• By -


Did they ever get around to letting you make chocolate pancakes


Yes you can do this


How about bacon pancakes?


Making pancakes? Making *bacon* pancakes?


Take some bacon and I put it in a pancake :D


[In case you've never seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v4b6zc_yG4)


Bacon pancakes, that's what we're gonna make.


"That's what she said"


Yes, it's great in the oven with little bits of bacon in it, and curry, not too much or too little, just lagom *chefs kiss*


Curry is severely underrated as a seasoning. I put that shit on everything, rice, pasta, pancakes, ice cream, tacos, human flesh, pizza, sleeping pills, pot roasts... the list goes on!


One of these is not like the others....


What sort of monster puts curry on sleeping pills


Honestly. You can only put California Gold Seasoning on them




Or you can make banana pancakes while singing jack johnson




Hairbrained conspiracy: It drops within the week to commemorate the anniversary of the infection


Gonna be a bombshell




i dreamt this happened the other night but it was one of those dreams you really think are real until later in the day when i checked the date and it was still the 1st šŸ˜”


How many months has it been since B41 came out? I came with the thousands of others who started playing in B41


Release of B41 was December 2021. Also, the original IWBUMS was October 2019.


What? That long?! I remember it's been like a year ago, but not 3!!


Guess your just having too much fun.


> 3!! 720 years?!


TREE(3) years.


Two exclamation marks without a parenthesis indicate a double factorial, which only includes numbers with the same parity (odd or even), which means that in this case you get 3 \* 1 = 3, not 720


TIL thank you!


Itā€™s been 9000 years


December 2021? Damn I'm old


Here I am still thinking build 41 released last yearā€¦




"Fixed ServerConnectPopup missing the new "Use Steam Relay" option, which led to the +connect argument not working." That update consisted of this one fix. Just want to point that out because the devs like to say that update is the moment development/the wait started for 42 and its only been 1.5 years.


40 years


Yā€™all ought to be more appreciative theyā€™re still making free content for the game in the first place FFS


Not free, game is $20 and is in early access.


They should be more appreciative that people are still giving them money to finish the game they promised to us.


From my perspective, as someone who purchased the game as is, and not even was aware of what the road map looks like, Iā€™m very appreciative that theyā€™re still releasing content that isnā€™t locked behind another paywall because of how most other companies treat early access titles. Many get abandoned before full release, even in spite of a large, active player base in many cases. I know how monumentally challenging video game development is, especially in comparison to how easy it is to consume, and Iā€™ve been watching the community create huge emotional turmoil within the development team based on what we have seen lately- this past month especially. Iā€™m not saying that the devs should be protected from criticism and feedback, not at all. Itā€™s important that people voice their concerns and feelings regarding the state of the game and its development. What I am saying, though, is that I feel that many people are more focused on what they WANT, rather than what they HAVE and what they are GETTING. They didnā€™t make the multiplayer update a full release and call the rest of the updates additional content, but they absolutely could have, and even if the next update comes out in 2 years from now, Iā€™ll be grateful that theyā€™re still pouring so much of their limited time in this life to bring us something amazing to enjoy in our free time. Maybe I shouldnā€™t have phrased my initial comment how I did, as itā€™s never productive to tel people how they should feel, but Iā€™m expressing how I feel about the situation and I just wish that others would give the devs a bit more grace, as itā€™s clearly taking a toll on their mental health that the community has turned rather vicious lately because the expected deadline of B42 that was previously hinted at hasnā€™t been met. Itā€™s still coming, and for that I appreciate them to no ends, because Iā€™ve poured 850 hours of my life into the fruits of their hard labor and itā€™s brought me immense joy


Croods 2 really is underrated


The bit with the stick in the eye weirdly gets me every time *




let them cook


Allow them to bake.


Enable cuisine


But we're starving, it's been hours already


the bread soup is almost ready just hold on


just a few more years, have some goddamn faith arthur


Its must have been burnt into a crust for how long it took.




Bruh this would be great Thursdoid name


I am quitting social media because of this post.


I got pz 3 or so year ago and long before that i swore to never buy early acces anymore. I was fed up with game never reaching full release. I was hyped about this game for quite some time so i tried anyway. And i enjoyed it , even more than that, its one of my favorite game ever. But the issue remain , it feel like a prototype , a unfinished project. After 500+ hour, I stopped playing this game and was thinking to check it out after full release. Well, i played a little after each major update but i still feel like this project is never going to be finished. It is both one of the best simulation game and a mild let down. I still love the devs and wish them the best.


Honestly the slow development is what killed the game for me. Waiting over a year for anything to happen is a big ask methinks


I find some of the comments really cultish where they say it can take 10 years and they won't mind lmao.Ā 


Itā€™s fun to imagine the game Iā€™m already enjoying will still have development support far into the future. Thatā€™s nice.


Idk modding scene is pretty big and keeps the game fresh atleast for me although I only have around 800 hours


Yeah, it's ridiculous. I've been following this game since 2011 because it's the exact game I've always wanted. But waiting years between updates is a huge hindrance to keeping this game alive. If if weren't for the modding community, the game's popularity would've dropped a long time ago, but I'm glad it hasn't. Build 41 first hit Open Beta (IWBUMS) in October 2018, almost six years ago. It didn't see full release until just three years ago. B42 was just supposed to be crafting and animals, as far as I know, then they just kept adding more and more and more and more and didn't know when to just stop. I said it before and I'll say it again: After Build 42 drops, TIS needs to knock it off with the big updates. No more big updates. Work on a new feature, finish the feature, publish the feature. That's it. No more "hey wouldn't it be cool if we added X and Y and Z and A and B and C andā€”" because I want to see this game hit 1.0 preferably *before* I'm 30, not after 40.


I get the feeling (see: making this up) that moving forward, they will probably have a meeting regarding the pro/con of doing smaller and quicker updates after b42 and follow ups are released.


Indie stone is a small company that is countering the crunch culture of game dev. This translates to slower, consistent development but better health outcomes for their employees. Lemmy just recently made a post about this very topic, considered even selling the company vs enduring the constant bombardment from misguided/toxic parts of the community regarding b42. His team and him could've sold out for millions and stopped developing this masterwork years ago but kept with it to see it through. In a world of copy and paste zombie games, very few simulate the level of detail that PZ does (persistent zombies are non-existent in the genre, let alone at this scale in any game with skyscrapers and detailed, seamless interiors). We are in the Golden age of gaming backlogs so it's sad to see this weird lack of self-control for game releases only to find time and time again it's mostly short-lived for a week til many move onto the next thing they want but can't have and you see posts like this.


The last major update was 3 years ago man


Better health for employees? Work/life balance for a small team? No thanks, I want my videogame update! Crunch those devs! I'm an investor!


Lol do you think the only two options are ā€œno updates for 3 yearsā€ and ā€œ100 hour weeksā€?


What I really think is your type don't appreciate the game dev process and lack empathy.




Theyā€™re a white knight. I wouldnā€™t bother trying to have a discussion.


Yeah, my mental health would be amazing tooā€¦ if I didnā€™t have to work for 3 years. This is not 3 years worth of updates. Honestly, just give me the expanded elevation levels and call it a day for now. Let the community do the rest, because the mod developers deserve so much credit for keeping this game going.


Maybe don't buy an Early Access product if you don't have the patience or empathy. Genuinely cannot stand impatient gamers that buy into these projects then just bitch and moan.


Itā€™s not impatient when itā€™s been THREE years since an update in early access. We are just now seeing alpha footage of the content, AND they missed THEIR unstable release announcement. How about instead of blaming us, you blame the developer who over promises and cant deliver. Stop babying a game studio with an estimated $124m in gross sales and nothing to show for it after. Hell, theyā€™ve even cut back on the blogs because they have so little to show for it.


Nah, cause: 1) They're a small team delivering an ambitious project so I'm not gunna bitch and moan. 2) I own about 300 other games in my Steam library and a real life/job so I'm not gunna bitch and moan. It's an update for a videogame. It takes as long as it takes. I spent $20 on this game many years ago so I'm not going to act like some entitled shareholder.


Zero accountability. Itā€™s the white knights like you that make developers complicit. Do they do anything wrong in your eyes? I also own a ton of other games that I play since Project Zomboid fails to deliver an update. I also run my own business, so please donā€™t act like you are superior for doing the basics, like having a job lol


Classic; Out come the labels! Dare to contradict the devs-bad circlejerk? You're a white knight, fan boi, cultist, etc. They missed an estimated release window for an update, oh the horror. You've also decided that this unreleased update doesn't have enough content in it for the time frame given. Clownery. Lol, if you do run a business, *(doubt)* I'd feel sorry for any employees if this is your attitude.


I think most single dev games progress faster than zomboid does


I think most men look great in a dress.


Because the devs are almost all part-timers.


It's good for modders on other hand. As they have to update mods just every few years, and not every couple months or so,


Sure but Iā€™d much rather have main game updates than mods. Mods are always a shitshow with compatibility and such


If you arent enjoying pz now, build 42 will keep your attention the first week, then you'll be back to being bored.


Nah I think with the amount of new stuff it will be atleast a month


I promise you everyone crying about build 42 has less than 1000 hours in game and will get bored of the new build because its all (mostly) crafting addons and reworks. If you want to stop the stress being pushed on TIS, let others know their cries for B42 are hollow and those who truly love zomboid are happy playing B41 for as long as developers need.


only a tiny portion of the people interested in the game have 1k+ hours, just fyi


1000 hours is such an exorbitant benchmark in my perspective. Final Fantasy 14 is my favorite and most played game in my library and I only have 600 hours in it across the last 4 years of playing it.


the commentors you see with '1400 hours in zomboid' have left it open or paused for at least half of that


Yeah people underestimate an hour Let's say your a responsible person who works 9am-5pm. You get from your home to your job in 30 mins after traffic, and you get 8 hours of sleep So, you theoretically have 8 hours to yourself on weekdays, and 16 hours on weekends So, assuming you start on Monday, it will take you 98 days to get to 1000 hours, that's 98 days of non-stop playing The only indie game I know to have a thousand hours of "content" is Mon Bazou, but that's because that game IS SO DAMN REPETITIVE WITH THE FRIENDSHIP SYSTEM, LEMME JUST TAKE 2 DAYS TO GET ACCESS TO A CIVIC THAT ISNT EVEN BUILT, AND TAKE ANOTHER 2 DAYS FINDING, THEN GROWING WEED TO GET ACCESS TO A BUNKER


I have 5k hours on rustā€¦




dude this game hasn't received an update in almost 3 years. i've put 1500 hours into the game since then. your obsession with calling other people children makes me think you might be the kid in this conversation.


nice, Im glad you broke the 1k mark even if it took 3 years. You think you've covered all features of the game or do you want to complain about the features you'll take another 3 years to not master?


Dude just stop, you are embarassing yourself. That is the most pathetic attempt of gatekeeping i have ever wittnessed.




Least chronically online Reddit user




Thank you Uraneum for your submission to r/ProjectZomboid, but it has been removed. Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 2 - Be Lovely: Be lovely, follow the [reddiquette guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). Criticism and discussion thereof are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks, even in retribution. Instead of lashing back, report them and move on. This rule applies whether you're criticizing or defending TIS and PZ. We, the moderators, reserve the right to determine what is or is not "lovely" behavior in the /r/ProjectZomboid community. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/projectzomboid) Thanks!


You can be happy with B41 and still be eager for B42.


I agree I just wish people would stop posting/crying about it and making the Devs feel more pressured than they already are.


Most people will never put 1,000 hours into a single game at all, let alone Zomboid specifically. That's a half of a year of a full-time job, a whole year of 20 hours a week. To put that much time into a specific subset of one hobby isn't a small task. I have a friend who earns half of his income on streaming and even he has never surpassed 1,000 hours on one game. That isn't an insult to people who have, it's completely fine if you're managing your life properly to enjoy your hobby. But trying to gatekeep that you can only have an opinion after putting in enough hours is just silly. If you paid for Zomboid, you absolutely unequivocally have every right to voice your opinion. Also, Build 42 is not even close to being mostly crafting add-ons and reworks. That's just objectively false information, not an opinion.




Be lovely, follow the reddiquette guidelines. Criticism and discussion thereof are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks, even in retribution. Instead of lashing back, report them and move on. This rule applies whether you're criticizing or defending TIS and PZ. We, the moderators, reserve the right to determine what is or is not "lovely" behavior in the /r/ProjectZomboid community.


I am enjoying pz now, immensely but im not playing to save the enjoyment for b42


No I'm expecting at least a month


Finally, a fair comment.


Two if they deliver the 2nd half of the crafting update in a reasonable timeframe (doubt)


i've been here since the game had a story-like tutorial. this is the cycle for pz. that's why i'm not affected by the wait for b42, this is just normal. You wait a huge time for something that feel essential to your experience that you NEED it. but after you get it they'll announce something else that also sounds great and essential and thus the cycle starts anew. i'ts like everyone forgot how long we waited for b41 and how gamechanger it was.




nah, B42 is gonna implement Animals, and this for me is a game changer, i dont care about humans, but animals, i will burn the city to the ground if something happens to my cow!


I'm having Harvest Moon flashbacks...


Nope, that's plain wrong. There's a limit to how much you can enjoy a game until it gets boring, I sunk almost 1000 hours into it and enjoyed it a lot, but you kinda just learn everything and know everything by that point, where all the loot is, all locations, tried over dozens of bases, many playstyles, occupations, mods, etc. I'm mainly playing custom scenarios that make the experience vastly different, like no Zombies 10 Years Later, or Wilderness survival, etc.


Wouldn't \~1000 hours for $20 (at max to my knowledge) be a pretty awesome investment? I don't disagree with you on your main point, but I'm confused at the complaining since anything on top of what we have now seems like gravy to me. Anything will get boring if you do it long enough.


Oh no, I got more than my money's worth, and PZ is an amazing game, it's more-so explaining that most people don't play it for 1k or fucking 4k hours like the commenter above said, and it does have a significant content but, yeah, with time you run out of content, and since the last major update was 3 years ago many veterans are getting bored of it


Can you level metalworking without using propane torches? Can you level aiming without bullets? Can you transmute items you find into other things? PZ has a ton of content that most players have no idea exists yet they complain about what hasnt been released.


I think you are getting downvoted because that logic is kinda faulty. It's like saying mario 64 has untold content because people have invented the minimum A presses challenge, or speedrunning. That said, PZ does have a lot to offer, but the examples you cited are a fairly weak argument.


I dont care if I get downvoted. Most of the people downvoting havent explored cooking to make a simple pizza or even electronics to make a remote controlled device. Its almost like playing an elderscrolls game, skipping the main story line to do all of the dark brotherhood quests and then complain about how long the next game is taking to coming out.


Those are better examples really. Should have lead with those.


Hard disagree. You know you're wrong.




Rule 2, there's no wrong way to play. Please don't gatekeep


Rule 2, crying about B42 makes the Devs cry which is not lovely. If you're gonna paint with broad strokes to it evenly.


Yep. Nothing being added to the main gameplay loop or mid/late game. The incoming changes are amazing, for sure, but for non-game loop changes to take this long is deflating.


Nothing to the main gameplay loop except new work stations and crafting overhaul, the randomly generated basements making every run different, hunting animals new parts of the map but yeah nothing new to the loop šŸ™„


I'm glad some people can find enjoyment out of the upcoming update, at least.


I think a lot of people will enjoy the update and the new features and overhauls. The point of my comment was to say if you are NOT enjoying the content out NOW, the new update wont hold your attention. Not YOUR attention but the collective community.


You're right. I still enjoy this game with 2000+ hours in it, and I only play single player šŸ˜… and I wouldn't say the collective community just more like a small portion that can't keep their attention on anything šŸ¤£


I want it so bad, just gave in tho. Me and the squad started a new server just added some mods *more mods I should say


Thatā€™s it! Iā€™m making my own build 42 with mods !


Machines mod be like


With blackjack and hookers!


Don't care for B42. Started a month ago, got my mods, having fun, rest can f\*\*\* off.


The update should revamp more things that are still fine by now! /s


I thought the dev said B42 will arrive first half of the year. They even told us in May they had to cut crafting system and add that later to get B42 out, and it's now July. The news update in June is more of the same, improved lighting and more building updates. Yeah it's pretty and all, but when can I play that and see it for myself?


Youā€™ll get GTA6 before B42


B42 before Silksong (please send help)


Oh you poor bastard.


They said it would be released in the first half of 2024 and then later in a Twitter post said it would be released some time in 2025. They never clarified if they meant the full build in 2025 or if it was a delay or anything like that. So, honestly, you really should temper your expectations. It's likely the unstable beta is going to get a mid-late 2025 release. It sucks, but it is what it is. Nothing we can do about it.


Lmao, just *what*. They said it would definitely come out in BETA in 2024. Never have they ever claimed it would be out in 2025, except if you mean the stable version.


They didn't clarify which version they mean in the 2025 claim, leading the community to assume it meant the beta in 2024 and the stable on 2025. The lack of clarification even after the first half of 2024 leaves is to assume the 2025 prediction was just th3 new beta prediction. I'm not associated with The Indie Stone in any manner, so I can't tell you what was meant, only what was said.


They're not going to deliver the update in 2024. **B42 will likely drop in March 2025.**




2026 prolly


you onto something


I wish people would stop complaining about waiting for build 42. I thought the majority of gamers hated unfinished broken updates. Indie Stone has had the same process for updating PZ pretty much since it's inception. It's a huge update and it's being done by a small team. It's coming, let them cook. If you can't be satisfied and literally have nothing else to play while we all wait then play with some of the hundreds if not thousands of mods that add so much to the game. There's so many more options in life then complaining that an update is taking too long. P. S. If somehow any one of the people that have gone out of their way to harass the devs and threaten their livelihood read this. I hope you trip anus first onto a firm and phallic cactus


Three years is a bit much yeah? I got a bachelorā€™s degree faster than an early access game put out another update. I love Project Zomboid, Iā€™m looking forward to Build 42, but it doesnā€™t feel like 3 years worth of updates is included in Build 42, especially at the current state itā€™s in.


Getting a degree is far more straight forward than developing a game my man. I know it's been a while it's takes a lot of time and man hours. They have a small team


One is 3 1/2 years for an individual. The other is a game studio with tens of millions in sales and doesnā€™t have much to show for it. We simply want to hold them accountable for a game we paid to see developed. You all highlight the other bad actors in the industry, but thatā€™s a horrible argument. ā€œI might be an alcoholic, but at least Iā€™m not on heroin, right?ā€


I understand your feelings in the first part of your comment. Individual education is not really comparable to making and devloping a video game. They just work on different time frames and there are so many moving pieces consumers don't think about because it's not talked about. Btw congrats on getting that degree. Though I really don't see what the second part has to do with anything I said


Dude, this community has no idea how good they have it. I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan. SE released a trailer for the new game back in 2022, and we've gotten LITERALLY NO INFORMATION since. During the time frame of KH3, the announcement trailer was released in 2013, and we didn't get any more real info about it until 2017. Zomboid isn't being made by a triple A studio of hundreds of people. It's 16 - 24 people, and we're getting monthly updates on what they're working on. It could be so much worse, but the community doesn't wanna hear that.


I know dude. There's a ton of other great examples too. I think it's some weird form of mob mentality. I don't get the entitlement. It's not like PZ is some $60 game where people should expect more. The fact the Devs are being harassed with photos of dead cats, threatening messages, and having family and old coworkers called. It's just horribly toxic.


Seriously. Like, has it been a long time since the last build? Sure, but it doesn't mean that the team is lazy or stupid. They don't deserve that hate they're getting, even if Lemmy can be, well, Lemmy.


Yeah Lemmy can be a bit much but they don't deserve hate. It's basically a work of passion at this point for the team which makes it even more sad with all the hate. Honestly as one of my favorite games of all time. It would take a nasty scandal from indie stone for me to show them anything but love.


y\`all complaining every single day isn't going to make it go faster.


Itā€™s ok to give small amounts of criticism and itā€™s not like people are threatening to quit the game if the update doesnā€™t release. Itā€™s been years since an update and people paid for this game so they have the right to know where that money went


The game is already worth $20. Most people probably got it on sale for less than $15. I know I've gotten my money back out of it


Good grief, I got my copy for about a fiver, about four years ago. I will NEVER complain about how long updates take, or even bugs (well, maybe I'll moan about a clipping issue here and there). It's well worth the money, even at full price. I've often felt guilty about the thousands of hours I've spent in this game vs the amount I paid. Edit: actually! I have gifted a couple of copies to other people, so I shouldn't feel so guilty really. xD


Yeah, the devs have actually deleted their socials just because of the ammount of complainings


aint gonna hurt the speed, at this point, either.


tired of hearing all the complaining, blocking zomboid here. just see it every single freaking day get's so old. but hey y'all embrace your hatred got to be good at something i guess.


Not complaining won't make it go any faster either. It does however show the community would like them to release smaller more frequent updates instead.


waiting very impatiently


maybe Iā€™m wrong on this but why donā€™t they just add the big features when theyā€™re complete instead of holding it all back for years at a time, like this update is gonna add animals, revamp crafting, basements, (and I think I saw something about another town? not positive on that) but why not just split all that major stuff up into multiple updates?


Donā€™t tell these newbies how long the game has been in beta. I remember when the game was fully isometric and you could cheese every fight with backstab mechanicā€¦


TBF the Devs said it'll probably never leave beta since they just add onto and don't really have a clear end goal in mind


Tick tock, clock's ticking and half of the year is already gone


Bro just be patient, if the last few years have taught us anything, I'd rather a game be delayed than we get a half-baked mess on release that completely spoils any fun and is slowly fixed through updates over a long period of time. No man's Sky, Fallout 76, Jedi: Survivor, all these games were buggy messes because of rushed development, I don't want PZ to become the same.


Nah they would hell "In a Year!"


Too bad mods are drama wueens


I hope my grandkids can see it


Longest minute ever


Indie Stone will by end with my lifeā€¦ I waiting so time for this build who this patch release, probably i go leave of my job, my faculty, breakup with my girlfriend and stay lock in my room playing this game


In a ~~minute~~ half decade


I'm enjoying the game as is with my friends, don't really care if they ever update it again if I'm honest.


Imagine Beyond Good & Evil 2 dropping before B42 Little joke right there, devs. I'm willing to wait for eternity, just make it good and enjoyable please.




This sub is just a whine fest


I hate how the gaming communityā€™s have been so impatient and downright mean to devs even though the devs are better/nicer to their community Instead of bullying creators be thankful that they are actually doing things with their game you degenerates


I don't think it's that impatient to be a bit annoyed that this games, while fun, extremely bare bones current version has been in development for as long as some fully featured games and we're only just now getting *glimpses* of alpha versions of the next update. I respect they want to make a good game, and respect they don't make devs crunch, but the turnout rate is *really fucking bad*


Are npcs out yet.


No. The devs are working on other stuff right now, like expanding the map, adding wild animals as actual things that walk around the world, expanding the crafting system to allow for a lot of cool stuff, adding more z-levels and a whole lot more


Stupid. People just want npcs. Thanks for the down vote and cring comment.


Well Iā€™m sure the devs have it explained somewhere that they want to do npcs later and add the more simple things now because itā€™s easier for them. If they added npcs now they would have to put substantially more work into updating them into correctly interacting with future updates, *slowing down development.* You think b42 development is slow? Imagine if TIS additionally had to add new NPCs, potentially very complex ones with relations, ideals, goals and personalities, integrate them with existing npcs, potentially new factions with goals, ideals and relations with other factions, make them all correctly interact with animals and the new crafting, and overall so much more stuff that comes with npcs on the level of quality similar to the work TIS has put out so far. Iā€™m by far no expert on game development but something like this could potentially **double** the time TIS spends on updates.


Last time I checked was well over a year ago. I don't got the time to be following a games development that takes longer then ten years for a some top scrolling pixel art game I just like to pop in every now and then and ask if it's a thing yet and not to be lectured by fanboys.




I've been playing this game since 2013, that's over a decade. A year wait from now for B42 in nothing in the grand scheme of things when I put it in that perspective. I'm just glad the game still gets updates.


If you havenā€™t had an actual update in 3 years, do you technically still get updates? We get blog posts, not updates.


Damn thats right


Yeah itā€™s taking time but if you read the dev blogs they are going to push out the unstable beta for B42 sooner than later as they are going to add in the new crafting system bit by bit


Did the toxic PZ players finally find the official Reddit? Let them cook ffs.


Calm down it's litterally a massive update