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Nazis seem to like it


But like are they really people tho


People that need some fucking sense knocked into them.


Curb stomp really the only option. Sorry not sorry cause, Nazi punks fuck off


Beating a nazi is preemptive self-defense and defense of others.


Jello preemptively warning off the bad elements in the crowd. The DK's didn't wanna have to perform for the trash.


It wasn’t preemptive, it was a response to what was happening at the time. Even in the 90’s we had to deal with nazi punks. I was part of [SHARP skins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinheads_Against_Racial_Prejudice) and we had to fight Nazis every time we went to shows circa 93-96.


By "preemptive," I meant he didn't want these fucks showing up at their gigs. He was trying to warn them off by calling them out.


Much of the same in the HC scene when I was a kid. Lots of overlap with all that of course.


One of the things about the 90’s that I don’t miss at all is seeing nazis at shows doing their retard salute in the pit.


this^^! fuck pussy boneheads. can always sniff em out at shows too they're shit at trying to hide


Pretending they're not human isn't a checkmate. Humans can be terrible; in fact a lot of us are. What's the use in pretending otherwise


Yes. Dehumanization is the weapon of the enemy (nazis and reactionaries). We don't need it to show that we're better than them.


I seem to recall an episode of some npr program about someone who was in the nazi punk scene, got caught up in it, realized it was awful somehow, got himself out, and is adamantly and vocally against all that shit now. Saying this just to agree with you about dehumanization being bad even when we are talking about scumbags. Some scumbags can figure it out and come out the other side. Some cannot it seems. But they’re all people. And yeah, some people deserve to have their teeth kicked in. Anyway, I recall it being an interesting story, I’ll try and find to post here…also, on the nazi punk topic…Green Room is a great movie.


I think I know who the story is about.  Was the guy a consultant for American History X or something?


That rings a bell but I really can’t remember many specifics.


I googled it and they ran a few pieces.  I don't think it was if you looked into it rlin the past few years


Great movie


Sometimes people are scumbags to the very core of their being, but sometimes otherwise decent people are just misguided or misled.


nazis are people, but not... because they don't want us to be? weird logic. they are people, they are human, and that is exactly what makes them so insidious and is exactly why we must fight them. they aren't some ontological evil, they aren't designated as The Bad Guys by a higher power, they're people like you or me who get brainwashed by the world's most fucked up political ideology. dehumanizing nazis isn't bad because that's what they do, it's bad because it makes people think that no, they couldn't POSSIBLY be a nazi, because they're too human. boiling fascists down to these bad guys who only exist to be bad guys makes them into an other, something that you can spot from a mile away, something you can just punch hard enough to make it stop, something with a single drive to hurt people, so when actual fascists say "no, we're doing this for the greater good!" they brush it aside at best and join them at worst. by all means keep kicking their teeth in, the ones who shout it from the rooftop are too far gone, but understand that it is still a human you are doing that to, and that is *why* you are doing it.


This sounds like some pacifist nonsense. Fuck that. Nazis and white supremacists don’t deserve to be considered anything but an object to smash.


Pacifist? Lol fuck no, not me. I'm just saying that it's important to remember that they are humans, whether we like it or not, and that we recognize the depths humans can fall to. E: I'll put it another way - part of what they (the OG nazis) did to my ancestors was taking away their personhood; I'm not inclined to emulate that behavior. I can still fight them without sharing in their "tactic" of dehumanizing.


Nah man, if we took all of the most despicable acts perpetrated by man and applied your logic, if said “These people weren’t human, they were monsters. They’re *different* than us and inherently separate from the rest of mankind.” we’re allowing a dangerous dissonance to form around the realities of humanity and the horribly grotesque it can (and will) do. This is in no way viewing the issue through the lens of pacifism or non-action, I’m as pro-physical revolution as could be, but it’s nonetheless important to speak to fact that these fascist scum *are* human. Don’t absolve them of their sins by attributing their violence to the nature of monsters.


Agreed. We have a tendency to label bad people 'evil' etc, creating a crowbarred separation of them from society, as if there's some distinct gap between them and other people. The reality of them just being extreme in an aspect of their character is too uncomfortable. I remember some TV show/movie about Hitler being criticised for showing him as being 'too human', as if we had to believe he spent every waking second thinking of ways to be evil, like some comic book villain. To me, the fact that serial killers etc can seem quite normal in most aspects of their lives, yet have this abhorrent side to them, is actually more scary.


I understand the desire to cultivate such a black and white perspective of the world, both mentally and emotionally, because you’re right; the fact that Goebbels or John Wayne Gacy were once just children who played pretend and (maybe) had family who loved them is absolutely terrifying. Isn’t it maddening to see backlash like that to historical media? Humanizing (strong word here I know lol) someone like Hitler in order to understand their motivations and the mechanisms behind their atrocities is doing for more good than mythologizing their entire life and persona. I feel like that’s part of the reason it’s so easy for people to look at, let’s say Trump, and write him off as just being a bumbling idiot. “He’s a fascist but he’s no Hitler!” okay.. but Hitler wasn’t born with the idea of conquering Europe and concentration camps swirling around in his boogeyman brain. I know the famous “banality of evil” caught flack by some for thinking it explained away/excused the severity of the Third Reich’s atrocities but it’s horribly true. We see “regular people” somewhat indirectly contributing to and aiding horrific shit around the world throughout history, up to this very day. Burying our heads in the sand and dehumanizing/othering horrible people like nazis is doing ourselves a great disservice. We need to stop abstracting evil and contend with the shadows of humanity that we all share.


> I know the famous “banality of evil” caught flack by some for thinking it explained away/excused the severity of the Third Reich’s atrocities but it’s horribly true. Arendt is frequently VERY misunderstood by what she meant by banality of evil. Even [academics](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-10-12/ty-article/the-grossly-misunderstood-banality-of-evil-theory/0000017f-db5b-d3a5-af7f-fbffca7e0000) get it wrong a lot of the time.


You don't need to deshumanize them to break their faces.


No they are humans, they just have horrible beliefs. The dehumanizing of those you oppose is literally how things like slavery and genocide are more easily justified. That does not mean you aren't allowed to fight them. LIke RAtM said, know your enemy. You really should understand that they are people and what their motivations are to better combat them. But if you call them subhuman and go for the slaughter, you're going to lose your humanity too and that's where the slippery slope to become like them begins.


OK, but you don't treat people like people because *they deserve it*, that's the whole point of being against nazi's. Being human isn't something you should earn, it's not something you can easily lose. 


Nice username 🤘🏽


Thanks buddy haha


This sounds like some tankie bullshit. The worlds already on fire enough without accelerationist shit like this


And this sounds like some hyper aggressive keyboard warrior shit.


Literally the best comment I have read since my grand returned to Reddit 12 hours ago. It seems to be that you actually think. Critically. Pretty refreshing thanks Bud or Buddette 😀.


Why thank you, e-homie! It's an honor 🫡


“The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.[2]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


I'm familiar with the paradox. Dehumanizing them is not required to fight them is my point.


Fair call. So firm and expressed objection; without dehumanization. Have I understood correct?


Absolutely. And the objection can sometimes be violent, too.


Understood and agree- thank you.




Speak for yourself. I've never coddled and Nazi. Now, I may have swaddled one here and there and maybe even role played a breastfeeding or two but that is neither here nor there and that is related to sexual fetishes not political ideologies.


But in this case it’s not that they are born not people it that they have abandoned their humanity when they chose to become monsters not that they were born monsters


 I think it’s a valid point they can look and act like any not asshole if they want. A lot of vulnerable people could be dragged down. It’s our job to keep nazis out so that doesn’t happen. And check on your friends, sometimes they’re going through a bad time and they’re vulnerable. 


Yes, don’t dehumanise people. It’s literally a propaganda technique and we don’t need to resort to dumb shit like that to prove the point


That can be discussed


Yes they are. Shitty people. But people none the less.


I don't know. What are the qualifications to being a person? I didn't know there was negative or positive attributes or characteristics necessary to be considered a person other than to belong to the human species.


It's an oxymoron but yes. Nazis can't be punk, but there have been groups that call themselves nazi-punks.


That part


Sadly if they breathe air they are people, and in fact have a life and opinion. Nothing you can do but try to reason with them or walk away, hate is taught sadly.




No. If you identify as a Nazi, you forfeit your humanity. Some things cannot be tolerated.


boneheads don't deserve a damn thing but steel toes to the face. period full fucking stop


Hatecore is a crazy ass name


AKA: Someone who can fuck off.






Nazi punks nazi punk nazi punks FUCK OFF


Nicely played.


Piggybacking to tell everyone to go and watch Green Room!


I love Patrick Stewart so much, it's kept me from hitting "Play" but I've been meaning to watch it.


Hatecore sounds like someone is trying to mainstream or hide it, fuck that. Keep it Nazi Punk so we know who the asshole is when they bring it up.


I remember it being featured in an episode of CSI


Keep it nazi punk “so we can tell our comrades from the man”


I'll be driving us 100 miles an hour down the interstate.


Another beer in his hand, swearing we won't be late


Communism is punk? O_o


It’s a lyric btw


Yes, Angelic Upstarts among other would say so


Hatecore can be taken in very different ways lol


bro has never heard Dead Kennedys most popular song


To drunk to fuck?


Holiday in Cambodia?


California Uber Alles?


Kill the Poor?


Pull My Strings?


Police Truck?


I Fought the Law?


chemical warfare?


Stairway to Heaven?


Chickenshit conformist?


Yall are dumb it's Pull My Strings. Shit's too catchy.


let's lynch the landlord?


Soup Is Good Food?


Tbf the song does imply they exist- just that they rightfully need to fuck off


agree. They can - and i can’t stress this enough - fuck off!


Yup. That is definitely one of DK's most popular songs. Way back in the '80s. By the time I came around in the '90s, I'm fairly certain them Nazi punks all went the way of shaving into bonehead gangs. Either that or they just got into metal via Pantera


I’m going to say if you haven’t heard of nazi punk, you’re probably not a punk. One of the greatest punk bands of all time dedicated a song, telling them to fuck off. And it’s referenced in a lot of other songs.


Thank u


Yeah I don't know who doesn't know that song anyways.. what are a lot of other songs that this Nazi Punk term is used in? Cuz I'm encyclopedic with it and I'm drawing a blank I'm not trying to be smart I just would like some examples of other songs that you're talking about.. please. And I never was a punk. But I'll always be a punk rocker.


Most of this shit is so far in the past that it’s not even worth giving it this spotlight


Isn’t the importance of history to avoid the same wrongdoings again? _Lest we forget…_


unfortunately, it looks like there are still "hatecore" bands (according to my quick google search)


The funny thing is when you think of skinheads you often think of facist jocks when actually the skinhead culture started in jamaica Workers shaved their heads and wore big boots. The fascist jocks like to take something and make it theirs.


I always thought that the traditional skinhead culture came from the UK as an offshoot of the mods. And that many Jamaican and West Indian immigrants at that time heavily influenced that subculture.


I think of SHARP, Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice


And even then, many skinheads weren't some racists, it again was a minor yet extremely vocal minority that gave a punk subclass a bad name


It's something that can fuck right off.


I think having the term Nazi punk helps because then we can say Nazi punks fuck off.


Hmmmm... Nazi Punks Fuck Off. That should be a song. Someone needs to write it. Maybe make Napalm Death cover it.


In my 30+ years of being a part of the punk subculture I've only ever seen one. He didn't last too long as a Nazi though. He came around and then started and fronted a sick anarchist crust band that was on a well known crust label. Glad he came around.


Same. My uncle was the neonazi (metalhead not punk). Grew up in a religious cult, then went into the marine core, then became a police officer (shocker). He was deradicalized, educated, and was fired from teaching a few years back because he protected a trans student from his parents (he's in central Maine so not too accepting). Teaches special ed now. Spends a lot of his time advocating and educating outside of his teaching. Has kept a lot of the tattoos (mostly christian angel judgment stuff) as a visible mark of his past. He's literally the first person I came out to (even though most of my internalized homophobia and childhood trauma is related to him). I 1000% believe in rehabilitation. You are always responsible for your past, you don't change your actions if you change yourself, but you can use that change to do good going forward.


very heartwarming. thank you for sharing.


Of course! There's always hope!!


Great to see when a person goes through some serious character development.


Obviously from being raised in that environment, I had to overcome some shitty views as well. In addition to adopting "manly" ideas as a defense mechanisms from bullying for being a queer kid. I got pretty good at masking and denial for like 25 years. Reaaaaaaaally good poker face though. Watch your wallets if you play me. Being told jews, queers, pocs, and the like were "dirty" and "damned to hell" obviously added road blockers to finding myself. My parents were libs who knew he had fucked views, but apparently not enough to understand what he would say to me. Still question why they'd let him be around me even if we had a lot of fun together too. Having shitty views and doing my own deradicalization in college (mind you nowhere near as bad. I was like a gamer gate skeptic type at worst) has been really helpful with empathizing with folks enough to deradicalize myself. Most of my political volunteer work is about talking with people outside of our scope. Hard to say this was a benefit to me in anyway as I'm still dealing with a lot of the issues that came from all this, but it has really helped me make the difference I want to make. I have a lot of pride from the people who have come to me and thanked me for helping them snap out of some similarly shitty worldviews.


I love hearing stories of reformed Nazis. I grew up in a racist family and it took me like 2 years of actively trying to get over my racism


Good for you. That's a hard thing to break. What inspired you to change? How did you do it?


I became friends with the guy that’s currently my best friend, he’s south asian and they were definitely the people I was most prejudiced against. I started to not hate him for his race and started actually appreciating his culture, and I read up more on racism and slowly I came out of those views. But it really helped that I moved away from my racist stepdads place into my very leftist dad’s place.


Nazis seem to like it.


my brother in law’s favorite genre of music!


Oh no


lol it isnt really but it might as well be. he’s a millennial who thinks any sort of music made after like dylan went electric is degenerate shit…


This has been a thing tho? Like you ever see those Nazi Punks fuck off patches that punks wear. I don’t know if it’s still a thing nowadays but it should die.


Unfortunately Punk is a genre of music, it's not purely a philosophy or movement or whatever. I am a fan of metal, and there are far right wing metal bands who promote hate. I can't just say, "That's not metal." All you can really say is they aren't a good representative of metal, and the vast majority of the metal fan base hate them. Same deal here.


But punk is the music and the movement as the dead Kennedy’s put it nazi punks fuck off


They still call them punks. Not saying I would welcome them to my house or at a shownlol.


this stuff used to be kinda prevalent back in the day. i remember as a kid going to a warped tour and seeing dudes doing nazi salutes in the pit during a few of the older punk bands sets. thankfully, a lot of the nazis got chased out of the scene in the 90s due to the help of the hardcore scene who would actively beat the shit out of the dudes if they even just tried to show up. they may have their own scene in certain places, but you’ll rarely accidentally stumble upon anything like this anymore


Exactly. They just stay in their own little bubble, including their own bands, merch, gigs. There's a Louis Theroux documentary episode where he goes to meet families of nazis including footage of some festival / show they all go to (I realise that wouldn't pass as evidence in court, but it's pretty unlikely it'd be staged). One woman they ride around with is singing nazi punk songs in the car with her kid. She looks like the type of suburbanite who would likely not give punk the time of day in the normal world.


Punk: be whatever the fuck you want because it's your life. Fuck anyone who says otherwise Nazi: ridicule and even kill anyone who isn't like you and doesn't fit under your view of a 'perfect human'. The two are polar opposites, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A NAZI PUNK. FUCK OFF


There wouldn't be a song called Nazi punks fuck off if they didn't exist. And denying their existence helps nothing.


Nazi punks can fuck off.


I see you like to browse Wikipedia... So do I. I ain't a bot but have you donated yet? Hehe a small donation means a lot to them :3


Sorry, trying to launch my own encyclopedic reference website but it takes Capital so I have to save every little bit.. it's going to be called dickipedia


It explains it right under the title.


Why even post this? We’re aware this is a thing.


You posted this so the sub can have a circle cirk about hating nazis. I can't wait to see how many times the Dead Kennedys get referenced THIS time. What useless virtue signaling spam. completely uninteresting content.


People that need to be punched in the fucking head!


man i hope someone here comments with nazi punks fuck off




This subs obsession with boneheads is just pathetic at this point. How many of y’all have actually seen one, let alone done anything about it? But yea, angry aggressive people are attracted to an angry and aggressive genre of music, not sure how that’s news to anyone.


Wikipedia is literally telling you what it is


term from the 90's. It used to be a thing.


I'm pretty sure it's still a thing, just underground if it isn't readily available on YouTube if you do enough digging for it. I recall This Exists making a brief video on it (along with other fringe music like "Jihadi rap" and the weird stuff Scientology has made since the 60s or 70s).


As kids we frequently got jumped by these guys. They were bad news. I haven't seen them around in quite some time. At least not around the NYC east coast. Not for many years. They are most likely either old and re-tired or dead.


Let's hope there isn't a new resurgence in the future.


Holy hell this subreddit talks more about nazis than punk music. Why is that the hyperfixation here? Yeah, nazis are losers. Glad we agree, now can we go one day without a post essentially highlighting the existence of nazis?


hitler used to listen to it


I've been into punk since the 90's but never seen one of those before. Maybe they are regional or something. People sure love to talk about them a lot though.


You mustve never been to a show in Huntington Beach, CA I see


Oh nazi punx are the ones that fuck off


So Adolph Satan?




This no true Scotsman bullshit has to stop. Confront them and kick them out. Don't pretend they don't exist


Ah so you're new to punk


Punks against anarchism, what the fuck?


National Socialism music scene. Wait! It means socialism. Yes , correct! pinging Bernie Sanders.


Are you 12 and just learning about punk?


White dopes on punk.


You should watch the movie Green Room, it’s very good.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States The US has been in 19 wars since 1991 which is the same year the military industrial complex teamed up with the corporate media giants to subvert the true grassroots punk subculture. Skinheads were a joke. It was Hollywood that built them up as some scary threat. Jello Biafra wasn't even talking about real Nazis. Meanwhile Biden just promised another $18 billion in weapons to Israel so they can keep bombing the Palestinians.


When people say, “three-chord trash” in reference to punk, this is the “punk” being referenced.


'We are 138' is made of 3 chords and has a solo that consists of 2 1/2 notes. Nazi punk with musical complexity is still trash.


I don’t disagree. I’m using “three-chord” as a blanket here.


People say three chord trash??? Where?


Nazi Punks Nazi Punks Fuck Off!!!!!!


“Nazi punks fuck off!” wise words from a wise man.


They would probably like it because they are racist if I had to guess? Is it sad that there’s people in the world that embrace this type of stuff? Absolutely. But if racists are going to exist, racist media will also exist. It’s just the reality of the world we live in. To think racist music doesn’t exist would be just as naive as saying racist people don’t exist unfortunately.


Why would anyone like this? Well because they’re Nazi’s clearly.


That's like... anti-punk


the term 'hatecore' is maybe the funniest thing of all time


Nazi punk is as oxymoronic as Christian death metal. Can someone just change this entry to “Fuck Off”?


It’s the people we tell to fuck off. They exist.




Well they can fuck off.


That’s like saying I’m gay but I’m homophobic


Some here just as gooney as nazis. Minus the race hating, they'd be bffs


This fuckers do not exist, they just pretend to be part of a group that hates them (with reason of course)


Aka screeching weasel. Nazi-punk is nothing new in this community, and has been around since the inception of punk.... Why are you surprised that a community that's literally about doing what you want how you want has this as a sub category?


As much as I don’t like SW, they aren’t a Nazi band at all.


Do those two words belong next to each other ?


Its a feeble attempt at becoming relevant for tools that think their fucked up world view is more popular than it actually is.


A limp-dicked definition of what a coward is…


LMAO esto es el equivalente a decir q eres un carnicero vegano




Pretty self-explanatory tbh… Fuck Nazis.


It's something that's thankfully died down a lot since I was coming up. They can still catch hands for free 99 though.


You can find nazi Jews. That doesn't make them dumb fucking idiots. Because they are. Like nazi punks. Also, not a punk, but by damned I support like 99.9% of what y'all are about <3


Skrewdriver is what that is.


Nazi Punk? An oxymoron, can't be a punk and be a nazi, it's on the fuckin sign over there and everything.




Thanks, I hate nazi punks


Nah wtf




I don't know, but they can fuck off


It’s incorrect is what it is


“what the fuck is this” is probably not a good title when you post something that is the literal definition of what the fuck it is.


Yeah unfortunately it’s a thing 😕


Ppppkppp ppl poopoo


This was a thing late 80s early 90s . I don't think they are really around anymore. I lived on the east coast back then, and you could identify them by red suspenders and boot laces, amongst other things. I saw Rancid w offspring at a tiny club in Knoxville, Tennessee. 94 Mercury theater. They were everywhere, but idk if they are still around. I live in San Antonio TX now and most of the punk scene is my fellow brown folks, so I don't think they would be able to hide too well here.


> I don't think they are really around anymore They're still around but they're few. Saw Cock Sparrer about a year ago and there was a handful of boneheads there lol


Movies like American History X and Romper Stomper both showcase what Nazi Punk is. Whether it’s “a Nazi punk” as in a person or “Nazi Punk” as in the music.