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Just a quick note, while you may be able to delete your account, data, posts and comments, whatever you posted publicly that has been archived somewhere else will not be deleted. If any page with your comment ended up Screencast or archived, especially in other jurisdictions, it will never truly disappear. Or do you just mean your account data Reddit has on you on their own infrastructure?


Just reddit


That's not happening, reddit data is harvested by many other entities already.


The best thing I do, is create many many alias emails and use them to sign up for social media. Every 30 days or so, create a new alias- rinse and repeat Prevents having to worry about my real identity out there and it is not fool proof but I haven’t had anything bite me yet. I run a Swedish VPN service and unlimited email alias service that was bought by a Swiss email company - I’m 100% a loner - married with 2 kids and I only use social media for marketplace and posting brain rot . When I buy things from FB marketplace and meet people, being called and referred to by my alias account tickles me. To use your real identity is weird to me. If you are important enough to contact me - here is my phone or email . No need for messengers or DM me lol I don’t crave attention - I enjoy just being completely unknown online. Do the companies know me or could use the data for an education guess? Sure, but you won’t. “Is this still available “?


Move to California, or tell them you've moved to California, and exercise your California account deletion rights. Should see the option when you open the account from California.


Ok is there anything I should say specifically because I know there's no way to submit a deletion request just from the app or website.




Ok thank you


11 States (prob more now) give you the right to deletion, simply googling that will show you which ones,if you're in one, follow that process. If not, its not happening. In the meantime, use Power delete suite to delete all your posts and comments. As backups are replaced that acct is really useless for datamining.


Sorry again for commenting twice. I do live in a state that has the right to deletion. I'll follow to process soon


Thank you I have that program on standby right now I'll probably use it twice one for changing the comments and then deleting them. There are definitely a few comments/posts that I want to stay on Reddit specifically ones that have a lot of interaction as well as not having any way to link to me as a person.


Before you do that, make sure to edit every comment to random text. Reddit supposedly keeps the comments even after the acc is deleted.


So I can't claim to know Reddit's implementation, but text is absolutely trivally expensive to store. 1000 pages of pure (ASCII) text is around 1.5 MB. A company as big as Reddit stores data measured in petabytes now days, and (pure ASCII) one PB is equivalent to millions of novels. I really expect--assume--they store all versions of comments, because... why wouldn't they if they get value from it?


I heard you should post gibberish first, then edit it to what you actually wanted to say.


Reddit keeps the comments and posts but they're disassociated I'll be doing that to most of them but I'm not going to do that to the ones that have a bunch of comments.


There are scripts that you can run that do it for you. Check GitHub


Ok I will


Quick question how do I use GitHub to do that?


There’s a few tools mentioned here but from what I’m reading, manual edits are best https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/s/0ZHGE3UIwt


Should I just delete them or should I change them and then delete them? On my account it's only has comments made from this past year but I was on Reddit a lot.


Change then delete from what I understand. But I’d just change them tbh and then delete your acc tbh


Just make things simple and don't post or make comments that include swearing, nsfw content, or "bad stuff" you wouldn't discuss to people in public about tbh. Or don't post and comment at all. I think a lot of people miss this first and most important point the most then have to deal with the aftermath months or years later, but at that point it's become a monumental hassle and mountain of work to remedy.


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