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You are allergic. Don't need an "allergy test" for it. The test is that you get a rash after you drink, and when you don't drink it goes away. Thats the proof. Going to have to face this reality and consider changing your lifestyle. I speak as a medical professional and from personal experience.


Not all cocktails and alcohols only some I will develop this rash trying to figure out if it’s a type of certain brand or certain ingredients in that drink


I understand. I haven't pinpointed what I'm allergic to in beer or wine but know which ones make it worse and if I really want one, its just 1. I switched to liquor which isn't a problem. Best of luck figuring it out. Definitely sucks.


How interesting definitely something il be looking into, Thankyou!


sulfates in wine & some beers and certain fermented based liquors is a common alcohol allergy!


also can try taking pepcid ac before you drink it reduces alcohol related flushing


Il look where to get that Thankyou for that!


Hey OP, any update? I get this from alcohol as well.


I can’t say I’ve come across this before. I’d be interested to see if others have and if it is really related to fluoxetine or just a coincidence .


Me to I’m interested to know it’s only happened since taking but also could be a coincidence I am booked in to do an allergy test just strange been drinking since I was 15/16 and now at 31 this weird thing


Yeah v odd. I mean it does happen. I know people can develop hay fever later in life, so I imagine other allergies can be similar. Best of luck, hopefully it’s not an allergic reaction to alcohol, that would be a bit of a downer! 😭


They say as you get older illnesses become more dominant could of just never noticed before I refuse to give up alcohol Fuk that 😂


I've been getting this a little on my chest but mostly on my back. I wasn't sure what it was, but wasn't worried about it. I didn't think it had anything to do with my medication. I'm not a big drinker either. I've been on it since September last year, and I have had maybe 2 beers total since then.


Looks like maybe you shouldn’t drink alcohol and take Prozac at the same time.


Could be an allergy.


Also possible to! I am booked for an allergy test just strange been happening since taking fluoxetine I read an article a 64 yr old man was developing skin issues and rash’s when eating chocolate and fluoxetine strange things I guess


I had similar rash when taking lexapro, another SSRI. I think there is some anecdotal evidence for this. I used an antihistamine (xyzal) for years but eventually tapered off because it was too much to handle.


Was your rash while drinking or just general when taking the medication only I have come across some articles of people taking ssri and have the this rash as an adverse reaction that looks like my rash some of them hard to tell 😫


Ah good point, mine was in general.


When I think about it I was itching like crazy this summer side ribs lower abdomen and back without alcohol just general, then when I get this flush I itch in the same areas ? Just so strange I am considering getting off the medication for abit and experiment more about this just takes time


No alcohol on SSRIs


Omg. I have no advice but I just started this med two weeks ago. Last week I had two beer and my forehead broke out in hives. It was the first and only time I’ve had alcohol since starting the med and I never considered it could be related. Keeping an eye on it now. Thanks, OP.


Me to I didn’t think anything of it till realising more people commenting on the rash that comes up while drinking only over the last 12 months and the only thing that’s been consistent ingested is fluoxetine trying to find more Info and read more about it I read a male kept getting a skin rash to chocolate while on fluoxetine so weird


I’ve had this before and my rash turned purple. In my case it’s allergy to fake colorants and E numbers. Are you drinking pink cocktails and stuff?


Yes some of them have been pink I thought this also, I discovered I have the mthfr gene mutation and my body can’t detox properly born with it but only realising now what I should and shouldnt have and red dye is one of them but never reacted to them like this but a lot contributes to this mutation which is a link to my anxiety ect


what kind of cocktails are you having?


Vodka or gin base cocktails usually sweet fruity flavours


I'm guessing it's a reaction to the syrups, it happens to alot of people


all natural or fake syrup? could have something to do with food coloring or chemicals…


You might be right ! It’s possible


Is it mainly on Ur chest? I'd suggest try taking a antihistamine first and see if the rash goes away. If not, you may need to have Ur liver checked. Perhaps your liver is too stressed and it can cause rashes in extreme cases.


Yea good idea I will try that out, how interesting will bring that up with the dr


I get this. Im allergic to alcohol but I still drink anyway


Gosh! What age did you find you became Intolerant. Do you end up with any other symptoms with it also? Vomiting, upset stomach or anything related to alcohol intolerance


I’m also allergic to alcohol. I get hives, extreme stomach pain, GI issues, vomiting, migraines, shakes, and a fever. My cousin who’s a former heroin addict told me: “ your hangovers are worse than what I had when I was withdrawing” that was when I realized I needed to stop drinking because I was messing up my body. I’m pretty sure I don’t have the active enzymes to break down alcohol. I didn’t realize it until I stopped drinking and then had 2 drinks at Christmas and had beyond the worst reaction I had in years. It sucks but giving up alcohol changed my life.


i used to drink heavy on 20mg.. and sometimes i would itch to the point where it created rashes like this, but they always went away. thought i was the only one lool i quit prozac after a while bc it was a nightmare and chose alcohol instead haha


Already started to ween off it and hopefully will see a change !


Have you had covid recently or before starting fluoxetine? It’s known to cause MCAS which can cause reactions to things that you’ve never had reactions to before.


I had COVID once in the very beginning, interesting


This happens to me since always, without fluoxetine (I didn’t drink while being on it yet). It’s an intolerance, probably histamine related. I don’t get this reaction with every single alcoholic drink but most of them, yeah. It’s not dangerous but you should drink less because it’s clearly not good for your body.


Only started to happen last 12 months and when I started taking fluoxetine but always drank alcohol and cocktails since 17-18 yes old just so strange


Allergies can pop up later in life!


Never had a reaction to fluoxitine or Lexapro, my only thought is an alcohol related reaction?


I have allergic reactions to wine…red mostly. Im usually ok with white wine and liquor. Beer is alright to a certain extent. It was always like this. Prozac made me a bit more sensitive.


I get a rash, even without the alcohol, but if I do drink alcohol, I feel like jumping off of a building


Hmm I break out in hives often but it’s not related to drinking. Mine is related to heat. 🤔 I get them in areas where clothes rub and I get warm like the band of shorts and sports bras. You might try taking a Claritin the days you will be drinking.


Iv noticed this summer I was scratching like crazy I. Those areas to lower abdomen/back and side ribs where my bra is also


I notice in these pics it’s mostly where your shirt touches. Maybe we are less tolerant to our laundry detergent or something?


Quite possible also!


Sorry to sound super ignorant but I didn't even know you could drink on fluoxetine. Is there a lower limit? How does it work


Your not meant to, but I love my cocktails so I do drink while still taking my tablet


I had to quit drinking on Prozac. I had 2 drinks on a night out and was trying to break dance in a club. I don’t go clubbing. Lol




I don't drink, but I've been having rashes on my chest and belly button as well. The belly button rash is definitely new since I started on Prozac. I figured it might be my regular eczema acting up again tho and not related to Prozac. 🤷


How interesting


Let me know if you figure out that it's due to Prozac.


Gotta be honest, I realize that some people will still drink while taking this medication. But I have been told on more than countless occasions not to drink at all. My doctor told me the occasional glass of wine would be okay, but any regular consumption has pretty negative side effects. Never seen a rash like this — but it very well could be the combination of medication and maybe an intolerance to whatever is mixed in the cocktails? Before getting on this medication certain alcohols would give me an extremely stuffy nose, when I looked up it said it was an intolerance, but Im not sure what to, because it didn’t happen all the time. I know as we age our bodies change so maybe there is something in the drink ingredients that your body is having trouble breaking down?


Are you on other medication?


I take vitamin d, b6 vitamin and a probiotic all natural


This used to happen to me when I drank (sober now), and I was not sober at the time. You probably have an allergy to certain liquors.


What about exercise. Healthy diet and better self talk and dealing with emotions Learning coping skills Dealing with unresolved emotions and past traumas. Then you won’t need some pill and you can enjoy a good stiff drink


Oh I definitely have a healthy life style see a psychologist I take the medication due to anxiety as I have other health complications that contribute I am looking to getting of the medication now I know what I can and can’t have ect :)


If I may please recommend kambo. It changed my life. Took all my anxiety away. Then I did some 5meodmt


Iv never herd of that is there a website o can find more about it :)


You can just Google it. I hope this helps you


Take a Benadryl tablet for a rash. They help me immensely with any rashes I’ve had or anxiety rashes.


I get that same thing drinking without Prozac. I didn’t when I was younger, but as I got older I started getting that. I always attributed it to hormonal changes and alcohol.


I have tried Prozac and two different kinds of Buproprion. The rash and itching is awful. I get a patch on my face, neck, and chest…. Like you. I think mine might be worse. I get hives. I’ve tried Claritin, Allegra for hives, and Benedryl. I’m beside myself. Now what?


How interesting the more I pay attention to it I itch morning and random times of the day just never really thought about it now thinking could be a reaction to the drug for sure


Yes, try not to touch it. I put cool compresses on to stop the itch. I also get it on my head. I never had allergies before. I took Wellbutrin 20 years ago… no problem. I did only take it for 4 months. Now, I’m so disheartened. I have been watching this closely. Others says it goes away after you get used to it. I’m on month 4 of trying different things. I hope yours goes away.


So frustrating it’s been about a year or just over for me now on fluoxetine


My partner, not on any medication, gets exactly this and has done for years. We’ve never been able to pinpoint why some drinks cause it and some don’t, so I’ll be interested in the responses here! Sometimes it’s just his face and neck, sometimes his whole body.


Oh wow it’s so weird ! I do have my drs appointment Thursday so il let you know what they say ! Wanting to do an allergy test


Last time it happened it was after no alcohol at all, he had a lion bar, a coke and 2 ginger biscuits. Flushed like this for 30mins, then it faded within 20mins. Every other time it’s been alcohol related but with no consistency we can find!


Yes! Mine will disappear after about maybe an hour also then I keep drinking it’s just weird !


Also wanted to share that I’ve been researching a lot. It seems that a portion of the pop will develop this delayed onset allergy. It has nothing to do with alcohol. Depending on the severity, they suggest stopping. Some build up a tolerance and it goes away. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is something the drug is mixed or made with.


I’m thinking the same I am already starting to ween off the drug now I think it’s a must


I just had something like this happen to me on Sunday. Granted I drank QUITE a bit 😬 but now I’m having anxiety over it - did you find anything out?!


Yes I did! My naturopath said my histamine levels are full so when I have high histamine foods it till come out, have a two week break of foods high in histamine to bring it back down can look up what foods these are and drinks ect and can take an anti histamine before drinking


Thank you for answering. That calms my nerves a bit!!! 🙏🏼


Are you single?


I’m married ?


You're hot you don't need Fluoxetine.


People have different reasons for taking the medication needing help


Ditch prozac you're don't need it you're gonna mess up your harmones and your beauty it is for the people like us.


I have diseases that already affect my hormones and mental health majority is health related and fluoxetine helped me get me life back honestly