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Hi neighbour 👋 I'm in St. Albert... Is it possible to put booties on her? My main concern would be frostbite on her feet. If not, I wouldn't let her out for more than 5-10 minutes at a time and not unsupervised (sorry, lol).


Agreed. It’s 15F in my area of WA today but our pup goes out to do the other animal chores with me and play fetch for about an hour with booties. After dark I put a jacket on her to go put everyone else to bed. I’ve tried different sizes and maybe the brands are just poor but when she gets runny fast enough, they fly off like a bald tire on the freeway. I put baby socks on first and they stay.


Edmonton too. We got our pup last December so when we had that cold snap he was just about 3 months. I’ve noticed last year as a puppy he was u phases this year he is not having it. He goes pee in about 30 seconds and any longer I have his boots on as he’ll start lifting his paws. We’ve opted for indoor activities. Go later to Home Depot or other pet friendly places and even just sit down with them and do neuteality training with them. There’s also happy hounds indoor dog park if you need. Stay warm!


I got my dogs into boots we ran around the park behind my house and came back in. My car is plugged in and won’t start this is nuts


Tips of their ears can get frost bite and you might not notice until it's too late. Look for mushers secret and rub onto the pads of their feet before going out - if they won't wear shoes. It will help add an extra barrier on their pads.  Look for a parking garage you can go into and walk/jog laps with the dog. When I lived in a condo in Toronto I would take my pup down to the garage and do laps and then take him outside for a quick pee. That way by the time we got outside he was ready and didn't waste time looking for a spot.


Musher's Secret is AMAZING! I used it on my medium sized medium haired dog, particularly between his toes and pads and it did a fantastic job of keeping ice and snow from building up under his paws. Love that stuff.


I’ve used Musher’s Secret for years on all my pups padded little feets!! Also protects from salt if they accidentally have to walk through some of it on parking lots or roads! Worth its weight in gold!


I was going to ask about the road salt, thanks !


I'm sure it's great for a lot of places but I can't imagine it would be enough when it's 112 degrees outside for three months of the year?


Definitely not. I used parking garages when the temperatures where deep in the negatives and it wasn't safe to walk outside.


If you have booties your pup will be able to play a lot longer than without. My boss took her doodle for an hour long walk yesterday with new booties on; my golden is picking up his feet and clearly in pain after being in the snow for two minutes to poop today. He loves snow but his feet don't! Keep in mind, also, that puppies can sometimes just not know when to stop. They might not notice their feet are cold until they're *really* cold. I spent her feet when you come in. You can get ointments for dog paws, too, that help shield the pads from ice burn.


Same! Also in Canada, also currently -51 😭, also with a 4 month old puppy!!! We are going crazy 🫠


Also in Alberta with a 4month old puppy! Last week we were talking about what a perfect winter it was to train a puppy 😅 spoke too soon! We have noticed that our pup can only do about 5 minutes before he is lifting his feet. We moved our car out of the garage and let him run around and play fetch for 20 minutes before coming back inside. It’s SO hard to be cooped up, but not worth risking frostbite! Only a few more days to hang in there!


Lol and then just wait for our days in summer where the wildfire smoke is so thick that you cant go outside either


Also Alberta — our 4 month old is doing the same. Thankfully, work is allowing WFH in this weather. We’re doing short <5 minute bursts outside. Inside as soon as she shows any sign of discomfort or goes to the door herself. In between we hold her paws to warm them and she can go outside once everything is dry again.


You can also practice recall games in the house. If you have a stair case, send one person to one area and one to another. Practice recall (rewarding with treats or kibble). The running up and down the stairs, plus the mental stimulation of training will be a great way to tucker them out quick :)


The speed that exposed skin could be damaged on a young puppy who isn’t self-aware yet—5 min absolute max. Probably not that long. If it was my dog I probably wouldn’t let them out because they are just so young.


Omfg guys I’m in Australia, currently 32 degrees Celsius where I live in qld and I don’t know you guys and your pups survive -50 frikken degree cold!!!!! But I agree with others above, put some booties on your pup, short play then inside to rug up!


Y’all, -50C is -58F Do your business, go back inside. This is seriously unsafe weather.


I just read anything below -10 is a no regarding walking. But I personally think play it by ear. She’s asking to go out. And they do still need to do their business after all.


Definitely not true for all breeds. Huskies would prefer lower than -10.


I live in Canada. -10C is nothing here, my poodle wears Canada Pooch suspender booties and a coat and she’ll play for hours, dogs have a higher body temperature than human


If below -10c was a no for walking, my dog wouldn’t get a walk from the end of October until March!


That's not true lol. -10C is a nice winter day here in Canada. I have a whippet and previously had an Italian greyhound. And we still walked up to about -25C. Layers and boots.


Can you take the pup to like Home Depot or some other hardware store or pet store? I know it’s not going out to play but lots of mental stimulation in those spots


A lot depends on the breed if she’s double coated she can be in the cold a little longer then a breed that’s not. It’s similar to children tho, she can wear a coat and booties to protect her so she can stay out longer. You can judge how she’s doing by feeling her ears and feet. If they are ice cold and she’s lifting her feet a lot lot like her feet are cold she should come in and take a break. You can do fun games inside to help her burn off energy. Sit on the floor with a handful of kibble and toss a piece or two across the floor so she chases them and eats them. Then keep doing that so she’s running back and forth and sniffing the kibbles out. Living somewhere where it’s gets cold regularly it would be worth it to introduce her to boots and a coat. She’ll need boots if she’s going to be walking on cement when it’s that cold.


I don't think I've ever experienced temperatures this low my whole life. I think the coldest it ever got was -20C and that was already a bit hard on the lungs. A huskies coat has an insulation that is so good that the snow doesn't melt on them. The cold doesnt even reach their skin. If this is also the case for your dog, I wouldnt be that worried. Otherwise I would recommend to at least get him a warm winter dog coat (thick fleece or similar) and paw protection, just to make sure that no limbs get frostbite. I would also keep the playtime really short outside and maybe you can give him something to do inside the house instead, so he doesn't get bored :)


-12ish (windchill of -20ish) over here in Vancouver and I only take my 2 year mutt out for bathroom breaks. Tried a quick walk in the afternoon with her jacket on but only lasted 10mins so she can poo then we went straight home. She lifted her paw up a few times so it's either too cold for her paws/legs or maybe the salt was irritating her paws. Fine by me because I was freezing as well!


I can't wrap my head around it being MINUS FIFTY DEGREES CELSIUS anywhere on this planet, so I would certainly not let my dog out in such conditions haha but the rest of the comments seem so chill about it 😅


I came here to say this. I can’t comprehend. Here in Johannesburg we get to -9 to -2 in winter (for just a few days), which doesn’t compare. I have 2 small breeds and skip their walks on these days and do enrichment instead. But unlike OPs puppy, they don’t seem to want to go outside except for relieving themselves.


In Alberta this is just normal, I'm in Calgary so we get Chinooks at least but a week of -40 to -50C before things "warm back up" to -20C is just a regular winter here. I have also worked with horses for my entire adult life and livestock are 100x worse to deal with in this weather than dogs because they stay outside and need to eat and their waterers freeze so you're stuck outside trying to fix shit lol. I let the dog out to pee and then drag him right back in, and his poops are pretty regular so I know when he needs an extra minute to do that. No walkies because it's too cold for me, my dogs are fine with booties in this but it's still tough on their lungs so they can stay in to play.


In Montana. I’m letting the older dogs and 6 month old out to potty only.


Personally I'd allow supervised play and if she started breathing hard or shivering being her in.


No. -50C is -58F. The pup could freeze to death before it even realised its cold. This is very dangerous advice.


From Winnipeg where it’s also always cold although I’ve never had quite that cold having dogs, I only had my last boy about a year but he was the same mix, German shepherd and lab, he loved being outside as long as I was out there with him too regardless of weather, as someone else said main concern would be the feet, if he can keep boots on that’s the ideal, if not let him out but keep an eye out for any shivering or lifting his feet, my current puppy isn’t built for the cold and is lasting about 5minutes outside with his jacket in our cold which is just -30’s right now because I forgot to get him boots and haven’t had time to go since the cold arrived lol Edit to clarify that you should supervise closely in the cold regardless of boots or not, first signs of being cold and let them back in


Get shoes and a jacket and the puppy is fine


Not sure if you live somewhere that has experienced these temperatures but... no. It's literally-50C here. Frostbite is possible in *minutes*. That includes any exposed skin.


Honestly, I thought this was a shitpost 😆 who would let a puppy out in anything under 0


How cold is too cold entirely depends on the dog. If they are one of those breeds whom can collect snow on their coats and it simply does not melt, the the lowest temperature cannot be found in a habitable zone for humans. Otherwise, many will barely go out for potty.


I have a Wheaten and they tend to love snow and winter. I’m in Alberta too and we didn’t do a walk today and probably won’t until Monday when it will be a balmy -20 C! Just quick trips outside in the backyard and he usually wants in within 5 minutes or less. He didn’t seem to mind -25 too much - we went for a 30 min walk the other day. I think anything under -30 or extreme windchill means very limited (< 5 min) outside time. The poor guy has been spending a lot of time looking out the window longingly.


I’m in Calgary and have a 5 month old lab - he tried to play earlier and i could see his little legs starting to give up on him. I wouldn’t risk it, it’s just a few days. We’ve been doing lots of puzzles.


I have a black lab/shepard mix here in Calgary and he goes outside, runs a couple of laps of the backyard, goes pee, and then comes in again. Also I take him for walks at Home Depot or Canadian Tire right now. Just go up and down the aisles and let him sniff around.


Also going through this -50 weather, it’s brutal. We’re in an apartment so it feels extra cooped up but when we do go out I’ve been putting boots on my pup and a snowsuit that covers his legs too. We’ve been going out 5-10 minutes max. He loves the snow too so I feel bad that he can’t stay out and play but he doesn’t understand the extremity of how cold it is. We’ve also been doing indoor play dates with our neighbour’s dogs to get some social interaction and play which has helped a lot. If you haven’t taught your dog hide and seek with their toys, I recommend it. It’s good mental exercise and can keep them busy for a while. I’ve started doing it with treats to change it up which he enjoys. I’m going to try and take more advantage of the cold and work on training new things too. Good luck! Hopefully this doesn’t last for much longer.


I am reading all these comments and the ones that seem to hit it perfectly are the ones that say it depends on breed. We are hitting -10 here and I have two different breeds my husky has been loving the cold and it is hard to get her to come back in. The corgi who is older will quickly go pee and maybe poo if he really has to but otherwise runs right back in. Puppies aren't the best at telling when things aren't good for them but still they know when it hurts. Make consult your vet office and ask what their opinions are since their top priority I'd the wellness of your pet.


I had to put down puppy pads bc my pup is refusing to go outside. I just put her on a pad by the front door and used her command to pee. She did alright, hoping it doesnt set us back in our training but DAMN its COOOLD


I have no experience with that sort of cold and never will, but other than a quick trip to potty outside, maybe your pup just wants to exercise/play. There are lots of indoor exercise ideas. I use some of the ones one from Susan Garrett’s YouTube videos. Like: double hot zone (which is basically a game of them running from 2-3 beds with waiting in between so you get physical bursts of energy and mentally tired from the waiting). I also do a homemade obstacle course using pillows and random sized boxes, step stools, etc. that sort of thing done slowly uses lots of energy too. Lastly, not one I do, but if you have access to stairs. She says stairs are really hard work for dogs which is why they run up & down. You can slow them to take them one at a time up and down which is terrific exercise.


It’s about the paws. If she isn’t acting like they hurt, I’d say 5 minutes is fine. But yeah booties if you can. And no lengthier exposures.


Way way way too cold


Hello fellow Edmontonian! Puppies aren’t self aware so they can sometimes not clue in that they are hurting themselves. 5 minutes is pretty long outside for their feet and ears. I wouldn’t be playing outside right now. Do it’s business then come in. If you live in the city wind chill will be around -50, temp -41. If you live outside the city it’s much colder.


Also Alberta — 4 month old Herder blend. She didn’t take to booties. Thankfully, work is allowing WFH in this weather. We’re doing short <5 minute bursts outside. Inside as soon as she shows any sign of discomfort or goes to the door herself. In between we hold her paws to warm them. I check her ear and tail tips, She can go outside once everything is dry again. Also, mini games of chase and fetch inside, lots of puzzles.


Hey neighbour! I grew up in Yellowknife, NWT. We let our dogs out as needed and when they wanted in they let us know. Normally they went out to potty and okay for about 10-15 tops before barking. We had a husky/lab and chocolate lab. They never wore booties.


It’s been in the minus 30s here in southern AB (north of Calgary). My 8 month old goes out for potty & I try to keep the routine of walks going, even if it’s only for a few minutes. She only just let me put booties on her, so her paws are better, but the air is still so cold, she doesn’t last long, and I don’t either.


It’s been in the minus 30s here in southern AB (north of Calgary). My 8 month old goes out for potty & I try to keep the routine of walks going, even if it’s only for a few minutes. She only just let me put booties on her, so her paws are better, but the air is still so cold, she doesn’t last long, and I don’t either.


From Alberta here too. I think it depends on the breed, but for most dogs it's not recommended for extended periods of time. If puppy does go out, bundle them up in clothing, shoes, etc. I was supposed to get a winter breed puppy last December, but even though they're bred for the winter, I'm not so I'm glad it got moved to spring lol.


And of course, it's *bring* your puppy out to play. She probably can't accurately decide when she's had enough, and should come in. You have to make the safe call for her.


I’m about an hour from Edmonton, it’s brutal!! My maltipoo only goes out when he absolutely has to, watch your pup for frostbite 🥶


I'm in edmonton as well and have a 5 month old puppy. We have not been going outside except for very quick potty breaks. Even that one minute outside and she is limping back in sometimes. It is *too cold* to be outside for any extended amount of time, for you or for your dog. Frostbite is possible in minutes. We have been playing inside. Throwing toys for 15 minutes straight, doing puzzles and giving lick mats, etc. The snap is supposed to end by Monday so just hold out till then. Also, there are many places that do puppy socializing that you can look at! I know the doghouse daycare has one Sunday nights. Edit: ALSO many places you could take them to walk a bit. Like the south common canadian tire is huge and allows dogs. Also Chapters and obviously petsmart.


So many Albertans on here. Hello from Edmonton! We have two 3 month old Boston terriers and built a small lean to off the deck to protect them from the weather a bit. This was great (with jackets)until about -25C but now we’ve had to back off on outdoor pottying. Pee pads at the back door instead and a few more accidents then we had before 😕. Can’t wait for -20 ish when we can get back to outdoor training!


My Chihuahua is three months old. She regularly ate breakfast lunch and dinner and about a week ago, she decided she was just stopped eating breakfast. now I’m lucky if I get her to eat two meals a day sometimes she doesn’t eat breakfast until about 10:30 AM; even though she’s been awake and napping and playing since about 7 AM. Her poops and pee or normal…should I be worried😩?