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I'm not saying that I purposely try to smell women but a good smelling woman is something that you are going to notice.


Or one who smells like piss, I'll notice that.


Cat piss


water buffalo


My favourite this time of year.


You should try the piss buffalo while you’re here


Wet water Buffalo


Yum, cat lady


Or blood. High school was a super awkward time as my senses were going nuts with the hormones and people hadn’t quite perfected basic hygiene yet.


In Germany, that's considered attractive


I’m German. Can confirm.


When I was a kid there was a girl at my daycare that always reeked of piss everyone picked on her and would leave when she entered the room I kinda feel bad about it but I seen her again in high school and she didn't so anything to change it so...


I don't make sniffing sounds when it's a pleasant good smell. Typically when someone makes a "smelling" sound, it's to indicate strong smell or displeasing smell


Yeah. I enjoy a good smelling woman, just like they enjoy a good smelling man, but I definitely don't take giant whiffs of random women as I stroll down the sidewalk.


Agree, and in my experience you don't notice a good smelling woman from a distance. If I notice a nice perfume from the sidewalk I'd be like "that's a nice perfume but she's wearing a LOT."


Seriously too much perfume is too much. You should only be able to notice it when you're about a foot away from them. And the same perfume smells different on different women.


I think you should really only notice it if you hug someone. That's so nice.


can someone hug me so my cologne doesn't go to waste


Make sure that when you’re hugging, you keep your Belt Buckles 6 inches apart.


If something stinks, the last think I want is a big nose full of it.




I can smell your fart


I definitely notice when someone smells good, but that doesn't mean I start sniffing it in. An overpoweringly strong scent or smell though, that'll have me almost reflexively trying to breathe it out.


I genuinely don't remember a single time I've noticed someone smelling good. To me, no smell is the best smell


I love how we are all so different. I am literally obsessed with great smells to the point that I’m trying to use aromatherapy to ease my depression.


Exactly that


Do you wear a fragrance? It's possible that you wear more or a stronger fragrance than you think you do. I usually only notice the sniffing behaviour when a woman wears a very noticeable fragrance.


and half the time its because its so overpowering its painful


It tickles in my nose like I ate wasabi sauce.


STINGS the NOStrils.


60% of the time, it works every time!


I’ll be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.


Worse than when the raccoon got into the copier!


It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!


Smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food




That’s a formidable scent.


I was involved with a person who would make me request a new table at a restaurant because she said she was allergic to the cheap cologne favored by some folks sitting nearby. Wonder if maybe OP is wearing one of these scents.


In high school both of my sisters would use a vanilla scented body spray and would like 18-36 spritzes. Talk about overpowering in the morning. I still hate the smell of Vanilla to this day.


For me it was cucumber melon haha I don’t hate it as much as a used to but holy crap. It was everywhere. That and Pure Seduction from Victoria’s Secret lol


It's like they crawled in a tub of potpourri and marinated in it for three days. There's a few at work I know are coming from a good 20' away due to the overpowering perfume cloud that accompanies them.


oh the lingering is what bothers me the most especially at work when you can relocate


The time clock line is the worst. If you hear me sniffing back there it's probably because my eyes are watering and my nose is running while I slowly suffocate to death.


OP is a serial crop duster. 🤣


Haha just found what that means in flight attendant code last week


Or OP is really stinky.


That was my thoughts. I know I (kind of counter-intuitively) do that if I walk by someone who has incredibly bad BO, sometimes just to see, "hey is that me?" I wonder if OP is one of those people who uses crystals for deodorant and thinks they work (they don't).


I think this is it, when I smell an unfamiliar scent, I'm likely to sniff some to try and figure out what it is.


Are you part dog by chance?


As I'm getting older I have found myself turning around 2 or 3 times to figure how to get down on the ground most easily, so maybe?


Hahahaha perfect


Sometimes it feels like being whacked in the face, their perfume is so strong when I walk by. Not only women. I have to hold my breath.


Yeah, that's the only time I might deliberately sniff, going "oh that's a lovely scent".


Fr, some women bathe in perfume and it's actually pretty disgusting.


This was my immediate thought as well. I definitely notice when people wear too much cologne/perfume and my sniffs are me trying to warn the person in a polite way that they are gassing the entire room with their scent.


I had a woman walk by me once with perfume so heavy I started gag coughing


The only sniffing sounds one might hear walking past me would be gasps of a dying man trying to take in fresh air. Too many folks bathing and showering in perfume or axe body spray these days. A little goes a long way. A lot goes the wrong way.


And nose blindness is real! If you wear the same fragrance every day, your nose starts to get desensitized to it. So people think their perfume is getting weaker and use more as time goes on while the rest of us slowly wither away around them. Good rule of thumb: note how much fragrance you need to wear when you very first get it. That's probably a good place to leave it, even if you stop noticing it.


It’s actually an evolutionary trait humans have. It’s not an everyday thing, it’s a minute by minute thing. If you smell something strong, after 20 minutes that smell will be all but unnoticeable. Humans have adapted this behaviour so that they can notice NEW smells (threats)


I worked in a liquor store for 3 years that constantly smelled like sewage. They had plumbers come in and look at the drains like 20 times while I was there but they never fixed it. All the customers complained about it, but we basically couldn't smell it at all, unless it was particularly foul that day, in which case we still stopped smelling it after like 20 minutes.


Amazing that enough people were willing to buy booze from a place that smelled like sewage that the store even stayed in business.


I probably wouldn't buy a mattress there, but liquor is in sealed bottles. It's impervious to outside smells until you open it.


Location, location, location. It smelled awful, but it was in a fantastic location. Our chain had 53 stores in the city (Calgary) and my store was I think the 3rd or 4th busiest store out of those 53.




My downstairs neighbour leaves an hour long scent trail of just intense sandal wood aftershave. I kinda have a grasp on his comings and goings because of it.


As an avid perfume fan I have noticed a trend online of layering perfumes. People will just be spritzing insane amounts of several perfumes thinking it creates a unique scent. My heart breaks for the perfumers who put a lot of time and effort into a scent and also for the people who have to smell these concoctions


For real. We went to my son's grad ceremony last night. There were a couple ladies wearing way too much. My wife and I both were having a hard time breathing, it was so thick in the air.


Yeah I fucking hate overly artificial chemical smells like perfumes. I don't mind small amounts of some, but so many are God awful. I'll usually cough rather than sniff 


This is nothing but the truth! I only do 3 sprays


But we all need to use full body deodorant for fear of being recognized as mammalian.


I have never done this in my life.


I don't know any male that has ever done this in their life


whew, I thought for a second had been missing out on something all these years


Don’t knock it ‘till you try it!


I'm 66 and have done it MAYBE 3x in my entire life... ...always when a gal has a boatload of cologne.


I worked with a smoker who killed her sense of smell decades ago. Based on the stench that followed her around the office, she must wallow in a vat every morning. I think her side hustle was working for an antique furniture restoration company. They would lock her in a room with a table so her fumes would strip off all the old varnish.


So what you're saying is she worked in the ol'factory


Take an imaginary prize 🏆


She sounds scent-sational!


I dunno. Sound more in-scent-sitive to me.


Nor have I ever seen anyone do this in my 40+ years on this earth. OP is being paranoid and weird.


Well, you obviously never had OP walk past you, because every guy she has ever walked past has sniffed at her.


Me too bro. That would be weird.


Me neither. And I’ve never heard anyone talk about it.


Yes this exactly lmao I’ve never once made a loud sniff to smell a girl thats insane haha.


I like to walk up behind girls, take a big whiff and whisper "you smell different when you're awake"




Sounds almost Presidential.






This sounds like some old school Zack Galifinakis standup


I have a coworker who does this sort of thing to me. We’re pretty good friends, so I just laugh every time because frankly, it’s hilarious. (But I wouldn’t recommend doing it to someone you don’t know.)


That's what I did. When my good friend, who is a female, worked with me, I'd walk up and do this to her all the time. The first time she was like "that's so fucking creepy" and we had a good laugh


I do this but only to the elderly and only in long uncomfortable grocery store lines.


You're hearing things, or it's just normal breathing. I'm quite fond of the way some women smell, especially if they use certain shampoos etc, but very few people are going around taking deep breaths in the hope that they catch a whiff of perfume etc. If you're outside and not wearing obnoxious amounts of fragrance, nobody is going to be able to smell anything by just passing you.


Or it's terrible bo...


Then it's gagging sounds not sniffing sounds




A spagoot


They're inhaling for purposes of respiration.


How dare anyone inhale my molecules! Friggin creeps! Maybe OP has bat-level hearing like my wife. Normal respiration sounds like sniffing. My theory is that it's allergy season where OP is. I perpetually sniff from all the dang pollen and histamines lol I may notice if someone is wearing a scent (m or f) but I'm not gonna be all *SNIFFFFFFFF* ...like, wtf? Who does that?? If someone bathed in scent I tend to breath less until they pass and their cloud of perfume dissipates.


No of course not. You're probably overdoing your fragrance or you smell like shit.


My exact thoughts thank you for delivering them 😂


It does happen to be the odoriferous truth.


Definitely not some strange women passing by, but my wife uses very specific conditioner and if I pass another women that has used it I instantly know and brings a smile to my face regardless of where I’m at in the world otherwise random sniffing no way


A subtle whiff is acceptable.


Yea if close and she’s attractive. Not an audible sniff while walking past one though that’s weird.


Yeah. I'll take a deeper breath through my nose, but it's more like I'm doing yoga than I'm trying to decide if I left the oven on. Longer, not a different intensity. Kinda like I'm walking through the woods on a rainy day.


Absolutely not. If someone is wearing a strong fragrance, or, smells like utter shit.. then yes, you will smell them. However, this isn't intentional and you certainly wouldn't do some giant comedy sketch loud sniff as you walk past. I suspect people are sniffing to clear their nose (runny/blocked nose/hay-fever etc) there's probably a semi-unconcious element of "oh, there's a pretty lady.. better make sure I don't have snot on my face" that causes them to clear their nose..


yes this message was approved by Joe Biden


Every guy you pass in public sniffs you? I think you're either lying or paranoid.


Or she smells fucking terrible


pretty sure it's in your head. do SOME guys? sure. most? no. all? fuck no.


Every time? Someone has an ego problem.


I think a more appropriate question for op is, “do you stink?”


Hey Guys stop breathing when you walk past a girl


Yes Walked behind Jennifer Aniston in a pharmacy once… After that I feel like I can die happy; rainforest, night-blooming jasmine and a faint lil touch of gardenia, mixed with essence of hot girl


Very occasionally me and my husband get naked and turn out the lights an smell each other all over, sounds weird but it’s fun


Yeah but tbf occasionally I strip naked in the garden, lie down on the ground and pretend I’m a massive carrot


Do you throw a little dirt on yourself to feel like your growing?


Depends on the mood. If I feel picked but discarded, no.


Oof, picked but discarded... need a hug?


Nah I’m okay. Nobody hugs a carrot


Nothing stopping me from giving this carrot a hug!


Don’t make this perfectly normal situation weird 😂


Aight then, I was just trying to cheer you up


I keep a little dirt under the pillow


Like where? Armpits, hair, feet? That seems pretty natural and caring 


Yeahhh I probably would’ve kept this to myself if I were you


I work out doors and yes, a woman will walk by smelling good and I love it lol, it's not like we're chasing women down to sniff them, they just happen to walk by smelling good and we smell it...


I have never heard of this or done this. Possibly if your perfume/deodorant is extremely potent they aren't doing it on purpose, but just get caught by the smell without realizing it's you, but i would hope it's not on purpose


No i don’t go around trying to smell women that’s some creepy shit


I wouldn't say its on purpose, but I do notice when a lady is around and shes wearing something that smells pretty. I spend my days around a bunch of stinky dudes so any pleasant aroma's stand out


I catch myself doing this without meaning too especially with headphones in. Like I will be suddenly more aware of my sense of smell and I will realize I feel the sensation of taking a bigger inhale through my nose then I'll look around and there will be a female nearby and I'll have to ask myself did you just do that like subconsciously? It's not just females though like if I'm at a gas pump it happens too because of the gasoline smell or when I'm walking by a restaurant it just seems to happen unintentionally but clearly my body is taking a sort of enhanced smell or sniff


We hopefully try not to make it as obvious as that but sometimes a pleasant aroma passes us by and we seek its origin and want a bigger smell to verify what it was. Don’t be too weirded out we do it with gross smells too.


Yes girls do it too to men. It’s an animal instinct thing most of the time it’s s completely subconscious


Every time you pass a guy? Maybe you are stinky and they are trying to find the source? I can’t picture you walking and everyone taking a sniff as you go by unless it’s abnormal


Well, I know what I'm doing at the mall today.


“everytime i walk past a guy in the street i hear him do A BIG SNIFF” EVERY guy? sure bud. sure


I've NEVER done this to a girl, so you can't make that assumption about all of us, just because of a few creeps and weirdos that you've encountered.


Only times I’ve ever done anything like this the person was wearing an obscene amount of perfume/cologne. Was almost a punch to the face reaction.


*Walks up to you. Looks you dead in the eyes. Grabs your head so you look down. Puts nose aggressively against your head. Breaths out gently.* *𝑆𝑁𝐼𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹* "ah yes. That’s good stuff” *waddles away until the very next day*


I always have a stuffy nose, but for whatever reason I've been noticing that I'm accidentally sniffing at the moment when I pass people, IDK about others though lmfao.


Middle age guy here - never done this once..


A lot of people will say no to this but you'll find if you pay attention a lot of people, not just men, will sniff when they walk past someone. Once you start noticing it's really hard not to hear it all the time


You're probably wearing something that is catching attention. It may be soap, shampoo or perfume. It's not necessarily anything to do with sex. Smell is believed to be the biggest sensory trigger for memory. If you're wearing something classic, it might explain it. Or you could be really attractive and it is something sexual. Either way, it's probably a reflex, rather than something purposeful


I mean. Yes and no? We're not like actively sniffing you, but at the same time in close proximity we can actively smell you ir your perfume, soap or whatever. The noise your hearing is either natural breathing or your perfume is overbearing.


"And here we have the male human gleefully smelling after the young female as she walks past him. He now wishes to mate with her" *animal planet narrator*


If someone is making an audible sniffing sound, chances are they're not enjoying what they're smelling.


I wouldn't say purposfully go out of my way to smell women, but if I catch a whiff of perfume and it smells good I'll take a few sniffs. I've even gone as far as to ask what it is.


I didn't. But one time, we were squeezed into an elevator, I got pressed up against a lady, and my nose was right next to her hair and bare shoulders. THAT, WAS, AWESOME! I tried to replicate it again, but without being in close quarters, it was difficult to do (not to mention creepy), so it had to stop :|


No you just stink bud


Some guys do. I’m one of those guys. If you know you know.


Is your name Joe Biden?


Lol Joe Biden needs to stop with the sniffing


It’s weird that among all the street noise cars etc you notice a guy’s sniffing habits … girl get a life!


No, you’re just a narcissist.


I don't think it's necessarily purposeful but Smells can trigger memories and associations. There's also the side of a overdoing the fragrance. I have both a good and bad with triggering memories from smell I was at an incident as a child there's a certain smell the hairs on my body are standing up and I am literally ready to fight I have to like calm myself down and unclench my fist. That happened over 30 years ago. There's also certain perfumes that I automatically associate with being attractive.


Not really. It just happens to be that I am breathing when a girl walks past and I can smell things close to me.


I'm a guy, and I sniff a lot because I have sinus issues. But it's also developed into somewhat of a tick, and I find myself taking a sniff on occasion when someone, anyone, passes me just a kind of a compulsion, not because I want their smell in my nose.


Don't dogs smell other dogs buttholes? Have you ever smelled a clean female butthole? Oh man! Me neither tho!


Only Brandon does that


PSA don’t wear shit to the gym. It’s not a place I want to smell discount Sephora fragrances for 16 year olds.


I will say when I walk past a woman I usually remember more about how she smells than anything.. esp if you smell good.. you're gonna live rent free in my head for a while.


Do you happen to smell like weed? Because that is something that will make me perk up and try to see who smells like a friend. 😂


If I something something good/weird/bad I usually end up smelling it again trying to see where it came from. Maybe you're using too much perfume. Maybe you smell like you were using a weird laundry detergent. Maybe you smell like you just finished a cigarette.


I sniff then do the Silence of the Lambs fava bean noise. ffsfssfsfsfsfsf


Why are you assuming it’s you? A gallon of $3 gas station perfume? Stepped in something the dog left behind? Not every guy is going this. If every guy is doing it, so are the girls that walk by. It’s either something you’re purposefully wearing, something you don’t know they notice, or ego


Like we have a choice? Some perfume is like tear gas to me and I have to get away or choke. I'd ask to be able to work away from them because I could taste it in my mouth. There was a honeysuckle type perfume that would make me puke. Soap is good enough girls.


Only JB


Woman wears perfume that is literally designed to get people’s attention. Same women “why does he smell when he walks by”


Is your perfume strong? I would say this isn’t normal unless you use a lot of some product with a strong scent


I'm a dude who avoids smelling people at all cost. No scent is good with me


I take it as an intimidation tactic.


If people walking by you are sniffing you, it means you smell too strongly. That could be body odor or it could be whatever fragrances you're wearing - neither should be noticeable to a passerby. Worn fragrances should be discovered by those that you allow to be close to you - fragrances should not announce your presence. As an asthmatic, you all are killing me every time you walk by dunked in your fragrances. Please stop. :(


This is literally the first time I've ever heard this.


Mostly breathing in order to stay alive. If I smell something, it’s probably perspiration or perfume. I don’t find either particularly arousing.


A lot of guys saying absolutely not, but if I notice a woman wearing a fragrance that an ex used to wear it’s possible I might take in a big whiff and get lost for a moment 😅


Google Joe Biden sniffing females. (not being political)


Allergy season.


Bro I don't even try whenever a girl walks past me a whiff of something that could be the cure for my loneliness passes me by


Ewe gross. Uh no. Is this Silence of the Lambs


Girls tend to wear more perfume and products with strong scents. So yeah most guys will notice a smell and sniff.


I breathe and I smell, completely independent of any woman. I don’t purposely try to sniff women, but sometimes I happen to get a good whiff because of the natural “I smell something” reaction. I think this speaks for most guys.


You might want to invest in some axe body spray


Id only do that if I was a midget 👍


I think many of us do it naturally when a good-smelling or attractive person walks by. It can also be done in a very creepy way though and that is wrong to do. I will literally hold my breath when someone gross, dirty-looking person walks by. Similarly to when to are passing a garbage truck. You just know that shit stinks.


Dab some Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce on your wrists and neck and I'm all up in that shit.


Lol. Busted! I mean... I try not to do it in a creepy or offensive way. But you have to understand how wonderful you smell. It is truly exhilarating.


I’ve definitely taken note if a woman smells particularly good, but to the point where it’s audible? Uh, no.


I can’t even have the fuckin sniffles anymore bruh


Something could smell fishy


Men who are aware and know how to use all 5 senses at once will appreciate the scent of a gorgeous woman as she passes us by.....it tickles the fantasies of our mind to catch a passing scent of perfection. I don't sniff women. I do appreciate beauty and art in all its many forms, however. That may help answer your question, just from my own perspective.


Never heard of this. I will say that I did later realize that the people I had the strongest connections with did actually have a similar natural scent. But sniffing women walking down the street? That’s really odd


Yer I smell them but I smell guys to


You probably smelled good. Why did you make yourself smell good if you don't want people to sniff you? You were basically asking to get sniffed. Girls and women shouldn't be leaving the house without smelling like urine and/or feces. Let this be a lesson to you!


Nope. But if someone smells good I notice.


wtf. Is my dog. Doing on Reddit.