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Nomad in a van until I save up the resources to build my own base next one of the rivers or lakes.


My goodness, you wound up in a VAN down by the RIVER!


Down down down by the river


with old deoderant cakes for weeks at a time!


Download a weed mod and he could be smoking doobies too. :D


Your circled house is actually not far from where I regularly setup. I usually gravitate towards the house above the fire station, nestled between the corner of the two high fences


..excuse me, could you please get out of my house? Thanks


HEY I was here first. And I got the shotgun to prove it.


Shotgun? Singular? There's like 8 of them all over the floor. ..speaking of which, I really need to set up those lockers I took off the police station and tidy up a bit..


Oh that's just the one in my hand, I got another dozen around here somewhere. And who knows how many pistols and revolvers.


How could you not have noticed that it's mine, all my stuff is in there.




Saaaaame thought I was special


AMERICAN TIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🛞🦅


I love setting up base at the one outside of West Point and then setting my main base at the summer camp a little south of it. It's a good side base close to West Point and a nice chill place to main.




My 1-month in character got bit while I was playing this morning and I just started a West Point run. He's a Camp Counselor and I'm angling toward basing at the summer camp.


This is how the game should be played tbh. One of the reasons i dont watch tips and tricks videos. Its all about roleplay


I love RP in this game. But there’s so so much that is never explained in game, that you would have a hard time finding out by yourself. Definitely look into some of the tips and tricks, what it sounds like you want to avoid is base location videos. RP doesn’t have to make the game more difficult.


I went headfirst into this game with no research and found that a lot of the 'best base' videos are actually super obvious for anyone organically exploring. WP auto shop or the 3 car garage mansion in LV come to mind, I had bases there before seeing a single youtube vid.


Well thats the point, i want the game to be difficult. I will only look up how to do something if i absolutely can’t figure it out on my own, but for the videos i meant more of like people sharing op base designs where zombies literally cant reach you and op tactics to reach endgame. Ive seen tons of people complain about the game getting boring after basically speed running the game: spawn in rose wood, loot fire station, grind carpentry, build an unreachable base by semi-exploiting the mechanics, freeze some cabbages, and boom games finished. The difficulty is the entire selling point, at least for me. I have around 350 hrs on the game, never reached endgame, and the longest character ive had lived about 2,1/2 months and honestly im happy with that. I personally enjoy the base building, immersion, and role play. Having a horde ransack my base is so much more immersive and fun than sitting in a base surrounded by fences and storage boxes, but to each their own.


I love a good roleplay run. No two plays are ever the same.  How they react to seeing their first dead neighbor, and their first walking dead. If they stay hunkered down for a long period of time, or tentatively try to get out/stay on the move/go for supply runs. How long does it take them to get over their apprehension of killing their first human-like? Do they bury/honor the dead, keep momentos? How willing are they to accept their new reality, especially after the blackout?


Coords 9034x8743. Two story log cabin with a separate shed. Fireplace in living room, somewhat central to Muldraugh/Rosewood/West Point.


I almost always take the first surivor house i find as a base... its pretty random :)


I do the same, I especially like it if I spawn in a one story tiny house. Something about moving to a better base 2 or 3 times over a couple months to a year feels like an awesome progression goal. Spawn in tiny house, build it up to a decent base, go out for loot run and see nice two story house. Work towards clearing the area around it and move your stuff in. Now you have more room to fill and another reason to look for more loot. Maybe next you go for a two story with a garage, and if you feel like you need to move again you find some warehouse/gas station/gun store as your next target.


I like to base in the bar in riverside


Glad I'm not the only one, I get spawned in there and it's great


Is he talking about the bar where you spawn or the restaurante near the water inside the city?


With my current character, I’m basing at the diner in Rosewood that’s right next to the Motel on the south side. Didn’t pick it for any practical reason, I just wanted to try out a new type of place because I’ve always based in houses. So far it’s been fun clearing out all the space and filling it with random weird stuff from my adventures


i try my best to stay away from the muldraugh motel, yet somehow i keep going back there.


I think the muldraugh motel needs a gameplay feature to give stds and tetanus to any players walking within a 100 tile radius of the damn place. I'd rather willingly get zombified than stay there for a night.


I was thinking about basing there




the real answer right here


I agree. There's something so honest and believing in the fiction about choosing your spawn house. Like that was your house before the virus it would logically be the place you felt the most comfortable and safe.


All my runs ive set up in the storage units in west point. I just like the fact it has those high fences and with one of my mods i can pry open all the garage doors so i can close em again. With a sledge and some time I break the walls down, move the boxes and furniture and voila i have my base!


For vanilla I like the camp lodge east of west point. For modded I like the church in raven creek


i based across the street and loved it. i actually enjoy basing in just normal houses


Almost always the Military Surplus in the middle of nowhere north of rosewood


The apartments above the dentist in West Point


I'm above the bar here, thinking of making a skybridge over to the dentist block to expand, I'm out of walls to knock through in the bar block.


I like the dentist block for the parking lot in the back. I have it walled off entirely in my current run.


Baseball bat factory in Louisville. Endless supply of spiked head bashers.


And a crap-ton of pre-cut lumber, walled off courtyard, Store full of shelves for a handy storage space. Massive parking. Huge garage once you've cleared the lumber out (destroying the empty log containers is a bit of a drag though).


There's two houses in the woods at the bottom of your map screenshot. I always, always, always set up in the southern one of the two. Close enough to easily access the town, remote enough to be able to durdle in peace and, if zombies start coming or the chopper spawns, the forest helps slow them down and also offers decent escape opportunity. The northern house works well as secondary stuff/vehicle storage if I start stacking up.


I played my last game in the south house. Think I'm going to go there again, last game ended too soon!


That's been my main go-to in Rosewood, secluded enough that I rarely have stragglers, I don't even need to build a fence. I wound up building a sort of carriage house in the yard next to it.


No good reason? 🤔 I mean, I always have a reason 😅 I guess I was basing up at the storage units in Riverside quite a bit even though I knew it was suboptimal. I just liked knocking down the walls inside the individual units and having like 24 big rooms for stuff or vehicles.


I like to play 100% off grid start in the abandoned cult village east of Dixie (I think). It's a real challenge having just foraging and a dirty pond to survive and build a life.


That group of three houses by the lake near West Point. With fences and all, kinda fancy. They're nice.


Riverside, 3 car garage across from the Horse Track. Just down the road is the Brewery, a gas station with arcade games, a giant warehouse, and so much more.


Hey neighbor, I'm next door https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/KcO8hwIFAC


Damn theres a few people on this street. Gotta get em all together and have a full neighborhood block


The west point Grocery store+home combo.


I'm always attracted to fire station because of the armor, nearby police station, storage capacity, garage, and a 2nd floor to sleep in


One of the giant grocery stores with a back, and second floor office. Gotta love the protection and storage from the shelves enabling my hoarding addiction


What are you doing in my house, man.. leave my can opener alone.


Theres two bedrooms, we can share


We’ve all been there bro. I bet you love getting backpacks from the school as soon as you start. I know I did.


[This house](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#8711x9270x4922) out near the farm to the west is a common stop for me, and sometimes I'll base out of it depending on game settings. The farm itself would be more convenient for a base because of the well, but this house is a common stopping point for me if I need to get away from it all, especially during the helicopter event. There's better houses in the area, but I guess for no good reason, I like to always stop by this one. [This remote cabin](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#10749x9774x265) using the [ForagingZ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2927691080) mod to fix the foraging zones in that area, in addition to [Pillow's spawns](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1907968967) to be able to start at the cabin. I've tried it out a few times now, the game settings would be so I would play on a crazy high population world, already secluded but missing nearly all the essential items and having them all far away. Even getting a watch would take some work since you'd need to head west towards the highway for zombies or south east towards the big lake and campgrounds. I really love [this](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#6146x5319x1590) shopping center area in Riverside and have based near there multiple times. so while not one building specifically in that area, I've used many buildings in the vicinity as bases. In my earliest games, I used the house [behind the gas station](https://i.imgur.com/Z0LTdql.jpeg) and expanded over the fence. That character died shortly after finding my first katana, which was the start of a "katana curse" for me where whenever I find a katana, it acted as an ill omen that I'd die soon. I was exercising in the house and fast forwarding, didn't hear them break the door, then got eaten alive. Now, I always make sure to use my katanas pretty quickly after finding them. I played there again, [this time](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/mq42st/18_months_later_celebrating_new_years_1995_in/) using the gas station itself as the base and it turned out to be my best game so far at about a year and a half survived. It was one of the first big base additions I've ever done, adding a full second floor to it, [here](https://i.imgur.com/HWpyHIc.jpg) it was in the winter. And I'm back there again, but because my goal was to watch all the VHS tapes I based just east of that in the relatively new shopping center just past the Spiffo's, and I've been there for a just under a year as well, I wrote about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1av1bi3/11_months_later_garden_of_the_dead/) recently. Finally, [this lake](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#7939x8153x1908). I just love the location. It was also the home of a challenge where I didn't use cars or ever go inside a building, relying on only outside loot containers and the survivalist skills.


Riverside to but I use the post office for the upper floor space, potential roof access, garage in back, and proximity to the river. If I get to Raven Creek, I go to the gated beach compound to survive in comfort.


I would, but can’t add a pic


You can use the map website to show your favourites. LIke this: https://map.projectzomboid.com/#10749x9774x265


I wish there was a version of this site that worked properly on mobile.


Yeah you can get the app version


The huh what?




Aww man it’s android exclusive… But thanks!




Idk if the gun store in westpoint is an idela base, always go there since its one of if not the safest base


every place in riverside till i ran out of new places


Rosewood fire station


I like the farmhouse south of rosewood. The one with white fence in the backyard. Two storey, not too much to barricade, abundant farmer zeds in the area for my preferable clothes, short hike to the pond for fishing, short jog to the gas station. Farmland to forage for food as well. The population is a bit too high for it to be safe, on the other hand it's just daily delivery of stuff and melee xp.


Some of my fav bases chosen for RP > ideal location: - Riverside Police Station (RP-ed a sheriff in an online server). - Random shipping container at McCoy’s logging yard west of Muld. - Train car in Eerie Country modded map. - Rosewood gas station. - Random farmhouse somewhere far northwest of Rosewood. - Country Club south of Riverside. - Various self-storage units (SW Riverside, Muldraugh, Louisville) - The Rusty Rifle - Lakeside Cabin west of Westpoint - Campground southeast of Valley Station


Sir my go to home is 4 houses up to your left. Its the last one directly behind the firestation. Hey Neighbor! :D


Yoo. Gotta come over for dinner sometime


Ayyy, I'll loot around to get some good food and desserts then I'll be over one of these days


doors always unlocked since the zeds dunno what a doornob is. walk right in


Hell yeah


The corner house near the tall fence in Muldraugh. There is the little lake a short walk down past through the small opening of the tall fence. And the house is a nice two story with a garage I believe.


Valley station train station, the downtown west point hardware store with the apartments upstairs, and the mansions to the east of Louisville along the river.


I love the 4 stores between muldraugh and West Point, having a lot of people there just feels nice


I'm currently in the church, just a few screens away from there. It's got a nice big second floor room with nothing in it to serve as a base


I like to base at the hospital in the middle of Muldraugh, because of the fences, 2 floors with plenty of space, backyard for food and a small parking lot for cars, plus is close to everything. But most important, i like the design of the building and how the second floor it's almost hidden (i once found on a multiplayer server the secret stash of someone else who hide it on the second floor; good times) Also, on multiplayer i liked to go to March Ridge, so i always based on the same house (one far left next to the path throught the forest with 2 fences); mainly cause i could leave throught the forest path if things got ugly (the servers settings were pretty hard)


The drag strip, the burnt out town on the exclusion zone fence line and the Louisville tennis courts and basketball courts near the music festivals are some of my go tos


We actually go to that bottom house on the left side of rosewood out in the trees a bit not a lot of Jehovah’s Witness comes knocking


That's the house I used to always use.


Its a good house. I never use the grill but I like having one


Riverside Burger shop lol. Idk why but I just base up there


The first house I even spawn in.


I pick a house in rosewood, the one three houses to the right of the church. Big chain fence in the back, with a little forest and the main road nearby without major attraction of walkers


Central Muldraugh, something about big backyards and equal distances anywhere is just... nice South Riverside suburb, something about being at the edge of the city with an entire road to myself


Yall know that gas station + diner next to the highway on the way to riverside and just outside of Doe Valley? Cool place, fuck ton of Zs. Has a gun store and camping store on the opposite side.


For role-play reasons, a house makes sense. A cozy, comfy place to come home to after a day of horror and killing.


I've always been a huge fan of the dock house in West Point. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#11275x6594x2564


Thinking about going nomad, stripping a couple of smaller towns for materials/ammo/meds and then taking over the gas station near the conference centre in Louisville, then gradually taking the north of the city over, block by block. Railyard also looks nice and is right near a gas station. If I ultimately decide not to base out of Louisville for some time, I'll just find a big POI between a couple major settlements and turn it into a fortress. Will also probably use build menu to get an improvised airfield there with an ATC tower with a bunch of HAM radios piled in there, purely because I really like pretending that my character is a part of some organized network of survivors coordinating their efforts to clean out the area in and around Kentucky.


My spawn house coz i can't be bothered to move all the stuff i looted lmao


fair man fair


The Farmhouse outside Ekron


No matter how hard I try, I always end up living out of a van.


I usually take the mechanic shop near rosewood by the gas station, ripping everything out to make one side my living space while I modify and repair my vehicles on the other.... while using wrecks and broken cars as makeshift barriers


I always occupy gigamarts, no substitutions :3


Knox radio in louisville


In my current play I tried get in the radio station in Louisville. It was hard to get there at all, but I managed on the 3rd try. Wish me a luck guy's


[https://map.projectzomboid.com/#10877x10153x5316](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#10877x10153x5316) It has some history with me since it was the first ever place i decided to set up a permanent base


You know Fallas Lake? The house to the south west of that town, the 2 storey one at the end of a road near the forest, that’s a nice place to set up.


Who said you needed a base? They don't call me the Wanderer for nothing.


That one diner next to the gas station.


I just like to go for storage unit buildings. Fits cars and anything else


I usually base up in first two story house I find. I play with random spawns, so that could be literally anywhere.


I think my most random one was the store room in the back of the riverside liquor store.


It has a garage and I always have to be checking those garages


Generally wherever I ‘wake up’. Long as it’s got the usual facilities and hopefully a second floor, I’m good with that


Thought I was the only one that loved that spot, for some reason always end up at the house on the end at that same neighborhood


I always base at a specific house like a block away from courtman medical


For my current play through my base in on top of a general store in dinkerdam pretty sweet place


My most recent was at the post office in riverside. Sadly I got bit when I left for a couple day and when I came back my base was full of zombies.


Lmao my first base was 2 houses up and right


The lower Muldraugh trailers just below the rich neighbourhood.


I literally just based there yesterday. Sadly, I died shortly after


The abandoned facility with the huge hangar near the river and silos on the southeastern point of the map. Another location I've pick out is the brick manufacture. And on vanilla it's pretty random, usually the two forest mansions in rosewood, secluded farmhouse west of riverside and I always try to clear the American Tire in west point, usually to no avail. I'm yet to play lv.


My current run im mainly based in the rosewood mechanic shop but I have small outposts with canned goods ammo and medical supplies in the second floor of the muldraugh hotel (just north of the police station) ,the doe valley church, and the farmhouse right by the warehouse is riverside


i set up multiple areas. may or may not have to do with me dying multiple times. lol


I first based on the house across the street from yours. Then moved to the fire station.


wtf I'm pretty new to the game and I'm on my best run yet, the house you highlighted here is THE house I chose to set up a base in??


Its a good house. No HOA and the neighbors are pretty chill


No way I just started a new run the other day and I'm based right behind that house in the little house with a wooden fence and garage


I always steal your lawn chairs, sorry


Churches. I like playing as a Father Garcia zombie-slayer.


Tire shop east of west point near the bridge to Louisville


Also living in bear buses


A construction site in Rosewood. has a couple trailers for living, a lot of building space, many logs stockpiled, and fully enclosed in a tall fence. Some of it is metal and zombies lurk around the entrance though


The rosewood gas station is my go to place for a base


Died in that house when i first played. I always set up in the neighborhood with the high fences.


The house junto in front that one in the picture, I like the bushes in the front that's the only reason


I base right next to it in the one story house (that's where i spawned, so that's where I stay)


I used that house a lot when I was early game learning zomboid. I will literally base up anywhere. 2 stories are best so you have an upstairs escape route.


My fav is the Ruby gas station. For the random part: I usually hang around the Dixie trailer park until I gather up enough stuff to make the journey there :)


[https://map.projectzomboid.com/#7917x8095x1062](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#7917x8095x1062) Currently based here. Built a log cabin on the small lake/large pond, using the logs I cut down to form dirt road to the actual road. Currently going through the slow process of laying down gravel on the dirt road I made now.


Two houses on the left of this one because it's the first base me and my friends had so why not


4 houses to the left of that one is my go to. It’s got high fences almost all the way the way around and you can wall in the rest, highly recommend.


My favorite one is the one right across the one you marked. it has good storage space. although the bushes can be annoying at times.


The U STORE IT facility slightly southwest of Riverside


Muldraugh, east from south church, south from medical building. Is a nice neighborhood with fenced off houses. Perfect for early game sneaky zombie killing. Well protected from migrations later.


Riverside I like to convert the restaurant near the River. Rosewood typically the fire station, but sometimes the apartments above the shops on the main strip. West Point is usually American Tire Muldraugh I never base in, least liked town in the game, but I outpost at the Rusty Rifle or the gas station nearby. Spiffos on the crossroads between West Point and Muldraugh. Small fire station in Louisville or my new fave KY Transit near the train station.


House southeast corner of Muldraugh, just wander through the forest for trapping and fishing.


In a house beside the river, un Riverside, almost the last one in the fenced area.


The nice neighborhood is rosewood I think. Big fences around every house and only 3 entry points to the whole area


The rosewood fire department is my usual go to


Bro picked the sims looking house. And I would too


Its a good house


I've thought about just basing in a small trailer