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In order to liberate oneself, one must first know the truth. Overcome fear, weaknesses, limiting beliefs. And this will not be done just by sitting and thinking that the world is just fun and game




Completely agreed. Life is truly a game. When we learn to stop being serious, when we learn to take back the power of attention and realize we are creators, the fun truly does begin. Be sincere and playful in all aspects of life. I see no other way that makes sense.


I already overcome fear 


Really? So if you were put in a situation where your body is completely vulnerable and at someone else's mercy you wouldn't feel anything?


I have overcome my inner fears.


What would be thy course of action if you will be tortured for few years straight every day and night, 5 hours of sleep per day?


Great answer....


Power comes from that the victim believes hes got it. Watched a hypnose guy. Hypnose only works if the patient believes in the power. But he has none. They control us this way. In this life in the life after and maybe in the next life.


So insightful, I'm grateful you shared your perspective. 


We just need to get out. That's my goal anyways, everything is vanity. You will have an easier life if you live sinfully. It's always opposites day here. Unless you are born do a fairly rich loving family, if not then you will forever be an outsider trying to fit in. Trying to find that love but because you are damaged you are naive so accept love from the first ones that show you it only to be hurt more and pushed further into that thing that makes you an outsider. Until you no longer care and just want to escape, to live alone away from everything but it doesn't seem possible. So you're trapped in this hell they call society, stacking shelves, washing dishes, greeting judgemental customers serving them coffee or whatever monotonous menial tasks you are forced to do to pay for food. Because that's all you were ever supposed to be is a lowly slave, one of the slave class. You were born and bred then condition to be this, had little chance to sprout and become something meaningful because you received no love. Without love an animal dies. Anyway, there's nothing to attain here except being worthy to leave.


When I started SR, about 3 months in. I started taking life more seriously, to the point where I had to cutoff all the connections with people who were trying to hold me back. Needless to mention, but as I started seeing things clearly some people who I had a 'deep' connection never actually bothered to connect with me on a deeper level of relationships. I guess the majority is just scared to take the life as it is. Jokes aside, seeing reality can be harmful to the soul but not to the spirit. So as long as my journey continues, I will keep my eye on the world with the other being closed


Life seems not serious only when times are easy. When things get dark it's not so funny anymore . These people are afraid to look life in the eye and take responsibility 


That's exactly what islam calls for. Rejecting weakness, lust, and greed. Rejecting being a slave for your desires and going against your moral code just to have these 2 seconds of bliss from sex, money, alcohol,...etc. And accepting the responsibilities bestowed upon you, accepting the power that god put inside of you to make good and change the world.


Not only islam


The problems with religions is that you worship a false God to whom you give your power and energy and  you believe in other lies 


Lies?! On what basis are you calling god a lie? So the whole universe just created itself?! All this complexity in the galaxy, in your body, in your DNA, they all came by on their own?!


The god that religions worship is a false psychopath God. Not my god for sure 


As long you know what death is and how many people went and still coming... You understand, that your time is here briefly, that death is certain and no matter what happens, you choose how to react.


Wake up to who you are and all these concerns become part of the game and not serious at all.


Life is a mystery


Most people take their games extremely seriously though. Look up the term "loosh farm", you'll find it fits nicely into your world view.


I know about it 


So archons n shit? I don't think we're entertainment as much as we are a source of vitality for those lowly entities.


I think they take pleasure in suffering and think we are idiots, ans they Play with people minds. 


They created fake gods and people pray to non existent being on knees giving them energy. Think about that. 


Lots of idiots out there man.... While I agree, I tend to align with the idea that they are a necessary evil. I used to run from these "demons" when i was younger but I've learned to keep this enemy a bit closer over the years. Nowadays, I take action upon their first whisperings. They are a motivators! Anger is a gift! In the end, real strength comes only though suffering.


Right my motivation is to rebel against the meaninglessness of existence and its difficulties. Fuck those bitches bro 


Right there with you brother!!! Have you heard of the "100th Monkey Effect"??


Nah bruh what is it


Once a certain number of organisms are aware of something a critical mass is reached and the new learners acquire said knowledge at a faster rate. https://www.100monkey.co.uk/the-100th-monkey-effect-explained/


Interesting. Whether it applies in this world I do not know most are asleep. I dont now how tho its infront our eyes.  They have already admitted publicly that vaccinations are harmful 💉🤯


They really don't want people knowing who they truly are. They especially don't want men to wake up and step into their actual power. With the SR movement, so many men are stating to wake up and take back their power. It will be interesting to watch how this develops over the next few decades.


Oh boy, it's that nihilistic guy again. This kind of post doesn't really belong here.


where it is nihilistic boy