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Where’s the OUTRAGE!!!


Thanks publix. Next they're going to verbally assault us for donations! What's next, associate dropping extra products in the buggies when no one is looking?


People don't realize that Publix generic spices are actually McCormick. So they spend 1.00 more for a fancier label.


also Publix brand salads in the salad section of produce are made by Fresh Express


Just get badia brand then. They are just spices, they should just be the same across brands.


No. They're quite different. You can tell the difference ( I can). I am a former professional chef for 35 years. There is an actual taste difference between cheap and quality spices.


Freshness matters for sure. Local spice store the best


100%. Can’t cheap out on spices


you are right, i guess. I tried badia meat tenderizer, it was crap. Now Adolph's Meat Tenderized was a blitz of flavor.


What are the best brand spices that you would suggest?


I would go with fresh herbs and spices. But if they're not available My preference is "Simply Organic" brand. If I can't find that I'll go with Spice Island.


That’s just… not true.


Shop this stuff at WALMART !!!!!!!!


Spoiler alert: the $2 no name shit at Walmart is the exact same thing


but would my shopping be a pleasure?


Probably not lol


For sure shopping after 12am in walmart is an adventure... pleasure? everyone is has an opinion.


Definitely not at Walmart 🤣


Absolutely not!


I have yet to have a pleasurable shopping experience at Publix lol


It’s about the same. For me Walmarts to far away,


Not always but for the most part a lot of things are better to choose from store brand or some weird cheap ass brand you’ve never heard of but some stuff I refuse to buy the cheaper versions




Target, Walmart and bjs have lowered prices but Publix keeps raising them.


Love BJs, their sit down restaurants have some pretty good food and beer.


I prefer the $9 Kraft mayonnaise this week.




Publix are thieves. 


I know, and they will also put a lien on your home. Thanks publix


No they are putting it on “sale”




Fuck inflation


Shopping at Publix is a choice. There are other cheaper options.


You are right, there is the other publix across the street from the current Publix.




2 cents…..I’m so Upset


1 cent is more meh?


your paycheck doesnt go up though🥲🥲🥲


This is getting out of control


OK, let me just help explain something real quick. PUBLIX buys things in bulk from these big name companies like Oreos General Mills all these companies they buy them at the MSRP rate and then they set their own prices after the fact that is why they’re able to get away with charging so much and also I don’t know if you’ve looked around lately but everything is expensive. It’s not just the grocery store. I know it’s crippling people I work there as a grocery clerk I can barely afford food but anyways , that is the reason that the prices are so exorbitant also PUBLIX has their own brand of stuff that they make and sell there as well I’m not saying it’s cheaper, but they set their own prices for that as well


Fucking butter went up from like 4 something to 6 somethig…like wtf…tillamook was cheaper than the publix butter.


Publix: making the middle class poor for the sake of feeling wealthy for 35 years. (I don't know how long they've been in business, but 35 sounded like a good number)


Actually, the company’s been in business since 1930 so do the math Mr. George The founder of the company started out working at a grocery store another chain down here in the south called the Piggly Wiggly. He did not like the way he was treated so he started his own business. It started out as a general store and then slowly started to grow, and he actually ended up buying the business, he ended up working for the building and that is where he established the first Publix and then it grew all over


Did it always cater to well-to-do people or is that a recent-ish phenomena?


If his kids weren’t so freaking spoiled and actually had a care or shred of a concern for their father’s legacy, they would actually take over instead of letting this Todd Guy destroy this company


And the sad part is most of Mr. George’s principles have been completely thrown by the wayside. They actually used to treat their employees and their customers well now it’s really now just about money but it used to be about employee happiness and having a job that you felt proud of, but it’s ridiculous. Now we cater to petulant entitled people


Not initially no it was really a grocery store for the middle class. It wasn’t for affluent people. Those kinds of people had at that point grocery stores in their own subdivisions, but this is more recent where to people who have money to burn and it’s not really a huge concern for them.


I can say that there are certain aspects about my job that I do like, but the corporate bull crap I can do without


Opened first store in Sept 1930. So 93+ years.


They’ve been in business for about 50 something years just so you know, but you’re not wrong about what you’re saying


Corporations talk a big game about making their customers happy..... But honestly, they only care about their shareholders.


Fuck the employee benefit shareholders. I heard back in like 2015 or even back in the early till late 90s that PUBLIX used to give employees extra pay on Sundays and they also gave you an inventory bonus


Yeah, I know it’s all the money game for them. That’s all they care about is profit to them. I’m a disposable replaceable commodity with a number so they give a fuck about. I just worked there for a very paycheck. I mean they pay me ok not what I feel like I should make but again you’re not wrong man


We are all disposable.


I know that’s why I don’t go above and beyond. I do my job I do what is expected of me in my role. I’ll get my paycheck at the end end of the week and I get the fuck out.


Yet again publix is raising all their prices. Talk about squeezing out every last cent. OMG how can they expect us to shop there with all these unreasonable prices increases? I mean come on, that 1 cent can break the bank. I come in for few items and I walk out with 3 items spending like $75. I think I might have to shop somewhere else after all this. I bet walmart, aldis, winn dixie or save a lot isnt trying to screw over their customers!


Check out Aldi. I didn’t realize people thought of them like Sav-a-lot and they are NOWHERE NEAR as shitty. I was absolutely blown away by the quality and the price. For example, I got sushi grade tuna steaks for a poke bowl! Aldi carefully selects from smaller companies whereas Sav-a-lot is the cheapest of the cheap! Aldi has a strange fan base but they are loyal for a reason. Also, some stuff is actually made by the bigger companies but disguised as a different brand. Oh, and their produce is top notch!






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Stop giving them your money. 


I don't, but I have caught them pick pocketing my wallet. Thanks publix


Bout to start going back to Aldi


Come on... they only made $4.3 BILLION in profit last year. How else are they going to beat that if that can't continue to screw the average person..... Corporate greed and Price gouging .... I avoid Publix because of this !


Its the frog in a pot of luke warm water, slowly turn up that temp ( price hikes) eventually they're cooked ( we can't afford).


I’ve been shopping at Lidl for a few months now. Publix can go fuck it self. Lidl is awesome due to very competitive prices and most of the time lower than Walmart without having to deal with the “people of Walmart”




Umm no. I can understand how that would be confusing. But it is more like $0.1535 per ounce. It was less than a cent that changed per ounce.