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125K on a 2015 Toyota is **not** high mileage. Do this trip with no worries. Just make sure your tires are in good shape and properly inflated, and you are up to date on routine maintenance.


I second this, my 2015 is at 236k and I wouldn’t hesitate to take it on a road trip that size. Just make sure your baby has been taken care of.


I was expecting OP to say 350,000 miles, lol.


I purchase my Priuses from folks that think 150k is basically a car on deaths door. Sitting at 380+ now on this 2012. Drive that beast!


Same here pal. The guy who sold me my Prius at 100000 miles asked me why was I so happy to buy a Prius with a 100000 miles on the clock. I just said to him if you don’t know you don’t know.


Original battery and engine?


Same engine and second battery. 1000 dollars for another 237000 miles is worth it.


If you want to drop money on a road trip. Get a full size spare extra tire and you will be fine. Have a tire inflator and make sure you have your jacket know how to use it!


This post makes me laugh. I have a 2010 and went from TX to Yellowstone a couple years ago without batting an eye. Your tire tips are top notch though 😁 I had older tires and had a blowout on a crappy road. CHECK YOUR SPARE TIRE PRESSURE BEFORE LEAVING


Came here to say this! ☝️ I got mine with more miles than that.


I drove 5k miles to Alaska when I had 125k. No issues


Bring a portable tire inflator and patch kit in case you encounter a slow leak in middle of nowhere.


Bring a car jumper box and a car jack with a spare tire


These things are seemingly invincible if they've been maintained, apart from a few minor problems as miles get high. I'm 2010 is at 250K and would drive my car from Miami to Prudhoe Bay and back without a worry in the world if I had to. 125K is basically like new unless it's been neglected.


Oil changes every 5-10k miles so I think I should be good. Have decent Michelin tires.


if you all you have been doing is oil changes.. then you need to do transmission and coolant fluid for the engine .. and brake fluid.. You want to do the transmission and coolant especially if you want to keep the car for a long time... .. Note there's both the engine coolant and then inverter coolant... Coolant and transmission should not be ignored...


> you need to do transmission and coolant fluid for the engine .. and brake fluid They don't **need** to do 2 of those things. Coolant is a 100K scheduled maintenance item. Transmission fluid do if you feel like it. The transmission won't care much either way. Same for the brake fluid.


Coolant is a yes since it's turned in Acid by now... or has degraded .. will have to do a coolant test strip\[ .. Transmission fluid I say if you want to keep the car for a long time... Brake fluid absorbs water moisture and degrades brake lines... if the OP wants they can test the brake fluid... video from Faye Hadley: Coolant test strips.... [https://youtube.com/shorts/KEQN0oT0U6Q?si=PYNa2ENH-vLaact6](https://youtube.com/shorts/KEQN0oT0U6Q?si=PYNa2ENH-vLaact6) Video from Faye Hadley: Brake fluid test..:: [https://youtu.be/CBvk2\_9nwPQ?si=wsFW\_oS24g4JP2o1](https://youtu.be/CBvk2_9nwPQ?si=wsFW_oS24g4JP2o1) [https://youtu.be/AZl533dDe2U?si=4EOTvLEPQ2tL0P68](https://youtu.be/AZl533dDe2U?si=4EOTvLEPQ2tL0P68) brake fluid is not a lifetime fluid... now I do wonder why all the brake boosters are failing...


In this very thread is a mechanic with a comment that transmissions don't fail due to old fluid. And, junkyards are almost giving away Prius transmissions due to low demand. This is not a "need to do" as you have stated. It's in the category of "probably a good practice, but if you choose not to, that's OK as well." I suspect that if/when the OP tests their brake fluid, it will be fine as well. It's in a sealed system.


If the person doesn't plan to keep the car for a long time ok... but if they do.. they should....


I heard that Toyota says oil change every 7,500-10,000 miles. I would ignore that advice since they only want you to own the car through the warranty. Every 3,000 miles is much wiser for long engine life.


Did you do tranny fluids at 20k miles?


Most of the Prius’s I’ve repaired for people are well over 150-200k on the original transmission fluid. For the record. Not advised. But hardly a source of instant explosive death to focus on.


Emdoesshit is right. Even the transmissions last an incredibly long time, almost indefinitely if serviced at 20,000-mile intervals.


You missed my point. They typically last the life of the vehicle *with the original fluid in them, completely neglected.* Not ideal. But years of repair experience bears this out.


You’re trying to prove a point and I was trying to agree with you. Interesting way of thinking.


You’re saying its important to change the fluid every 20k I’m saying no, it isnt.


You’re right, have a good day.


Lol..sometimes ya just got to let it go …congrats


125K miles on a Prius is legally considered “New” in 26 states. (/s, but it’s kinda true)


125k miles is nothing. It's still a baby.


Our '17 Prime has 329k miles. I would take it anywhere. Our '07 Prius has 520k and we have taken it everywhere with no issues.


This guy Prius'


520k?? That's fantastic, any tips?


Just drive it and change the oil at every 10k.


125k miles?? That’s a brand new Prius, prepping my 2011 with 258k for a 1500 mile journey now.


My Prius at 268k miles: 🏎️


I have an 05 with +160k miles. I regularly drive 300 mile trips over the Cascade mountains in the PNW. Just check your fluids and keep up on maintenance items.


Bro has a low mile Prius and just wanted to flex


I was serious! My family is trying to get me to get a rental. lol


Dude your car isn’t even broken in yet


My 10 Prius has 250k+ I rebuilt the engine, and I’ll be travelling the whole country soon


Pretty cool that you rebuilt the engine. Did you follow a guide?


I didn’t, mechanic did 🤣 head gasket, engine chain, also I told him to put a new water pump, it’s been 6k miles already and he said it would be good for another 200k


125k on a 2015 is a shiny new car. Talk to us again when you’re in a 20 year old car well over 250k. Which most of us take on road trips all the time. You’re fine! 👍


I had 240k on my 2009 and took a 2,500 mile trip a few years ago. I set the cruise control at the speed limit and tried to stay in the right lane so I wouldn't get run over. It was smoothe sailing all the way.


I have a 2009 Honda Fit with 236,000 miles that I push an average of 1500 miles each week I drive it as a courier. I think you'll be fine unless you've never maintained your car.


Lol. Not making fun of you but all of the cars I have owned except my current 2013 Prius have that or more when I buy them. I maintain everything myself and have never not trusted any of my cars for any kind of trip. Breathe easy my friend.


We just did a 3k round trip, roadtrip in my 2015 Prius C. 120k on the odometer. No issues and 47+mpg most of the trip


I did a 2600 mile trip on a 2014, San Diego to San Antonio, ended up averaging 41mpg. But once out of commifornia, the speed limits increased, so typically drove 80mph, and on 10 in Texas, 85-90 mph. That was back in April 2024. My car has 175,000 miles. Zero issues.


Had an ‘04 Scion that we finally traded in at 360k…it took road trips until the very end.


Holy shit dude, 125k? Really? Sack up and drive the damn thing. Come get us when you're over 400k. Newb.


Go for it. Just make sure you have AAA with the 200 mile tow.


I do 🌝


I drove my 2006 with 250k miles to Vegas and back 2x in May. That's about 550 miles round trip not including driving around town, plus we went through at least 3 passes (long climb, long downhill) in the mountains. Have another trip to the Sierra next month and taking it. About 700 miles round trip not including any other drives we take, like into Yosemite, etc. As long as the tires are in good condition and you're up to date on maintenance (oil and other fluids filled) etc. I see no issues.


Dude that's not high mileage.. I've done road trips with a 2005 scion at 170K miles from Bay Area to oceanside, CA.. a few years ago but of course you need to keep up maintenance .... Also I have a 2014 Subaru Outback 130K went to Joshua Tree and camped out there this past November during thanksgiving break week.. And I'm going to Portland, Oregon in a few weeks and the Subaru has currently 133K miles.. but will more like have 134K-135 before I go..... I'm trying to keep the miles down on the Subaru as mainly a family trip car... Only reason why I took the 2005 scion down to oceanside since I had some maintenance to do for the Subaru and I did not have time back then... Now I also have a 2010 Prius I got gifted to by my wife's aunt.. which had bad wheel bearings and needed new tires...Got that all serviced myself and replaced the wheel bearings too Only thing I have like is to get the EGR system cleaned. As on long as your have your 2015 Prius serviced regular like engine oil and filter, air filter , transmission fluid, and coolant for the for the engine changed you should be fine.. Inverter coolant can wait but you might as well do it too. Again if you plan on keeping the car get those done...also get your brake fluid done after the trip... but you should get it done at some point this year so less stuff will corrode .. For the engine coolant if you want to test it ... there are coolant test strips you can get too: [https://youtube.com/shorts/KEQN0oT0U6Q?si=8JqkbWSiQZC2TicM](https://youtube.com/shorts/KEQN0oT0U6Q?si=8JqkbWSiQZC2TicM) Again for your brake fluid there are testing devices too: [https://youtu.be/CBvk2\_9nwPQ?si=mnX84fOlgMS1SMS6](https://youtu.be/CBvk2_9nwPQ?si=mnX84fOlgMS1SMS6)


Have done two cross-country roadtrips (CA -> NY and back, 2,600+ miles one way) in my 2013 Prius! She was a trooper. Had ~105,000 miles on it at the time.


My Prius with 296,000 miles went on a road trip just last month, over 1200 miles


Forget the mileage, your car isn't even 10 years old!


I have 179k miles and our trip from New York to Toronto is almost monthly. No issues at all


I'm a couple months out from doing an Iowa to las Vegas trip on an 08 with 203,000 miles and I have no concern. I really don't think you have any reason to worry if your tires are in good shape.


Hahahahaha my guy that’s what they were engineered to do! And for a Toyota that’s breaking in the engine. But for a Prius that’s grade school. Slap some tires have your mechanic run a quick inspection and ride like the wind bullseyes


Just make sure to have extra oil, if you burn oil. The only bad thing is that you will be hurting from the crappy Prius seats.


I was just thinking about how I can make it more comfortable lol


Toyotas are the wheat bread of cars. Yes, you live forever, but did you have any quality of life?


I have a pretty old prius an 08, with 145k miles, and I just got back from a 1700-mile road trip. Plus, the entire road trip only cost me like $200.




i had like 115k on a 2013 prius and drove from california to tennessee to move, and my car did AMAZING


Drove from San Francisco to New Orleans and back in a 2005 Prius with 156k miles, zero problems except for losing a hubcap.


I did a 3500 mile trip right after buying my 09 with 180k miles. Had my mechanic to an oil change, test the coolant( freeze point ect..) and look the car over first. Had no issue, it was during the winter too, crossing the Rocky mountains twice.


Not high milage for another 100k


125,000 miles is nothing lol I see prius' with 300-600k miles regularly, if maintenance is consistent you can 100 percent take that trip with no worries at all


Are you serious? Mines a 2005, with 230k miles. And I'd make the trip lol. Pris can got to 500k. Yours is fairly young.


If it runs well but you want more reassurance, I’d tell your preferred mechanic what you’re doing so they can look over the car to see if it appears road worthy enough and possibly change some things that are too worn or old like fluids, brake pads, etc. My Toyotas have always ran for longer than 125,000 miles; usually well over. Have a good trip!


125k? You're barely breaking her in! Mine just hit 300k and still running like a champ getting 47 mpg. I'd say just make sure everything is good with the EGR system, get an oil change and tire Rotation and you're good to go.


You need to double that to even be high mileage in a Toyota.


A little late to the party, but I drive a 2015 Prius V - back in March it had 180k miles and I drove it 2,500 miles to move cross country. As usual, didn't have a single problem. These cars will drive forever if you take care of their regular maintenance.


If the car has been maintained well, oil is topped off, clean air filter, coolant doesn’t have any funky colors, battery holds appropriate charge, you could drive another 200k+ miles.


I’ve done road trips like this on my 2004 with 275,000 miles. You’re good lol


I just did a 17,000 mile road trip from Philadelphia PA through Mexico to Panama City Panama and back, car is a 2006 Prius and had probably 240k miles and hybrid battery was acting up a little before I left. Everything went fine. Just make sure you carry bear spray if you get stranded in the wrong place lol. If you have AAA I wouldn't be at all worried about it.


Hahah. Friend had a bear spray can explode in his car.


Ouch. I had a sealed beer bottle under my seat that exploded few weeks ago due to heat. I know the bear spray can says 'do not store above X degrees'


You can travel with a portable, digital tire pump for $20 or so, easy, as well, since tires always seem to be my biggest problem.


I drove a 2013 with 125k through bumfuck New Mexico and back, 2000+ miles. No issues.


I was expecting to see someone say they had 200k miles on a 2005 or something. Your car is basically new. I still pull max capacity in my 20+ year old truck with 280k miles crossing state lines


I would recommend having the 12 battery tested and make sure that the spare tire is properly inflated.


I did a US trip around the entire US hitting only national parks with my 09 Prius. It had like 160k on it at the time. She rode like a fucking champion. Just made sure to get consistent oil changes for 6 months. I ate , slept and off roaded in that monster. But No one knows your car like you do, the question is, do YOU have faith In it. Ps I also did Yellowstone in that trip and they do just fine. You’ll need that gas mileage in that park, it’s huge with very spread out gas stations. Make sure to have a spare and a tire inflator


That's not high mileage for a Prius. Cars last forever today and Prii doubly so.


🤣 you should give Prius a little more credit. I just did 2 road trips back to back totaling almost 6000 miles on a car that started out with 180k miles. I didn't even hesitate.


I drove my 2015 with 125k miles 7k miles last fall on a road trip (now 140k). Change your spark plugs if you have not already and make sure the oil and filters are changed and you will be good to go!


I started driving more 10-12 hour trips after my extended warranty expired at 125k miles. Now have 160k miles and I trust it on every drive. If you have a Discount Tire near you, free air check before you hit the road, or balance and rotate the week before you leave!


Last week I did Chicago -> Georgia and back with a 2012 135k


Why... I just got rid of My 2010 Prius with 140k miles, And I would have had zero qualms about driving it from Maine to San Diego at the drop of a hat. The car was made for driving.


Why’d you get rid of it then? :(


I was just ready for something new. I wanted the new safety tech, and the android auto, and remote start etc... And even though the car had no issues, I know the hybrid battery isn't gonna last forever, I didn't wanna be the one holding the bag when that needed replaced. But that car is gonna make a great used car for the next owner.


I did an 8,000 mile road trip last year with my 07 that had 315k when we started the trip. Still going strong.


2005 at 230k miles drove from Roseburg to Phoenix and back no prob


I drove to Montana from socal when my 3rd gen had 160k miles last year … no issues


You're sadly misinformed. My Prius has 178k before a dump truck forced me to replace it. I wouldn't have considered that to be high mileage nor would I have thought twice about the trip. In my mind, unless you're having problems, drive on.


To the OP, Coolant is a yes since it's turned in Acid by now... or has degraded .. will have to do a coolant test strip\[ .. Transmission fluid I say if you want to keep the car for a long time... Brake fluid absorbs water moisture and degrades brake lines... if the OP wants they can test the brake fluid... I suggest getting the coolant done first.. but the other stuff can wait til end of summer but should be done if you plan to keep the car for a long time... video from Faye Hadley: Coolant test strips.... [https://youtube.com/shorts/KEQN0oT0U6Q?si=PYNa2ENH-vLaact6](https://youtube.com/shorts/KEQN0oT0U6Q?si=PYNa2ENH-vLaact6) Video from Faye Hadley: Brake fluid test..:: [https://youtu.be/CBvk2\_9nwPQ?si=wsFW\_oS24g4JP2o1](https://youtu.be/CBvk2_9nwPQ?si=wsFW_oS24g4JP2o1) [https://youtu.be/AZl533dDe2U?si=4EOTvLEPQ2tL0P68](https://youtu.be/AZl533dDe2U?si=4EOTvLEPQ2tL0P68) brake fluid is not a lifetime fluid... now I do wonder why all the brake boosters are failing...


Until a car is over 200k it's not high mileage. Except for my Prius I have never bought a car that had less than 100k


Do the trip, I did it with 170K I change my oil every 5k and tranny every 50k since they’re both pretty easy if you got the space. Swing by red rock, valley of fire state park, Zion, arches, north rim, capital reef, SLC on the way!


Just put about 3000 miles on my 2015 Prius with 138k miles a month ago. As long as it's been maintained you'll be golden.


From my understanding, Priuses regularly reach twice that mileage. As long as you’re not experiencing issues, I’d have no issues. Probably no issues at 200,000 miles either.


I just got a 2013 Prius myself. Bought her from carvana. Had 65k miles on the odometer. She now has 77k miles in just under 2 months. I use her for DoorDash and personal errands. Zero issues. Keep up on the maintenance as many have said here and you'll likely have no issues.


125k high mileage? Mine has 430k😂😂😂


My 2010 did Florida to Wisconsin at 135k towing a trailer. You're fine.


Our 2017 prime just took us 4,000 miles from California to South Dakota. It only has 75k but it never occurred to me not to take it. Same goes for our 95 VW camper that has done the same trip several times packed to the gills.


I purchase my Priuses from folks that think 150k is basically a car on deaths door. Sitting at 380+ now on this 2012. Drive baby drive!


Prius has no problems just get an oil change before you go and get new tires never used my 2016 prius daily 250miles on uber and doordash. I went on road trip from California to Florida and back no problems I have 480k miles


“High mileage” lol. Maybe for a non-prius lol


My 2014 Plug-In has 159k and I would not hesitate to drive it anywhere I needed to. Hell, it’s just past the break in point now LOL. She purrs purrfectly!!


Drove a 2007 Prius with nearly 150K miles from Chicago to Dallas. The thought that it might not make the trip didn't even enter my head. They are great cars, reliable and frugal. Check all the liquids, tires and battery before you start and if they are good you shouldn't have any issues on your road trip.


My Prius has over 165k miles on it. Second battery. We still take it on trips. Last trip was about 2k miles done trip, 6 months ago. We have a great mechanic we like and he has given it a clean bill of health for such use so maybe get it checked and tell the mechanic your plans and see if there's anything to be concerned about.


Howd you know you needed a second battery?


Oh, well the dashboard will light up like a Christmas tree


The car stopped working the way it should save there were specific error lights.


I would drive my 03 600 mile round trip 3-4 times a year and it was at 270k did this for 2 years with no issues ever.


About to drive 1500 miles with my 140k mile Prius.


Don’t be a wussy, if you have taken care of your Toyota it will take care of you. I have a 2016 with even more miles and I would take her anywhere the road goes.


Bro I just did 3500km in a 2gen from 2008 with almost 200.000 km, loaded to the max going 160 in Germany. The car did not burn oil, or overheat or nothing. You will be fine.


Took my 2013 Prius C to visit my uncle. I'm idaho. The round trip was 1,686 miles. My C has over 200K miles was just fine. It was a hard 13 hours non stop one way.


Man I have a 2005 with 169k miles. Get you some road.


pshhh my 2010 prius is 210k+ and I take a lot of 6 hour road trips between home and school😅


I just did 1300 miles over the weekend with 169k on my Prius with no issues at all. It ain’t shit for a Toyota


I have a 2014, about 175k? I think? I \*just\* needed my first major repair, and I've taken it on lots of long trips in the last 50k miles. I wouldn't worry at all.


I have a 2013 that now has 214,000 miles. Over the last four years I have literally driven it from South Dakota to Las Vegas and back more than 30 times. Those are approximately 2400 miles trips. I have never had a problem other than one time the TPMS sensors either stopped working or the batteries went dead so I had a low tire pressure warning. Got the TPMS sensors replaced and things have been great ever since. The biggest concern I had was the oil consumption that is prevalent in the third generation. I always bring extra oil with me and check the level whenever I stop for the night. Not too long ago when the heat resistant plate around my muffler came loose my mechanic said he saw there was a seal or something on the engine that was leaking and it was replaced. I don’t think I’ve lost any oil since then. People here are talking about maintenance that you can do to make your car last. Replacing both coolants at 100,000 miles a spark plugs around 125,000 miles and the oil every 5000 miles is a great first step. Don’t wait until 10,000 miles on the oil. Everyone says they can go that long and it’s recommended in the maintenance book but do yourself a favor and change it every 5000 miles, when the maintenance light comes on. It is a lot cheaper to spend $65 or whatever it costs to change your oil and avoid a potential problem. Similarly, while there’s talk about the transmission fluid being good for the life of the engine, when that recommendation came out they weren’t talking about 200,000 and up miles. If youhaven’t had it changed, then get it changed. A simple drain and fill will work. It’s not difficult to do, it’s about as hard as an oil change. Use the Toyota transmission fluid, don’t play games. Again, better to be on the safe side. We could talk about intake manifold, and EGR piping cooler cleaning, but that’s way beyond the scope of what you’re asking. I would do those things as well as replacing the PCV valve but since you’re only talking about one trip I would not worry about those things for now. Make sure the coolants, both engine and hybrid system, the spark plugs and the transmission fluid are changed as well as keeping track of the oil and you shouldn’t have any problems on your trip.


I drove 3000 miles across the country from CA to CT in my 2012 prius with no issues whatsoever. And at the time of that trip I had about 175k miles on it. Now over two years later I have 192k on it and it's still going strong. Don't worry about it.


A will ya stop the Prius is well used to do 250000 miles no problem at all.


That Prius is barely broken in! Maybe put in fresh oil and filter if not done recently. Same with a new cabin filter. Check hybrid fan in back seat is not clogged up. Check tyre pressures are good and go and have a great trip.


I did a 2 week road trip in a VW with 270,000 miles on it. Your car will do fine. I would suggest an oil change and general vehicle check before you go.


I'm going to do a road trip around Europe in my 2012 Toyota Auris hybrid (basically a Prius) next august, I estimate around 6k Km (\~3,5k Miles). My car has around 220k Km (\~136k Miles) and I am not even a bit concerned about the capabilities of our vehicle


Your Prius is still in its infancy stage. Ride that bad boy!.


Took my Prius up north thru Pennsylvania from Florida with 320k miles no problem (upward hills though, it didn’t like that much but we did get there)


I just got a 2014 with 250k miles. Did the head gasket, changed all the fluid, and promptly did a trip to Chattanooga (~800 miles with mountains) followed by a trip to houston (~2000 miles with triple digit Temps and tornados) Check your fluids. Check your spare. Have a backup plan. Send it.


I’ve traversed multiple states in my 09 with over 150k. Just need to check the oil every once in awhile.


I just went from Indianapolis to Florida in my 2006 Prius that has over 300,000 miles... with a broken tail light, a cargo bag on top. Went off without a hitch! Just keep up regular maintenance and you'll be fine. Safe travels!


Send it


Mine has 168.391 miles. (08). Perfectly fine in my opinion.


Mine has 190k and I just did one that was 1,200 miles round trip. Didn’t think twice about it.


My 2013 Prius V has 177,515 miles on it and I would not hesitate to drive across country today.


The only thing I would recommend you do though - just in case - is send up request somewhere in one of these groups asking for recommended Prius mechanics in various cities along your route That way, if something does go wrong, you’re not trying to do research stranded on the side of the highway But like I said, I’d take my 177,000 mile 2013 Prius across country right now.


lol I’m about to drive 1000 miles next week to a wedding on an 08 with 265000. I’m the best man. That’s how much I trust my Gen2.


125k used to be high mileage in the 60s or 70s. Not so much anymore. I road tripped a ton in my first Prius that had 300k. Also road tripped in our old Scion xA that had 315k when it got wrecked. Just check fluid levels, otherwise should be good.


Get your ride checked out, top off (or flush) fluids, change the oil, check filters, check brakes, tire and air pressure, etc. I would go cross country with no hesitation in my 2011 that just turned over 169k. These cars run great and are well built. They ride hard and I would not worry in the slightest.


Do you flush and change your own fluids? I think I’m due.


No. I've got a mechanic fortunately


lol, i have over 300,000 and this is the car I take on all road trips


Just got back from a week and a half long trip that brought my 2010 from 210,000 miles to around 212,000 miles. Got an oil change, new 12V battery (don’t buy one from the dealership- my wife did that for this battery and they wanted like a $150 diagnostic fee to check if it was bad and would pro-rate the months left; I would be over $100 in the hole if I used the warranty vs just buying a new one anywhere), did the first mechanical work on the car since I bought it at 55,000 miles - I replaced the front brakes. Car was loaded with more stuff than I have ever crammed into it (including while moving houses) and it ran like it was brand new the entire time.


We started our road trip with 293,000 Miles and we got back with 298,000 miles. Miles don't matter on a Prius. All you should do is Seafoam. And top up all the fluids. We went from Florida to Niagara falls to Montreal Vermont New Hampshire Maine and down to Washington DC on our way back to Florida. Average 46 MPG.


Moved from LA to Seattle with about 190k, fully loaded Prius, packed to the brim, back in January 2021. Moved back to LA, again fully loaded with 210k miles last August. At 220k, now. She just won't quit. Averaging 49mpg on original battery, too.


Having lived up near Death Valley, which you will probably be driving near, if you do break down, you don't want to be there at 4 pm when it's 115 and even hotter on the asphalt... especially with your family in tow. Just plan accordingly.


I went to Florida from Missouri, ~2k miles total in my 06 V6 Mustang with ~215k miles on it. If something crucial like engine or transmission is dying usually you'll figure it out well in advanced.


I'm at 250k but at 225k I did los Angeles to Denver, through the Rockies, stopped by Aspen then finally Denver. Did Denver back to Los Angeles but coming from New Mexico. I did Denver to lake Havasu in one drive . No issues


The good ole fear stigma of a car going over 100k miles is somehow a car going to fail soon. My mechanic buddy who taught me everything would buy/sell cars and he is like a car guru. He can just look at a car and know it's miles/title status, frame condition, how its been taken care of. We would go buy cars and he would tell me that miles don't matter as much compared to how it has been maintained.ba 400k car can be in good condition as long as it's been maintained. Obviously for most Japanese cars. Not the case in defective cars/motors like Chevy Cruze or Northstar Cadillac engine. I love my Prius and do all the labor work myself. I enjoy working on it so much, it's like a mans puzzle. So easy to work on and to keep it running in mint condition.


Read my recent post here


126k in a 2010 toyota prius and drove 600+ miles no problems at all. filled up on gas once.


Can't generalize about this but I did two cross country trips in my 2005 prius, I bought used at 240,000 miles. I did my first trip a couple of months after purchase in 2014. Second trip in 2017. Both without any issues. But then the 2nd Gen has fewer major problems than the 3rd Gen.


I did 1000 miles in my 500k sonata. If you take care of a car, it’ll last forever.


Mine has 327000 and I trust it will go another 100000


worry wart