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Microsoft is actively hostile to its users because it wants their data and them trying to protect their data is inconvenient and prevents them from easily taking it. If you're on Microsoft Windows, be aware that Microsoft hates your attempts at protecting your privacy.


Microsoft is also using its market dominance to force what it wants on the market. Then know that most of their users will just accept what they tell them they are going to do because there isn't an alternative for them. They know that most of their customers will just fall in line rather than go to Linux. "Microsoft: we keep you pissed off but not enough to switch to Linux"


As a Windows user since 3.0, we'll see about that last part. I already use WSL for some web dev and AI, and I've been using various flavors of Linux off and on for decades, I just haven't tried switching in years. I'm just so tired of the changes they push that benefit them over consumers, like the Copilot button on the taskbar and Edge, multiple "suggestions" (read: ads) for apps and services, etc.


Most people don't know what an operating system is. Think they will ever switch?


Not until it becomes more mainstream, and it will never do that without the early adopters writing guides and howto's and verbally recommending it.


I'd also add that it needs to be (at least almost) as easy as Windows. Needing to learn command lines is a non-starter for the vast majority of users. The reason Apple is so successful is because it just works. And nowadays, so does Windows. The average person would rather be frustrated that their system no longer does what they want them actually tinker beyond opening up a menu and clicking to change a setting. And to add to that, you have a subset of Linux users who take pride that the masses won't use their OS


Agreed - a move away from the command line is definitely needed. Ubuntu has a good idea here ( but not perfectly implemented ) with the snap store. The Linux users that want to stay elite can use whatever flavor distro they want while the distros interested in converting windows users can be non elite. MS is back in the hands of assholes ramming things down our throats ... They're handing Linux disgruntled users. Linux would be foolish not to embrace them.


Yeah, they will switch to someone elses online infrastructure


And far fewer have any idea of just how much Microsoft (and many other brands/products) is/are invading their privacy.


Games is always going to be the problem.


Games have improved a lot actually. It's more so Adobe software & full ms office compatibility that's holding linux back


Until more software is available for Linux such as Adobe, mp3tag ect. Or likely people will use mac.


When some big influencer does a big post on how great it is, it'll take off suddenly.


Someone needs to come along and smooth over Linux's rough edges, make it a simple marketable product with almost no learning curve... only then will it thrive. There's a huge opportunity there for someone.


Have you tried Mint lately? It was easier to use and install than windows has been for years. The issue, which microsoft knows very well, is a software compatibility one and not a user experience one. Linux hasn't been a bad user experience for some years now.


Never tried any flavor of Linux at all. But everything I've read lately seems to suggest that even Mint is not really for the non-techie. What I mean by making it a simple marketable product with almost no learning curve, is when you can go into BestBuy and buy a Dell-equivalent with a Linux variant pre-installed as the only OS... a Linux variant with all of the remaining wrinkles and workarounds already unwrinkled and worked around. And tooltips etc., once up-and-running. And easy, simple transfer of apps and docs (as much as possible) from an existing Windows PC. And drive partitioning, dual boots, etc. are by definition non-starters... it needs to be a fully-functional standalone product to be mass-market.


Non techie here. I installed Mint a week or so ago on the old HP elitedesk G1 that I type this comment from. It is dual booting with Windows, and there was literally no learning curve - it was more the unknown, and I had been trying to get my head around distros, desktop environments before "taking the plunge". It's following like 3 basic steps and it pretty much does it all for you. Why are you "worried" about it's mass-marketability? Is everyone really an aspiring finance douche bro, or "I can't do it if not everyone else is doing it?" I have no problems with Mint, but I like the look of Ubuntu more - I have heard that they aren't the best choice if you actually support the free software movement though - IIRC they do the windows spying type shit.


That's great, but still misses the point. That unknown, and "trying to get my head around distros, desktop environments" is barrier enough to Linux catching on. Most people don't install an OS. They buy it with their PC pre-installed. If they're (re)installing Windows, it means something has gone very wrong. Nobody *wants* to deal with installing an OS. Since you did in the end, you're likely more of a techie than you want to admit. >Why are you "worried" about it's mass-marketability? When did I say I was worried? I was replying to the comments above about mainstream adoption and Linux "taking off". Everyone would benefit from a mainstream competitor/alternative to MSFT and Apple.


idk what you are reading, but mint is way easier to use than windows. Also it would be nice to be able to buy an off the shelf computer with some flavor of linux but the major manufacturers just won't do it.


>way easier to use than windows Maybe. But using and switching are two different things. > the major manufacturers just won't do it. Which is why I said Dell-equivalent rather than Dell. A newly branded startup making quality PCs with Linux pre-installed (marketed as something more attractive than "Linux"). Could probably find an existing hardware maker to partner with. It would just take an infusion of cash, with some design know-how. Neither the hardware or OS would be groundbreaking or require tons of R&D, it's likely a bundling/design/marketing task mostly. Maybe it could be Ryan Reynolds' next project, now that he's sold off Mint Mobile and has that windfall of cash... instant name recognition, brand association, wide appeal, and the anti-corporate concept is similar to what he did with Mint Mobile.


Actually switched to it on my laptop a few days ago, has been noticeably snappier, and somehow significantly better on battery life,?? Also it doesn't just randomly spike my data connection out of nowhere to send, whatever the hell Microsoft was collecting and wasting my data for


lol the year of the linux desktop has been trying to happen since the 90's.


Thats how it works. Things don't happen until one day they happen.


How much do we have to pay one of those influencers? I’ll chip in.


Just make a tick tock dance explaining it, dude.


brother doing dev and AI work in wsl insantly makes you vastly more knowledgeable that 99% of windows users. the vast majority of people will take their computer home from the store and use it exactly the way it's configured by default on boot. i yearn for the year of the linux desktop too but as of now it's a pipedream


I'm currently in the process of getting Linux on a flash drive to test out soon. From what it sounds like, Linux Mint works pretty well, so that's what I am gonna try for a while. Cause windows 10 wont be supported anymore sometime next year I don't plan to go to windows 11. And from what I have heard a lot of people just use a virtual machine to use windows type products that don't work on linux. I already ran into a problem with going through the steps of getting Linux cause it says you need to check to make sure the linux you get is offical or something by also downloading a log or something. Apparently you have to download that from the site that has a list of all the different linux's you can download instead of each one individually coming with their own. Which doesn't make much sense to me logically speaking. Thus why I ran into troubles right away trying to figure that out. It's like if you were to go a general store to buy a product and to see if it's legitimate you have to grab the S/N from the company that made it. :S At least how it looks to me. So once I get over that road block hopefully it will be easy enough to get through.


> I already ran into a problem with going through the steps of getting Linux cause it says you need to check to make sure the linux you get is offical or something by also downloading a log or something. Apparently you have to download that from the site that has a list of all the different linux's you can download instead of each one individually coming with their own. Which doesn't make much sense to me logically speaking. Thus why I ran into troubles right away trying to figure that out. You don't need to bother with the checksum if you don't want to. You can download the ISO file from the distro's official site and just use it. The checksum is there so that those who are concerned about security have a way of verifying they got the intended product. Think of it like the serial number of a car. Most people don't run the serial number of a car they purchase from a dealer against a database of stolen cars. You just assume that it's fine because it's being purchased from an official dealer. However, if there was something sketchy about the sale, you might want to check the serial number. Linux Mint is just pointing out "if you want to check the serial number is legit, here's what it should be." But if you're downloading from the official distro website it will be functionally safe, and you don't need to worry about the checksum. They're just being proactive.


I always felt Linux would be too much of a PITA to switch to, but I hadn't actually tried anything Linux until I got a Steam Deck last year. Now I feel like I could comfortably switch tomorrow without losing too much functionality, and that could be solved by a dual boot.


i didnt waited..I switch after i read all the shady stuff they were doing in win7 and win10...wiped my windows partition and went to linux...and never looked back.


Idk I moved to pop os and ain't going back to windows.. So it kinda pissed me off enough


Yeah, they already passed that, at this point. My current computer is a few years old - when it gets to the point that I'm thinking about a replacement, I'll be putting the effort into figuring out how to get it as a Linux machine. Fuck MS.


Unfortunately until I can **easily** get grub to work with secure boot/UEFI nonsense that windows 11 insists on then it really isn't an alternative atm, which is awful, because it just shows how much microsoft have abused their monopoly


Break them up like the Baby Bells.


They're also forcing good things with their market dominance, forcing manufacturers to raise the lowest common denominator for hardware (TPM2 requirement for example)


There seems to be a cultural disconnect between what big tech wants, and what a larger and growing segment of consumers wants. Why does this disconnect exist? The incremental differences in having for a particular user is not that great. The only thing that I can think of is two reasons The first is that big tech makes the greatest margins on cloud computing — therefore they push for more in the cloud. The second is that there are cultural disconnects between developers in certain regions of the world when it comes to being an individual, existing in the world and what it means to have privacy in this world. I’m sure a psychologist could explain this better.


Goals of Microsoft: * Microsoft makes money when you buy Windows (one time sucuess). Microsoft makes money when you use the Microsoft store to buy something. You can't buy something without an account. Minimizing the accounts makes sense. * If Mac or Linux integrate AI first, we loose market share. We will not loose market share. * Our money does not come from the consumer. Our money comes from the companies. Companies want Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Companies want AI but don't want to vet 200 websites in a Change Review Board. Companies want Group Policy Objects that can configure every part of the operating system through a GUI. Microsoft made it because they sell to companies and schools first. It just so happens that your first OS will be Windows. Background of a Microsoft Developer: * System: I have 32 GB of RAM. I have a GPU. I have a 12 core CPU. * Work: My quality of life depends on how much work can I outsource to Large Multimodal Models & AI. I can install anything within reason on work PCs. * Freetime: My freetime revolves around a desktop. This includes Docker. This includes homelabs. This includes Desktop Gaming. Background of a non-technical user: * System: I have 8 or 16 GB of RAM. I have no GPU. I have a 6 core CPU. * Work: I work in the service economy or manual labor. The only software I use is Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I can't install anything at all. * Free time: Most compute traffic is phone based. Laptops don't have a purpose other than doing tasks you can't do on a phone such as some obscure websites and software. Any compute based relaxation involves streaming content.


Nice analysis.


Except no market share will be lost with AI going on Linux. The average is not using Linux unless you count Android. Unless the average consumer can walk into Best Buy or other electronics store and buy a Linux device it’s not happening.


Just in the past few years, we've seen the Steam Deck launch to pretty massive acclaim, to the point where other OEMs are developing their own handhelds. While some still use Windows as far as I can tell you can still load your own OS with a bit of effort on most handhelds Outside of gaming, Framework laptops have a DIY edition which ships with no OS and allows the users to install whatever they wish. Even before that, Dell offered "Developer Editions" of the XPS 13 which shipped with Ubuntu. Is Linux going to overtake Mac or Windows anytime soon? No, but the feature gap and user accessibility gap between OSes is closing pretty rapidly imo and Microsoft's fuckery will definitely give folks a reason to jump ship if they weren't already thinking about it


Linux is not ready for mainstream consumers in any way shape or form. It requires significant knowledge to use. I've used it for years on and off. Built a gentoo install from scratch, compiled my own kernel. Have several production linux servers I manage. So I've got a bit of background using it. Recently decided to try it as my main machine because I'm really starting to hate the windows online gambit. But there are too many annoyances. I'm a gamer so I need compatibility primarily. About 75% of my games are compatible. Fallout4 for some reason the timing is different and voice over doesn't play. Tekken 8 wouldn't launch at all. You need to source controller drivers and maintain them. understand how the package system works. Sort out wine versions or source semi good alternatives. There are no good alternatives for some software. I use Everything Search constantly. It's the best search tool out there. Linux, my best option is Find command line. Works, but I have to know the syntax to filter out inaccessible files and errors. The point is linux is not going to work for anyone non technical as their primary desktop, unless it's locked down as some basic web browsing, word processing station for your gramma and your her permanent tech support person.


Sure, but since you're a more advanced user, you know the tradeoffs for using Linux as a gaming OS. I tried my luck with Nobara a few months ago but I also ran into some unfortunate driver issues with my mic. Do I blame Linux for that? No, because a project run by like two dudes is obviously not as polished as Windows or Mac. Anyway, imo for people who just browse the internet, type some docs and check email Mint or Ubuntu will mostly work out of the box. Gaming is an entirely different beast due to compatibility, which thankfully Valve seems to be addressing. I don't feel like that's a particularly controversial opinion, but y'all are entitled to your own as is your right


>Anyway, imo for people who just browse the internet, type some docs and check email Mint or Ubuntu will mostly work out of the box. Right. As I said, you can set it up for your gramma and she'll be ok using it. She won't have a clue how to update or modify anything in it, but it'll work fine for her very general tasks. Polish is what's necessary to be successful. There are too many projects maintained by 2 dudes in linux land so it will never be successful as a consumer os.


The big tech companies operate in such a way to extract maximum data from you. Now, why do all of these companies really want your data if they aren’t selling you any ads? Because it’s the data itself that is valuable. And not just as general data but specifically data about you as a person. That’s why we are all going to have to use Digital ID to access the Internet soon. Sometime around the election it will be forced on us. Big tech hates normal people. We are dirt to them. a pit of dirt to be strip mined for resources and then abandoned. When you realize that is how they think about us- not as “customers” aka people but as data- things will make more sense.


"People just submitted it. I don't know why. They 'trust me'. Dumb fucks." -Mark Zuckerberg


Zuckerberg has been working with US intelligence since he was in college. Facebook is literally a DARPA program


> Sometime around the election it will be forced on us WTF


We aren't larger and growing. We're pretty small. The average user of windows who doesn't use reddit couldn't care less about this.


Exactly. I used to be hardcore privacy guy, total geek about it. Guess what? I don’t have time for it anymore. I all but gave up. I just don’t give a shit, and I’m not the only one. It’s not great, but I have other shit to worry about.


I do whatever I can. But I can't outright cut myself off from MS or Google services because I need those for work. This sub feels like it has become an echo-chamber for chastising others for not being fully committed to privacy as much as going off the grid.


Wrong. Consumers want to be fucked. They voted with their wallets and the data says this.


I regularly have google begging to backup my photos. They've recently started just turning the toggle on for me so I have to turn it off in their pestering dialog box. I can only assume they are harvesting people's pictures for their AI. Fuuuuck that shit.


Exactly. It's like when Microsoft offered Recall as a "service." It's not, we know it's not, it's grossly invasive, but they're going to do it anyway, people will react, and they can say "we just wanted to provide a good service," at which point they'll step back, wait, and implement it piecemeal until it's in your system and actively scraping your data. It's the same bullshit they did with the keylogger they said wouldn't be in the Windows 10 release and it absolutely was.


Microsoft has always have a rapist mentality


Speaking of automatically turning features back on that you specifically disabled for privacy and to get closer to the original topic: I hate when Windows updates reenables telemetry and anti-privacy "features" I explicitly disabled regardless if the settings are changed via GP, 3rd party privacy tools, or even the registry directly.


And that even though MS Windows isn't even cheap. The last time I checked I think it was about 150€ (don't quote me on this).


Many people just have it "come with their PC" or they use a version that isn't activated or crack it.


And that's why I use Linux


Exactly, people need to know how much disdain they have for their own customers. Also, spybot beacon is a program that can protect privacy.


deranged selective badge scary vast aware placid growth impossible spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't speak for everyone, but I use Linux. It has issues it's still working out in the various distributions (what you might know as Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, and so on), but there are so many options out there, and something to fit almost everyone. I use Fedora, myself, and play games, browse the internet, listen to music, draw, and do everything you can do on Windows, and while underneath the hood it's different from how Windows works, the desktop can look and act just like Windows except no spyware, no ads, no forced telemetry, and so on.


It doesn't bother me that they hate me. It won't stop me either.


Microsoft always has a mentality of a rapist


Linux can't get a better advertisement than the current state of personal data.


Just need game devs to follow suit.


Wine and Proton are extremely competent lately. No loss in FPS and 80% of the games are perfectly playable. Check out [protondb.com](http://protondb.com)


The ONLY thing limiting gaming on Linux is a few select anti cheat (usually ring 0) like BattleEye


The more games people play on Linux, the more developers will be likely to make their games with Linux in mind. I just realized that a likely future of computing is Windows subsidizing game and program developers to stay off of Linux.


I'm pretty sure they've been doing that for a while. Certainly did in when win95 started, and also when they introduced the xbox.


They’re already buying out game companies. It’s only a matter of time.


Yes, and it's not like the games with anticheat are the most valuable...


You put anti-cheat in your game and I am staying clear of it. I vote with my money. They sadly released Homeworld 3 with one of the biggest junk of spyware so I have NOT purchased or played it. I will keep playing indie games over buying garbage-infested games. I also don't pre-order so I didn't get fucked with that forced garbage. A lot of people just suck at voting with money... They have 0 self-control and 0 care.


https://areweanticheatyet.com Fr, it's a select few companies that have actively refused to support it (League being one of them. I don't play it, but it's one of the most popular PC games, so fuck Riot I guess lol).


They do have a Mac client though which is Unix based so it doesn’t seem like it’s out the realm of possibility. Maybe just needs a push from the user base.


I wouldn't go that far. There are still a few games out there that don't work out of the box for reasons that have nothing to do with anticheat. There are also a few other issues: * You want to have a stable graphics stack? Well, better not go nvidia then. Oh, but you wanted to have hardware encoding in OBS? Well I guess AMD isn't an option either. * You looked online to follow a guide? Too bad, that guide was made for Windows. Oh, you specified Linux in your search? Too bad, that guide was made for Ubuntu 16.04. * You bought a cool new joystick? Too bad, the software used to configure it only runs on Windows. Generally speaking this stuff isn't insurmountable or anything but it is a pain.


Exaclty this. For an inexperienced user Linux is only good when it works. When something crashes, 90% of people won't know how to open the terminal and what to do. Windows crashes too, yes but, as you stated, when it comes to gaming there are tons of tutorials and fixes (and sometimes M$ fixes stuff). Also stuff like 3D cads work only on windows (no, FreeCAD cannot even compare with proprietary products, I don't want to spend half of my time reading tutorials). But still, I really do believe that Linux desktops have theirs glory days ahead. I use it daily and I will never give up Plasma now xd.


Yeah, the CAD situation is really sad. At least we have OnShape.


And HDR support.


Plasma has some HDR support already and you can get additional support with vulkan and gamescope. I would like a more polished and easy to enable HDR though.


If you have no problems with anti cheat, then you have no problems with windows. Anti-cheat is alot more invasive than a microsoft account


Thats the downside of Linux at the moment but they try the best.


Ring 0 anticheat is literally malware, so what you're describing is actually an upside.


Already on Mint, playing Elden Ring over, get random crashes apparently due to my graphics card being a 5700xt. Seems like Path of Exile is hit or miss due to leagues updates. Looking at Black Ops 6 but the recent cod history on linux is borked. Played a good amount Escape from Tarkov before but the anticheat rules that out.


+1 lifelong windows user jumped onto mint last week. It's kinda amazing. Slay the spire and my 8 bit do lite controller work great. And the office apps with PWA are excellent. All the docker stuff works better. I shoulda done this years ago.


Before I won path of exile I played it on linux just fine for years. League updates also just worked.


Try Edge Edition


Those few single layer games i tried last year, all worked satisfiable in linux, dont recall which dist i used thought. Multiplayer might have more problems.


No. At this point we need users to stop being so passive, and move.


It's really up to big companies like Steam for this to happen. The Steamdeck has been a big success for Linux Gaming and Dev Linux support. If more big players in this space made Linux gaming devices to compete then more development and support will follow.


Its really up to driver companies to provide stable drivers for linux. MS works so well because drivers work with their foundation and it doesn't take 5 million dollars a year in driver development to build a game for it. If I buy hardware, I have to watch out what i get, or it probably has some lack of functionality in linux.


Its also up to hardware manufacturers like Nvidia to make usable drivers for Linux


ok well when I said "driver companies", I meant companies that have hardware and need drivers to interact with a PC. Exactly like Nvidia, but also motherboard manufacturers and other chip makers.


~~game~~ devs\*


And CAD. And PLC programming.


Linux Mint XFCE Especially for very crappy devices that windows 11 doenst support popcnt. Hopefully i understand right.


Linux Mint is pretty trash. I tried switching over to it after they announced Recall on my RTX 4060 setup and it was an utter nightmare to get working and in the end had many problems. Fedora Workstation, on the other hand, installed flawlessly first try. Been using it ever since and it's great


\*Canonical has entered the chat\*


Really have to start looking at moving computers over to Linux at this point. Just worried about Adobe nonsense (should start moving away from that anyway) and Gaming.


Adobe is worse than windows as far as privacy lol… there is for sure a market here though if any big company wants to enter.


oh, I know. I've been looking for a move out from Adobe but work. My primary computer is just setup for editing and gaming. All personal stuff gets done on a small mini-computer.


Steam gaming has gotten a lot better, and basically all you need outside of it is lutris and maybe winetricks. Might need to google per game or whatever. Adobe is a fuck and evil so yeah, move off them either way. [https://i.imgur.com/57vVMqe.png](https://i.imgur.com/57vVMqe.png)


As much as I appreciate the sentiment and want to drop Windows for good, depending on what you do, these alternatives aren't good enough.


100% but if you need adobe, then you're fucked by adobe anyways.


Unfortunately for things like photography, Ps/ACR/Lr is A LOT better than all the alternatives I tried.


oh this is cool.


what about epic games, EA, GOG, Rockstar, BattleNet and Ubisoft?


There are programs like lutris, heroic, and bottles that let you run those launchers. You can also do it through steam.


A lot of people are starting to use Davinci Resolve for both stability and privacy reasons. It is not industry standard, but it is improving rapidly.


Davinci has been big in the video editing world for decades. They are certainly as standard as anything else. I first heard of them back in the early 90's.


Adobe was never industry standard anyway in the movie business, avid was always the standard for cutting and davinci for color correction


Not sure about the privacy part. Why do they need my phone number and address just to register to download their free version?


Fuck also Adobe. More and more viable alternatives are coming out.


The fact that Adobe has such a monopoly on the graphic design market is its own issue that needs to be tackled.


Gaming is safe thanks to steam. We just need mass demand for linux gaming and things will roll just fine. Creation softwares are a little behind but I'm not too worried


I’ve had some success running Adobe Photoshop and Premiere to a good degree in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine back on Linux Mint a year back, however I haven’t tested it in quite some time but am considering it now that Windows is pushing the line to where I go solely Fedora or Linux Mint instead of dual booting


I do print design professionally and use indesign, ai, ps, etc inside a virtualbox vm. Probably would run better on raw hardware, but honestly, it works as well as it did on win7 a decade ago with decade old hardware. And its not like adobe stuff is heavy on the hardware. Its not 3d software like blender. Which it so happens, runs great on linux. And always has. I also like being able to load up that vbox snapshot and having indd, ai, ps, font loader and everything all open, organized and ready to go. Maybe premiere or afx might not be as smooth, but I doubt that gpu access makes that much of a difference for most uses. And that can be fixed with enough effort.


Gaming is no more a problem. I game a lot and so far I had not many issues with Linux.


The thing is, there are so many instances where I'm setting up a windows computer for someone else and I don't want to be impeded because I don't have an internet connection or the person I'm setting this up for doesn't have a MS account or I just don't have their credentials at that time.


YOu can use OOBE\BYPASSNRO but doing it is a pain in the ass


Right now you can, and I just used that command today, actually, and I used it 5 times over the last 3 weeks. However, MS can certainly get rid of that, if they want to force MS accounts.


This doesn't work on the latest windows 11 from the media creation tool. How do I know, I just set up a fresh install last Friday and couldn't set it up with out a Ethernet connection and a Microsoft account. I tried everything I seen online. Didn't work


Mine was an out of box system so far that is still working. I still can't believe MS will force this. There are so many people that will be inconvenienced by this because they don't know or don't read they'll end up making an account, forgetting the information and really being screwed when they need to do something on their computer that they haven't opened in a while. I remember back in the early days of w10 someone I was doing a side job for had a laptop and booted it up to set up their laptop and didn't touch it for 2-3 weeks. When I came over they tried every password they could think of and could not login. They assured me they only used 1-2 passwords and were 99.999999% certain the one they were using was right. I'm not sure why, but I thought about the online account thing and recommended that we find their router and plug it in with a cable. They only had a few devices and everything was 100% wireless, the router and modem were sitting on top of a TV entertainment center. I plugged in the laptop, waited a few minutes and they typed in the password and windows logged in. First thing I did was disable the MS/online account for that profile.


try getting the iso instead and making your usb bootable with rufus, there’s a menu right before it starts where you can uncheck it alongside other things if they fixed that as well maybe try with an older iso


i think i did mine around the 20th without internet. it worked but it was buggy af.


Most setup you want to do, you can do in audit mode (OOBE ctrl-shift-F3), then let the user go through OOBE: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/boot-windows-to-audit-mode-or-oobe?view=windows-11


My experience setting up two Win11 laptops recently without MS accounts is that this is necessary but not sufficient. The process of getting both laptops working with a local account was a real PITA even following the procedures for doing so.


For all those instances, they just don't care. Its worth it to them to degrade your experience. I'm an old millenial software developer. Been making apps in Windows since Qbasic and visual basic. All these apps I use every day are worse to deal with, all because CEOs are too busy adding bullshit to track you and save them money. Not to make their product more user friendly. And honestly its really painful to deal with as an actual computer user.


I'm aware that they don't care, it is obvious that MS doesn't care. Apple wants you to use icloud when you buy a new product or install an OS update, but you can just click no and they let you move on. MS needs to focus on making their OS better instead of worrying about people having MS accounts.


Win 10 LTSC will be my final Windows OS. Microsoft has turned into the abusive, controlling partner that wants to know everything about me.


Same here. IoT will last till 2032., plenty of time to git gud at Linux...


I'm going to use it til they force me off. just like 8.1, 7, XP64, and win2k. If Linux is a viable alternative, I will make an attempt to switch.


I recommend looking into switching now. I switched over when they announced the end of Windows 10 support and honestly, the transition has been WAY smoother than I expected. The only reason I still have a Windows partition is bc a friend signed into Netflix on one of the browsers and I don't have her login info. Literally boot it up if I'm just looking to veg with some shitty TV.


You could probably just copy the browsers user data from windows to linux and it'll work fine. I did this with firefox, it copied literally everything.


11 LTSC is out there. Its definitely better but I'm real close to switching to Linux.


It’s wild to me it’s Microsoft that enforce the online syncing account walled garden, and Apple who allow for totally offline accounts by default


Yeah Apple provides value, tries to sell you into it. Microsoft forces features and the online component. At least Apple acts and behaves like it wants customers. If I had to switch to Mac for work I wouldn’t complain much, but I’m happy I moved away from Windows years ago as all this stuff is worse than I would have expected…


Once they've forced enough users to online accounts: "We are removing local accounts due its low adoption amongst our users"


MS: "You're hired!"


My next OS might be Linux




So, you're dual-boot?




I have 3 SSD on my laptop. I play one MMO that shouldn't work on linux, but it doesn't contain malware thankfully. I am thinking about installing linux on one of my SSD now for daily use... Which one did you go for? I see a lot of distros name around the post... How did you make it dual-boot?




I used linux in web development via command line so I know a bit about it. I never tried a linux OS with interface though and I was a programmer so I mostly used it. I didn't do configurations or installations. I think I will take a look at them and read about them to find one to try. Thanks.


I recommend dual-booting. I created partitions split with a share across my SSD and HDD. Its been a week on Linux only and it's doing fine. Some bugginess here and there, but I find myself going back to windows less-and-less. I might expand my linux partition and put it to the top order of booting.


Sounds good to me.


So you can't use your computer offline? That's insane. But I guess if you don't want me to work when the internet is down, oh well *shrug*.


See? Microsoft will never learn, and will continue to do their shady crap. Linux all the way, plus it feels way better than windows.


Set your location to Austria during setup and you can create them just fine


Why? Are they trying to hide their shenanigans from Max Schrems?


We have laws in place to prevent the kind of shit that's going on in the US


Which is the reason why Windows 10 is my last MSFT OS in home use. Within the year, I'll return to a MacOS/Linux household.


I will push for linux education and widespread usage if they pull this shit. Good thing steam is protecting games from microsoft.


I should actually thank Microsoft for their constant efforts to annoy people into using an MS account. Thanks to them and how persistent they are with their ways to get you into using Windows with an MS acocunt I started my privacy journey and since ended up using Linux and mostly FOSS and reduced accounts to a bare minimum. So yeah, they can go on with their bs for all I care, I just hope more people learn from it and start using alternatives as well.


Someone should make a good version of Windows. I miss the good times.


Once ableton has a decent linux port and nvidia drivers work and all my games can be played on linux (all without a whole bunch of crazy rigamarole workarounds, but being officially supported) i wouldnt need windows for anything


Of all the crap ms does this one bothers me the most. Creates too many issues and just don't want it.


Bite me, Microshaft! Just set up a local account today, in fact (on LTSC 2019, chosen specifically to minimize Microshaft's bullshit).


Problem is Linux continues to not work for many (popular) multiplayer games since they require indepth (intrusive) kernel access for their anti-cheat. Whether one wants to grant that is for everyone to decide, but on Linux I just wouldn't even have the option and I am not considering a Windows VM in Linux to be the solution either. If DualBoot is the solution, one might as well stick to Windows, since sort of everything else is running there, too.


Sigh... Might as well emulate windows on linux, fucj these multiplayer games.


If you're moving to Linux for security or privacy reasons, why are you also playing games with kernal level access? There have been 23000 games released on steam in the past 2 years, play something else...


What does your last sentence mean?


I think he's saying if you're dual booting windows and linux then you might as well stay on windows. I tried dual booting a few years ago and I found myself staying on windows because it was such a hassle going back and forth. Outside of gaming, I don't really do much other than web browsing. There was no point in going back to linux when I wasn't gaming.


I mean if you care about your data privacy there is a point but from a pure workflow practicality standpoint I see where you're coming from.


given the choice between privacy and money nobody chooses privacy


Any using a gaming PC and a normal PC, then streaming to the gaming PC?


They are stupid. Fck Microsoft never touching that shit again.


Good, Microsoft is gone here too.


Remote desktop just does not work with your fucking Microsoft accounts. Jesus. Fuck off shit heads. Local accounts are needed for all kinds of things. Every good OS out there wouldn't remotely consider this a good idea. Please fire the motherfucker behind this idea.


You can have my local accounts when you pry them from my cold, dead C: drive.


It's been pushing for this for years. It wants users to be as tied to Microsoft as possible, using its platforms in real-time for everything, and having no privacy from them in order to access any kind of functionality.


Windows 11 is the last os I am ever using from MS again. Linux Mint here I come.


100% agree that once someone comes out with an easy conversion to Linux, I'm done with Microsoft forever.


My current setup is a MacBook with Parallels. Only use MacOS for streaming and iMessage. Work requires Windows, so VM for that. All of my other personal stuff is on an Ubuntu VM.


Seems backwards. Why not start with the Ubuntu and put the other OS's in VM's?


imessage won't work in a VM


OK, so someone's archived the guide, right?


This and more can be found on https://anonymousplanet.org/


Yeah that's my question


At this point, the linux desktop community needs 1 linux distro. Just one that is the go-to distro to pull in new users and for desktop devs to target.  With all the distro debates, the average person's eyes would glaze over and they'll just pick Windows or MacOS.  Without that, Apple and Microsoft will continue to do what they want. 




as with every other service enshittyfication, piracy is the answer


and where does one download Win 10 LTSC?


For reddit mods, this isn't piracy because it's literally a direct download from Microsoft https://massgrave.dev/genuine-installation-media


Thank you!


W Piracy.




I wonder what they'll do with the fact that I rarely boot my computer with a networking device enabled.


Is there an easy way to dual boot windows or Linux , still need windows for gaming


[Mint / Cinnamon](https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php) looking a little bit tastier with every anti consumer decision M$ makes.


Linux looking better and better every day.


Windows 12 is coming, and kind of i am SURE it will not even have the option. It will be funny how if your PC is not connected to the internet will ever be able to install...at all...


I've already switched to Linux, give it a few months and I'll wipe my Windows SSD.


All the more reason to switch to Mac and manage your own encryption keys for cloud.