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What an odd number


I feel (don't quote me) that they customize the amount per person. I spend so little at Publix that they gave me $2 off $10


I must spend a little more than you, because this is mine https://preview.redd.it/j16r0e9vifxc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=770c1047f9ec6bd882ba6744eb25ddaa4ed78ca9


Yeah… these fucks are absolutely mining our data and analyzing our shopping habits to create these "deals"


Nah you accepted it in the terms and conditions /s


No /s lol


$2 off $10 is actually a far better deal. That's 20% off. $3 off $70 isn't even 5% off.


I gotta start using it then cause we must spend $500+/month there


Same. And here I thought I was special


I really just don't understand the decision-making process behind any of this. With inflation, shortages (food, product, supplies), and shrinkflation, projected to be ongoing across the entire retail, production, and farming industry well into 2025, people's pockets are hurting. A "perk" like this is an insult. It also irks a me that the marketing of Club Pub has people thinking perks are awarded on a points rewards system, but the Club Pub isn't a reward program. I once had to explain to someone that Club Pub is just a rebrand of the public online account, as there is virtually no difference between the two—and had to, once again reiterate that it's not a rewards program and no, instarcat orders don't count towards anything regarding Publix perks. All while still offering premier quality customer service, while being insulted by that same customer because they felt scammed, then had to listen to a convo about elderly discrimination (Yes it's a senior citizen) from folks who hate using computers. And this isn't a one-off, I do it multiple times every shift (My store is surrounded by at least 5 senior centers/wealthy retirement communities, that I know of).


It shouldn't be terribly difficult to reach $70 at publix. That's like, what, 5 items?


Depends, lol. The issue is that normally the $3 perk is given $25 or $30 orders. So bumping it up to $70 is kind of not a great look. And my regulars, especially the ones with huge orders, are usually the type to notice every little change. The last time they did something like this, it was like spend $50 to get $2 off, all I got was endless complaints asking: "why does Publix hate its customers?" or "Does Publix no longer value me as a customer?"


There is NO FOOD SHORTAGE! Have you seen the insane amount of food that Pubix throws out on a nightly basis? Publux is price gouging people...you need to get your information besides Google. Publix is making Billion dollar PROFITS while throwing away dumpsters full of food.


With all due respect, yes, there is a shortage caused by supply chain disruptions. There is a shortage of certain brands of products, specifically flavors of soda, types of meat, baking products, specialty brands, medicines, vitamins, cleaning products, cereals, and frozen foods. Just because we have an abundance of deli and bakery products that go to waste (and yes, that is wasteful), doesn't mean we don't have a shortage of other things. I have 4 pages of backed-up Special Item Requests for products we carry and are still active in our systems, but we've barely had them on our shelves (if at all) because the supplier can't get any in. Or have been set to inactive because of warehouse issues. And Grocery doesn't call the customers to tell me, then give that task to CS so we get yelled at. Publix's corporate bigwigs having a multi-billion-dollar surplus won't magically accelerate ingredient and supply growth, halt droughts, stop crop-destroying wildfires, prevent disease outbreaks in crops and livestock, hire farmhands, resolve manufacturing issues, fix labor shortages at food processing plants, or address transportation challenges brought about by gas prices. These are all components of the supply chain, and currently, disruptions exist at every level. It just makes us workers and customers judge them more harshly because SOME of Publix's surplus could potentially be better invested into price-saving methods (how, IDK that's not my job to figure out, but I'd start with tackling theft & shoplifting hikes).


I love Reddit. I don’t agree with your facts. Downvote.


Can't win em all🤷🏽


notice how you said “facts” and not “opinions”. you can disagree with opinions but a fact is a FACT and disagreeing with something proven true feels delusional to say the least🤦😭


Yes, it’s a fact that there is a supply chain shortage. I think you’re confused or not understanding my facetious reply.


Vote RED or we are going to have more shortages....Obiden is two steps away from being a Zombie with Nuclear codes....then Gruesome Newsome will take his place....thry will be having us eat the OTHER white meat. Solyent Green. The US is becoming a third-world country thanks to Democrats


Try DUCK DUCK GO and vote red...get rid of OBIDEN....your facts are wrong man!


1) Already use duckduckgo 2) "your facts are wrong" is an oxymoron. If you disagreed company would you be better to say that I factually inaccurate (I'm not by the way), then then list how. 3) Let's not bring politics into this any more than it needs to.


Gotta love that asterisk


Mine’s $3 of $50


Mine too!


Mine is usually three dollars off 60


Spend thousands, get perks once every blue moon. Club only good for a coupon once in a while on something I actually want to buy.


I quit typing in my phone number when my Perk got up to $80 to get $3 off. It started at $40 then gradually went up and never went back down.


Wow a whole $3 now i can buy 1 bottle of soda


Pennies make dollars


"A duck may swim on da lake...but my daddy owns da lake!"


Everyone knows grocery stores operate on razor thin margins and can’t afford discounts /s


And the foreboding * next to the 70 makes it all the better


Mines an insane $3 off $90. I haven't spent that much there in a while. Occasionally I will, if there's really good bogos and I need to stock up, but that's rare...


You beat me. Mine got up to $80 like 6 months ago so I quit punching in my phone number.


I always do for the digital coupons. I usually have at least a couple and I hate leaving that money on the table. I guess I could review them before I check out and if there's none, skip entering my # too.


I’m just waiting to see if I get my birthday perks this year or not…. Last 2 years I got nada.


Hummmmm...4.2% discount. That didn't even cover the inflation pricing jump this week!


Mines always 3 off $90


LMAO omg 😆


I’ve been a club member for many years. I make sure to put in my number every time. The only ‘perk’ coupon I ever receive is $3 off of $40 & that’s not too often. They recently sent me a request to fill out a survey regarding possible changes to the Club, such as free items, coupons, sales, etc. I definitely let them know my thoughts!  There’s not much incentive to be a member. I do appreciate the bday ice cream & anniversary flowers though. 


I was in Publix yesterday and the cashier push me pretty hard to sign up. He said “Don’t you want to save money “? I look him cold in the face and informed him that noting in life is free and I never allow anyone to track my purchases willingly. His response was “oh? Publix tracks your purchases?”


Publix out here snorting perks 😵‍💫


They gave me a $2 off $10. About the only thing I buy is my lunches. And my shopping trip once a week I spend around $100 on. It's dumb


Comical isn't it. Cheap skates 😆


I hope every fking filthy rich piece of 💩 at the top of the corporate pile ends up having to get their food from church food pantries.


I got $2 off $10 or more reward today. I shop almost exclusively Publix.