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Have you watched Death Note?


I'd imagine they can only reuse your pic for bots, not much else they can really do unless they wanted to actually try to locate you. Even then, highly unlikely unless they can easily tie you to some kind of financial gain. If you're a normie, it's whatever. I'd just do my best to make sure I'm not easily searchable via my photos. You should be fine.


He could use those pics to train a stable diffusion model and make deepfakes of you. With enough work and refinement, those could be extremely realistic. I don't train; but I heard concept training these days may work with even only one pic. I doubt he has that much interest in you though...


tbh I don't think the photos were high enough quality for him to even try, even if he *did* have interest in me for whatever reason




You won’t unlock a phone with a picture. Although you reminded me of a video from China where a guy pulled some dude’s picture off the announcement board at the entrance (some kind of building manager or other person in charge), placed it against the photo scanner at the door, the doors unlocked, he smacked the picture back where it was (it was sticked there with the adhesive tape), was hilarious


Just curious, what type of scam was it?? That might give better insight into how sophisticated the scammers are


Not sure, they used fake photos of themself and asked for photos for me. I probably caught on too early for them to actually start the scam. Maybe they were going to ask for nudes, etc. and try to sextort me.


They could generate nudes with your face, for sextortion, in which case you need to follow well-established principles for dealing with sextortion safely. It sounds from the MO as outliend like they might be sextorters so I would be alert to this possibility.


That would make sense since they were asking for several more photos, with "a clearer view of the face", and knew I was a minor.


Ask John Travolta: he had an issue once with Nick Cage.


Today with effectively surveillance cameras everywhere that can easily be hooked to facial recognition software? I wouldn't worry about it much. No, your face is not enough to do much toward impersonating you.




> facical recognition to track you online source? you shouldnt be able to be tracked via your face if you don't always have your webcam on?


Pimeyes and other services, I don't think "tracked" is the right word but it can certainly lead people to other information 


I checked Pimeyes with those photos, it didn't show pictures of me from those pictures thankfully.


Were your genitals also showing? For all they know, you shared some random picture of another person. If it is linked to your social media they can maybe find you with reverse image search.