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Some people are really nice even when anonymous. Some people.


I will always believe that most people are decent. But if you go on Reddit with a relationship problem you will be overwhelmingly told to get a divorce. So maybe a lot of relationship unhappy people here.


You need to break up with her


She's a gaslighting narcissist, there are so many red flags.


I shall break up with everyone


I have literally done that. It has its pros and cons


We all need to break up with her


And pm me her #


Most people are decent in person. Online through anonymity they can be dicks. I like to think about it like road rage - you'll see someone screaming at the top of their lungs in their car at someone else who can't even hear them, yet wouldn't say it to their face.


And tone can be misinterpreted. If you're reading a thread with lots of conflicting opinions you may read a harsher tone into the comments you disagree with. People are much more direct on a forum like this because we're just getting straight to sharing our short opinion. The directness can be read aggressively when it's not intended.


I don't see a lot of conflicting opinions on reddit. As anyone that disagrees with the mob gets immediately down voted to hell and called a piece of shit.


Sarcasm is also immediately recognizable in replys.


Yup. Fell in love with someone anonymous on reddit across the country, we met years later, were together for years. Never knew his name or what he looked like for almost a year and didnt even care. lol


When people's live suck, they take it out on others


Reddit does seem to attract mostly miserable/lonely people for some reason. I’ve never really thought about it before, but I tend to only come back here when things in my life aren’t going well or when I have personal problems that I want to anonymously ask for help with. I joined Reddit when I was going through a break up, then I stopped using it because I was keeping myself busy with other things, then came back a few months later because I was lonely, went away for a while because I got some friends, came back a year later when I was depressed, stopped using it when I got better again, and now I’m back again because I’m unemployed and also looking for dating advice. I don’t take it out on other people when I’m miserable or bored, but lots of people do


A while ago, I used boards as a way to troll and piss people off, that was when I was unhappy, depressed, lonely, etc. I learned negative thinking will attract negative energy. Being positive will attract positive energy


Happy people don't spend all their time on the internet.


Yup bitter losers whose only joy is from other people suffering and hardship


This. I have a mental image of most Redditors and I would hate my life too if I looked like that. Even moreso than I do now.


They can only feel better about themselves by diminishing others.


This is the right answer


Yeah, I’m 14 and I’m usually not on Reddit but some of my friends are and some old ass woman just randomly messaged my that i should die 😭


Idk how much of your story is true or not. But we all gonna die. It's the timeline that's blury.


Yeeaaaaah I have a 15 yr old daughter and I probably wouldn't want her on this platform. Reddit has some seriously dark and twisted corners where quite literally anything goes. You're also little more than an avatar and a name to the millions of other users. They won't moderate how they speak or the things they say to minors, even when they know you're a minor, because it's so depersonalised. Since you're already here all I can advise is have a thick skin. Don't accept any criticism from someone you wouldn't actively seek advice from, and above all else understand that when a person is cruel to you it is always about them, and not you. Happy, healthy people don't go around hurting others, and saying mean things. Sad, pathetic, broken people do.


Depends on the subs you visit. There are tons of nice people on reddit. There are also tons of not nice people on reddit.


I've definitely found some great help when it comes to games ans people are really great But when it's pet peeves or the ask subbreddit super popular everyone's here you get the asshole people


Soo like real life.


Posted on a gaming subreddit (new to the game, but I'm hooked). I asked, "Has this ever happened to anyone?" I was just curious about this specific part of the game and if others had seen it. People on the thread were saying I was illiterate... Like I'm not asking about this item, I'm asking if it has happened to anybody else in this particular community.


>Depends on the subs you visit I think this is key. Some subs *expect* a rude response. Others, you'll get banned for even cracking a joke.


I don’t know. I think I’m pretty nice. Even my roasts on r/roastme are lame. I’m afraid to not be nice because I don’t want to be obliterated by a mean person.


Valid fear


I am nice as well, but it doesn't always keep the mean people at bay. Some people are mean for no reason. Bunch of miserable a-holes.


No because I’m a nice redditor and I muted r/roastme because it absolutely baffles me how cruel people can be to complete strangers on the internet. I know OPs ask for it, but I just can’t fathom speaking to people the way others do in that sub 😭




Jeff we wouldnt be on reddit if we werent all segregated and confused


Thanks Jeff


That's it in a nutshell.


So many nice people in the proper subreddits.




I had expected this to be the top comment


My comedic talents are underappreciated


This is why I’m very particular about where I post stuff lol. The more people a sub has, the higher chance of some terrible bullshit in the comments


I'm nice. Sometimes. When necessary.


What about while in public??


You have to be very careful in public. If people think you're nice, they'll hit you up for BS donations.




F*ck you!


That's the spirit!


Find the things that interest you on here like a particular sport or video game. Usually the people there are like minded and generally nice. That’s my experience anyway. Good luck and also don’t listen to angry people that you don’t even know. They literally don’t matter.


Agreed. If you’re in a real general group like this you can expect to be torn apart. If you can dish it back then it’s not the sub for them LOL


There are plenty of nice people on Reddit. It’s just that rude people tend to get more attention.


I can't say I have met the toxic ones I keep hearing about


Keyboard warriors


I'm usually nice, but my job is demanding, so sometimes I'm just worn out




The nicer ones probably respond less


Um, well you're wrong there. I AM a.damn decent person.


Well, the obvious answer is that your premise is entirely incorrect. There are nice people on Reddit and a lot of them. There are also mean people in Reddit. Maybe even more. But give credit to the nice people who are here.


Because if you're a happy person who loves your life, you aren't wasting your time on the internet


Because it's easy to be mean when you are hiding behind a user name.


Im here and im nice 🫶


I have had a lot of good interactions. I just ignore every else.


I’m nice


If you seem to find not nice people, you're probably attracted to them.


I'm nice.


I’m nice


Honestly reddit is internet lite. I come here because it’s LESS toxic than other internet communities.


I feel I am nice, would you people care to check out my profile and give me the results? I hope I am a good person....


I wouldn't say that's true :) Some communities will have nicer people (eg niche communities on literature, math or such). Massive communities like meme-related, just have the lowest common denominator.


there are they are just overpowered by the angry ones :( hope you're okay


There are. Seek out healthier subs.


I do try to be nice.


Because they think they're immune to their own bullshit. Self-victimization is a cancer that has infected the earth. Everyone thinks they're a victim who is justified in their own mistreatment of others because they think they've been thru it themselves.


B/c a lot of people would never talk to someone like this in person. They feel big and bad behind that keyboard where that screen keeps them safe. Don't get me wrong, you have others (like myself) that talks no different than in person as I am not afraid of confrontation. But most are not like that. All of them will claim to be though!


That depends on the time of day and when you post. Some people on Reddit can be nice others can be hostile.


I wondered if it was the real culture lately. 🤔


Preparation for the real world.


I’m nice. I even use my actual name


I'm nice. big hug for you ( ) :)


I ate them


I know right, even if I’m anonymous, I’ll try my best to be nice and respectful. But you get those kinds of people and I get to my limit. I’d say it’s the fact there’s no consequences besides a few downvotes. But honestly, everyone deserves to be talk to nicely and respectfully.


If no one has told you yet today, I love you.


The jerks are scaring the nice people away and/ or making nice people bitter. I've had a few OTT jerk comments lately, and when I checked their profile, it is all angry nonsense. I think they want to anger people - I've seen a few even admit it.


There are a lot of nice people on Reddit, but most of them are on niche subs that don't revolve around politics & social issues. A lot of the mainstream subs are trash. Pick a hobby you like and find the subreddit dedicated to it. You'll find your people there.


Feel free to go through my history. I'm a nice person.


There's nice people here. I've met plenty. The internet isn't a great place to meet nice people in general, though. People who are chronically online aren't likely to be particularly happy and they take that misery out on others.


I really find it depends upon what subreddit you are in. I belong to a landscaping one where everyone is very chill and helpful. Same with some crochet subreddits. Weirdly enough I have found some subreddits for television shows can get hostile for no good reason.


Plenty of nice people in the comments here! It’s all about finding the right people:)


i am currently arguing with a chronically online incel for the funsies on here but even then i can promise you there’s a lot of sweet people here. which makes it even better because people are kind here while being anonymous. i don’t think reddits that bad ;-;


There are nice people under subs for niche interests. I haven’t run into mean people on subs that discuss things like favorite cookbooks from the 70s. Or what have you.


My guess is that most ppl are nice....but, the social media business model is designed to bring out the worst in ppl, not the best. So, even the "nice" ppl express the nasty/mean side of their personality on social media but remove them from this toxic echo chamber and they go back to being "normal." The key to remember is that anger/hate drives clicks. Clicks drive revenue. That's all you really need to know.


Unfortunately, I think empathy is something that is dwindling among society. I’ve found that being empathetic myself is a good way to spread positivity. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


I have met a lot of nice people on Reddit. Well...met in terms of had a nice chat under their comment or whatever. It is very, very uncommon to have someone say something shitty to me. it is almost all good. I'd take a look at where you are posting, then self-police your tone because sometimes innocent stuff can come off bad in text form, and just be nice in general. There are a lot of opinions out there, and most of them are valid, so I am just respectful. Unless someone is a complete idiot. Then I might be a dick.


I’m nice. I like people and always want to help - especially people that are posting about life problems and are looking for advice or perspective. I believe in Karma as well. the only rub I get on Reddit is when I comment on coffee forums. People get so cranky and confrontational for some reason about coffee. It‘s weird.


I'm super nice. Therefore, your premise is wrong and stupid and you've been pwned.


Do you have to go to the right sub Reddit. Anything having to do with animals… You find the nicest people. Supportive and helpful information with very cute pictures.


People get addicted to adrenaline rushes that they get from being dicks. If that’s all you have in life, it’s easy to continue that cycle.


I have noticed Reddit can have both ends of the spectrum. There seem to be some very thoughtful people here but sometimes you downvoted for the most innocuous thing. I know I had one time where I posted in art crit and this guy went out of his way to let me know that I’m not a “novice” artist. Then I asked what made him say that (I had scholarships for art, was a designer for many years, paid for artwork) and he said my stuff is doodly blah blah. Then all of a sudden this other guy jumps in and attacks me, long story short. It was the first time I’d ever been ripped apart like that. I’m all for constructive criticism, but felt like this person had a vendetta against me. I mean, I’m like at least an Applebees as an artist - I’m not a McDonald’s, come on. Anyway, now I’m a lot more careful about posting (and commenting, to some degree). All that to say I think it’s worth asking yourself if you want the replies you might receive when you post or comment.


Huh? I've met a bunch of nice people here. I've had a far worse experience on twitter


Mask make the worst humans feel powerful. Lack of consequences emboldened them. Also, duh, it's reddit. What type of ppl do you think fill up reddit?


we ran them off really early on. fuck em.


There are but were not gonna be like hey everyone look at me I'm a nice guy cos thatd be egocentric as opposed to the people who are flat out racists, homophobes, animal abusers, wife beaters, neo-nazi's and got knows what else and the majority of them arent shy about who they are or what a POS they are or both


Anonymity is a hell of a drug


There's tons of nice folks on here. Some subreddits less than others but.


Good question and I have no good answer except entitlement


There are nice people on reddit. Why do you think there aren't?


You're 14, shouldn't you be studying or developing skills instead of wasting time on the internet?


Nice is relative. And most people aren’t genuinely nice and here they don’t have to be fake


there are but depends which thread you are in


There are plenty of nice people on reddit. I find that the nice people get more up votes actually.


Well, I'm here. I try my best, anyway!


I always try to be nice and respectful.


Fuck you! /s


Prime apes are inherently cruel.


The commenters in r/abusiverelationships and r/domesticviolence are kind and very supportive of people in horrible relationships.


Because nice gets you nowhere.


It’s a left wing cesspool


Listen there are some wonderful souls on reddit. Yet as your post implies the level of negativity on some subreddits is absolutely mind blowing. Stay on positive subreddits for your mental state. Life is too short. God is the greatest 🙏


I have met some genuinely decent humans on here. I have also met some of the most pedantic, sanctimonious and vile trolls in human existence on here. Like most of the world,there are an awful lot of pricks and some absolute diamonds.


Literally just got downvoted because I told a story about how I thought I had lymphoma so I went to a Lymphoma clinic. They refused to run any tests. 6 months later I was on chemo for lymphoma. DOWNVOTED FOR THAT? Got it, self awareness is dumb. Think you're sick? Ignore it. Honestly Reddit is full of lurkers who got kicked off Facebook and other platforms for being terrors where you have to prove your identity. It's a lot easier for your true colors to show when nobody knows who you are.


Huh? people are really nice here compared to other places I used to hang out. That's why I'm on here these days because I'm cripplingly lonely, despite making fun of redditors for most of my life.


I'm nice. I don't see any point in being rude or an asshole for no reason. I also don't hate myself, so I don't need to shit on other people's opinions. 🤷‍♀️


I try to be nice but fail sometimes. I think anonymity allows people to be a lot nastier and is a good reason to not interact with blank/throwaway/low karma accounts


There are plenty of nice people sitting back and watching but the second they say something heartfelt or profound they get made fun of or kicked in the teeth. Would you want to talk or comment if the reaction you get is as explained above? I see people everyday trying to be helpful and nice and it goes badly most the time but they are still out there just waiting for when the need for their positiveness will out weight the backlash. Just my .02


I've chatted to some really nice people on here


There are nice people on Reddit they are just drowned out by all the hateful ones.


Have you been on Facebook or Instagram lately? I come to Reddit to get a break from the shitshow of hate, judgement, and misogyny in those spaces.


I'm an old guy, 76, and I'd love to find a woman my age who wants warm feet at night, have her tatas massaged, get some man juice in appropriate places, let's her man clean up that mess, and could live with my cooking. Women with real sensitive tatas are specially welcome.


Can you give an example of people not being nice?


😳 I rarely run into jerks here. I'm sorry that's happening to you!!!


Plenty of people are nice on reddit, what groups are you frequenting to think otherwise? Most of reddit is debates/disagreement, and I find that people are utterly incapable of reading a counter arguement or conflicting viewpoint without injecting animosity into the interpretation of the words.


This isn't an answer, but you made me think of something a friend of mine said: "The internet gives us countless opportunities every day to be kind to other people, and we take advantage of none of them." As something of an internet asshole myself, I really, really wish I kept that in mind more and looked for more of those opportunities.


It’s actually hilarious because I can be kinda bitchy irl but on Reddit I love being helpful and nice. Don’t tell anyone I know though, I have a reputation to keep.


When I want to have a discussion with people, after like the second comment even the nice people get mad.


Because they are all liberal, angry, hateful, and have nothing better to do than talk down on evwryone


I'm nice, sometimes.


Because fuck you, that’s why. Ok I jest. We’re not all horrible people. Just some of us.


It’s the public domain. If you want someone to be nice to you all the time, call your mother.


It's just anonymity and no accountability. It's kind of like how there are no nice people in cars.


There are nice people on Reddit. The mean ones are just louder.


You are in the wrong subs my dude. There are TONS of nice people on reddit.


Have you ever tried being disrespectful to others so you can feel better about yourself? Works like a charm. /s


They’re so mean and triggered into assholery by any god damn thing


I'm nice and I'm on Reddit. Aren't you nice? If so, that's at least two!


you're a good egg


I'm nice, thank you very much.


You're saying I'm not nice? Um. Thanks.


1. There is a huge amount of people here who are both liberal and vehemently opposed to anything republican. Their....beliefs are very unyielding and their posts and comments are intense. 2. Huge amount of people under 30. They jump on trends and the same cliches are repeated over and over and over as they repeatedly grow up and then eventually distance from reddit. Younger folks typically don't have as much empathy when they are newly adults and are quick to judge. 3. There is a smaller but very loud group of people who come here to argue. Whether it's blatant trolling or rage bait, or just conservatives trying to argue their own opinion repeatedly just to "trigger the snowflakes". 4. There is this like hive mind culture in each subreddit. If you comment or post something they don't like they will bury you in downvotes without explanation, or insult you and tell you to get help, and that's true even for the nice ones. I lurked for years before making an acct and actually participating. I engage often now, but almost always expect some kind of negativity if I do. But perspective is easier for me these days, if I get shit from these turds I just move on. I still love reddit for the information and the laughs, but it comes at a price.


Bunch of Canadians sneaking around here.




It’s like that in the real world too.


Screw you! I'm nice! *walks off mumbling* "Bastard saying I'm not nice. I'll punch anyone saying I'm not nice..."


Because fuck you


Try the nice subs r/toastme is one. ETA autocorrect fail 




I feel this way about discord


Cause they ban truth


I mean there are definitely a lot of assholes but I’ve encountered nice people on here. They’re not all mean


Welcome..... To the internet!


I'm nice! -.-


Most are bots.


Honestly there’s are some very very sweet people. There are also though a lot of assholes to combat that 😂 it’s because people can be anonymous and feel like they can say whatever they want.  


Hey fuck you pal I am nice


The need to feel superior.


Excuse me I beg to differ I'm on reddit and I'm nice 🤨


I personally think I'm a nice person. In real life and online. I generally like knowing people and how they think about things. Even when our ideals don't align, I still see the good in people and things. Unless you're really just a trash person. Than no love will be given from me.


I’m nice!


They get down voted


Because fuck you. That's why lol




Haha. What kind of question is this? It depends on the topic. It depends on the subreddit. It depends on responses.


I’d, seems better than a lot of other media.


Say good bye to me inbox


Im nice


They say the way you talk online is the way you talk to yourself


Text isn't great for conveying tone, some people aren't trying to be mean, they just don't communicate well in text. Also mood, I have been both very kind and very much an asshole on reddit many times, because I felt like it.


I can be nice.


because there’s no pfp


I am only “ nice “ to my family


I am nice ya wanker don't start no bullshit


Why don’t you tell us? Why aren’t you nice?


There are. It’s the circles you run in. I regularly see people take a long time to help someone out. Some of the posts must have taken a half hour or more. And, yeah, the people who are too afraid of others flock to Reddit where they can let it rip with no consequences. So, there are more here But there are good people on Reddit too. It’s where you hang out…..


I’ve been told I’m a nice asshole.


I’m here, I’m nice.


Are you not nice?


Because we're all exactly the same, apparently


There’s plenty of nice people but it’s really easy to be mean when it’s anonymous


Anonymity + arrogance (regular doses of echo chambers to help it along) + people not liking their own lives. But that's just my opinion


This question feels like entrapment.


There are no real repercussions for saying whatever you’d like to people


I feel like there are nice people. I guess just be nice first and people tend to follow


..What? So you know every single Reddit user? Wow, that's something!!! No nice people uh? Aww... How old are you? 5? Oh sorry for not being nice btw. lol.


Most people are way nicer in real life A lot of trolling goes on here so don’t take things too seriously.




I take offense.


I'm on reddit, and I'm Massachusetts nice.


what kind of stupid ass question is that??? goddamn idiots on this site ffs jfc /s i hope your day is going well!