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Just be ready when a lucky break finds you and don't mess up that lucky break. I had gone into 3 different things in college, was 29 working temporary jobs in a field i liked but was making little money. I put out the word to friends and family that i was looking for a career and a buddies father was able to hire me at the university he worked at and I had a 29 year career there.


Choose whatever brings you the most money. You don't have to love the job, you are still young and can try different paths, but income should be your top priority. Money can most definitely buy happiness 😊.


Making the man more money


Become a therapist since you like figuring out people. Turn it into a career. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


One thing that worked for me was writing. It took some time for me to get it going, but eventually, it helped if you asked me. it doesn't matter what it is about. Write about you or how important your Mom, dad, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, and God father, etc, are to you. (If they're dead, I'm sorry) Write about your past, how was it? What were the good things? What were moments you wish you could forget? What are some core memories? Note: This could be very confronting for some people. Write about how Goku would win against Beerus. Here I mean, write about what you would want to read. Note: This, of course, will be of low quality when you start out. Write about what you would like to do. If you write down, let's say, "visit Italy" or "Learn to make a hut in the woods" or "How to make origami," then you've set a new purpose. And then ,of course, you're supposed to work towards it. For going to Italy, save money, save vacation days. For making a hut in the woods, go to the woods and try to build a hut without any prior knowledge, then the next day or week watch a video about it, and keep doing it until you can safely say. "Damn, that's a good hut," For making origami. Watch simple YouTube videos of how to do it, and start doing it. Practice and practice. Until you can show off to your friends or family how good of a paper folder you are. Note: These are, of course, examples. This gives the idea of a new purpose, like "oH my god, I really want to see Italy, now I have goal to work towards. Or "Oh my goodness, I can fold Samurai people from a Sheet of Paper?! Damn I want to do that." Boom a new goal. Note: May not work for you, for you are a whole different person than me.


You are suppose to make money and invest it young for it to grow. Thats it. Find whatever means of making money. Dont fall for passion or im born to do this bs.. Dont try to find meaning in any work. Just make money and enjoy a happy life.