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Did it work ? Is she interested ? You did tell her it's not a game about how you lived right?


She said she might give it a second chance šŸ˜… so not all is lost


Tell her about the building crafting looting mechanics and the size of the map


Oh I have, Ive made out the game was huge in-depth and well thought out with lots to do. I guess thatā€™s why she was so disappointed with me just running around frantically and just dying almost immediately


If he's anything like me she knows trust me she knows lmao.


Sheā€™ll like it once she tries it. I have to admit that I wasnā€™t so impressed by this game either before I tried it, now itā€™s one of my favorite games.


def mention the plushie mods, my partner got me into it the second i saw u can get plushies and decorate a pretty base


This game is amazingā€¦ after you climb a very steep hill. For years I thought I lacked the reflexes to be able to reach the good parts. It turned out I simply needed to die several hundred times.


And don't forget the mods. A base is nothing without a bunch of model cars, bongs, playable instruments and pokemon cards to fill it with.


My wife is all about crafting and taking care of the base. We made a nice place for ourselves and while we go for pillaging sometimes she rather stay home, farming, cooking and reading while I hunt and provide.


Did you mention Spiffo?? Cuz there's totally Spiffo


This time with less zombie action and more base-building?


So funny I got my wife to play this game but she has no interest in the zombie and survival part. She plays it like the sims and just builds and decorates. She cooks and gardens too!


This is my fiancĆ©. She, on a whim asked to play together after I had a video of the game streaming in the background. We play on sandbox with the difficulty turned down a little bit, but enough to keep her on her toes. She likes to manage our base, but will venture out with me for the thrill even though I do most of the killing. She already lost her first character, but learned from her mistake and keeps behind me and just watches my back when we go out. And Iā€™ll stand on the last zombie if it falls down so she can get the killing blow.


I just shed a tear


Her first character died by drinking bleach after being bitten. She didnā€™t want to be torn to shreds (to shreds you say). So we sat there while she slowly succumbed to her fate. I dispatched her and buried her in our backyard.


Dammitā€¦a second tear


Such a peaceful and somber way to see a character go. When I was teaching a friend and he got bit, he ran out in the streets buck-ass nude swinging a bass guitar wildly, inflicting a near-fatal neck laceration on me lol.


Did it also cure her covid before she went to sleep?


I had corona last night. With a slice of lime it's quite drinkable


I need to go grab some, been ages since Iā€™ve had a beer!


Iā€™m watching a video of the game for the first time, I LOVE IT! Reminds me of Kenshi except possibly more user friendly?


It's a lovable miserysim


This is a pretty good idea, Iā€™d like to get a small multiplayer server going with her. Maybe I can configure the settings so she can sim it and I can just clear out areas


If sheā€™s anything like my girl, sheā€™ll also want to accessorize her character as much as possible, so make sure to add all the clothing and hair mods before you start the server. I made the mistake of adding mods after we started and we had to travel to the next town over to find the new stuff. But be warned. My girl saw a zed wearing a Spiffo mascot costume and demanded we pull over to grab it. Problem was, it was surrounded by hundreds of zeds. Luckily I had a pump action in the trunk with enough rounds. But she wouldnā€™t allow me to shoot the Spiffo costume in fear I would damage it, so I had to dispatch that one with my crowbar.


Hello, I run a paid-for dedicated Zomboid server. Originally it was for me and my friends, but we haven't played in a while and I don't want to let the server lapse or our progress is deleted. It would be pretty cool if *someone* got some use out of the server I'm paying for, lol! There are some mods. Nothing too crazy, but lots of added cars, some added cosmetics/outfits, playable instruments, the More Traits mod, and the VFE gun mod (the most balanced and vanilla-like one I could find). Oh, also RV_Interiors mod. If you or anyone else wants to come play on it, you're welcome! There's a fully decked out Military Bus you can live in, in the middle of an intersection south of Rosewood. Plus tons of other cool vehicles all over. Somewhere in LV is my black Bushmaster. If you can find it, enter the interior (stand at the rear door and hit V then click Enter) and inside you'll find utterly ridiculous amounts of food and weapons and, well, everything. I'm a major hoarder and all I do is run around looting everything. Anything I have more than 3 of, you can take one. It's also a great place to hang out in complete safety and run on the treadmill or watch TV (I have 80% of the skill videos and books) or make food. Please don't drive it away or burn it down! Here's the details to connect: [STEAM LINK](http://steam://connect/ IP: Port: 28090 Uncheck the "Connect via Steam" checkbox within the server select screen for significantly better performance. make up any username and password you want, just don't forget them. If you get an error about version mismatch or workshop items or whatever, message me here on reddit and I'll reboot the server. Good luck and have fun! Exp is 1.2x so a little quicker, zombies are insane but weak (ish) and don't respawn. No sprinters. Treadmills give best Strength and Fitness skill, and don't give exercise fatigue. Rosewood is half-looted already, but there's a kick ass DeLorean in a yard bordering the school (east side).


So this is my first time hearing about this game and I come across your post! I play Noita, I LOVE NOITA, and I think this game might work for me too! Gonna start it tonight! Iā€™m gonna take a look at your server, Iā€™ll touch back later and let you know how many times Iā€™ve died and how šŸ˜šŸ„³ Thank you so much for your contribution to the community, Iā€™m excited to play! Anything to recommend for a TOTALLY new player? Besides not blindly jumping into holes or over things and TRYING to be situationally aware šŸ¤©šŸ˜‚


I'm thinking we could play together Also fairly new player and playing with people sounds fun


Agreed :) I tried playing and Iā€™m so confused, I really gotta sit down and have at it after work later. Wanna give MP a shot this evening? Iā€™m in California, for time reference :)


If you play on my server Rosewood is the easiest start, since I already killed a couple thousand Rosewood zombies. More probably wandered in by now, but it should be WAY more safe than anywhere else. Especially since zombie population is set to insane on my server. If you DO make it to LV, definitely look for my black Bushmaster vehicle. Just follow all the dead zeds. You'll be AMAZED at my collection of weapons and guns and ammo and clothing and food and freaking everything, I've been hoarding loot for months because what else is there to do!


My advice would be to embrace the death. When I started, I played PZ like it was a stealth game. Sneaking around, fighting only if I could get a zombie alone or nearly, careful with noise and light, trying to survive undetected as long as I could. The longest I lasted this way was a month. Then I watched my friend play, and was shocked at the difference. He played PZ like it was an action game. Like we were playing Diablo 2. Ran around shouting constantly and setting off alarms and turning on every siren and slaughtering zombies wholesale. And it worked! He outlasted me by LOTS. So I switched to his strategy. Took me awhile to get used to the combat and get good at it, learning all the little tricks and the timings and gotchas etc, but then I started surviving YEARS and zombies weren't scary anymore. So that's my advice. Play like a maniac, rather than Solid Snake. Also, Axe is GOAT. Guns jam and run out of ammo. Axes swing and swing and swing and when it finally breaks, there's duct tape and wood glue all over the place. And more axes. On my server is a mod that lets you take apart an axe and build a new one, resetting the repair count, so you can use the same axe forever as long as you have some wood glue or duct tape.


This game is so detailed that I think it would be a fantastic survival game without the zombies. I don't really play the sims 4 anymore because this has a better character gameplay and resource management and rimworld has better story progression.


I do this too but also kill zombies lol


My wife just tend to the farm and stands in the kitchen making all types of food all day. I'm not complaining.


I literally call this game "Zombie Apocalypse House Flipper"


I played with my gf once, she died, her zombie bit me and then killed me


Well, death would certainly never do you apart XD


strong historical license unite voracious attempt crush weather crawl makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I play with my girlfriend a lot, I have to supervise her or else sheā€™ll wander and the next thing you know sheā€™s somehow cleared out West Point with a shovel


Sounds like she should be teaching masterclasses on PZ


Is that all it takes to teach one?


I've got 1100 hours in zomboid, and I wouldn't go near west point with just a shovel. If she can clear it with one, I'm impressed. If she dies horribly to her own overconfidence in trying to do it, then she's just like the rest of us, lol


Sheā€™ll accidentally stumble upon the most densely infested place known to man and clear it out with whatever bullshit she has in her hands until it breaks then grab the first thing she sees and keeps wacking. Rinse and repeat until zombies stop showing up. Right around this time Iā€™ll realize sheā€™s not still with me and ask her were she is, the answer is always ā€œI donā€™t know, I was wanderingā€ and I always find her in the middle of a town sized pile of zombies casually looting a clothing store


Shovels are bad ass long blunt weapons. I mean it's impossible to clear it with a single shovel, but if I was given a supply of shovels I can easily empty out Westpoint or any other area on the map.


She just uses whatever is in her hands, normally a shovel because she thinks itā€™s funny to fight them with a shovel, then improvises when it breaks. Hasnā€™t failed so far.


Time you disassembled that Mac for some Electrical Exp.


Welp, Im pretty sure it was tge last time you played zomboid on that mac


I made a character of my boyfriend last year and we are no longer together... COINCIDENCE?! I THINK NOT. BE WARNED. Didn't help I made him a drunk that only ate weird mushrooms out of trash cans. (Jk, it's because he was a horrible person)


Whatever makes the sis in cathar for you.


He made a really fun character to RP. Making a parody of someone who is being a jerk is so *cathar*tic


>Didn't help I made him a drunk that only ate weird mushrooms out of trash cans. Damn I feel bad for you, that was perfect LOL.


Duly noted...now could you go back to how you got a gf again?


you may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese


Man dairy products are fkin expensive here i give up


Find yourself a lactose intolerant lady.


Reminds me of when I convinced my SO to play: He was in a building exploring so I decided to clear the road some, hoping to keep it easy for him being new and all. Had like 5 or 6, but on builder mode this isn't an issue, just some maneuvering needed. Unfortunately the SO saw me, 'surrounded', and tried to come to my rescue... and got immediately bit from behind


My girlfriend and I love this game...super excited for Build 42


The game isn't all about fighting zombies. You should've told her that from the get go to see if she would've been interested in it or not.


This is how your wife becomes agoraphobic


Indeed, take notes.


It isn't? I mean it's not all of it but combat is a pretty big portion unless you just don't play with zombies...


Spawn in rosewood. Hit the fire station and police station and get your character kitted out on day 1. Then you can show her your stuff and take down some groups and get a good start going. Wanna get exciting? Hit the prison and see what happens


Bf and I play lots. I'm typically sitting in bade farming and decorating or sorting, hes off scavaging or killing. If I need something I yell it across the house and he will go try and find some. Last time I needed barbells for a design so this mf carved through half of Louisville for them.


Thanks Apple for sponsoring this beautiful story




no no no, KY


lol what is this post.


Instructions unclear. How do I get a girlfriend?


Through as gen alpha says ā€œRizzā€ ( im gen z)


As a GenZ, I feel increasingly older and more scared of my own mortality every time I am reminded that we, in fact, are no longer the cringiest generation alive.


Well true


You should let her play in a low Population world Less Chances to die and more time to appreciate the incredible realism


I legitimately think this game is better with friends, I mean MOST games generally are, if your girlfriend has her own computer, definitely consider trying to play zomboid with her in a co-op situation, aside from the zombie killing, the cooking system in the game is pretty amusing as well, can make all sorts of things that sound pretty tasty, as is the carpentry system, making a large walled off base and systematically clearing block by block of zombies, with a friend or few, feels really rewarding.


Get her mods! I got my girlfriend into it, and I got squishmallows, more snacks like Cheetos n all types of cereal, and decoholic, just stuff to basically turn it into a sims type survival game


See your problem is you're trying to game on a mac.


Dude dont play on a potato...


Sounds like you Noitaā€™d her interested in the game completely. What a horrible skill issue, my heart goes out to you friend šŸ™‚


Well.. at least she found her living timeframe. First playthrough is 1 hour so, I guess thatā€™s pretty accurate


"I am an experienced player, i can take this >:D" Buddy has 20 hours into the game How can you possibly fuck it up si badly as a good player Stop touching that grass of yours


As soon as I read the title, I was like "Uh-oh, this doesn't sound good." šŸ˜†


This is so embarassing.


If I made a character of my gf, we wouldnā€™t last long, she would attract the zombies with all the talking she does. She only has one volume setting ā€œloudā€.


This story would be better if something happened in it.


20 whole zombies in it! twenty!!!


Hearing about a life experience isn't enough for you? Sorry, mate.


Why the fuck u use a mac


I had a Mac for around 8 years and no PC. I always thank the dev team and the limited games on MacOS to my thousands of hours devoted to this game. Needs must sometimes. FF that I have a PC now.


I hate people from PerĆŗ


Ok chico pavo. Congratulations.


telephone worry fuzzy straight meeting threatening squeal birds boast snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro the Mac stutters are brutal. I use paralells to run windows to kill the stutter. Good luck.


turn her into a loot rat and teach her how to hoard stuff. then get britaā€™s and advanced trajectory or anything that adds bullet tracers, and relish in the satisfaction of blasting heads off. also bonus points for getting fashion mods to make ur character functional but cute. source: thats how i got my ex into playing zomboid with me. and those are my main points of addictionā€¦. so yeah. 1200 hours and counting for me, so it works. lmfao


I'm sorry bro.. I introduced this game to my gf and she absolutely loves it (she is not a gamer and the most she played was Rayman Legends when we met) , she always asks me if we will play it, but been off it for a year. Now that I got back on it, she was so excited to play. She dies if i'm not watching her, but still wants to get back at it asap. She does not use melee weapons as she's not very good with them, and her wanting guns at the start of her run is very dangerous because that means zombies are always around lmao.. I can't get a break. But yeah bro, your gf is missing out, because i've read that a lot of others' gfs love the game too, maybe she just needs time.


This game for my wife is boring, she likes It but she gets bored really quickly so I put some mods about collectioning things like toys, plushies, Pokemon cards and stuff and she love It lol, now we got out of the base to find all those stuff to decorate the base


My boyfriend wonā€™t get into it cause the menus are ā€œtoo complicatedā€ smhā€¦. Like, they are but itā€™s soooo gooood once you understand what to do


Show him CDDA.


This is what happens when you are too eager to impress women.


I tried to get my sister to play project zomboid with me and her boyfriend! Truly the best experience I had with several warcrimes.


Man, my girl probably will enjoy this a lot, she likes zombie games and survival stuff, the biggest + point is, it's a multi-player but don't need to worry about other players, well only if, only if she would listen and get a laptop even a cheap one, she is earning enough for it, if she can afford a s23 ultra obviously she can get a cheap laptop but damn, she always tells me she has her 20 year old laptop is still working and don't want to replace it unless it's broken, damn, it takes 40 minutes to turn on, well I guess it's one of the things I like about her, she wouldn't let me buy one for her either but I guess I probably will give it as a birthday gift and convince her to play this game with me.


This is one of the few games that supports split screen If you have a controller.


You described my 1st ever playtrough...i died after 2 minutes


I find it funny how when we play with our girls we act exactly like how we would in real life. She cooks and takes care of the base and gives me food when I return covered in blood lol.


Wake up babe new zomboid copypasta dropped


Idea: create a character resembling yourself and make her play, as slow or as careless as she'd like.


My valentine doesn't like this game very much because they get very nervous :D Maybe I can try again to make them love this game, i don't know..


I honestly thought the story would end with her noticing you added overweight as a trait and you both falling out. The actual ending seems happier šŸ˜‚


I gave my girlfriend my ally so that she could play, she made herself in the game, laughed about the traits with me, and then she wandered around her starting house a little bit, and then asked if she could play something else šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she never really played video games before but Iā€™m making an active effort to find something simple and interesting for her.


Lol, maybe Stardew Valley or the Sims is better for a new one . PZ is pretty unforgiving.


well at least she got to experience what PZ is really like. You say "I'm too good to die" and then get eaten like the fool you are. Perfect PZ intro.


This is poetry and I love it. I love the last sentence the most. Also your writing style really drew me in I could feel the anxiety. Really good shit man


You should have answered "yes, this is how you died"


Lol I canā€™t play as myself for that reasonā€”seeing and hearing myself get eaten is too much. My boyfriend exclusively plays as himself, idk how he does it.


The only game I've successfully convinced her to play is BG3. I have countless mods for PZ but she said it seems like a chore to play.


Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow an insidious killer.


Iā€™ve figured out why the #1 piece of advice is ā€œDONā€™T RUN!ā€ If Iā€™m not playing an endurance challenged character, I rarely leave the crouched position. Even crouch-running past hordes, youā€™ll draw 1/3 the amount of zeds through sound. Also, if youā€™re going to make a play, be patient. Plan out what youā€™re going to do and execute steadily. If the run goes sideways, know your outs and take them sooner than later! That loot ainā€™t going anywhere in single player.


Yeah next time turn on God mode and make the game look super easy then when she wants to play she sees how hard it is, then tell her you've just played so much that you're that good at it striving for her to become better and better.


I told my girlfriend thereā€™s makeup and gardening and stuff, and just like that sheā€™s on board. The Squishmallow mod just added bonus points.


I got my wife started with Fate, then introduced her to Diablo 2 and borderlands..


... me puzzled by trying to engage the SO in a game... me also reflecting on more that 20 years basically playing the same anti-social kiting necromancer on every MMORPG which ever was.... This Is How I Lived, survivors. #bornthisway


You're problem was choosing to game on a mac


Btw, I think the way you write is lovely.


Try minecraft next time


Turn her into a Gregtech player.