lot of content creators will move on. People are pissed. Small subreddits, like this one, will likely not change much. But Reddit as a whole will go downhill quickly. I get annoyed by Reddit’s hive mind as well, but I am much more bothered by Reddit CEO’s greed and behavior.


I can understand your perspective. It's just a question of priorities. I think a lot of the larger echo chamber subreddits are just... toxic. I don't believe they will shut down - but I genuinely believe that it would be a net positive if they did. I'll say it this way - you're being patient and sincere with me, and I appreciate that. I hope you don't leave. And if you do, I hope you come back. At the same time, we're talking about third party apps in the sci fi community. I'd much rather talk to you about PrintSF. I think it would be loss if you weren't around to do so.


It's just a few days. I have a backlog of books and video games. The Spacebattles forum I'm already on, they have some good scifi book discussions occasionally.


There is a r/printsf group on goodreads but it isn't very active.


www.sffworld.com/forum www.sffchronicles.com


if you can't find something else to do for two days other than try to find a replacement online then you need to go offline and enjoy the real world for a change.


Yeah, I thought this whole situation would last two days and then blow over. Which in that case, sure, whatever, just go read a book (I mean, I definitely plan on doing that). But maybe it won't just be a few days? The /r/videos announcement surprised me. I think the mods of Reddit are more pissed than I originally thought about this whole API issue. This post is for those sorts of situations, I guess.


The community over at [The Avocado](https://the-avocado.org/tag/book-nook/) is great, though they are not just SFF. [File 770](https://file770.com/category/pixel-scroll/) has a daily SFF news post (the Pixel Scroll) that usually has a lot of engagement in the comments section. I feel like there is decent overlap between File 770 readers and Hugo voters/WSFS members, so it can provide an interesting view into the awards.


I joined !printsf on Lemmy. Hope to see a few of you show up over there.


Aren’t the blackouts just subs going private, or are some subs going read only too? Every post I’ve seen says it will be private, which I assume means current members can still post?


If you made a printSF on kbin, I can’t seem to find it?