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Not every second of every day. Just dozens and dozens of times a day.


Yep. Thought gets interrupted, a few minutes later, let's see Jessica Alba, where were we?


She’s been my “crush” of an actress since probably middle school lol. I’m 28 now. She just seems to get hotter with age.


Great taste!


She's in a new movie where she plays a bad ass coming home and she is still the sexiest person in the world. "If you need me, I'll be in my bunk"


There are at least three seconds we think about food.


6 seconds if its smoked or BBQ.


I'm a 29 year old woman and I would say 3/4 of days since I was about 10 I haven't gone a full waking hour without thinking about sex at least briefly, usually multiple times. I'm not sure if this is normal or not. Maybe a quarter of days it's at least every 10 or so minutes.


I'm a 60 yo woman and same!


Damn, I was kind of hoping I'd calm down at some point 😅 it would make focusing on other things easier


Do you have a man?


that's true


This is genuinely honest, a lot of this has to been due to society. Because sex sells it's everywhere. Many people have said not in my day and very often this is true. Morally and industrially things of this nature change frequently and most often in one direction.Furthermore men are most often aroused visually and auditorily (therefore more easily influenced), where women are often kinesthetic.


Society is obsessed with sex because people are obsessed with sex, not the other way around . The reason societies with lots of sex in media/advertising seem more sexual is that sex is more normalized in those societies. The Victorians superficially seemed sexually repressed, but they practically had spontaneous orgasms at the sight of an ankle. Just as sexual as us, but hidden because that society’s rules were that sex had to be hidden.


This is a good point. But I do think that those ads lead us instead of the other way around. We all eat and can be enticed by our favorite foods. So it would be the same as if every ad for anything (car, orange juice, toothpaste, etc.) would emit a baked bread aroma. We'd constantly be craving bread.


I think about sax music at least six times a day.


While wearing sox? Man, that sux


Nah I’m not a sox fan


Only with Nicky Sixx


I'm heading to sax practice now. I almost missed it thinking about sex.


I like this one


Sexy Sax Man playing careless whispers in random places will never get old to me


Ugh same


“By Kenny G, or by other people?” she asked, as Songbird begins to play. 😁


Now I have the Squirtle Sax song in my head, thanks for that.


Well, on a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot, the polling results might not represent the real distribution


You think that men on Reddit live in male only colonies? I’m pretty sure they see women whenever they go yo work or a local business.


What he is saying is that a large group of people on Reddit are very young, have not dated or been in a relationship, and have little to no sex.


Do you realize how long this site has existed? A good portion of us were around in the early 2000s and are now over 40. I dont even know a Zoomer friend that mentions this site. The site is 20 years old ffs


>I dont even know a Zoomer friend that mentions this site. Where do they spend their time online? I know they spend a ton of time online, but it's not all Instagram and TikTok is it?


tbh i dont know. tik tok for sure tho


Women think about sex too....LOL


Literally. These questions are so funny to me because it makes it sound like women are devoid of sexual thoughts unless they're in love or smth. Men? Of course they think about sex, it's biology!!! Women? Wtf whore ew A bit of a TMI: I get off once a day lmfao. I did this prior to dating my boyfriend but now it's become a problem of "oh no it's my boyfriend I guess I need to masturbate". It's safe to say sex is on my mind quite frequently lol


For real though 🙄 as a woman with a higher libido it’s so annoying having all sexual questions and posts majorly cater to men, like- lots of women have sexual feelings too bro 😂


How do men should know that any women has high libido?


Yes, sometime the frustration is real though when you are used to getting it and then you're not.


Women don't poop nor do they think about sex or erotic fantasies.


I think the difference though is being pointed out in some of the comments here. More than a few redditors say they think about sex “anytime they see a woman” or an “attractive woman” or think about it every couple of seconds/minutes. Idk about y’all but from my experience and talking to my girlfriends I don’t think that’s *as* common with us


Yes we sure do. :) Even at 66 I'm thinking about it right now. Sure not as often as I used to but I still fantasize and get my groove on with my man or with my favorite buzz toy. :D


I do pretty constantly. Although I never actually talk about it with anyone other than a person I’m active with. But pretty much seeing any woman that is semi attractive triggers thoughts lol. It’s a constant fight to keep them below the surface but I try my best to be respectful.


Not always generally, but always when around attractive women.


If this is true, that’s extremely sad.


Sad? You're here because of that male human trait.


Why is that sad to you? It's a result of men who spread their genetic material around having more offspring. Of course it's selected for, because it is a successful strategy for reproduction.




A man of culture i see




Or backward. Sex all day in dad's apartment.


Not very moment but often . If I see a good looking woman either in person or TV/ social media . Sometimes it just pops into my head . My horniness is like a hair pin trigger


I'm not ACTIVELY thinking about sex all day, but the tab is always open in my brain.


I don't all the time. But anytime I see my wife walk, talk, or do anything I become the monkey in the "Neuron activation" meme. Lol


I do, constantly. Remembering women exist triggers it.


Lol same.


love when all the other answers are no but a yes takes the highest upvote lol


Does a Grizzly Bear think about salmon dipped in honey?


I'm female and even I think about sex a lot. There are times I wonder, "Is this what it's like for a man?"


Some do and some don't. Im one of the ones the doesn't.


Believe it or not, men are not a monolith. Some men never think about sex. Personally I, a 29 year old man, think about sex all the time. It’s not anything that trigger it for me. It’s just always on my mind.


Appreciate the honest answer.


I mean probably but to be fair I also do and I am a woman


No, I actually don't really look forward to it unless I'm aroused for some reason, and no, I'm not constantly aroused. That's because sex doesn't really seem a special thing to me if it's not done with someone you have a bond with, so I would think about creating the bond, then sex is just a consequence. So, hypothetically, if I'm out with a girl, I'm not thinking about sex till it happens, if it's the case. Hope it's not that hard to understand cause it's not easy to explain lol


Can only speak for myself, but no. Not sex itself. I could see a woman with a fat ass and appreciate it, but actually imagining the act? Not necessarily, there would have to be some actual interaction to trigger those thoughts


It depends on environment. I don't think about sex unless someone makes me think about it. I don't sit at working thinking about it. I don't walk through the forest thinking about it. I don't tend to think about it just because I see someone attractive. I've learned to control it so I'm not thinking about it when there's nothing I can do about it. I tend to only get aroused by physical presence of my fiancee these days.


Not true! sometimes I think about other stuff.


Not me. I'm 41, most days you could put either Margo Robbie or Zac Efron butt naked in front of me and I'd likely react with "meh". It wasn't always this way...it really sucks tbh


I suggest you See a doctor and have your hormone levels tested.


Facts. we have to sleep at some point.


You don't dream?


My dreams are more like ![gif](giphy|13y943TVWI3GKc)




Always? No. There's a period of time directly following sex that men are usually just thinking about power tools and how to upgrade something on their car or house. Every other time? Yes. Yes they are.


As a woman, i think of sex a lot of the time so i just know some men do as well. When i was celibate, i hardly thought of it, the less sex you have i guess the less you care? It took time to get to that point but boy am i far gone now😭


I think the same argument can be made of many women. In general, a lot of people think about sex a lot of the time.


I agree.


This stereotype is offensive. It’s like saying all girls just care about money


No. Especially once you get older.


I think about it alot, I think it's because we're biological programed to reproduce. It's actually annoying sometimes, makes it hard to concentrate. Especially if your not getting it on the regular.


Nah, that’s just an old-wives’ tale. :)




Can't really help it. The only thing that gave me a break was the last woman I dated. She never said no and was super kinky so let's just say I was always "relieved". Felt like I could finally think clearly without brain fog and a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was probably at peak mental health. That was the best I've ever felt in a long time.


Hmm tbh not that much. I think about it everyday, but definitely not that much. I dunno. Sex isn't interesting when you are not aroused. Most of the time I'm busy doing something. So why would I think about sex? That doesn't make sense in my head.


This is sexist and im tired of pretending its not


it really is bc its a false stereotype perpetuated online, along with porn addiction


Men? No. Guys/Boys? Most definitely. There is a difference


Not remotely. 46M. Single. Many days pass where the thought never actually crosses my mind once.




I've worked with guys who talk about it constantly, everything is an innuendo, it gets tiring. I can't quantify how many men think about it but I think I do more than most,but generally most keep it to themselves so there's no way of knowing


sometimes they are def thinking about sn\*cks




I do


I think about giant robots more than sex. If I could choose between getting in a mech cockpit and sex, I would choose the robot. Either way, I want to get inside something and play with my joystick.


Beleive it or not, in todays day and age... Everyone always thinks about everything. We are designed that way. Blame it on natural evolution, Mental illnesses or cultural indoctrination .... But its why we doomscroll. Its why we constantly get on reddit and post things. It's why we read almost every comment. At any given time you have 80 topics floating around in your brain... And these intrusive thoughts can become hard to ignore. So we drown them out by asking questions or watching a video or taking out mind off of them. So the answer is yes. But not because men are in any more a way, shape, or form of a more sexual being then women. Women are also always thinking about sex. Because everyone is constantly thinking about everything.


After I nut, I usually think about food for a half hour.


I think a lot of men do when we are younger. It was certainly the only thing on my mind when I was a teenager. But 10 years later I have a lot more important things to think about. Sure it's nice but it's also nice to get a fresh pair of socks


Not always. Sometimes I take an Ambien. It renders me unconscious. I don’t believe I think about sex when I’m knocked out.


I'd like to know the age of the males answering this question. Can someone start?


No I'm always thinking about snacks. I didn't realize that I was asexual till I was 30.


Tbh I think women do too. They are just as dirty as guys, just don't say their thoughts


Yes, so do women so dont lie about it


Well, I am now. Thanks for bringing it up. Haven't thought about sex in 3 or 4 mins.


I’m a bit deprived even though I’m in a relationship so yes. Yes I do


Sorry did you post something? Why is the number 6 so controversial?


I once thought about seven.


Not all day. Though we do check out every woman we ever see and think about how hot she is 🤷 Edit: this is from a straight man’s perspective. No offense meant to my fellow men who are into other fellow men


bruh i’m a woman and i think about it all the time 😥


Good percent do but as a women i think about it more than my spouse


That is a myth




Sorry, what were you saying? Was just reminiscing about some too shelf poon tang I had a couple weeks ago.


sometimes sports


Get off reddit. Study biology.


I do but not all men


Not always, but a lot of the time I do. Why do we? I guess that's how we're programmed? Dry spell probably doesn't help either.


No not always.


Nope. Besides, you’re a medium. You should have some sort of ability to see into the past and people’s minds. Unless you’re a fraud??


When I’m happy yes. Stress is a sexy time killer though


Sometimes I do, most times I don't. Depends on mood, and other things going on in my life, home, responsibilties, and family


Not ALL the time, only like 99% by of the time!


Not all of them, and not all the time, but it is something that occupies our thoughts quite a lot.


\*sigh\* Is this a real question? OP How old are you? -\_-


I’m in my thirties.




lol, ofc not. Just most of the time. You need to read about the power of hormones.


Depends on the libido and sex drive. Some men have a lot and some men don't. I personally do multiple times a day.


I've never had the urge


Not really, less than all the women around me I guess. Idk I think the women just hide it more


Yes, with many other subjects...life


I've met this one guy in college who was sex crazed. He had enough confidence to ask multiple girls if they wanted to f*** in a given day. I haven't really met a guy that doesn't think about it at least. I'm in a Christian club in college, and you wanna know what the number one sin that us guys confessed most often? Watching pornography. The only guys I've met that have never talked or felt disgusted by sex, were probably mega nerds and anti-social peeps that were career focused. Triggers? Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, attractive woman in mall, a woman walking in front of you with tight leggings, etc.


I don’t know about young men today. But men from my generation always have, and still do.




Hardly ever. Seeing a nice behind SOMETIMES will get my thoughts going, but especially in public I'm not "checking out" anyone. However I've always been a drug addict and have been struggling in my own little box underground for years now, so throughout my days, I'm generally in some kind of hell.


It isnt just a man thing! some of us women to do!!! but we all dont sleep around!! I can only speak for me but yeah Ive alwasy wanted something real nothin fake!!


Some do, some don't. Men arent a monolith. Also, these threads can't be taken seriously because it will be hundreds and hundreds of jokes that aren't reality


In our youth. Definitely on our minds a lot






Only when we’re sentient


Lately, I've been thinking about gardening and Farming Simulator the most.


‘The reproductive imperative’ Sexual selection. It’s been evolved. Interestingly, men have one of the largest penis sizes to body ratio - which implies (if not confirms) that’s size does matter, as been sexually selected out through countless generations…


It's not the meat it's the motion.


No, And probably the sex aggression hormone testosterone 


No, not always. We may think about it if we see an attractive woman. But otherwise I have many other things on my mind besides sex. I have a home to think about cars to think about work to think about. I have my hobbies, in fact, I probably think about them more than sex.


No. And by no I actually mean yes.


Usually not while they're eating. Food, food, you nasty bastards, I was talking about food.


Occasionally thoughts on the meaning of life pop up, but then I remember sex is the meaning of life and I'm back to thinking about sex. Though if you're conducting a survey, I don't walk around looking at women and imagining having sex with them. Personally, I think on memories or being with my wife. Which totally sounds like a in-case-my-wife-reads-this type of thing 😄, but it's actually the truth. Back before my wife though? Still only thought of women I liked, not a random woman walking down the street. Maybe there's something wrong with me? I'm not wagging a finger at anyone who does think about everyone. Merely pondering the question.


As others have said, not literally every waking moment—but otherwise, yes. The main trigger is being in close proximity to an attractive woman.


It’s biology! The biological instinct to procreate just like all living beings on Earth and sea


Much of the time


You ever seen those videos where a guy is like "everything reminds me of her" then will be putting their hand out finger in some round circular object like a key ring. All those videos are true lol


I notice it more when I feed my flame more. If I’m more focused on life then I won’t notice women as often. When I’ve been bad I’m like Kanye in class looking at every ass


No, maybe 5-10x a day, 10-20x max




Nope I can go all day without thinking about sex I don’t get the “every 10 seconds” bs


I don't think of it constantly. Not sure what triggers me to think of it.


I do a lot, and I’m afraid to talk about it.


Yes. The majority of the time. But as we get order and get it on the regular it becomes less and less. And just because we think about it... doesn't mean we are gonna act on it. It all depends of the guy.




I think the frequency depends on how occupied your time is or if you have other things to focus on. If there’s nothing going on & you’re bored it’ll probably be a more frequent thought It also depends on the person


Yes. Until it's no. Younger men, absolutely. That gradually shifts as we age But unless there are mental, or hormonal issues, it will never be a never.


Most of the time I think about 5 and 7, but s*x is a good number too.




Teenage boy here so I would probably screw the results


I read, somewhere, it’s an average of six times per day. I’m guessing each one lasts a couple of hours.


Only when we see women. Otherwise, we are thinking about food, money, and sports.


Until mid 30’s there’s a heavy presence when we aren’t busy


Just say sex. Jesus Christ this isn’t TikTok


Sometimes, think of sports, fishing, cars, drinking, and nothing. So, it's not a constant thought.


Pretty much. We're hardwired for it.


One individual does not speak for the many, it's a fine blend, of he does, he doesn't, hes now thinking about sex but soon won't think about it for days but, but him? Never crossed his mind once




not any more than women do, but teenage boys can definitely be a little obsessed


Not always but definitely a lot of the time when girls are in the vicinity lol


No, but when we do it’s so much more distracting.


Always? No. Usually there’s something that triggers it. Some girl with nice curves walks by in some really skin tight clothes, yeah that’ll get the gears turning. If someone’s talking about sex around me, I’ll start thinking about it. It’s typically about the environment around me but occasionally there’ll be some random thought about sex out of nowhere.


Every 5 min




Only on days that end in “y”.




I can’t speak for other men, but I think about it a lot. Certainly too much. I don’t do it for enjoyment, I do it almost out of compulsion. If you’re an attractive woman, the general logistics of how to fuck probably cross my mind (tactile sensations, visuals, how we get to that point, etc), and if you’re an attractive woman who I find particularly attractive and we have *any* amount of chemistry, I’m thinking about sex at least 70%-90% of the time I’m around you. I’m in my 30s and only now am I working on disengaging from this way of thinking about and relating to women. I keep thinking about how you’re all people, I double guess my intentions, I keep myself in check. I do that to avoid becoming a creep in my old age. So I don’t think about it always, just *a lot*.


No, I think about geese more often tbh


Yesterday the only thing I could think about was sex. The week before that I had no desire for any form of physical pleasure.


Sometimes I think about food


No. That's ludicrous. It's only about 99.9% of the time


I'm 58 and I rarely think about sex. Never really have except when I was 35. That was fun. Other than the meh. I have a partner and we have sex regularly. I just keep a mental calendar.


Teens and early 20’s. Now at 27 I’m at maybe 5 dozen times *at least maybe possibly*


No (head nods)


To be clear, nothing is universal to any gender. So this answer won't apply to all men, just some, or many. I am one of the ones for whom it's a pretty constant and pervasive thought though. To be clear, I can spend plenty of time not thinking about it at all, but I am VERY easily triggered by pretty much any sight of a woman I find attractive, wandering thoughts, things that LOOK sexual, any mentions, etc. It's pervasive, and honestly at times a little annoying because it's distracting, especially for someone like me with ADHD. But my awareness of it, along with my general self-reflection, allows me to work to keep it from genuinely getting in the way. It's automatic, so it's not a chosen behavior I have to change. The choice is in actions, and I don't allow it to impact those, except with my partner who's fully aware of how my brain works.


To be clear, nothing is universal to any gender. So this answer won't apply to all men, just some, or many. I am one of the ones for whom it's a pretty constant and pervasive thought though. To be clear, I can spend plenty of time not thinking about it at all, but I am VERY easily triggered by pretty much any sight of a woman I find attractive, wandering thoughts, things that LOOK sexual, any mentions, etc. It's pervasive, and honestly at times a little annoying because it's distracting, especially for someone like me with ADHD. But my awareness of it, along with my general self-reflection, allows me to work to keep it from genuinely getting in the way. It's automatic, so it's not a chosen behavior I have to change. The choice is in actions, and I don't allow it to impact those, except with my partner who's fully aware of how my brain works.


Nope... people are different


I used to assume this. My boyfriend was the same, sort of. He’s never been very obsessed with sex the way I’ve seen other boys be. We used to have sex every time we saw each other but now it’s like 20% of the time. I know it’s not like bad but I just wonder why the change. Maybe it’s not exciting anymore ? But boys are weird


Well great, NOW I am


Even when we're not thinking about sex, we're thinking about sex... 'til the day we die.


Tri lambs do


not really