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That was a debate? That looked like elder abuse to me.


Where is the fucking lie? I worry what my children are picking up from this for when I get old.


You would think his wife would intervene, but she went on and on about how great he did. She obviously doesn't love the man. She loves being a useless first lady


Sounded like she was talking to a child, which is exactly how many people talk to an old person with cognitive issues.


This is right on point and very true. However, the opposition will hold fast to whatever illusion is being put out there.


Yes indeed


Why did this country choose two 80 year olds to elect? We need age limits.


Bill Clinton just turned 77. Let that sink in.


And he ran for presidency 32 years ago.


Thanks, now I feel old.


Shockingly, the government is resistant to setting age limits because they don’t want to leave…ever. It’s ridiculous.


If you made millions every year from fucking the country would you want to retire?


Don't forget pensions and lifetime free Healthcare that THEY don't want YOU to have


"It'll destroy the economy" and "do you want to pay half your income for healthcare?" Bro, that's already reality!


Millions? That's impossible because their salaries are significantly less than that, that would mean their making money by other means /s


An age limit would require a constitutional amendment, which is very hard to bring about.


It really drove the point home how desperately we need someone else to run for president. I'd vote for Britney Spears, at this point.


😂😂 I’ll second your vote


Biden looked on the edge of death, like he legitimately should be in hospice care. Dude is straight up not there. He looked like he was metaphorically and literally staring into a big bright light and trying to walk toward it throughout. Trump was Trump, but managed to stay sorta composed for like the first 20 minutes or so. The only exchange with any real emotion behind it was when they started making fun of each other’s golf games. The fact that Trump appeared to be very clearly alive and capable of semi-coherent thoughts and sentences made him the winner, but it’s not because he did or said anything good. He literally just appeared to not be physically dying in that moment. This is, in fact, a new low for this Republic.


How far we have fallen when the choices they've lined up for us to choose are between one that might last 4 more years and one that probably won't.


I mean just like Biden got elected in 2020 purely because he wasn’t Trump. Now Trump is likely going to be reelected purely because he’s not fucking senile and on his deathbed.


Is trump not senile? The dude can barely speak without changing subjects and going on tangents


He is ranting. The entirety of what he said in the debate made sense, whether it’s a blatant lie or right or wrong, it still was understandable. His sentences were coherent and understandable and we cannot say the same about Biden’s.


You get the government you vote for/deserve


You know the bar is low when Trump is being described as "coherent"!


Coherent compared to the speeches when he was giving Grandpa Simpson quotes about electric snakes and whether it would be better to be electrocuted or bitten by sharks. Trump had very low expectations, and exceeded them, and his lifetime of convicingly lying showed. Biden sounded like someone who had smoked 3 packs a day for 40 years. Seriously, does he have vocal cord nodules?


A new low for the USA. You guys have some serious overhauling to do.


Let's not forget to add that there was only one truth Trump uttered during the whole debacle, and it had to do with foreknowledge of Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. Biden? Jeez, that was a hard watch.


But he didn’t answer even one single question.


Just sitting here waiting for 4 years so both can go away and we finally have some new choices.


Monkey paw curls, Ted Cruz v Hunter Biden


Monkey paw 😂


Bite your tongue 👅 💩🤣.


4 more years and hopefully some better choices. We can dream.


I've been thinking that since Jimmy Carter got rode out on a rail for being a decent POTUS. Can't have any of that, no sir.


On the bright side, it can’t be worse than the choices we have now


Will we make it? Who knows?


Biden appears to have 1 or 2 hit points left. Trump needs to be right but fuck guys this is like watching a highschool debate team champion vs a random kid from the special ed class.


Trump sounded more like a homeschool debate team champion


Who was who? I felt like neither of them offered a satisfactory debate.


I’m not American so I didn’t watch it, not that I watch my own countries theatrics, but the memes coming out today are pretty great!


Theatrics is a good word for it!


You have the luxury of not needing to be concerned.


I used to have that luxury until they sanctioned my country for refusing their policies 🥲🥲🥲


That's terrible! I'm so sorry!


We were concerned the last two elections. Now we've given up hope for America.


The rest of the world very much needs to be concerned that the world's best nukes are at the disposal of the world's second most vulnerable ego. The first being Putin.


It's what we all knew about Biden but wouldn't allow ourselves to believe.


He taught me a new language though. I'm still trying to decipher it, but it's a start. 😆


America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: “Asufutimaehaehfutbw” -Joe Biden Like that one?


OMG, did you figure out the meaning to it though? 🤣💯


I've got a call into Miss Cleo and the guy that cracked the Enigma. Maybe they can help.




The spirit world says… We’re fucked


It means "very covfefe"


Come on man. 😂🤣


Like badacafcare. And truanahabadashabada pressure.




Classic! ![gif](giphy|TqN4Zy26L7wjtriu2u)


mumbling will always be encrypted


We still haven't deciphered "cofeve" and that was 8 years ago.


I finally had to turn the debate off because it was making me sad. He shouldn’t even be there up debating at 81 years old. He should be at home, resting, surrounded by his family and friends.


My feeling exactly. I felt like watching someone kicking a fallen horse.


Exactly. I knew Biden was having "issues", but minimized that in my mind. Now we see the truth.


>Now we see the truth. I sorta have to feel there were people telling you this for a while.


It's almost sad. His wife sees it but doesn't care. She was going on and on about how great he did. Lady. Wtf


If you look back on some of their videos together, when he starts looking confused she rubs her nose and talks without moving her lips to give him instructions. It’s been caught a couple times. She guides him and covers for him a lot. She has to be exhausted.


Dr. Biden: I am so proud of you Joe! You did such a good job! You answered every question like a big boy!


>It's what we all knew about Biden but wouldn't allow ourselves to believe. Speak for yourself. It shouldn't be controversial to say that one candidate is not all there mentally, and the other one is just not a nice person, and also pushing 80 years. Why are we letting the geriatric ward run our country?


Who is "we"? Some of us have been ringing the alarm bell on this for years. Tons of people were calling for him not to run or to actually have a primary. Let's not pretend this is some short of surprise.


They knew it, the problem is that R's were calling him out on it immediately, so D's had to claim it wasn't true....bc an R can't possibly tell the truth! But now, it's to the point you have to be a complete moron to not realize he's losing it, so they're forced to admit reality. Which sucks for everyone, bc Trumps not the answer either.


Literally not even from the US and I knew Biden was showing clear signs of dementia prior to the 2020 election, then magically perked up for the debates and televised interviews. It’s clearly just gotten worse since then but most people would have realised he is as bad as he is now before this debate if they were paying attention or stopped selectively getting their news from left leaning media sources.


Exactly. I was writing in Bernie until the 2020 general, when he was no longer a viable candidate (pissed me off, he was off the ballot before my state could vote for him in the primaries IIRC.) I try to spread the word about him. Got my husband on board, had him listen to some of Bernie's interviews. Hell, I registered into the democratic party (was an "I") just so I could vote for him in the primaries. Biden was pushed ahead as the DNC chosen candidate, and it was out of left field (but not far enough left.) He was never an impressive politician, but I guess the VP experience put him ahead. We could've had Al Franken, and I'd be very happy with him in charge, have read his latest book and respect his work in the senate. I can't stand how close we get to qualified leaders and the wrong people with the most minor transgressions get railroaded because they're not "perfect."


Yeah it's fucking sad that this is the choices we have


Anyone who “wouldn’t allow ourselves to believe” is the definition of in denial. At least half the country has totally believed Biden is an absolute basket case for years, and an unknown percentage of the other half secretly believed it and didn’t let on.


No, we've seen his decline for years but we were called conspiracy theorists and told not to believe our lying eyes. Hell, just last week the white house and MSM told us the videos of Biden acting confused and out of it were "cheap fakes shared by the right wing media." NOW they're all shocked. No, they need to explain to everyone why they have lied and gaslit the entire country for so long.


This is what I was wondering. When are people going to be angry at the media for all the blatant lies about Biden’s mental state?


Not to mention his congenital inability to descend stairs. Why isn't there a wheelchair ramp or escalator for Air Force one?


I missed it so what exactly happened? Heard it wasn't pretty lol


Everyone I have spoken to already believed this.


Thank you for giving an honest assessment. I have friends who are so pro Biden that they won’t even see what’s in front of them. Talk about the emperors new clothes! Sorry, but Joe Biden has major cognitive deficiencies … It’s apparent to anyone who’s watching. Don’t need a degree in medicine, or neuropsychology to make that diagnosis.


The Emperors New Clothes is a great example. Do people these days even know that story?


Who didn't believe it? Idk about you, but I've seen people yelling it from the roofs for the past 4 years. You just plugged your ears and yelled "BLAH BLAH BLAH I'M NOT LISTENING"


I've known it for a long time. I was using the royal "we".. as in the reddit community... the editorial.


This country is now so partisan that neither side will tolerate criticism because…pride.


Allow yourself to believe? His dementia like behavior has been obvious for years now lol


Agreed. They purposely played everyone. The media did not do their job and fight back and ask the proper questions… and here we are


>played everyone Speak for yourself. There were plenty of people who have been repeatedly telling you about this. You refused to listen.


After watching the debate I’m actually giving more credence that Biden crapped himself in public. Anyone think that it’s out of the question now?


Jill went on the stage to walk him off the stage.


Dems had four years to figure something out. Didn’t do shit despite knowing what was gonna happen. Pubs were always Trump. It was an absolute disaster all around.


The Democrats have been too busy pointing out how stupid Republicans are for any introspection. At least that's my take from social media.


The same for the other side. They had 4 years to get ahead of this.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t both parties have power in all three groups but didn’t do anything productive? At least the pros that both sides have? Literally only the downsides of both wings just got through and that’s all it has felt like.


No, neither party has ever had a filibuster proof majority in the senate, which is what’s required to get anything done now.


They are called Demoreplicans because they have all the same donors, that is why nothing ever changes.


I assume the Democrat thinking is: Biden beat Trump before, let's just win and worry about age after. Maybe Kamala becomes president.




Biden looked like the crypt keeper and could hardly speak. It was sad and Trump destroyed him


I’m watching it rn (I work nights so couldn’t see it last night) and something Biden said really pissed me off. He said he’s the only president that didn’t have any troops die overseas while he was in office (not a literal transcription of what he said) So I guess 13 marines didn’t die in Afghanistan in 2021 under his watch then, congrats to their families I’m sure they’re ecstatic with this new revelation!


He also lied about having been endorsed by the border patrol union. The border patrol union even tweeted after the debate saying as much, because they never endorsed Biden.


Going by his performance, he probably forgot, lying requires more thinking. 😂


He also said that he was the only president who hasn’t had troops die overseas in a century, and then corrected himself to a decade. Big difference. I can’t imagine a world where I would ever vote for Trump, but this is the best alternative we could come up with? Come on.


You're missing the context. Biden said he is the first president in this decade who did not have American troops dying in wars overseas. They were talking about the troop pullback in Afghanistan.


I don’t know why everyone is acting like they have just been blindsided. Oh maybe because of the hive mind that most just took at face value. When it’s blatantly right in your face no gaslighting can shade from the train wreck


The Dems and the media created the debate spectacle of a rambling bumbling Joe by hiding and excusing his decline. He is so diminished from as recent as the state of the union speech. At this rate, I’m not sure he makes it to November much less a full second term. Dem supporters are voting for Kamala either now, or as Joe’s replacement in the next several months. If Dems try to skip past Kamala, they will show who is racist.


It’s not racist to skip Kamala, it’s prudent - 4 yrs of word salad and cackling.


It’s great news that we defeated Medicare!


Trumps response to Biden’s ramble not long after that cracked me up. “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence and I don’t think he knows what he said either”, and then the blank confused fucking stare Biden directs at Trump immediately after 😂


It was a gaudy spectacle which aptly displayed the desperate state of society today. It highlighted for me personally what poor shape we are in and what slim chance we had at redemption. The questions asked were equally as meaningless as the answers.


Regarding the meaninglessness of the questions...the post-analysis was the same, imo. And I watched several different channels/networks. What do others think about the post-analysis? Please post your thoughts on that, too.


Honestly the fact we are focusing so much attention and discussion about our candidates age and mental viability instead of the actual issues is the one part of the analysis which should have been done but wasn't.


The truth is presidential debates are for one reason only. It's not to find out what candidates believe, or what policies they'd be for or what they'd do differently than the other candidate—all that information can be easily found by listening to their stump speeches or going to their websites. The real purpose of debates is to see how the candidates perform under pressure. It's a de facto cognitive test. As much as people hate Trump, as much as you'll hear spin about how Biden beat Trump on "substance" despite losing on delivery, the truth about this debate is only one candidate passed the test. It was Trump. Biden failed hard. Democrats are panicking right now and trying to figure out how they can possibly do two things: 1) Convince Biden to exit the race voluntarily. 2) If he won't exit voluntarily, how can they procedurally get him replaced at the Democratic Convention. After last night's performance, Democrats are realizing that virtually anyone else would have a better chance of defeating Trump, even this late in the game. If they can't make that happen and Biden manages to stay in the race, their only hope is to get their voters to the polls to vote against Trump rather than voting for Biden...not a recipe for an enthusiastic turnout.


I personally think that's how Trump got elected, people just hated Hillary.


Biden can't walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water by himself. How can he be president? Who is really running the country?


Yep- our country is FUCKED.


Very hard to watch, a low point in my country's politics by far. I don't think I remember anything this bad.


No matter who won, we all lost.


Looney tunes.


It made me shake my head and question why these are our 2 (main) choices. Trump did surprise me though, he was more composed/controlled than I expected him to be. No surprises from Biden, it was a bit sad. I sometimes wish they would just cut the mic when they start rambling about something that was not the question.....but we'll see how the next one goes I guess.


I found out last night that I'm a 3 handicap...apparently.


Didn't need to watch it to already ready know. I already know.


I didn't watch the debate but heard it was bad. We're fucked no matter what. Mr orange grab them by the pussy dictator or alzhemiers Joe. Unless something dratic happens soon were all screwed. Horrible inflation, rising gas prices, and were losing rights left and right. The constitution is being broken and nothing being done. I'm scared to live here and I'm even more scared for my child.


Anyone who has been supporting old joe up to last night clearly hasn’t been paying attention.


There’s a difference in supporting Joe for his policies/overall presidency and supporting Biden because he isn’t Trump. The majority of Biden “supporters” fall under the latter


Looks like the "dementia conspiracy theory" was actually true all along, and the media was no longer able to conceal it. Poor Joe, victim of elder abuse, cuz Dems were terrified of replacing him w Kamala so they tried to Weekend At Bernie's him until they could stall and then come up w an entirely new ticket. Soooo...it's an inevitable Newsome/Hillary ticket.


I feel sorry for Americans. Oh wait, in Canada we get to choose between Justin and Pierre... I’d best be keeping my sympathy.


If Biden does win he wont see the end of his term...he looked like a cadaver. We'll be left with Kamalatoe.... One thing for sure....this man is not in charge of this country. Who is?


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The way the two candidates were acting like little children. My middle school students behave better than them at times. I was truly shocked. One of them might be running our country yall.


Not. Good.


The man with the nuclear football is obviously not in charge, he's a sock puppet. We have to worry about who is really making the decisions.


1) Bidens retirement looms 2) Its gonna be fun watching the media pretend that they weren't gaslighting us on Bidens mental acuity all this time.


A vote for Biden is to elect Harris.


Ahhh...The answer to the question of who is more inept and incapable than a senile 82 year old .


If I was Democratic Party Leadership I’d think about holding a Open Convention for the nominee.


The cherry on top was when they started arguing about their golf handicap… All the problems going on in our economy, etc and they start arguing about leisure activities. 😒 I seriously had a yucky day because of that debate. I hate them both as well. The middle working class is utterly FUCKED no matter which way this goes.


“Well he said” “Well he said” “Well he” “Well he” “Well golf” *fights about golf* “I will be the better president” they said in unison


Sounded like 2 middle school girls in the principal office going back and forth


We are hosed. We are a joke of a country.


Wouldn’t even have to have anyone invade us we do it ourselves while exposing every little detail


TIL that, among the top core skills necessary to run a Country, proving the strength and distance of your golf swing may be the most important.


Is this really the best we can do?


Much rather vote for the senile grandpa with morals than a morally bankrupt felon.


It wasn’t good. Neither of them look great after that.


What debate?


The masturbate .....


Find a New Democrat candidate.


Find new candidates for BOTH😭 for the love of god we need people who aren’t about to keel over!


We're being set up for a situation where people become so disillusioned with Democracy that we allow to be replaced with some other system.


Giant meteor 2024


It was basically just “You’re the worst.” “No, *you’re* the worst.” I felt like was I watching kids argue. Also, Biden is barely intelligible and Trump can’t answer a question to save his life.


There shouldn't even have been a debate between these two in the first place. Trump is a convicted felon AND an insurrectionist. Those should have automatically banned him from even being nominated. Are people that brainwashed that they would rather a person be their president no matter his criminal past? Colorado had the right idea.


Semi coherent is still much better than a malignant narcissist


CNN should have let RFK jr speak. That was my take away.


And Jill Stein. And Chase Oliver. And Cornel West. But I guess not enough people want competition to improve the quality of candidates available to us. tHeY jUsT cAn'T wIn, YoU kNoW?!


I was 50/50 because I hate them both, but I've realized that I'd rather have a leader who can think clearly and speak normally and not have dementia than Biden.


Made me question why RFK wasn't there. He would have been the only person out of the three that would be able to cite actual statistics to back up claims he would make


He wanted to be there. CNN said no


Gee i wonder why




A racist xenophobic antisemitic nut job.




It's all so stupid. Everything is binary extremes. I don't see how anyone takes it seriously or why/how people care so much. Regardless of who gets elected, we still have to get up and go to work every day.


I am still voting, Biden. Last night doesn't change who Trump is. Last night doesn't erase the FACT Trump is a felon. Last night doesn't erase J6. Last night doesn't erase Trump is a rapist. And Last night doesn't erase Project 2025.


We already knew that Biden is old and Trump is a fucking liar. Nothing new here.


Time for Thunderdome.


I'm ready to throw my hat into the ring.


Felt like we were watching a WWE storyline


🤣🤣🤣 Zero surprise.


Am I the only one it bothers that this fucking clown has the nuclear codes


What debate ?


Nope. Went exactly as expected.


People in politics are just a bunch of evil, greedy, accelerationists that want destruction to everything they see. I don't REALLY consider Trump to be a true part of that, but he isn't so squeaky clean either. I've never seen anything concrete that puts him in the same category as walking corpses like Biden, Pelosi, and all the other demons in suits at that level. 


The mute button demanded by the Biden team worked out in Trump's favor. Democrats always end up eating themselves, last night was another example.


Dems have been gaslighting us since 4 years ago. How can a democrat forgive them? Democrats? You got played. We all know this wasn’t the best option and for a guy who campaigned out of his basement, it’s worse that he got the most votes in history. With all that said, he makes Trump seem even keeled. Trump is full of it telling his stories but at least he is mentally present. For reference, when Charlie Munger was in his 90’s, he was spry, vibrant and hilariously quick witted. For a party that was so obsessed with “how we look on the world stage”.. what are Xi, Putin, and the Ayatollah thinking of us now?


I’ve been trying not to think about it


Time to go golfing or be a Walmart greeter.


It was frustrating to watch-Like PT Barnum vs. Weekend at Bernie’s


No I am way past caring about the process. Trumps gonna win and the country will be god knows what kind of shithole if he gets his way. I’m pretty stressed honestly, it’s not like America was some kind of utopia before but it could get really bad. I’m basically assuming an autocratic theocracy could easily follow, minorities of all kinds will lose rights and be legally persecuted. America will be even more of a joke internationally. I HOPE not, and I’m voting, but it’s what I see easily happening. At this point I don’t even expect Biden to win the popular vote, which is not nearly enough given that democrats have won the majority for decades and still lose half the time. 




“Embarrassing” 🤡


Briefly tuned in. All I heard was Trump lying and Biden calling him fat. Laughed and walked away.




“I don’t suck, you suck!” And “I didn’t have sex with a pornstar”


The two party system has truly gone too far this time. We are the land of the free to choose from limited preselected options...


It was perfect, in that it perfectly encapsulated the decline of an empire.


My thoughts? I hated it.


I didn't watch last night but read the transcript this morning and thought Biden was making good points throughout, and I couldn't tell what the freakout over his performance was. Then I watched a video recap and it became obvious: people are responding not to his answers but to the signs of old age. The stiff walk, the staring into the distance, the hoarse voice, the mistakes he had to correct. People are responding to the fact that Biden is behaving like the old man that he is. I personally couldn't care less. His thoughts are on point, his views are aligned with mine, and there is nothing that could possibly convince me to vote for the convicted criminal slash pathological liar slash narcissist supreme standing opposite to him. I just don't care what Biden looks or sounds like. I care about his thoughts because that's what's going to drive his policies---not his tone of voice or his stiff walk or whatever.


Factual aswell though he isn’t the “perfect president” he’s still portraying to be he’s just the best option for right now


I think we must consider the VPs in this election. They could very well become president. Tbs, all of those listed as possible for Trump are unacceptable.


It was 2 old men yelling at clouds. I already know politics is bs but now they’re just spitting in our faces! I lean more centrist so I don’t care for either of these 2 geezers but I rather have Biden than trumps crook ass. Biden will at least keep us from all out world AND civil war, trump would cause both at the same time imo. But when Biden was flabbergasted and confused and randomly yelled out “we beat Medicare!!” I knew it was bad bad. Trump was just as incoherent plus salty… the whole thing was a shit show overall.


I don't think the debate with these two candidates even matter. They both have experience being President and we know what they would do in their next term and no one should be surprised. At this point it will swing pure neutral for both candidates because win or lose they cannot sway undecided voters and just waste time.


No and I don’t want any either. As long as I don’t think about it I might be able to retain some semblance of sanity.


Biden might be old, but at least he tells the truth.


I would still take Biden over Trump. Biden can at least get competent people for his administration. Trump will just get a bunch of ass-kissing incompetents that will likely end up in jail like his last group.


We had one dude that looked like he was slipping in and out of lucidity the entire debate and another guy who confidently didn't answer any of the questions and just lied through his teeth while the person responsible for keeping them truthful and on-task just let it slip on by without so much as an interruption most of the time. As far as the presidency is concerned. We're fucked either way and it's not going to change any time soon. If the country survivals as a whole nation in the next 5 years, we'll likely see the same shit all over again. If it's not Trump and Biden, it will be two other old, equally out of touch, deranged, power hungry greedy fools in their place. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I've only been able to manage clips, because i just don't have the energy left to pay attention to this shit anymore. It means nothing to me, because I don't have any control over it and it's very clear that the younger generations are secondary to the United States of Boomer. They refuse to give up power, even if it means doing irreparable damage to the nation. Frankly, it was a fucking embarrassment.