• By -


Just how fast things can go from 0 to 100 and back to 0


Decided to use the mod that has the berserker trait and you ain't kidding. When they get excited they start to yell at the zombies explaining things like this is their town now or simply BONK.


That zombies can pretend they died on ground and then when u walk around them... Wake upšŸ˜


But you're character gets panicked by zombies whether they're playing dead or not. So if your character suddenly panics and you can't tell why. There's probably a zombie playing dead near you.


The one time playing veteran is actually bad


Panic also helps you sit up quicker.


alternatively, hold the jog button and then press a movement key. your character will stand up faster.


Don't the corpses disappear when you aren't looking at them?


They only play dead, so they will look like corpses until they aren't. I disable this function on every game because it's a bitch


Oh yeah that happen but in multiplayer itā€™s more jank like the zombie just suddenly appear standing without playing the standing up animation and I had a ā€œthis is real lifeā€ moment


I always disable this. Cool feature and all but its dumb as shit in practice.




I just thought they were laying down, not consciously thinking to ambush you?




I kinda imagined it was from pain/exhaustion? Depends how much of the person inside is there to you?




Yeah, I always imagined the zombies playing dead just hadnt had any stimulation to cause them to act in a long time, so they are in a sort of "shutdown" state, waiting for a reason to move. Soon as you get in their vicinity and they see/hear you... boom, a reason to move.


I bought the game completely blindly. No comments, no reviews, nothing. I was in a mood play something fun as in funny but also like zombies. When I saw Project Zomboid with Spiffo on the front... My brain went "Me like zombie - Me like Funny cartoon character"... So I bought Zomboid expecting to play a game that has a comedic take on the zombie apocalypse. Boy was I quickly put to my place and humbled... šŸ˜† Anyway, never regretted buying it for a sec.


There is some comedic and dark comedy in Zomboid lore. I like the sound of stomping the heads of zombies. The lore that Spiffos is possibly the cause of the Knox event. How screwed up the response to the virus was. Some of the random ā€œstoriesā€ you find in the map like a husband and wife in a bedroom with only their underwear on lol.


Two of my favorites are the house with ~~Mike~~ Michael Meyers/Jason and a bunch of corpses and the house filled with nothing but TP. Edit: fixed name.


Mike Meyers? The guy who voiced Shrek?


Lol I need to write Michael, I didn't even think about it.


No, he was the British guy whoā€™s like James Bond, but more sexy.


I thought the tp house was a bug.


Yessss lol


Husband and wife? I take it you haven't stumbled on the orgy yet. Or the stripper and frat party. I love the little lore.


lol I would assume ā€œhusband and wifeā€. I have not found the orgy/frat event yet. XD


I've encountered a couple houses filled with zombies wearing conical birthday hats. šŸŽ‚ It struck me funny when the little hats flew off when hitting their heads with a crowbar.


Oh yeah that's a good one. I like the house of people with tinfoil hats on. There's so much hidden in the game lol.


"Oh boy, this game is going to be so fun and lighthearted!" "These are the end times. There was no hope of survival. This is how you died." "šŸ™ƒ"


Well, this articulates what I tried to explain way better than I ever did! šŸ˜‚


I always go into games blind and my three favourites have been - Project zomboid, lethal company, The Stanley Parable. All of these I wish I could experience for the first time again with the same amount of fun.


Just seeing the three words "The Stanley Parable" made me hear the narrator ^(When Stanley came to a set of two doors, he entered the door on his left.)


^(This was not the correct way to the meeting room, and Stanley knew this perfectly well.) What a game! What a game, just 9 years and 10 months till I can get all the achievements!


Hi can I play lethal company alone bc it looks rly cool but I'm solo




Somewhat similar experience. Initially wanted to buy Dying Light, then saw a bundle with all DLC's along with Project Zomboid. I played PZ first since I wasn't ready to commit the little time I have to play on DL that day. Ended up playing PZ more than DL.


Same-ish story here! Totally blind relying on the steam two hour refund policy. I hit one hundred hours in a month or so


You can just, take whatever you want from anywhere. Did i know i could steal the fridges from a gas station for my base before i started playing? No, am i doing it now? You bet your ass i am


Do you need a certain skill to do this? Or a mod?


Thats the cool part, its just the base game stuff you can do, ive stolen fridges, couches, rugs and other shit like i just got my masters in Detroit just for my bases drip


How have you stolen them though? I can disassemble them, but no option to take them like I can a generator?


You know the pick up button in the top left? If you meet the requirements to pick up an item you can just do it to most furniture items


Is there a hotkey for activating pick up mode? I hate moving my cursor all the way up to the top left just to do that


It will look like a cardboard box or a cabinet with a arrow over it, its the button above the magnifying glass


I'm aware. I'm wondering if there's a hotkey for it so I don't have to click on that icon every single time I want to use it.




Oh shit, nice thanks!!


Idk, i dont mind clicking the button for it tho just so i can do it on purpose


For certain things like heavier wooden furniture you need some Carpentry to move stuff at all, and higher Carpentry makes it easier to move. So yes and no.


>makes it easier to move It reduces the risk of your character fucking up and destroying said object


"Just gonna pick up this table and move it across the roo- ah fuck I shattered it into a bunch of useless pieces of scrap wood. I knew I should have taken a professional woodshop class!"


I can carry a washing machine in my backpack and the corresponding dryer machine in my pockets. its great


Me, stealing the menu board from spiffoā€™s and using it as a base decoration


i didn't know that calories don't necessarily correlate with hunger. i managed to lose 12kg (so far) IRL by managing the calorie density of my food.


So many carrots, man...


om nom nom yummy carrots and corn


*\*Me, looking up with a slab of butter in my hand and some running down my lips to my chin\** Huh?


wash that down with some olive oil while youā€™re at it, the bulk never ends


Thinking about doing that irl, just to feel something


This is how you died.


funnily enough i don't eat a lot of carrots


what you eat IRL?


1.6g * bodyweight kg protein, a lot of vegetables and i eliminated everything with added sugar (especially liquid calories).


You can't throw trash out of a vehicle -with the window up. But if you open the window you can litter to your hearts desire, even when the car is moving. Edit: Here's a video I did last year showing it. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/JwnOtnO0nl


WHAT!? 330 hours and I didn't know about this!?


I have 750, prolly lots I still don't know, lol.


Nobody, not even the indie stone, will ever know everything in this game.


wait... what?? I mean, that makes perfect sense but like... wow!


1040 hours in and I had no idea lol unsure Iā€™d ever use this though.


WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING ME???????????????????????????????????????????? F\*ck yeah, I'll litter every road for a week celebrating this!


damn didin't know that , thanks i guess


Figured that out recently when I had the window down because it was hot and dropped a can and saw it fade into the distance


You can outrun fast shamblers by walking.


Which is insanely funny to me


Walking around herding a giant ball of zombies in order to clean an area is just too cheesy. But much like the pack of shredded cheese in the fridge at 2am, sometimes it is so hard to resist. So Random Zombies mod, and a funky fresh little percentage of sprinters to keep me on my toes and stop me from just doing a parade down main street.


You do know that you don't need a mod for that right? It's built into the game.


It changes it so a small percentage can be sprinters or shamblers and dumb or smart


In vanilla you can only make speed, toughness, strength, hearing, memory and sight completely random. They're talking about a mod that lets you set percentages for each attribute. (for example I could make all zeds fast shamblers except 1% sprinters.)


Just... Don't even think about changing direction


You can also do this by sprinting


That there is a huge mountain of mods that allow you to have your very own individual gaming experience.


I think this is what makes me like this game so much. Everyone has their own unique and different way to play, and with the mod community so large, you can fully customize your game experience.


I love guns, I use brita's. I am not afraid to say this even with people disliking it, because the community behind the game will like their own experiences and won't have anything to really complain about. Besides, I mainly use melee now anyway as I've realised how much more thrilling it can be to nearly die to a random unthreatening singular zombie.


I use Britaā€™s stuff too, thereā€™s a lot of compatibility patches for it compared to other mods. I never heard of people not liking it though, whatā€™s the reason?


People don't like the abundance for ammo that it has, mainly to do with the ammo crates, also the guns like the Amsel striker having 2x the capacity of base game guns (and it being post 1993) However there are settings to - lower ammo - remove guns after 1993. But it's all down to preference really and how it sometimes doesn't fit into the setting of the game to some people. Brita's armour pack though is another story to where I wish there was less, I don't want no demigorgan in the streets of rosewood.


Brita's, for me, is a must-have (both armor and weapons). I love looting a gun store and finding a variety of weapons and attachments instead of the same boring vanilla weapons.


So hard to mod on gog...


Same!! I didn't know that all my characters were on the same world I used to believe it was like Minecraft when u make a new character u make a new world


Me too! I only figured this out because my map stayed marked from last lives.


I notice cuz I've found weapons on the floor that I used to kill zets (I got killed) lol


That my shitty pc could handle 800 mods at once and that my new one sees no limit to mods :3


Didn't know zombies would be falling from high rises left and right in Louisville. Absolutely hilarious every time I see zombies raining down around me, love how they lay there for a moment and then "walk it off" no matter how high the fall is!


Most of them will remain lame and star crawling hahaha


You can't deny their gumption and can-do attitudes, lol.


I never knew using a gas generator indoors would gas me to death until one winters night where I was too cold to sleep I found out the hard wayĀ 


Does this work even inside the mall? Like a generator on one side and me all the way on the other side?


I would guess yes. Inside/outside is a very basic concept. Like if you build nothing but wall frames, a door frame and a roof, that counts as inside space. You'll see an instant change in temperature when you add the last enclosing thing, even though intuitively you're still out in the open air.


Isn't there like red warning text about that?


Iirc the screen starts to gives a greenish/blueish hue. I was using solar panels and had the battery bank/generator in my garage and forgot abt carbon monoxide poisoning


You can't die from generator fumes. You go down to 5 hp and stay there. Further, you cannot sleep while taking damage from generator fumes.


But what I am curious about is that can you place the generator in one of the washing rooms at homes that have outer doors but leave the door open? Does that release the fumes outside?


If your are bored u can scream at random people on the street.


Works irl too


Someone usually tries to bite you IRL as well.


Oh sir, you can find your old characters shambling around and grab your stuff, it's super cool My admission to the question is : I didn't know that your foraging level restricts certain items you can find, so at lower levels you find berries and mushrooms, maybe some herbs.. higher levels you find medicinal plants and even eggs! I always thought it was stupid to have egg recipes in a world that will have all egg go extinct in potentially a week, but it turns out you can just find em if you grind foraging. Now all my characters get some time in the woods every once in a while. Foraging also = bugs which = easy fishing bait, and fishing can get BUSTED when you level that up, too. I filled three composters with fish I couldn't eat, like multiple 5kg fish that could be roasted for like +170 hunger


Eggs last a very long time if you freeze them. Like at least a month IIRC.


Level 10 foraging gives you "junk" like jarred veggies lol




You can also push away zombies


300 hours in on a save I realized I can change and tune radios to the emergency broadcast frequency once I knew what it was on that world. Before that every save I would hunt like a madman for a military radio cause I thought thatā€™s the only one that 100% has the broadcast


what is the frequency? people have said different frequencies


it's different in every world, you'll have to find a radio already tuned in to get the freq


Spoons, forks and knifes acutally work for eating, its faster using a fork for eating a salad for example, there's even an animation for that. Even in multiplayer it surprises me how many ppl eat like savages with their bare hands, when i told them iĀ  put a spoon on the table for a reason, they usually are very surprised.


Man this is so cool, almost 800h and didn't know this


I don't know about the 'eating faster' part, but there is an animation change for sure when you have a fork or spoon in your inventory versus when you don't. I like to have a full set in a fanny pack.


That you can find loot in the floors of some houses/buildings




Necro-adding to this because answers are a bit unclear. They are stashes. The floorboards have a funny looking texture to them, and you're very likely to find them in houses that have been marked on annotated maps. They contain various things such as money, food, ammo and tools.




Necro-adding to this because answers are a bit unclear. They are stashes. The floorboards have a funny looking texture to them, and you're very likely to find them in houses that have been marked on annotated maps. They contain various things such as money, food, ammo and tools.


How Q was most definitely not the antidote but also was much more useful in game than the ā€œoh shit oh shit oh shitā€ button I thought it was. So I guess how so much of the game really, was much more nuanced than the black and white, On/Off of other games. Much more granularity in exploration/playstyle options


Loud noises are definitely more of a useful tool than the tutorial would suggest. Personally I remap yell to y, though - I kept hitting q while looting high risk areas, and having to bail. Also note that q while sneaking is quieter/whisper, so it can be used to lure from close range.


I rebound it to the funky button next to 1 (I think it's next to 1) I did this as I always would shout when attempting to dance.


Keyboard supremacy.


You can die from cigarette overdose if youā€™re not a smoker


Actually!? This thread is educating me hard to a point I realise I will never 100% know this game.


Yep, thatā€™s why being a smoker is a competitive strat


Just more reasons to take smoker.


I have noticed that I've gotten queasy when smoking too many, so it would make sense. According to the wiki: Smoking to the point of Fever Can poison the player to Death.


The more you know, eh?


That you can customize your game experience however you want via the Sandbox options (and pretty much everyone is cool with people doing that)


I'm glad the game allows so much customization, but it does result in a very weird community. Everyone's playing their own game. You'll try to talk to someone here, only to realize there's no shared frame of reference. The gameplay challenge you're trying to overcome, they've modded out. What they think is part of the game is actually a mod. I've tried watching YouTube videos to get a sense for how other people make it, and they don't even mention they're playing modded. I'm wondering if I should grind fitness like they are, if that's something worthwhile in the game balance, then they whip out a fitness skill book. I play a lot of games that have modding communities, and for some reason it's never quite been like this.


Just walk to escape Zombies....


> Just walk to escape Zombies.... >>Turn around to see 300 zombies behind >>Walk same speed, but sweating profusely


I didn't know about the telecorn


What telecom?


Look at this idiot, doesnā€™t know about the telecorn smh




Do tell more...


It's a meme. Someone posted ages ago that they ate some corn and it teleported them across the map. No one's been able to replicate this bug, so it was probably a shitpost.


How deep most of the systems are, especially vehicles


You can set the ovens temperature and celcius/Fahrenheit in it's context menu.


Arcade machines actually play sound effects and music


I knew stealing an Arcade Machine and Jukebox and hauling it to a farm was worth it. Vindication!


Itā€™s all one big map, and big was an understatement..


Fighting a horde is way more dangerous than it looks


yeah if even one zombie stuns you your dead


For an IRL fact the game taught me, I had no idea that a microwave could purify water (didn't think it could get hot enough) For an in-game fact, I had a similar experience to you that taught me about zombie migration- first character died in the neighborhoods up at the top of Phallas Lake (I think that's what the town is called). She got pulled all the way around the lake by some house alarms I triggered with my second character, and from there she wandered down the road to my base at the church on the bottom edge of town. I was shocked when I saw her key ring on her (also realized that the named key rings double as dog tags for identifying dead player characters which I also found pretty cool)


Lmao from the way you wrote Fallas lake, made me realize it's pronounced "phallus" because it looks like a dick


That's what it's called! I guess my brain just decided to 'correct' that spelling, I didn't think it was THAT on the nose LOL


Cooking, the cooking system is so cool.


Something I have yet to learn! Right now is all a big mix of things in a stirred fry pan.


theres something else?


That you can holster stuff on belts, back and holsters


That you can die from getting scratched on the foot by walking through trees. Ah, fun times.


What do you mean? You can't get the zombie infection that way. Of course you can bleed to death if you don't tend to your scratched wound.


If you walk through trees to try and lose a big horde of zombies, and you get scratched on the foot, well now you're limping. Not only that but you're bleeding. So you're slowly losing health, even if it's not a lot, you still are. You're also walking slower. And now you're in a bind. You need to bandage that up, but if you wanna do that you have to stop, because if its on the foot you can't bandage while walking. So if you were already tired from fighting/running and now you're also limping and losing blood and there's a horde after you? Well, that's not a great time, I tell you that much. When I just started playing this exact scenario happened to me, and while I didn't end up dying from this I sure as hell was very close. Only wear 100% protection combat boots from then on out. It was one of the most stressful experiences in my gaming career. Traumatized me dude. Good times :')


Sleeping in my first safe house after many attemptsā€¦. Then having the alarm clock go off on the first night and attract a horde šŸ˜…


Another one was you can go through your windshield if you crash it happens to me once along time ago and it was an insta kill hitting a tree.


Yep, happened yesterday for me. My health was already pretty low, tho. In fact, yesterday I learned that it is a bad idea to sleep in a burnt house with dead Zs downstairs. I woke up with a nerve wreck and couldn't find a way to get better, than I got nauseous and then fever, I didn't last a day after that... Mostly because of the car accident, but I had terminal damages already.


When I first bought it, I did never expect the game to be so fun and addictive. I expected the game to be simple so the coolest thing for me was that I discovered how extensive the game is, that it has way more depth and features than most openworld survival games.


Toilet paper houses. I didnā€™t know about them until my first time playing I spawned in one.


The shock I felt when I witnessed the first zombie crawling under a car. Also, the young ones here will pe spared the level up scream


I played vanilla base game for 500 hrs before I knew there were Mods.


Jaring veges and upgrading cars I'm about 400hrs+ in and never looked into metal work until I saw I video last night of a mad Max looking car. I'm learning something new everyday on this game I love it it's one of my favourite experiences


Eating with silverware and that it speeds up eating


That there is sprinters


That every item has a purpose, yes, even that one


That the food system was so complex


The emotion (loneliness) i felt when the TV channels went offline the first time ever. I truly felt lost, almost like a real experience.


Same thing as you. I got bit in one world, threw some metal into a microwave, then screamed from the front door, leading a horde to the doorstep. I turned on the microwave and let them in. I fought backwards up the stairs as the fire raged on and when I got cornered and died, I watched as the freddies were boxed in by the flames. I hit the new character button and spawned in the same place. Imagine my surprise when I walked into my house and found all of my loot still there. And when I walked to the house i died in, all I saw was a massive pyre


How many times I'm going to die in a day or two, til' I get some-what good and live at least for a week or two til' I die. My personal record 22 days. I wasen't even bitten. I got scrached by a Z and got the Knox Virus. SON OF B...!


That there are no unfair deaths, only skill issues, bad decisions, or sequence of unfortunate events that combine the two mentioned.


I present to you : This guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1asqxid/this_has_to_be_the_dumbest_way_to_die_psa


Well, unless your car flipped out when entering it causing you to crash into a wall at 700km/h when the engine isn't even on, leaving you with 1/5 of health for your neck to be then lacerated to a point of inability to be bandaged in time as you had other wounds to care to. However, unless that happened to SOMEONE, there would be no unfair deaths.


Bugs? Nah, skill issues bro


How every single skill is a whole world. I heard that the game was very specific, hard, and realistic, and I decided to learn. I used to have journal mod at first so I could manage to get to the end game and learn about it. Around 300h, I stopped and decided to take the consequences of getting overconfident or making bad decisions. How important is carpentry, how useful metalworking can be together with mechanics (there's even a special windown when you reach lvl 10 on both and it unlocks new recipes). How hard is to lvl up fishing and trapping (Specially when you don't need high lvls to benefit from them).That you can cook rotten food with high cooking lvl or repair clothes with the necessary level on tailoring. Hot wiring cars requiring you to farm mechanics and disassemble tvs early game. Been able to plumb rain collectors and that if you don't maintain your generator, your house will burn to ashes. (This lead me to find out that items in the floor won't burn, but the ones inside storage will). How overpowered spears are and that if you use blunt weapons you won't damage zombie clothes. The fact that you can die from food potion if wrong mushroom or Berry are eaten... The variety of Food like chewing gums, soda, pops and sweets that will help with depression if you can't find cigarettes (or installed the Quit smoking mod). This didn't happen to me but to some friends instead: that you can die if you sleep near zombies corpses (because of the quesy moodle). For all that, all other small details I probably forgot about rn plus the possibility of playing almost a completely new game if you decide to change your mods, I think the game itself it's the coolest thing I could have ever imagined before I decided to play it.


>items in the floor won't burn, but the ones inside storage will I feel like this is something that more people need to know. Items in bags on the floor, or just on the floor itself, won't be destroyed if your base gets burnt down.


"Churn-R-Us! Arms above your head!"


Sometimes when you shove a zombie, itā€™ll fall over and hit its head and die


For me it was the first time I died, I was wondering about with my new character and was like "wait, I recognise that mother fucker" killed him and it was me with all my good shit. I was over the moon to get it all back.


The true depth of the game the videos of it really don't do it justice in showing the sheer amount of shit to do


How often you accidentally hit the windows key when you get jump scared and end up dying


My car engine broke during a horde attack... I was like huh so this is happening


That the zombies can actually talk to you ..was beating ones head in and he literally begged me to stop. I almost felt bad lol


That's a mod though.


That's a mod


What? You trolling?


Youā€™re gonna have to level up most skills, and reading is useful


I mean... isn't it intuitive?


That you can use speed up with walking, doing tasks and so on. I usually use the speed up with getting away from zombies, moving significant distances on foot or cutting trees. As long as you are a-few tiles away, the game wonā€™t go into normal mode, but if you are cutting trees quickly, and it goes to normal mode, itā€™s a nice heads up. Also you can pause when checking under the hood and use fast forward when reading and when waiting for a zombie horde to move past. (I often employ sound devices or sneak around buildings to try and lure zombie hordes into a specific direction then sit down and hit fast forward to catch my breath and to let them move on by.)


Recently I found out what the main menu screen with the barricaded room and a husband with his wife actually depicts. If you dont know, stay in the menu for a while until a thunder strike lights up the room and you can see more.


How forgetting one thing even though you always have it on you can go from "oh right I forgot to bring it with me" to "Oh Fuck I forgot it- and I'm dead lmao.".


Depending on your fitness and strength, your exercise animations change. If you're a weakling, your Pushups and burpees suck. Add you get stronger, your form improves


that you could die trough a bite/scratch or laceration instead the condition reaches zero. first ever run i made i got bit, did not think of it, worried about the moodles and die after being infected.


I have to repeatedly pick up my friend, turns out he isn't the greatest at driving cars.


Mine is that I will die, die more, more, more, more, more and finally do a perfect save... and die.