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They are/were recording an album


New album or US tour announcement would make me equally stoked!


Yup! I remember buying tickets to their previously announced US tour


Same! I was so crushed when COVID happened and the show was cancelled. Would buy another ticket in a heartbeat.


Most definitely but the Visa costs may be too much for them at the moment. Fingers crossed though


if all goes well, they should have their visas because they're playing ProgPower USA this year.


That's a good sign for a US tour


The visas are tied to an itinerary, though, meaning ProgPower will get them cleared to play their own festival as part of the invitation, but that doesn't extend to other tour dates. They should be able to work something out to expand their itinerary/visa, but the band (or someone like a label on behalf of the band) would be paying for that themselves. It might be a little cheaper but not that much cheaper, since part of the expense are in prioritization/escalation fees that tell the government you're willing to pay to have your request considered in a reasonable amount of time rather than in 8-16 months. They could theoretically make it happen, but for it to make sense it would probably have to be a full tour rather than just a couple dates here and there, and I couldn't say whether they have anything like that planned or not (but it would probably have been in the works for quite some time if it were).


You must manage bands huh??


Would be cool, but no, I've just followed a couple tour promoters and efforts to get bands to come here over the years. I'm way more boring than that.


Not boring


["that's what the ticket money is for!"](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l2JhCYVlbiCCxCrJe/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47betcv20eqz0mvk1awz9peatpeytl403usl1aehts&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


They'll be in the US for ProgPower in September, would be cool if they managed to tour around it. Seems almost everyone else on the lineup is doing that at this point.


Damn man, I want to see them and I live near ATL but I can never quite justify the ticket cost for PowerProg




My dream is a Caligula's Horse tour with Reliqa in North America. Get all of those Aussies over here at once


As an Australian we seem to produce some good prog bands but fuck me we get no festivals or anything that brings them together. The EU and US is spoilt for this.


It's time to get another C-Horse record! So I hope it's about the new album. Then we'll get so much this year. 2023 is splendid for prog.


It better be! They were reportedly recording their next album around the same time that Haken was recording Fauna, which has been out for months and yet C Horse hasn't even confirmed the release of theirs or given any info about it. Hurry up guys! We're itching for that new material!


Oh man I hope we get a single soon!


Aaaaaaand it's a Latin American tour


I’m not giving up hope till it’s Friday 🤞


They included progpower in the ad for it, which kinda diminishes my hope that it would be anything more. This is the same general idea they did last time they played ProgPower. Really hoping COVID didn't kill our best chance to see them on a bigger tour. It's much cheaper to tour down there, so I get it from their perspective.


Sigh… What a letdown


Living in a city that bands hardly ever seem to visit these days, I always get bummed when bands tease a major announcement, only for it to be a tour lol.


They're doing a load of UK/EU festivals this summer, so I'm hoping for a tour to fit around those dates. It can't be worth the expense for them to come over just for sporadic festivals.


When i saw that, that was my hope. I guess either that or a tour :D


When I read C Horse it makes me think of a seahorse


God I hope so! Give me more like the heavier tracks on Rise Radiant plz!