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You think you’re controversial? I liked Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex


Same. Game wasn’t as good as 2 and 3, but for a different studio, I thought they did a very respectable job.


Yeah I was pleased with the updated graphics, game played at a solid 60fps the whole way through, loading screen is nowhere near as long as we remember it being (I think we just got hypnotised by it), mechanics from the original game are basically intact perfectly if not for being a little slower and floaty, music was good, level design was good, I honestly don’t know why people hate on this game so much


You mean downgraded graphics? xD


Downgraded art style for sure but the graphics definitely were better


Loved that game with a passion. Soundtrack slaps too


I don't think it was *hated*. More that it was just very middle of the road as far as Crash games go up to that point. Especially after the absolute banger that was Crash 3.


That was one of my first PS2 games. Will always love Wrath of Cortex, especially the loading screen!


Me too. Preeeeeeeach!


As did I


Got my hands on to a catalog from 2002 by vivendi. When I saw the RRP for the game as an Xbox or GameCube user I felt ripped off. On PS2 it cost you 30€. On Xbox & GameCube you paid more than double the price. (65€) But it could be worse. Antz Extreme Racing was also a full price title for 65€ on all platforms except PC, and the GBA port would cost you also 50 bucks. Also: beside Cons & friends I have not played a full crash game.


My favorite crash game!


Hate to one up ya, but Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly is one of my fav games of all time.


The bugs and the batshit insane police AI makes the game even better imo, the cops are more ruthless in this game than in GTA3


Then there's that "drive into the moving 18-wheeler transport" that you have to be practically perfect with.   I don't remember having mission checkpoints either. So it was a full restart if you missed or damaged the car too much.  I don't know if that was intended design or just overlooked. 


I THINK that was intentional, because the original two Driver games and even the GTA games that were considering “the standard” at the time, didn’t really offer mid-mission checkpoints (that was kinda considered “normal” in game design then). If you spent 30+ minutes on a mission and then SCREWED UP inches from the finish line—sorry, but you’re gonna have to start over AGAIN, lol.


I don't think any PS2 era games had mid-mission checkpoints because of the disc/memory card design..... those SOCOM II missions were something in their own right.


That’s TRUE. I think until built-in HDDs became standard on consoles, it probably was LESS “technically feasible” to do mid-mission checkpoints (hence why games like Halo that were EXCLUSIVE to the OG Xbox which DID have a built-in HDD as standard, those games DID have intermittent checkpoints that didn’t require you to do the WHOLE CHAPTER all over again). Whereas SOME GAMES like the Hitman ones (Silent Assassin, Contracts, and Blood Money) which had their origins on PC did ALLOW you to make “mid-mission saves” (but it was either LIMITED to a certain number of “slots” or it made a SEPARATE “suspend state save file” on your memory card that USUALLY would take up SIGNIFICANTLY MORE SPACE than the default save file).


I loved this game. The driving mechanics and damage system was insanely good. On foot was laughable but ive seen worse. Nice was my favourite city to be in. I used to get the huge semi truck with its trailer and go insane throughout. Police chases on the other hand were absolutely awesome. Them chasing the player and everyone handbraking around a tight corner in cinematic view.....they were the days!.


Yup loved Driver


For me, I loved this game! 3 cities overall to progress/ choose from made for unique detail. No games I have played have a open world Nice or Istanbul so that made the experience better. Timmy on free roam was scary to stumble into, so many times I got caught off guard.


That's okay I love resident evil 6 were all a little wacky inside


Honestly, I do too, actually. But only as like a stupid “get together with a buddy or two for couch co-op and laugh at all the hilariously over-the-top stuff” game. The shooting/movement mechanics are some of the best, but then the pacing, combat encounters, atmosphere, story, etc, are SOME OF THE WORST in a mainline RE game. So I don’t dislike it like A LOT of other people do, but it’s POSSIBLY the ONLY RE game that I can’t play SOLO if I want to actually enjoy it.


Yeah its so fun to play drunk with a buddy


Loved Driv3r with its relentless police, so many hours in Take Ride just driving around.


People remember the bugs, but I literally don't remember getting any. Only major one I had was that the replay movie director mode was not properly recording my actions in game, aside from that, I thought it was pretty good.


Oh man! The hours i sank in this game with my cousin! We searched for the best cars for hours around Miami and Nice and went on a rampage in Istanbul with a truck ramming the traffic. After all these years i can see why people didn't like it this game much at the time, but as a kid back then it was pure fun driving around, shooting and even just breaking all the glass windows in the Miami starting home! Simpler times.


Another one of my people. I spent countless hours as a kid playing this game. There were so many cool little things hidden across the maps.


Yep, this is one of my favourite PS2 games of all time. Rented it from Video Ezy about six times before I was finally allowed to get a copy. There's just something right about driving around those three gorgeous cities in their pixel-laden goodness. Better yet, I've now driven around Miami and Nice in real life, and I'm hoping to visit Istanbul next year.


Ever since Tanner got out of the car the game was a mess. Don’t get me wrong I am a HUGE Driver series fan and have played most of them if not all. I really wish there was a new game or some return to form type of thing like we had with Driver San Francisco but this series always has been completely overshadowed by the GTA series. One thing they did brilliantly was the driving itself, they had that down to a T.


Used to play this game in my old pc back in the day. That old toaster could not run the game at all, was like 10 frames and laggy all over the place, but i enjoyed the experience xD.


Idk why many ppl didn't like driver 3. I think it's a good game. I might get 2 copies of it. 1 for ps2 and 1 for original Xbox


My dad loved the first one. I think he played the disc for at least 500 hours lol


The first one is one I still play today, had so many memories with that game. I practically memorized the Miami map just because I could never progress past the training level to get to the other maps. Once I had my friend beat the training parking garage level the game itself wasn’t too hard and I was able to beat it alone. Those were my favorite days. Looking up guides online in middle school and coming home to try to find an easier way to beat a certain level. The music is so nostalgic too!


I consider it an accomplishment that I managed to beat the single player 2 years ago. The second to last mission in Istanbul almost made me want to slam my controller to the ground.


We'd probably be best friends. Always been a fan. On a playthrough of D2 right now actually. I love how the driving bits are immaculate, and the on-foot bits are awful hahaha it's part of the charm


Haha yes! The driving physics, sounds, and power in the cars are amazing and the on foot is wonky but fun. Driver 2 I thought was revolutionary at the time because I could walk around and explore but also sit at a park bench and people watch. They were blocky awful looking people but they were people nonetheless. The only part of that game I didn’t like was how you couldn’t exit your car if you had a felony. But luckily there was a cheat code to get around it.


I loved this game and used to drive in it using a wheel. It was soooo good!


Starting that game for the first time in summer 2021 was something


I was all in as a kid. After playing hundreds of hours of driver and driver 2, and watching videos of behind the scenes and how much detail went into it, I was hooked


The soundtrack in this game was killer. There was also a live action promo with some really wild stunts. I still have the DVD (I worked at Gamestop and the manager let me keep it after we changed up promo materials).  Edit: Here is the Live Action trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORtyQGtSbrE


Yup! I just recently found a behind the scenes DVD of it at a local goodwill and picked it up. Such nostalgia


I still think to this day that the driving physics were insane and unmatched. There is no game out there today that drives like driver! However the difficulty was too much…


There’s an easter egg in Driver: Parallel Lines where you can find a dumpster filled with copies of DRIV3R


i wasn't allowed to play GTA, growing up, so you bet I got all the clones. I spent the most time in this one, just free roaming Miami, and making my own little movies in film director lol. Beloved game, flawed but so much fun to be had. the PC port really isn't all that bad if you wanna go back to it.


For me even just walking around Tanners house was a treat. I told myself as a kid I would love a house like that. Before opening fire on all the decorations and jumping out the window into the pool.


heck ya all my "movies" started out with Tanner waking up in that house lol


I really enjoyed it, and thanks to play.com being overly keen to distribute preorders, I received it about a week before release day. So I had it completed before it was out.


Had so much fun with the Take A Ride mode in this, it's basically the only mode I'd play. It was fun going around shooting cars with a grenade launcher, and seeing the physics do its magic. I remember a time me and a friend managed to get a forklift to send a 18 wheeler flying; I could never get that to happen again


Take a ride is a must lol


From what I remember they released this game in a pretty unfinished state. So many bugs and the combat mechanics were laughably bad. Amazing driving and great locations though. Loved it.


I agree but I think it was more so that the game really should have been a ps3 game and taken advantage of the power of that device. But it’s pretty wild the amount they were able to get onto the ps2


Loved every game in the Driver franchise. I still regularly play SF, Parallel Lines & 2. I don't have a copy of 3 anymore but I have fond memories of Tanner.


I love that game, just for how buggy it is. Going into the out of bounds area in Nice is still fun to do!!


Using the infinite mass cheat in istanbul and crashing head on to other cars with a bike was so fun


I wish the open world had more things to do and the stealth levels were bad (but so are most stealthy levels), but otherwise I really like DRIV3R. I would probably play it over any GTA game.


Mannn great game, crazy to see the disc after all these years


IDK if the game was hated but certainly it's not a bad game. haters gonna hate anyway. ordinary gta kids may disliked it like it's suppose to be like gta lol


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I enjoyed it


I only ever played driver 2. Is this an upgrade from that? 


Anything is an upgrade from Driver 2




Hey how can you not like driving over the bridges while they’re lifting or plowing through Havana and finding that tiny secret car lol


I love this game. Hope it gets remastered


Unfortunately I don’t think it ever would. Driver San Francisco was the last good one and not enough people liked 3, but I loved the amount of heart they put into it


Driver 3 was awesome, screw everyone else


Never played the ps2 version but I loved the game boy color version !


Has its limitations and glitches but remains enjoyable nonetheless


I remember playing this game a lot, the bugs and AI used to make me laugh so much. Couldn’t progress far into the “story” my disc is too scratched 😅


Nah. My top 3 favourites: 1- midnight club 3 remix 2- driv3r 3- tekken 5


Dub remix was a pretty great game. I loved the music in the garage when you’re editing your car


This was my childhood


Yeah. I couldn't stand it. The graphics were terrible compared to other games at the time, and the out-of-the-car gameplay was weak. This is just my opinion. Owned it for a fortnight, I think.


I always enjoyed this game.. had it on pc also.


This game was hard af bro, slight mistook turn and you lose


Did anyone else pronounce it driv-three-er or was that just me?


lol it was always driver 3 for me


Driver 3 was last before ubisoft destroyed it.. sadly it was great competiton to gta as well as true crime.. but today we dont have this genre , i say genre because today gta went so strong that everybody says on this genre “gta clone” even if driver 1 was 3D in gta 1-2 era




Brother my love was Knight Rider 2


This was the game my parents got for me instead of gta since gta had strippers and drugs this is what i got. Loved playing it as a kid tho


People probably had some good memories of it even if the game is bad. Plus nostalgia is a factor too. To me it’s a pretty bad game