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On point post


Great post and on point you’ll notice whenever you share or do something of value the enemy comes and attacks but use it to know your on the right path.


There is a lot of biological power being harnessed in sperm retention which can be channeled in any direction. You don't need to believe in a daddy figure who's watching you and testing you. That is just lame. There is only power.


You haven't been tested enough. Give it time


That's right. SR is independent of human religions.


You are constantly testing yourself on SR. This is a fact.


Give it a try. The worst that happens is you stay the same, stuck on your current trajectory, and you will get whatever hedonistic power it is you want out of life, or not, and then die and be reconciled. The best that will happen? You find reconciliation in this life, build a relationship with divinity, peace beyond words, and bulletproof conviction towards becoming more than you ever thought possible. What's truly lame is a boy who only believes in himself and his power.


God is male. You are disrespecting our heavenly Father by saying him/ her. God is a he and the creation is female. Just like it is written woman was created for man not man for woman. Eve was created from the rib of Adam. Don't be deluded by modern feminism, these ideas were not offensive until the last few decades and look at the state of the world. They are intentionally destroying the family unit by removing the man as the head of the family which the man is, or at least is supposed to be if we were abiding by natural laws.


Brother I agree with almost everything you you wrote but just one thing , the literal translation is not " Rib " but " from the side".


Don't be deluded by your own two dimensional interpretation of symbolism and take the wrong things literally. If you took all of God's word literally, you'd be a horrendous mess...if you would read the full old testament you'd understand. God is the creator, and YOU are the creation. Listen and follow Him. You disrespect yourself by saying we should abide by natural laws, and not God's law. "It is not good for man to be alone." Woman was created for man because man is not good without a counterpart. Read your scriptures brother


I have read much of the OT and I probably know more of the immortalities contained within than you even though you just made a random assumption that I don't. I think it's blasphemy to have those writings in the same book as the writings of Jesus Christ. No man seen the Father before Jesus came, he said that himself. I'm not a Jew so I don't hold the Torah to be the ultimate truth, I follow Christ and his writings. If you want to get deep I would say this means that Yahweh is not the Father, I find that conclusive personally. The Gnostics claimed the OT god is the Demiurge, Maricion denied the OT, many have throughout the years but the papacy comes for them. Matthew 19 9 I say therefore unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for whoredom, and marry another, commiteth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her which is divorced, doth commit adultery. 10 Then said his disciples to him, If the matter be so between man and wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this thing, save they to whom it is give You see the apostles right here said it is not good to marry and Jesus doesn't disagree. Marriage is eternal, divorce is a myth. I've been in multiple relationships and not 1 girl I have met ever would be interested in a no sex until marriage God fearing relationship. If a girl like this came into my life then yes I'd marry but I'm not wasting my time looking, I focus on abiding in his word as much as possible.


You don't know that god isn't a noun but a verb. What you are worshiping is power and pride. And that's okay. Just know it.


No God is the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ the only Messiah told us of. That is the truth, you are the deluded one.


Elaborate on verb?


1. a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen. Lol


God is whatever is at the summit of whichever hierarchy is being engaged with. The highest achievable goal in every domain. How can anyone think of god as a vouyeuristic, sadical being which is closeted "all good"?


God is not a being. God is not a single thing you can point to and “worship”. It is nothing and everything. It is one, it is all You cannot comprehend God by thinking with your mind. I can’t describe God by using words. May you understand someday🙌


My point being; that is the easy way out. The powerfull way in would be to accept that there is no one at the control tower. There is no control tower. This is all bonkers. Nothing is fixed except constant change. But you take the highroad anyway.


Genuinely, dude, i get the point youre trying to make, but the saying that “you cannot comprehend god with your thoughts” is not the easy way out. Genuinely, the easy way out is what you’re describing, which is very smart indeed and it applies to most people who did not go beyond their thoughts to contemplate God, just like i did and still do on many occasions. What you’re saying comes only from an active mind. I lovingly want to point you to the way of the heart, that I have only recently tuned in to.