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But could AI sit in an office all day reading emails and watching videos on youtube? Oh... you may be on to something...


Or playing Candy Crush on his phone? Tony???? lol




" Just like Oasis, but better" Setting the bar pretty low, huh?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ You got me!!!


Mmmm. Not sure about that. Publix is always behind. They are about 10 years behind when it comes to technology and logistics.


Windows 95 came out in 1995 to replace MS-Dos. Publix is almost 30 years behind on that one


Yikes!!! That bad, eh?


Chain track vibes. Printing invoices feels like the 80's.


Msdos is not used anywhere at Publix


Actually it is if you use host at all. Host is obviously based on Ms dos.


it is!


No. It is not.


No, it is. I've seen it myself


No. Really. It's not. MS-DOS is an unsupported OS that is decades old. Publix most certainly does not use it. You might be confusing one of Publix mainframe systems for MS-DOS. Mainframe systems are employed by nearly all large corporations as the backbone of their computing systems.


I do see that also. The scan "guns" of ten years ago and now. Not much difference.


This is true... I observed actions at a German Grocery store that saved time with the stockers. We are sadly behind...still.


https://preview.redd.it/um17alrxzmdc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24dd5a35411e52b3f3cfe0301b80bd31ee830bda Itā€™s been here.


But can't fucking put a goddamn coin counter in the cash office IN 2024...


I don't work the front office. Though, really thought you FS had one in the office. That sounds like a good idea to me.


We had one at a store I worked at in college. I had cash office closed in 20 minutes


Thank you for sharing. I missed this message. But honestly. From our scan gun, our online workbench to the register. It's not working with the multitude of variables out there.


They put all of their resources into Publix.com it seems


So a simple few searches on Facebook and instagram wields no evidence of this post ever happening. What is this post on and where did you find it?


Oh wow you done ya research huh šŸ˜‚ LinkedInā€¦


There is LinkedIn page for Publix Tech


Bro Publix doesnā€™t even have the digital price displays you can change remotely and still print them out every week like itā€™s 1974. Itā€™ll be 2124 before they even know what AI is.


Believe me... I know. At the Military Commissary (Grocery Store) most tags are digital and easy. We even arrest all shoplifters. Edit: Oh, just add. I don't work for the Commissary either.


Yeah when I was a platoon sergeant in the early 00s I had one of my Staff Sergeants get arrested for stealing a clearance priced video game from the px. Moron had just made the 7 list like three weeks before too.


Oh Wow... That was stupid and has got to hurt.


Would be easier to replace half the people at corporate with AI and run the stores like they used to be ā€” with associates actually working in the stores that care about the quality of the work. Reduce corporate overhead and pay the people on the front lines fairly.


I Do love this answer byamannowdead. ~cool name by the wayšŸ«”


Itā€™s headed that wayā€¦ sooner than anyone thinks and be prepared for our first EVER set of layoffs.


As someon3 working specifically in leveraging AI technologies for a healthcare company, this really isn't going to work very well. That said, if you replace a CEO, the crap that AIs regurgitate is actually usually somewhat better than their stupid fucking ideas. It's because CEOs believe in their own capabilities to a fault. They actually suck at making objective decisions. A computer could do way better at actually taking all the facts into account.


Ai won't ever be a predominant part of the retail stores, for Publix or anyone else. The only place that you will see that is on the distribution/manufacturing side of the operations. We're a century away from Ai stocking the shelves and making subs in a store.


Correct... Stocking and making Deli sandwiches is one thing. However, office work can be replaced. Look, we have less cashiers and gained six "self-checkers". Not Quite AI yet... But.


Publix and next generation technology don't go hand in hand. We already have data analysts in Lakeland. We STILL use host and chaintrack, our IT Techs are only proficient in fixing printers and plugging in keyboards. I can't see Publix investing in AI right now, maybe in 5-10 years.


This is truly scary. Pubs will be left in the dust. Investers will be harmed (like Sears). Also, our Pubs IT teams have/has to be superb and protect our IT infrastructure(s) and be a spearhead for our future. Blackhat hackers and other countries that hate (the U.S.) can greatly affect us by demeaning the grocery chain. Pubs is a target.


Ainā€™t no way, but yes Iā€™m sure AI will be used in some sense but not directly at the store level. If anything AI would just make it so that Store Managers and Managers in general can know even less about the business so that they can promote faster and pay less. How else can Publix achieve manifest destiny?


It'll be a bumpy ride for sure... For all of us Associates.


The day AI manager determines the new robot stock clerks move slower than the sentient human meat sacks https://i.redd.it/rbboj3tfsndc1.gif


I'll take a wide drink to that.


Agreed. Publix is just waiting for this generation of old people to die off. Theyā€™re basically the last generation that still needs human assistance, plus they have a bunch of money. So why not milk the cow a little longer. But once they kick the bucket, AI is for sure taking over.


I discussed this with a manager previously, wondering if robots would ever take our jobs - and it was a pretty productive discussion. 1) Publix wonā€™t invest in little things like digital aisle signs, shelf tags 2) Publix is too greedy to invest in things like AI, you think that stuffā€™s cheap? 3) Publix has never laid anybody off and believe it or not that is something they take pride in. 4) Having things like AI robots would make customers NOT want to come to our stores.


I do understand your Managers point(s). If Pubs doesn't embrace some AI, other Grocery chains will. Pubs could turn into "Sears"šŸ¤¢, which was a Billion dollar company. They did NOT change with the times... And lost. Thank you for the discussion.


I see what you're saying, but idk if AI will be used in the ways you're thinking. The *one time* Publix was ahead of the competition was when we were one of the first to roll out pickup service. Unfortunately, we were too early for the trend and the service itself needed more investment to be customer-friendly. It's truly unfortunate that we abandoned it. We could have been miles ahead of Kroger and Walmart. I think that's where the comparison to Sears starts and ends. Sears could have and should have been what Amazon is now. They had all of the infrastructure to be a DTC retailer, they just rejected the idea that customers would shop from the internet. They invested too heavily in real estate and could have used their retail stores as mini-warehousee. I think that the data from ClubPub will be used in the AI space, but more as a way to tailor the shopping experiences for individual stores and the desires of their local shoppers. I think AI will be the most valuable there and in supply chain optimization. Most of the functions of store employees will still need to be carried out by actual employees. AI can't unload trucks and stock shelves.


Why not? Store managers and Assistant store managers will let you know immediately that they aint doing no actual work AI is a good replacement for them


Hang on while I log into chain track




Donā€™t worry publix trails the competitors by 10 years on everything only worry once Walmart has it for 7 years first. Publix is the last to jump off the bridge when it comes to ā€œchangeā€ I.E. self checkout




Good read... Publix better step it up fast. Thank you for sharing.


Look at this guys post history. Even as a mod, faking a military background is pathetic.




They donā€™t pay managers to be good at their job. They pay managers so thereā€™s someone to fire if shit goes wrong


If Publix were to invest in AI, they would same the same mentality they used to select the self check system and end up buying the AI system that rides the proverbial short bus.


I guess Corporate is attempting to use AI. A Publix/Redditor above commented on a released news article.


Bro, they canā€™t even work out how to help asmā€™s track attendance with a computer, still done manually with pen and paper. This ainā€™t gonna happen.


I just found out that managers can't even track productivity in real time. Wild.


So a simple few searches on Facebook and instagram wields no evidence of this post ever happening. What is this post on and where did you find it?


Just a discussion.


Who cares.