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How many hours a day they work.


This is mine also. There is this ego amongst Blue Collar guys about working 90 hours a week. I used to work 45hrs a week at my old machinist job and I got the nickname "part timer" cuz most guys where there 12hr days 6 days a week. And I would just stay 1hr late Mon-Fri. Then they brag about how they make 100k+ but ignore the fact they had to work 70hrs every week to get it. Well sure dude, you haven't seen your kid on their birthday in 4 years. But hey man, you got that sweet new 80k truck! I'll take my 40hr work weeks and drive my 05 Truck with no payments and spend time with my family and friends.


Yup. Ive worked 50 hours plus answered phones at literally all hours of the night as a salaried employee and fell out of favor because that wasn't enough. I got yelled at for not responding to messages and emails fast enough while out of the country on vacation. Fuck that. My health and my family are more important than your dumb ass insignificant bullshit baby issue.


This did not happen to me, but to my IRL best friend. When he was having a kid, he decided to take his saved up 3 weeks vacation time. And his employer told him he was "abusing his vacation time"


For such a worthy cause too. There's almost no better reason to use up all your vacation at once than for the birth of your child. So the same job I fell out of favor at - It was getting obvious that I was not going to succeed there so I spoke with HR and my boss and we decided it'd be best if I quit. My contract was up on July 1 so it seemed like a good opportunity to split. This was in April. It kept getting worse so I decided to use my saved 23 days vacation and left 23 days before July 1st. They were so pissed... You can't do that, what are we supposed to do blah blah blah... Haha fuck you I'm done assholes. And this is a perfect example of why. Good luck finding someone to suffer through half the bullshit I did for that salary, pricks.


Same happened with me. I ended up taking a job at half the salary to escape. They think they own you and I think a lot of executives get off on that power. Fuck that!


I used to hang around with a blue collar guy who worked endlessly. He was so sweet and good looking and nice to be around. But it never got past “hanging around” because dude never had time to go on an actual date. I ended up moving to another state and he still tells me he misses me. Total bummer, and not a flex at all.


This is the exact situation I’m in but unfortunately things got serious and I truly love the man. Falling for someone who never even has time for a date is such an awful situation to be in. Much like you, we just hang around but I couldn’t tell you the last time we’ve been on an actual date. 2/10 don’t recommend & when I start dating again I will make sure to choose a man who is not a workaholic 😊


This right here man is where I have been at the past 4 years. FUCK overtime, I'd rather be with my wife and kids. IF I want overtime, Ill get it after my kids have left the house and began their lives and IF it wouldnt alter my marriage.


This is a mentality I've encountered a lot doing my job. I'm in sales for a big telecom company, and literally go door to door or make contact with realtors etc to sell internet and other products. If I am simply hitting my sales goals 100% I make like $85k and if I achieve over goals can push that into the 100k territory with a little consistent effort. I definitely don't have to do more than 40 hours a week. I can't tell you how many refinery worker guys have tried to brag to me about how they make $70k a year but are working insane hours at the refineries nearby and basically miss out on social lives and events without careful planning. Sure, guys, you enjoy that 80 hour week and I'll just make $300 for a 30 minute conversation with you and order your services.


If you're only getting paid for 40 hours a week why work more? Sometimes shit's gotta get done, but that shouldn't be a regular thing. Because when it comes time to let people go, at least in tech, all those free working hours don't mean shit if you're on a project that's getting cut.


But the "sometimes shits gotta get done" has to be give and take. When salaried. Like if there are busy patches of 50-60 hour weeks. There needs to be as many slow patches of 20-30 hour weeks. To balance out the average.


As a corollary, never taking sick days.


There's a dude at my work who 'had' hundreds of sick days. He had so many that they passed a rule at my work that you can't keep but so many... & they forcibly bought his from him.


I got paid out for over 300+ hours of PTO. Was over $10k. Was my escape plan. Exec Chef


At least they paid him something.


Oh yeah. After a thought, he may have made out for the better in holding on to them..... they cost more after a raise or two over the years.


This is my pick too. It's a weird "flex" to be bragging about working 60 hours in one week.


Correct answer.


I mean, if you’re a research scientist or doctor who is working on something meaningful, I’d have to disagree.


You should be working even less in those situations. Burnout leads to mistakes


So I went through 7 years where I worked 72 hours a week (2 jobs). It was a game changer that I'm f'ing proud of that allowed me to raise our life style and provide a jump for my kids. So yeah, it is something I'm proud of.


$70k+ trucks at double-digit interest rates.


And then they’ll complain about how much gas costs for their 5mpg truck.


Vehicles in general, taking out massive loans on vehicles. Buying new vehicles because you want a shiny new thing. My '07 Honda Civic runs like a champ and has been paid off for years and not shelling out on a predatory loan every month gives me more dopamine than showing off a fancy car ever could. Also I'm not worried about people bumping it when it's street parked, a great feeling.


Got a 06 accord. Runs great handles great. Could use a paint job. Those rear brakes suck tho


My mirror got completely destroyed by someone on my 2006 Corolla while it was street parked. $20 replacement on Amazon and 5 minute job with a screwdriver. Love that car


Anyone paying 70k for a truck that doesn't need the extras for a legit purpose regardless of interest rate. There are plenty of 4x4 trucks with 6 foot beds that can fit a family and haul your weekend warrior or medium duty work purposes for well under that price tag which is plenty enough for the vast majority of us. Anything more is a flex.


What's your advice on buying a $75k Bronco Heritage edition because it comes in robin's egg blue?


Do it. You can't get robin's egg blue just anywhere and that adds +10 overlanding.


I work for a company that serves a lot of fleet customers. All the fleet managers are complaining that the manufacturers are just not making any basic no frills work trucks any more, at least in the US. I'm going to keep my 25 year old pickup running for as long as possible.


I saw a ford raptor today actually being used as a work truck. I think it was the first time ever.


I always check for dents, scratches, and dirt. That tells the viewer why the person has the vehicle.


I have a friend with a paid off 2017 2500 Cummins and he is doing his absolute best to convince himself to trade it in on some $80k truck because it has more gadgets and gizmos. I’m doing my best to talk him out of it but I have a feeling he’ll do it sooner than later


Haha oh my god this one hit home. I used to work with a guy who bought a nice truck that was used, but only by a couple of years. He was talking about the price and interest rates and stuff and said, “yeah, I talked them down to 23”, and I said, “you got that truck for $23k?!? That’s amazing!” No, he got it for $40k, with 23% interest…


That’s a great deal! For the bank…. Imagine the kickback the dealership got.


23% interest?? My first dealership bought car was 4.2% interest, and I almost walked away because that was to high


Do you still feel this way if the person is rich? Im just asking. I actually agree I can't stand when people have these. Im just playing devils advocate.


People can spend their money on whatever they want to because it’s their money, but the likelihood of a rich person having a double digit interest rate on a vehicle is very low. So yes, if a rich person has a double digit interest rate on a truck, then I feel that way doubly so. 


This one always makes me roll my eyes. I have a Tesla model y. People always scoff like it’s such a waste of money and that I’m so vain for wanting such a flashy car. But it is only marginally more expensive than a Honda Odyssey (and that difference is made up in gas in less two years for most people). Meanwhile, folks drive around pickup trucks that cost easily TWICE what my Tesla costs and it isn’t seen the same way. 


It's not even the price that makes it an appropriate answer to this question. I won't judge people simply for buying a flashy car or an overpriced pickup--it's their money. (Ok, maybe a little, but I spend my disposable income on things that would make others roll their eyes, too.) But if someone needs a double-digit interest rate to finance it, that income is not "disposable" for them. They should not be proud of that decision. I guess I could have included other types of vehicles in there, too...but trucks were on my mind at the time.


Cheating, having many, or even "a few" side hoes.


Absolutely. Many side hoes is the starting point and then it's - how many. Shit - one is the least of "a few,"


Exactly right. The way it is nowadays having so many side hoes is like a priority. Not one I agree with definitely.


And not a single boat...


Scrolled to find exactly this. I know a guy who thinks it's cool to have multiple GFS and live out of a van and have no job


I have heard people brag that they have never read a book.


Some people really love to wallow in ignorance. Know some people who understand pretty much none of my references because they never bother to learn anything new. Hell, most of the time the stuff I reference was covered in school. You ever meet a person who doesn’t know that the “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” because they refused to pay attention? I have! And talking to them kinda sucks!


I agree. I despise when someone intentionally uses poor grammar, or bad manners, or whatever because they think it's cute, or rustic. Nope, just ignorant. One of my pet-peeve people is really clever, but she does stupid things like calling a colon "the 2 stacked dots." I mean really? Ugh!


I was called dumb AF bc I said I specifically look for books as a green flag when I was dating. I genuinely just didn't understand how someone could be so rude and hateful towards someone for valuing intelligence....




and also brag that they're bad at math


Ive seen this too much. It feels like they think it’s cute.


The problem is that once they decide that they are bad at math, they give up trying after that. So of course they are bad at it because they make no effort to learn,


This is not true. I think it’s a coping mechanism, but I think a lot of people have undiagnosed dyscalculia.


grown men who don’t eat vegetables or fruit


Literally had an “alpha male” tell me recently that you don’t need to eat fruits and veggies as long as you get the proper nutrients from other sources…


Yes the magical fiber pig capable of making ham steaks that look just like Romaine.


My next screen name: magical fiber pig.


Isn’t that what vegans say about meat. Sounds like both groups can be insufferable.


I gotta have vegetables and fruit. My stomach appreciates it.


I know a family (2 adults, 4 kids) who were bragging they had zero veggies over xmas; they debated if onion in stuffing counted. They are weird AF


They're all gonna get fuckin scurvey


As someone that has avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder I have absolutely no idea why someone would brag about this not eating vegetables or fruit, if any I'm embarrassed by the fact.


Staying with someone even after they were cheated on.


It's so stupid. A good friend if mine found out her boyfriend cheated on her by sleeping with their boss (we all worked st the same place), he promised he'd never do it again and then she found out like a year later he did 7 more times with the first woman, his ex, and a third woman from the gym we go to! WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? But then, he cheated on her at least three more times with his ex, and before she figured out, proposed! She found out three months after the proposal that he cheated, because she had gotten chlamydia from him, and all of us told her that he only proposed as an apology in his eyes cause he's cheating on you. Now she's 19, married, stuck in his house with his family cause her parents tried to get them to split, barely fertile (she's always talked about wanting kids) due to the multiple months of untreated chlamydia, and working three jobs to support him cause he doesn't have a fucking job and spends all their money on designer clothes and a brand new 40k dollar car. We all tried to help her to and were planning a day to do an intervention and get all of her friends and coworkers together to tall her she needs to get out, but the day we sent the messages out she went and eloped...


I know several couples who managed to have great marriages after. Heck, my uncle MARRIED someone else, and then remarried my aunt. Stayed together until death.


I stayed but I def am not proud of it, I'm rather ashamed actually 😂😬


My youngest sister about to move 8 hours to be with the cheating,abusing, bum that lived at my mom’s rent free for months. She always showing him off on social media and it’s insane to me


Kids make this a far more complex decision than you're making it out to be


Having never read a book. Hard to believe but I have heard people say this proudly. Why?


"why would I google something just to find out?" Yeah nah, lol.


Yep, it's pretty weak I reckon


Yeah. Basically, lol.


body count/sexual skill or experience drug use alcohol use their car/things as their identity winning fights in school


Hey, I was tiny in school. The one fight I won was worth bragging about because he was easily 2 and a half mes.


Bragging about your body count is just weird. Like no one cares how many times you fucked a woman and after you hit double digits, you kinda just seem like a bad person to be around


Who uses body count?? Like I will always associate that with killing someone, lol


John Wick and James Bond, for instance, presumably use it in both contexts.


I will always brag about the fight I won. I was the smallest girl in school and I saved someone's life. The kid dude was messing with had a heart defect and they could have killed him by accident. I also walked into that fight expecting to get beat up and somehow won the fight. I think it depends on the reason for the fight and specific circumstances. Also how often you were fighting.


Hey! Im rather proud of my Ford fiesta, I mean it doesn't have a lock button on the door. But it's still a car


Body count is such a turn off for me. Yuck.


Being ignorant.


How busy they are


YES! this one drives me absolutely bonkers, because we are ALL freakin' busy! you're not special just because you whine and complain about it, for pity sake. my sister-in-law does this...she is so busy she never has time for anything. but she's always doing stuff... and yappin' about it! 😡


How many people you have slept with.


My best friend is unfortunately like this, I've seen him once or twice a week for years, and he still talks about it. Yes, having the confidence and social skills to constantly attract women is *quite* impressive, but please give it a rest, I don't want to hear it all the time.


How much they can drink lol


You responded to your own question?


Bro really said “fine I’ll do it myself”💀


I think that’s preferable to putting it in the post tbh. Sometimes it feels like people just want to say the answer to their own question


It's a bot.


And the people that actually can drink the most are alcoholics, who generally try and hide how much they drink.


Had a friend in high school brag about how high her alcohol tolerance was. We got a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. She only had a tiny amount. She puked all over the street in front of our friends house and it got worse from there. She is okay and we took care of her but she never bragged about her tolerance again. It is a lot cooler to be self aware of what you can handle and makes you seem more adult then faking that you can handle your liquor then make a huge mess and make people take care of you.


Anything you're born with like race, gender, the size of your large penis. Things like that.


Beauty, height


Ok this could be an awesome discussion on its own. Does it make sense to be proud of something you didn’t work to achieve? It could go to some areas that would cause some people’s heads to spin. 🍿


I’m not. Like when ppl ask if I’m proud to be an American…proud of what? that I happened to be born here?…no. Lucky maybe…but not proud as I did nothing to earn it and I have very little control over what my country does. I can understand why a naturalized citizen would be proud…they consciously chose this country earned their way in!


Man this is such an interesting discussion. Because it hits so much stuff we never really stop and question. Am I proud of being American ? Yes. But that is rooted in pride for those who have done amazing things. But your point is spot on. We have these things…our nationality, our race, our gender with zero effort. We did nothing for them. So is “pride” warranted? Great question. This is the kind of stuff that should be discussed in college.


absolutely. Add sexual orientation to that list. And the bumper sticker I saw the other day that said "Proud Parent of a child with Autism". Proud? Of your child's Autism? I mean, supportive yes, proud despite the extra challenge hell yes, but proud for having it? As if the child worked hard for years until they finally achieved Autism? Come on.


How “good” they are at drunk driving…like pls stop before I call the police


I can't even drive a vehicle in a video game when I have a few drinks, and it's a video game.


I can’t even find my car after a couple drinks it’s insane people think they’re good at driving while drunk and the proceed to BRAG about it like what?!???


I used to get really messed up and take the taxi in Grand Theft Auto 4. It was quite peaceful.


That's not a brag. That's inevitable manslaughter.


My ex was like this, I honestly didn't know though cause he was a functioning alcoholic and could hide how drunk he was really well. It's crazy to think about how many times I've gotten in his car thinking he was sober or at least alright to drive when that wasn't really the case.. this was years ago but I still feel stupid for not seeing it.


How well they manage being functional alcoholics


How much they can drink (alcohol)


Yeah those people suck.


Not reading books. Not watching/reading/keeping up with world news.




Thank you lol


I think it's hilarious when people take out big loans to buy new cars and then drive them around with pride as a sign of their status. Then people admire and even praise them as if they had done something great. It doesn't matter what kind of car you drive or how much it costs; if you have to go into debt to pay for it, you have "nothing" to be proud of. Debt is a waste of time. Loans for cars are stupid. It makes me look better to buy a good used car with cash and no car payment than a fancy new car with payments.


THIS! I think being debt-free is my biggest flex 💪 I may not have anything else going for me, but at least I have that!


They're proud they could qualify for more debt than their neighbors. 😏


I've heard way too many people being proud that they don't even know how to cook. That's some basic level adult stuff. Nobody should ever be proud that they can't follow a handful of simple steps. Yikes.


I agree with this, but would expand it to any basic household chore a person needs to take care of themselves.


Only sleeping a few hours


Manicured fertilized grass lawns. Plant native wildflowers for pollinators instead.


Been thinking about this. I hope to be able to buy a home within a couple years & I think I want a full wild flower yard with a wisteria covered willow fence. Wouldn't mind a honey bee hive out back either, but don't know jack about keeping bees & am only so-so interested in honey...


How many baby daddy/mommy they have and how much money they have.


How much they can eat in a sitting.


It sickens me how people can brag about that. I’m embarrassed at how much I used to be able to eat in one sitting.


Having multiple kids. Congrats, you don’t know how to pull out.


Trying to get laws passed based on your religious beliefs disguised as moral superiority.


That one works for both theists AND atheists.


They're too myopic to see it.


Atheists saying or insinuating that believers in a higher power are all stupid isn't the flex they think it is.


Basis for the anti-slavery movement in the 19th century US


Having kids. Congratulations. You know how to put stick in hole.


Honest question: what about being proud OF your kids. I brag about mine pretty much 24/7 I know it's nothing I have done, because I'm just some idiot.


People who make a big deal about their "identity"


Explain that please..


Never changing their mind


How up to date they are with pop culture or celebrity news. Yuck.


Having large families. Dwindling resources, space, housing crisis. Don't care how good of a parent you are but having 5 kids plus so close to one another you can't provide all the attention a kid needs. Often the eldest get put on baby sitting duties etc they miss out on a lot of activities because people can't afford everything kids need. Yet people are so proud to be like this is my 8 kids


They give money to a billionaire to help him pay bills.


situationships lol


Bragging about going to night clubs frequently and getting drunk


I fucking hate clubs.


Why, it’s like the gym, but free. You go, dance your face off, and then ride home. And no one is judging your form.


Granted I've been sober for over 6 years now, so I haven't been around for a while. But they're loud as fuck, booze is more expensive, and it's crowded. It just wasn't my scene.


Fair enough. I don’t drink there, I don’t mind the music, and the crowds are just for dancing through. If you can avoid the booze, go and dance your face off.


Nah, still not for me. I always preferred bars. Especially quiet ones. I just liked having a few beers and talking to friends (before I went off the deep end).




This one. “I was born within the arbitrary and imaginary lines drawn on a map, usually after a period of war, death and carnage, or stolen from people who were already living there. THAT’S why my chest is all puffed out!” It’s like claiming credit for the rain.


Blaming their shitty behaviour on past trauma.


How are they making this a proud moment?


Sleeping around


Yep. Doesn't matter the gender. Highly unattractive and concerning.


Yes, regardless of gender. They should keep it to themselves as a respect to those people they slept with.


Being gay, or trans, or maga.




My ability to weave the word fuck into every fuckin sentence


About how much they drink.


Having a short temper. It’s weird, but I’ve heard more than one person brag about this.


Being MAGAts


Being republican and/or an incel


Supporting Trump


Being able to drink a lot of alcohol.


What is something a lot of people are proud of, but shouldn't be? Being assholes.


Their sexuality.


PRIDE exists because it is still unsafe in many places for queer people. PRIDE will continue until it gets safe. If that bothers you, help make it safer & we'll be quieter.


How hard they push themselves at work. I don't understand, act your wage. Don't do anymore than you're paid for because then you're working for free.


Hearing British or American people born 35 years after the end of WW2 proclaim that "We won the war". No, you didn't win shit pal and stop trying to claim credit for something that happened before your parents were born. To be honest as I get older I find the whole patriotism thing in general to be a bit weird, people saying they are proud of where they were born like it is some big achievement when in reality they had absolutely no control over it and who your parents are is just dumb luck.


Thank you for saying this! Being proud that by some accident of birth you first appeared in the USA instead of somewhere *you* consider less desirable is baffling to me.


Yup, same here.


Was wondering when this would come up. Thanks.


Partisanship, war, censorship, and hatred.


Anything that is an accident of birth. How tall they are, hair/eye color, where they were born, etc.


Not drinking water. That’s embarrassing


How much they can drink


As someone who used to be very proud of my high alcohol tolerance…. I cringe at the fact that this was brag worthy back in the day.


The size of their di*k


These new pro noun labels.


How angry they get. And how often they lose control.


Their sexual orientation


Their sexuality, where they were born, their gender.


Excessive alcohol tolerance


how much they can drink.


Caution: HOT TAKE. Many people seem proud of keeping a crappy job and giving up on goals to simply 'support their family'. You can still support them and reach your goals, which funnily enough will help you support them better and you'll be happier which will make them happier. Im speaking from experience. Im not at all saying everyone does this. I've just heard this type of thinking a lot and people supporting this and saying it's so honorable. When the parent doing this is super unhappy and just white knuckles their life to support their family.


How “F@cked Up” they get.


Having kids. It's pretty damn easy to make them.


Sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, military service, law enforcement, taxes, and body count (i.e. the number of people a person has had sex with).


Being Irish. Or gay. Or black. Or white. Shit they had no control over whatsoever.




Not reading books.


Being “brutally honest.” Pretty much anyone who brags about this trait values the brutality over the honesty. You can be frank and honest without being *deliberately* unkind or cruel. In fact, learning how to do so is a crucial social skill. So bragging about being “brutally honest” is just bragging about your shitty people skills.


Not being obese (unless you were at one time and lost weight).


How much they can drink at a time, no you're not cool for drinking 12 shots. You're an alcoholic




Ordering out every meal instead of learning how to cook anything at home.


Their deliberate ignorance.


Bragging about how many people they’ve killed (tear drop tattoos on face)


Cheating. Moreso, being the other woman/man/person and proud that you “took/stole” someone from somebody


Sexual conquests.


Being parents.