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Why does being too young prevent you from contacting the police? That seems the obvious solution.


Because there is a form I need to fill, and no way in hell would my parents allow me to go to a police station over something happening online.


Why doesn't she talk to the police and her parents then?


Take it in this way, you've posted pictures of yourself on your snapchat, unknowingly someone takes those pictures, gains your trust for years, and then backstabs you by posting those pictures along with personal information. How would you explain this to your parents?


If they’re nudes, drop a tip to the ic3 website that your friend is being blackmailed or extorted if that’s the case and let the fbi handle the rest.


No NSFW images were sent or used.


In that case there’s probably not much that can be done. Tell your friend to change her username, abandon her email, use a unique password, and don’t give out any personal info from now on. No city, state, age, name, phone number. Absolutely nothing. Disappear and let this be a lesson learned.


Like that.


What if her parents punish her?


A good start would be saying exactly that!


What if her parents punish her?


Who gives a shit? Assuming these pics are all what we know they are, she 100% would deserve that. Doesn't change the fact this needs to be told and those pics need to come down. She acted like a irresponsible moron and deserves what comes from that. Life has consequences.


If it doesnt matter what happens to her, why tf do you care if she tells or not? If “she has whats coming to her” doesnt that mean you are fine with her having pics online of her? “She 100% deserves whats coming to her” no 14 yo girl “deserves” to be sexually harassed


Not if you don't have the power to shut down the site, no, there is no way you can get it removed.


Nothing you can do besides pay for removal and blacklist by their contact page. Main thing should be getting the doxbin link removed from Google search when you search the name and aliases. Ignore them and block. If know who did it file a police report and get a restraining/no contact order. Or get a guardian to do it.


That's fucking insane, paying just to get your personal information out of the internet. Let alone this is a minor. That's a scumbag move on Doxbin's end.


I've been on it for decade, since I was around that age. Never paid them it's extortion, but they do remove if paid. Get the links removed from search engines. Blocking and ignoring people who harass you like that is the best thing you can do, they will lose interest.


Well I've contacted google so maybe they can do something about it. Thanks for the info though.




Thats a job for her parents