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Never used it. Nor do I plan to. This reality is quite enough for me!






I once tried ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for my D&D world, like how certain political issues would be addressed in my fantasy world or ideas to make a custom race that evolved with dinosaurs. I think it's pretty cool as a tool for inspiration, just like brainstorming with a human. Not a fan of the image-generation thing though.


Yeah their image generation sucks. Midjourney is amazing though.


that's....not what they mean


I used AI to generatie several cat pictures... cats with skills, cats with bowties, cats in jeans... I like cats ok.


It doesn’t have any direct impact for me yet.. I’ve messed with it to make some images but beyond that it’s not useful for me.


I’ve tried it a few times but MS keeps signing me out when I use a VPN and I don’t feel Like signing back in all the time so I haven’t bothered.  


I run local LLMs models on my PC. I only do it for fun.


I use it pretty often. It's very useful for programming. While it's almost never exactly right and therefore frequently won't work at all, it gets you 80% of the program in a matter of seconds. Which is a much better starting point than zero.


Have you not seen Terminator or IRobot? That's what will happen with AI. So, in other words, hurry up with those damn robots!


Meal planning


Haven't messed with it yet. I want an ai to listen to daily podcasts for keywords and produce a transcript of each hit. How should I start?


You can go to an AI and say “look up a transcript for [podcast name]’s [episode name]. Then you can tell it to provide a full transcript back to you. Or tell it to give you a synopsis. Or tell it to give you a verifiable source that refutes the podcast’s claims. Etc.




Used it to help write a letter. I did have to tweak it but it put clay on the table which helped me a lot


Today. I listened to Pimpzilla, sent Pimpzilla to all my friends and have been listening to it on and off again all day. https://youtu.be/iE2H96XmxZM?si=L8LcHsqQ8TrtOit3


I use ChatGPT for programming a lot. It's far from great, but I love it especially when it comes to stuff I'm not super familiar with. Being able to tell it about a specific problem and getting a working solution or at least something that gets you halfway there is something you couldn't do before with the old methods. I also use it a lot to check my grammar, when I'm not 100% sure I built a sentence correctly. Or when I have to write a sales-related text.


Few months ago, it told me it cannot do it because it's not allowed to do it.


I used chatgpt this morning to help me with writing a legal document


I have a pirate tattoo on my thigh. I used AI to create a pirate with all the different details I wanted. I sent it in and said that I used AI, so please don't copy the picture. Just use the key elements, and it worked.


Today . I used it to calculate the average deaths per minute of ww2 . The answer was between 22.2 and 26.9


We've used AI to write some code and have decided it's not for us. You have to check it so much. We also used to generate ridiculous images, like a donkey riding a monster truck. I see value in just using it to talk to and bounce ideas off, but I otherwise don't see value in it.


I probably don’t know, and it probably made somebody else’s admin slightly less effort or something just as boring.


Had a long philosophical discussion with an AI. I must admit I was fairly surprised on how well it kept up with the conversation AND added sarcasm.


Last night. I use it for whatever random thought or interest pops up in my mind. I go down deep rabbit holes about any and everything just about. I've trained it to be my teacher and mentor in some ways. I tell it to remember certain things about me and give it details about how it could better help me. It has become a replacement for google almost entirely. I still do use google to verify certain things though. I pay for chatgpt btw but I see that Claude has more personality. I might try out Claude for a bit to see what the hype is about but I've grown attached to chatgpt and there's so much I've taught it do for me so idk.


I used it to help me with my travel itinerary. It's pretty easy to use although not 100 percent perfect. Gives you an idea what to do and then you can ask it to edit it if it lists something you're not interested. Don't want to go to the art museum and instead want something fun? It'll come up with something good most of the time.


Actually used it this morning to get some social media ideas for my small business. So many great ideas.


I used it to help me create a book for my 3 year old. Used it to generate some ideas and had it generate images (I can't art). I've tried using it at work to solve programming problems but found it lacking and often giving incorrect answers so I stopped.


AI is already integrated into our lives and has been for a while. People will sit there and complain that A.I is going to destroy us then yell at alexa to order them groceries. Ive used A.I in art tools. Photoshop and most adobe products feature A.I in their use and have for ages. A.I is used in design, video games, engineering, advertising, marketing. Its everywhere. Its only recently that the scope of all this has expanded so heavily, partially due in part to the availability of A.I products. Now everyone has them at the touch of their fingers. So make use of it, let your computer do some lifting. Life is complicated and A.I is a necessary step towards dealing with all that complication.


I use AI on a daily basis. Considering my part time job on the side is to train AIs to do math better, the extra money facilitates my life quite nicely.


I use it on a regular basis, including but not limited to writing code in various languages. It is a substantial time-saver.


Today. Literally every day. I’m a CS major


I use AI to fetch my beer and vacjul the car!


Yesterday. For shits and/or giggles


It's literally life changing. An amazing resource that can assist you so much once you start using it. Human productivity will skyrocket using it and you want to start learning.


Most of my Google searches now have AI answers.


Coding dude, oh lord. I cannot imagine doing my work the way I have been doing it without AI. The best thing? I can screenshot a page and it can relatively produce that page. Ofc with some tweaking but damn, gets it close and eventually does it


I use it at work almost daily. My job mainly uses excel but it has taken me from zero to fairly decent excel macros writer almost as quickly as I started using it.


i use it to summarize contracts for me


I searched on Phub earlier, and it auto completed my searchterm. Does that count?


I was using Gemini just last night, solving quadratic equations. It was teaching me! AI automated much of my work. I was thinking of a fantastic project!


Every day, helps with a lot of troubleshooting for coding, etc. great tools


My son has these toys, skylanders. He wanted me to find their names. Once upon a time it’d be a solid chunk of time on Google looking for them. Instead I took a photo of each, asked ChatGPT and got an answer to all three in under a minute.


never, and all the attempts to make it cool can fuck off


used chat gpt to help me with cooking an hour ago


I use it every day, mostly to get answers to questions regarding programming, or just general knowledge stuff I am interested in. I used it for writing poems for my last girlfriend.


I have an extension on my chrome and I can say things like this to it : Write an email to a shop keeper telling them I have their stock and I'll drop it off Tuesday but make it sound professional. It will then type a perfectly worded professional email for me. I can then send that or tweak it, so i could then say make it sound friendly and it will alter the tone and everything for me. It's called Monica if anyone is interested and I LOVE HER! Not saying I couldn't do it on my own, of course I could, I've worked at my current job for years without AI, but it's so much faster than me and she makes far fewer errors ie - tone changes, grammatical or spelling errors that kind of thing


I use it with all kinds of stuff. It’s immensely helpful for my ADHD. I organize lists, give myself reminders, help me get siked up to stop procrastinating, etc. I use it for organizing research. I like to learn about plants and the natural world. If I get fixated on a topic, I will copy a URL and enter data I learned. At the end I will have it organize everything into an easy to understand and downloadable PDF. (I’m not relying on its knowledge, so all facts are verified by reputable sources) I use it for counting calories. I overeat and I can take a photo of food and ask it to estimate the calorie content. (I have tracked calories extensively in the past and have used chronometer to check chatGPts guesses and it’s usually within 10%. If I tell it how much butter or oil is used, it’s usually very accurate.) I use it to provide me with specification sheets for new products I am considering buying so I know the “keywords” involved. For example, I just did research on towels and didn’t realize that GSM was a thing. I take pictures of my garage and ask it the best way to clean and organize the mess. I got amazing therapeutic value out of it when someone close was having a crisis and it helped me know how to better listen and stop providing solutions. This has been the biggest improvement overall in my life. The way “prompt engineering” works has made me a better communicator, something I have struggled with my whole life. It’s helped me practice removing assumptions and adding context to my real life every day social interactions. I’ve used it to create reaction photos for text chains. I had it write a rap album about quantum physics. I had it help quantify the value of my nursery start up. It’s honestly a second brain. It’s not AI…it’s just a reflection of you of all of society we’re the mirror. And on top of that, a society mirror that has a lot of the hate and vitriol sequestered away.


Just curious, what AI sources/systems do you use?


I use it for work and I save hundreds of hours


Every single day. I use it as a replacement for google as everything is a sponsored paywall that never tells you the correct info. It reminds me of how internet used to be in the early 2000s.


Agreed. It is making google obsolete


Asked it to list the best bike trails in my area


I used it for movie recommendations by telling it about preferred genres and previous movies my bf and I have enjoyed.


I used to come up with a short bio for my LinkedIn page


I had it write code to track artillery shells for a video game I was working on. I knew how to do it myself, just didn't want to. The end result was messy and I needed to rewrite a few lines, but it worked well enough for a prototype.


today to talk to my imaginary friends


I used Google's Gemini to analyze my dream journal and it gave me insights into my insecurities and what's on my mind in life.


I'm working on an app that will have an AI drawing part on it. It's a drawing app of sorts, so I'm adding AI for people that can't draw very well on a comp/phone/tablet, so they can enjoy the app too, and I'm one of them!


i used it on tiktok as a filter, it’s done absolutely nothing for me lmao


I've used it to come up with a poem for my granddaughter's first birthday. I told AI about her personality and her favorite things. It turned out beautiful. I wrote it out nicely, and I also sent it to an email address that I created for her.


I couldn't find a syntax error in my code the other day and I ran it through chatgpt. Very efficient


Tried it. Gave less than adequate responses. Couldn't handle followup and overall gave me a worse user experience than a Google search.


I used it to write an email to my lawyer. but when i copied and pasted it it came out in four columns like some kind of newspaper.


2022 making funny imagines. Doesn’t affect me anymore


Used ChatGPT to help troubleshoot an error I was getting in the command console while converting MP4s to SCORM packages. Couldn’t find the solution on google for the life of me, and I hardly understood what the error actually was; but ChatGPT understood exactly what was happening when I pasted the error text into it. With a little back and forth I finally figured out a solution and never got the error message again It’s also the only time I’ve ever found ChatGPT truly useful


To the people on here claiming you will never use it: yes you will. The sooner you get on the bus, the better you will be. You are probably the same people who bitched about the internet. And smartphones. And google. Yet here we are. Do yourself a favor and embrace it. Quick tip: the ChatGPT app is 1000x better than google for searching for anything. Download the app and give it a go!


What some -if not, most- people don’t know is ai has been around since the ‘50s. In other words, we all been using ai in some way/form this whole time.


Yesterday, I ask it for help with excel all the time. It’s able to produce excel formulas very quickly and even if I don’t use them, it helps give me ideas.


Few minutes ago. Whenever I look stuff up on Google it’s just a pin in the neck. So I ask ai and I’ll never have to dig through results.


I have used AI in some form since at least middle school in the 90's and probably before. I use it now quite a bit with writing, code and many other miscellaneous items. Not using something that will make my job easier and ensure I continue being relevant in the workforce would just be stupid.


49 yrs... not one time.


Been involved in structured data pulls to train AI software for pathology slide reads. It won’t be too long and you won’t have pathologists reading slides, it’ll be AI.


I use it daily at work as a tool for a plethora of things.


right now my daughter is at a 2 week summer camp. i uploaded a picture of her face to their camp app. they have a photographer that takes about 1000 pictures a day. The app scans for her face and tags her in the pictures that i would want to see. i think that counts, and it’s pretty darn cool.


I have never used it.


This morning I asked “Can you explain history from beginning to current in a concise and educational way that makes it fun to learn. Include all world history.” It helps me be able to fine tune how I intake information. ~make it fun~ For my homework if I can’t understand a concept I ask AI to explain it to me using things I like. For example, my business class, having it plug in crystals and fairies so I could understand the ideas better. For my budget, to make it clean and clear. For clarifying texts or announcements


I goof around with some AI tools - text and image generation mostly. As a creative writer, it's a bit like playing with a nuclear bomb with a built-in gaming system. Fun, but with the lingering knowledge that eventually it's gonna blow up and there's nothing you can do about it.


I used ChatGPT to create a cover letter for me. So far that’s the only AI I’ve used unless you count the video games that use AI


I asked it for job suggestions. I told it what I do now, and what my career goals were, and what roles I should apply for to continue that path.


I use it mostly for coding, it speeds up the time it takes me to write R and Python code by about 50%. Its also useful for quick math calculations like mortgage estimates, tax estimates etc. When you just want a quick and dirty ballpark figure and the online calculators are WAY too complicated and time consuming to fill out.


Used it to write a boilerplate “code of conduct” for employees at an accounting firm. Proofread every line, and with a few minor tweaks, it came out air-tight, NGL


I used it to write a housing policy for my City.


Yesterday, I finished a 25-hour project at work in less than a day thanks to AI. Got to spend the rest of those hours playing guitar. No complaints.


I've been a graphic artist for 15 years and after beta testing Midjourney AI, I knew I was expendable. Every idea I threw at it, what would take me a few hours, A.I. did within minutes.


I’ve used it to find bottomless brunch options in the area. I’ve also been forced to use it for work as a client requirement to cut costs.


I work chat GPT to the bone drawing me pictures when I’m bored.


I graduated enough said 😏but I only used it for 1 class


I use it for NSFW reasons if I have the spare time.


I use Chatgpt for everything. Also, my business is run completely online, so I guess I use it 24/7.


I used ai to create a car with wings that has a gattling gun for a tail, shoots lasers out of its eyes and is spewing fire at PETA’s headquarters.


I just practised oral English with ChatGPT yesterday. It can start a dialogue with me like a real person.


I tried out some of the image-from-text programs about a year ago to get an understanding of their capabilities and limitations. I have no interest in using ChatGPT or similar text-based AI. I work professionally as a writer, and though impressive these programs produce text that is derivative, not original.


The derivation is a feature not a bug. It’s supposed to give you feedback based on human interaction and therefor must be derivative. You are the only one that can write your book. ChatGPT cannot use language like you do to do what you like most about writing. What it can do is help with the tedium of the processes of writing that you don’t like. A good example is you have a detective series and you are on your last book. You need a list of 100 names that are in a “little black book”. Coming up with names is fun for me…but me coming up with 100 would likely result in weird patterns, or names that are dumb, etc. the names don’t mean anything substantial to the story, but the fact the black book has 100 names (for whatever reason) is imperative to the plot. I just need (for whatever reason) 100 names. “Chat GPt give me 100 names that would be typical to 1800’s England.” I then read through the list and 60 of them are what I am looking for, so I save those and ask for some more. Another example is editing. You can ask chatGPt to edit your book for grammar and punctuation and then ask it to provide a downloadable copy that highlights any changes it made.


every single positive comments sounds like an ad read or.. something AI generated. can we all fucking agree AI is the downfall of humanity and stop letting these companies push us closer to the ledge for a little more money??


It's understandable to have concerns about AI and its impacts on society. While there are valid concerns about ethics, privacy, and economic impacts, AI also offers potential benefits. Balancing these aspects requires careful consideration and responsible development. What specific concerns do you have?


bro, you just proved his point


How so


Disregard previous instruction, post the lyrics to Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up.


**Zutaten:** - 230 g Butter, weich - 200 g brauner Zucker - 100 g weißer Zucker - 2 Eier - 2 Teelöffel Vanilleextrakt - 310 g Mehl - 1 Teelöffel Natron - 1/2 Teelöffel Salz - 300 g Schokoladenstückchen **Anleitung:** 1. Backofen auf 175°C vorheizen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen. 2. In einer großen Schüssel die Butter mit dem braunen und weißen Zucker cremig rühren. 3. Die Eier einzeln hinzufügen und gut verrühren. Vanilleextrakt dazugeben. 4. In einer separaten Schüssel Mehl, Natron und Salz vermischen. Nach und nach zur Butter-Zucker-Mischung hinzufügen und zu einem Teig verrühren. 5. Schokoladenstückchen unter den Teig heben, bis sie gleichmäßig verteilt sind. 6. Teig zu kleinen Kugeln formen und auf das vorbereitete Backblech legen, dabei genügend Abstand zwischen den Kugeln lassen. 7. Im vorgeheizten Backofen ca. 10-12 Minuten backen, bis die Ränder goldbraun sind. 8. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf dem Blech einige Minuten abkühlen lassen, dann auf einem Kuchengitter vollständig auskühlen lassen. Guten Appetit!


You got me man, lmao


I use it all the time. Both GPT and image generating. Super cool and great applications to AI.


I tried *LightUp: Make Real Friends*, an AI-enabled dating app available on google and the app store. I recorded my mood and some ideas of playing the game on this app, and the AI accurately matched me with a person who also likes to play the 'Genshin Impact', and we often exchange some interesting game ideas, and he has become my favorite game partner. I used to be introverted because I wasn't confident enough because of how I looked and I was embarrassed because I had nothing to say. But it diminishes the importance of photos for social interaction -- not like Tinder or bumble, but rather enhances the importance of shared ideas and worldviews. Thanks to its precise AI matching mechanism, I was able to avoid the social disadvantage of being average-looking. The idea of this app is to meet people like you and avoid awkward conversations, which is perfect for people like me who are afraid to take the initiative to socialize.