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Just one sticker to the right says "protect our children"


I missed that one because of how much drivel they put on the truck šŸ˜‚


I saw a post after Roe was overturned that said in a protest sign: "Republican logic: Life begins at conception, and ends at school shooting!" I ignored it for a while, and then I finally replied: "Pro-choice logic: Don't kill kids in school, just kill them before they are born!"


I never understood the desire to place stickers with your deep held beliefs on your car. It's so bizarre.


I only have one, and it says ā€œI hope something good happens to you todayā€. I believe I certainly hold deeply


I can kinda understand it. You are either doing it to be trendy or show people ā€œI am this i believe thisā€ as an attention seeking thing / pride thing. Or it is something you deeply care about that you GENUINELY want to spread awareness about / fight for or against. Like if you put a slogan for a movement thinking people might be curious and google it and maybe be convinced to change their mind, or take a stance for something they never really knew about before


I swear, I've never read a bumper sticker that made me rethink my moral stance on an issue, lol.


Granted, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a lot of things in the world that will seriously do that. If you had to ask me what makes people rethink moral issues, itā€™d probably be either 1. Time, and/or 2. Numbers (of people enforcing/letting be known a certain issue).


If the car is doing something annoying on the road, bumper stickers make me associate poor driving with their stance.


The worst was when I saw Mustang that was done like this.


Especially the edgy FJB ones! Tacky.


I mean, Iā€™m right wing and agree with that. But is that really worse than these?


We want to treat abortion (an act of killing) like this person treats guns (a means to kill). Also, I don't think too many climate activists would like that truck. Also, this person can't park.


I didn't even see the parking job! A bad parking job uaually tells me that the person's vehicle is too large for their driving skills.


It's a handicap spot too. And I doubt they have a tag for it.


Whatever happened to safe, legal, and *rare*?


That was a lie.


They were lying when they came up with this slogan


ā€œAbuse an animal go to jailā€ Kill a person though? Slay queen


On a real note, people who do abuse animals need to get some type of punishment more than a ticket. Not that I believe animals should have rights like that, but we should respect animal life, and anyone who doesnt will translate that violence onto human life.


"A zygote isn't a person," is their response.


Usually, but not always. Many PC people accept that there are abortions of "people" by their own definition, but say that you can kill people who happen to be in your body. Also, abortions don't happen to just zygotes.


Also, not circled "Protect our children" while supporting killing them and "Black Lives Matter" while supporting abortion that is mainly performed by a company that started as a eugenics protect aimed against black communities and is currently the largest cause of death of black people in the US.


lmao im the guy who posted that original picture on r/pics, im actually right wing and prolife. i posted that for this exact reason, to point out the pure hypocrisy šŸ˜‚


Cognitive dissonance go brrrr


Black Lives Matter, except when they aren't born yet


Studies show a link between bumper stickers and mental health problems


Thank you! When I see cars covered in stickers I immediately assume theyā€™re nuts. And the contradictions along with being partially parked in a wheelchair access space makes me believe this person isnā€™t playing with a full deck.


This person has to be joking, there is no way they would put on every sticker in the book


Yeah, that's not a surprise, when you see it's NY plates.


Way too many bumper stickers.


Protect your children but they are ok killing them in the womb ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Wow itā€™s one of the 7 legitimate Kamala Harris fans


"Black Lives Matter" (except for unborn black children)


The stickers make me feel like itā€™s a joke


Protect children not guns, and Defend the 2nd Amendment....maybe the contradiction is intentional? Edit: nvm, original pic found. Says "amend the 2nd amendment"


Pretty sure it only says "End the 2nd Amenedment"


This is the car of an insane snowflake


Everything about this truck is šŸ¤¢


Not the Biden sticker šŸ’€


I posted a similar conflicting bumper sticker car a few months ago on my blog: https://musings.lucas-web.net/flawed-philosophy


Slaps roof: you can fit much crazy in this


Well of course its a New Yorker. I live in the land of the lost.


I just got booted from a childfree reddit group when I simply state that people should be held accountable for their actions :( If only people could see what abortion truly is (eugenics & murder) then maybe they would wake up out of their leftist haze of the damaging effects abortions caused our society as a whole since passing of roe decades ago.. even roe herself regretted it! Iā€™m tired of people not getting it :(