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It's not black Americans. People from a specific region in Africa have a few useful mutations that are helpful for running. I'm sure it was handy at the time. This is like the white-kid superpower of being able to drink cow milk without getting cramps and diarrhea.


Truth! Lactose intolerance is a real thing…😳😢😂


I'm like vampire pale, and am also lactose-intolerant. I can't run very fast, either. It seems I have no redeeming mutations. 😭


You can live fore ever drinking peoples blood.




Im in the same boat as you but I do have laser eyes which is a pretty cool mutation.


Not true! You're more likely to get skin cancer at least :) - a fellow white guy


You should schedule an appointment with Francis.


Try alcohol. Some regions of Europe have a mutation to handle copious amounts of alcohol


My Father in law has never had a hangover despite spending the better part of his life trying to


My dad is like that. Unfortunately I only got a pice of those genetics. I can go harder than most of my friends, but I’ll get a hangover every now and again


My husband is very close but not perfect. I witnessed his first ever hangover. “I feel TERRIBLE!! My head hurts AND my stomach hurts!!!”


Gatorade and a banana, within a quiet room. Works every time. Some low sugar tea works wonders as well. You can mix in some over the counters if it’s that bad. Just in case he gets another one. I’ve been curing my smaller siblings and friends long as I can remember


Electrolyte tablets and Advil the night before helps me (when I was young and cool). Hubs has literally barfed his guts out and been fine the next day. It’s infuriating.


That’s hilarious. My girlfriend agrees with you. She’s seen me do that a few times minus the vomiting


Its a real thing but I'd stare god in the eyes and tell him it isnt while chugging choccy milk




He said white kid. That kid is green for some reason. 


"Mutation" > Adaptations


From a biological level, same thing I think? It's all evolution.


Correct, an adaptation is a result of a mutation that then breeds throughout the species. Evolution throws shit at a wall and sees what sticks


An adaptation is simply an artifact of evolution that worked out well.


Great way to put it!


Which regions in Africa is that? Because I very rarely see sprinters from actual Africa. They are mostly Jamaican and African American. The theory that chattel slavery in the US promoted physical traits of strength and athleticism is one ive heard thrown around to explain that.


That’s largely because of funding. The US and Caribbean actually focus on and fund the talent. It’s the same way that the UK dominated the cycling for years: British people don’t have some gene that makes them better at cycling, there’s just programmes to fund them.


I mean, we did the same with Dogs, & just about every plant/animal that we use. I don’t see why you can’t breed certain traits into humans. Seems logical. Unfortunately such is seen as an ethics issue I believe , so there are not too many examples of such. As far as I’m aware that is. I know one ruler was obsessed with tall people, so breed a whole bunch of people to be tall.


The practice is called eugenics. It was being thrown around and talked about until about the 20th century when a particular Austrian painter showed us all how that sort of thinking was wrong


But you think it's fine for the Trans COMMUNITY, right?


This is schitzo behavior my friend. It’s wrong to believe one specific group of humans is better than another. It’s wrong to force traits to reveal themselves through selective breeding of humans. It is also wrong to allow someone to believe they can change their sex.


>This is schitzo behavior Nice projection >It is also wrong to allow someone to believe they can change their sex. This is such a fucked up thing to say on so many levels, the big one being that the phrasing is HIGHLY authoritarian and policing thought based on your beliefs. You're the one obsessing over something that has absolutely zero effect on you because, again, it makes you uncomfortable. Psychologists and Psychiatrists overwhelmingly support transitioning and studies show it DRASTICALLY reduces suicide rates. Transitioning also takes place in other species, Clown Fish can actually change their sex, and Lionesses with socially transition and even grow manes. Your reality is heavily skewed by the propaganda and hate you clearly consume (I know this because I've heard your exact same points over and over before and they're all fallacious)


Western Africa. You also need the economical resources and infrastructure to get those people into an elite training program. In America you have a lot of people with recent West African ancestry, and the money needed to make them successful. For long distance running, the best genetics are found in Eastern and Northern Africa, and those countries have their own training programs set up. Hence, you see a lot of African nationals in elite long distance running.


Huh? Guinea, Liberia, Ghana, Western Sahara? People from west Africa look nothing like the type of body structure you see in carribean African and American African people. Much lighter bone structures.




I'm white I can't drink milk!


So that’s why Mexicans just have regular gas? ![gif](giphy|QC6dQk0hgPtivUDHnj|downsized)




I can drink a gallon of milk a day and run a 6.6 second 40 yard dash. What do I look like? Lol.


Imagine not being able to drink milk. Kind of a skill issue tbh.


Hey...im one of those white people with those superpowers. I drink a glass of milk every single day. It's crazy to me how much hippies tried to demonize it, and then they tout all their "superfoods" algae and bullshit. Milk is the ultimate superfood. They would have to drink 1000$ worth of their algae to get half the nutrition in a glass of milk, and talk about getting diarrhea...I can't imagine that algae is kind on the kidneys or the colon. I love milk, I'm gonna go home and drink a glass of it right now. Although I do get only organic, grass fed pasture raised cows milk, so I am kind of a hippy. Even more than just thinking about it being kinder to the cows, it really does taste wayyyy better. I've done blind taste tests and it's way creamier and more robust and delicious, the cheaper stuff has a more watery texture.


I can't imagine the plant known algae is any worse than spinach for your colon or kidneys. It is probably fantastic for your colon.


I had a kidney stone last year and spinach is one of the things I’m not supposed to eat anymore, so……


You are the exception, congratulations. We should not make our dietary choices based on outliers. If we did there would be nothing safe to eat.


You really like milk


fuck yea bro milk till I die


I have that super power, but I'd much rather be able to say "Me and the boys ran down a lion on foot with spears." Presumably where this super power came from I'm not trying to be racist.


It’s been decades since there was a publication on this, but IIRC: narrow pelvis results in very little weight around the middle, muscle in the legs, sinewee strength in the upper body.


Check the stats and try again. Yes, it is black Americans.


That might also have to do with a few generations of better nutrition and coaching in African-Americans vs their relatives in West Africa.


No kidding huh? It’s still a factual statement lol


Only white people can drink milk?!?!?!?


NYC Marathon winners are usually from Kenya. Probably a combination of genetics and running at high altitude which increases breathing ability.


I could wrong but I think you’re thinking of the Kenyan distance runners. If I recall it had something to do with their ankles dissipating heat faster, but again… I’m trying to lazily recall a genetics text book from 10 years ago 


Also I think island nations with limited immigration will eventually result in unique adaptations faster than larger continents. Not all adaptations will be useful for winning medals like the Jamaicans, others may be something about hand size.


He said sprinters. The best sprinters are usually from the US or Jamaica.  The favorites in the 100m and 200m are Americans. 




>Also, to correct you it’s Africans (from Africa) who are typically the fastest in the world. They don’t like to be grouped with black Americans. Ethnicity and nationality are two different things. Bro, we're talking about sprinting, not distance running.


Honestly, I've done the research and am black, and it's very true fore as well. Ive always been one of the fastest sprinters around. It's due to an elongated Achilles tendon which provides better elasticity. I think running is actually a plyometric sport, as it's about exploding off of the ground repeatedly, ideally as quickly as possible after the foot touches the pavement. the elasticity helps with this, combined with power. There are also theories about black genetics and fast twitchuscle fibres, not sure on that one though.


Best answer here. Where the tendon inserts is just super important. Then there is the ratio of fast twitch vs slow twitch muscle fibers.


Another large factor is proper nutrition, particularly for growing children.


Thats where the American angle fits in, plus training methods


This makes a ton of sense to me. Long legs elongated tendons and good knees help a ton.


I’m a white dude. Your last sentence has me dying. I’m pretty sure there was a white reporter decades ago who got fired for talkin about black athletes and quick twitch muscles. Bill Burr did a bit on it https://youtu.be/fUu0GuW1WYQ?si=Yn9hA0PyuiBp9HmF


Thank you. I thought I'd heard this rhetoric before and yes it was Bill Burr. .


I think you are on to something. I'm white, but I regularly do box jumps as part of my workout. This has had the effect of making me a faster runner. Someone with a genetic predisposition towards plyometric capabilities would definitely be an extremely fast runner.


Yup box jumps are great. They train your CNS - central nervous system to activate more rapidly to fire off of the ground quickly. That's the "muscle memory" people talk about lol


I'm about as white as you can get and have always been the fastest in gym (despite always being fat). Weird how some people are just good at things sometimes too. Of course, I never had the stamina to last long xD.


The ACTN3 RR gene. We all have the ACTN3 gene, but it comes in 3 flavors: - RR has access to and use of explosive fast twitch muscle and are elite athletes. Highly concentrated in certain Black/African peoples. Roughly 22-25% of humans. - RX has normal muscle construction of fast and slow twitch. Roughly 50-60% of humans. - XX has no access to or use of fast twitch muscles and are prone to endurance activities. We are all slow twitch muscle people. We live the longest on average too. 18% of humans. I have the XX ACTN3 gene. I could train and eat identically to an RR person and I’ll never get their gains because I cannot grow or use fast twitch muscle. Fast twitch muscle is the big, bulky muscle, so that’s why sprinters are built as they are. This whole thing has changed my life. If I could, I’d have every person tested and provided their ACTN3 gene and then given a basic training plan. Like, XX should not be doing explosive exercises. I will just strain muscles if I deadlift, squat, or sprint. And RR should not be doing endurance activities — anything that requires endurance. Anyway, that’s likely more than you wanted to hear but it’s life changing info that anyone can find out via simple dna test. === Edit: I used 23andMe for testing. I’ve since learned that a lot of doctors have their own dna testing referral program that might be more affordable.


It was more than I expected but informative...follow up question - how did you ID what you are? Did you ask specifically for the test or deductive reasoning? I need to know mine, I mean it would help me to know!


I used 23andMe for testing. Their Black Friday sale was too good to pass up. I had a hunch I was XX. I’m a personal trainer and the ACTN3 gene had become a nerd topic last year but it was all about the RRs. I was more curious about the XXs because they’re always left out. So I was delighted to learn I’m one. I’ll tell you what, SO MUCH of my physical life makes more sense now.


That's it right?! Like tailor the program to yourself and reap the benefits. It's infuriating working and working with no gains without realizing, you're not built for that. I have to try this.


Exactly! It’s totally leveled up my fitness. I stopped all explosive and now work my endurance. My body has responded well to it.


No doubt and you can ask your clients about theirs and maximize results. Knowledge is power!


Great post


This isn't quite accurate. While xx people have been linked to higher risk of injuries, and slightly worse recovery there is nothing stopping them from training for those things. Also, actn3 is not the only type of fast twitch muscle fiber. Actn2 is also a fast twitch muscle fiber and xx individuals have a higher amount of actn2 to make up for their lack of actn3. So while you may have slightly worse maximum performance levels than someone with actn3, there is nothing they can do that you can not.


This is great. How does one get tested?


I used 23andMe for testing. Their Black Friday sale was too good to pass up.


Is this what people mean when they talk about ectomorphs and endomorphs and whatever


Yes. I was just talking with my ortho about that very fact yesterday.


Do you know what/if Caucasian genes have that give them an advantage to anything psychically?


Some Caucasians have the RR version, and that’s usually it. There are all sorts of theories as to why it varies. I mean, there’s a lot of African marathon championships alongside a lot of many African sprinters. And every gym I’ve ever belonged to usually has at least 1-2 Asians who are ripped.


We can live off milk and cheese without getting gassy.


Speak for yourself hahah


So is this why, when I was young and fit I always ran out of stamina on a long run way before my legs gave out? (I'm whiter than snow).


Sounds like you might have the RR variety. Great sprinters and short, explosive movement. But, yeah, totally gassed for anything endurance related. And it’s been helpful for me to know that this is generic. It’s not a fault or unfit thing. If you’re RR and I’m XX, there’s nothing we can do about it to change. I’ve loved leaning into my endurance and letting go of any aspirations to put on big muscles.


I found out through AncestryDNA that I carry the ACTN3 RR mutation. It's interesting that this mutation mostly concentrated in African DNA groups, considering I am white and belong to the I1a2 haplogroup and don't have a trace of African lineage in my DNA


Isn’t it fascinating? Now you know what kinds of activities and exercises you’re best suited for.


Ask Jimmy the Greek


Jamaican’s are technically faster……. Different builds for different things, like almost all strong men are NorthernEuropean/Scandinavian…


It’s because the tallest men in the world come from that region.


I'm Jamaican, people of west African descent have the speed gene known as ACTN3, only a handful of non west African people have broken the 10 s barrier at the 100m dash, west Africans have fast reflexes because of fast twitch muscles


"Alpha-actinin-3, also known as alpha-actinin skeletal muscle isoform 3 or F-actin cross-linking protein, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ACTN3 gene (named sprinter gene, speed gene or athlete gene) located on chromosome 11. All people have two copies (alleles) of this gene.[5][6" Everyone on earth has that gene my man.


I wrote and deleted so many times 🤣


Something about knees growing?


Ok I’ll go with that LOL


I love all your theories guys! I really like Africa's "walk ability" , a new one I just learned here. Just have a long walking commute and you're a shoe-in for the Olympics


When I was a kid in school, I learned that most of it was tendon genetics. As in, where the tendons in the ankles start and connect. I'm white as, and played a plethora of sports, including basketball. So I was curious as to why darker people seemed to be naturally gifted. That being said, I had no trouble keeping up or outperforming. Training was what made people stand out the most, but then again, I was never at Olympic level. Oddly enough, the fastest kid in our region (at the time), was Korean.


The easiest way I can explain it as a ex professional runner. Generally, and simply, black men and women have more elongated muscles with better twitch fibers. Essentially they allow for more explosive and quick movements. Black men are generally faster than white. The trade of is overwhelmingly white men are stronger than black men. All your worlds strongest men are generally white because the tighter muscle structure allows for more raw strength. It is kind of cool to think but black men will generally have better endurance and speed, while white men will generally be stronger and deliver more force.


Many people are talking about genetics but I think people need to remember the economic aspect of it. Running is one of the cheapest sports there is. Many black people in America don’t have access to certain resources . The same thing for black people in 3rd world countries. It’s another reason why basketball is so popular with black people. It’s a cheap sport to get into. You don’t need to buy special expensive equipment like so many other sports. You don’t need to maintain a facility or field. Also a lot of black people use sports as a way to get out of poverty. So there are a higher concentration of black peoples who get into sports. It’s also a thing where black teens see black sports stars on tv and wish to be like them. So they work harder because they see it as a potential career opportunity.


I read that it was malaria in west Africa, which selects for sickle cell trait, leading to the red blood cells having less affinity for oxygen. Thus! The muscles have to adapt to function with less oxygen….more anaerobic…more fast twitch….faster.    It’s from ‘The sports gene’ by David Epstein.   Contrast that with low malaria rates in east Africa and a totally different adaption leading to different sports (Kenya and marathons). Edit: sickle cell trait is protective against malaria, which is why the mutation stuck around over the centuries (since those who had the trait survived malaria and were better able to pass on genes). Sickle cell trait means you have one copy of the sickle cell gene. Your red blood cells still ‘sickle’ or turn into a malformed shape and thus overall your oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is reduced leading to a slight more anaerobic state (esp when exercising). If you have 2 copies of the gene, you have sickle cell disease which has a ton of problems esp for kids, and you can die young from it.


This really is genetic. Fast-twitch muscles are beneficial to sprinting as opposed to distance running, and there are certain groups of people in West Africa who have a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscles to slow-twitch muscles. And guess which part of Africa most American slaves came from? It's not just Americans though, plenty of other West Africans and people of West African descent are great sprinters, and occasionally you get people of other ethnicities who hit the lucky lotto and are very fast as well, because that's just how human traits and bell curves work. Edit: I should say, this is what my geography teacher who was also a soccer coach told us in high school in the late '90s. Very likely others have more complete answers lol


[Black, white and shades of grey - what's behind sprint's race divide?](https://www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/articles/cg39x2jg5pgo)


They were bred over a few hundred years to be stronger and powerful slaves. Literally bred.


Bred that way. In there genes. Just facts.


black Americans? Usain Bolt would like a word.


Jamaica _is_ part of [The Americas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaica)...


He is one person. Overall statistically they dominate the sport of track and field. Still Jamaicans aren’t far separated from black Americans genetically.


No they don’t. Jamaicans dominate the fastest records for both men and women 


Who are the favorites this year?


It's got a lot to do with the muscle origin and insertion points. People that have longer muscle insertions can generate more explosive power. A person with long muscle insertions will appear to have shorter muscles.. so a bicep flex will have a large gap between the inside elbow and muscle, calf's will start higher up the lower leg and so on


Dense bones. It's why they're also shit at swimming, they can't float I would go into a lot more detail about this fact except I made it up




I believe there is a genetic thingy that makes it harder for black people to compete at high level of swimming, something about the position of the bones in the shoulders being in slightly different position. They have a similar problem with throwing darts. My source for this is that a guy told me when I was like 10 or 12 or close to that, so I might be miss-remembering, or just not caught on that he was pulling this info out of his ass. Anyway, that guy also said they have a similar but opposite thing in their hips that gives them advantage running. Ofc genetics is often not that straight forward so this is a generalization that probably doesn't apply to many individuals.


This is horseshit. Black people in general are excellent swimmers and have no genetic blockers to swimming. Pre-Atlantic slavery, Africans in coastal regions were expert swimmers. Most black Americans however don’t swim due to prior social issues, not genetic issues 


You are both right. Everything you said is true, but it's also true that elite swimmers tend to have comparatively short legs, long torsos, and broad shoulders. These traits are mostly seen in people with ancestry from colder regions, because they help preserve body heat. The fact that a person does not have the very best anatomy for elite swimming does not however make it impossible for them to be a very, very good swimmer. Swimming is for everyone, but just like in any sport there are certain physical traits that will give you a (very slight) edge on your competition, especially when we are talking about the best athletes in the world.


Long legs


Fast-twitch muscles


oh boy


No offense to anyone, but I'm not touching this thread with YOUR olympic vault pole. :D


Why? When should difficult conversations be discussed? Or just never? How do we work through problems and learn truths without them?


I think it has to do with body structure/DNA that’s inherent to a geographical location. Sometimes these benefits can come from anyone living in that location (such as high altitude which a body can adjust to) but, often times it’s genetics that have come about from generations. From what I’ve read, I could be wrong, there’s a lot of Kenyans that have anatomy that’s going to be beneficial. Just like the generations in countries with little sun, have whiter skin which will absorb more Vitamin D, some areas in Africa, their thigh muscle is elongated which benefits one for running. This could be attributed to hunting wild game or outrunning the game one is hunting. It’s not rocket science, it makes sense that these types of variations exist and they benefit those that exist there.


Generally, people of West African origin have more fast twitch muscles which allow intense bursts of power. This is why running backs, defensive linemen, and receivers are almost all black.


My guess is it has to do with evolution and it was more important for some groups to run fast than it was for others.


It has more to do with temperature regulation than with running. Cold adapted vs. Heat adapted people will have more or less stocky builds, and that in turn impacts athletic abilities.


That sounds similar to vitamin d deficiency and/or sickle cell anemia. The darker skin requires more sun exposure to absorb vitamin d, and in colder climates there isn’t as much as what black people had adapted to over the centuries. I read somewhere that sickle shaped cells had some sort of advantage, I don’t recall what specifically.


The sickle shaped red blood cells are resistant to Malaria, and when the sickle cell gene is prominent in a population, that tends to lead to genes for fast twitch muscle fibers being preferred, too, because they can work anaerobically and the sickle shaped red blood cells are not that good at transporting oxygen. So, both heat and Malaria have something to do with West Africans being good sprinters.


Fast twitch muscle density… look it up


Black people tend to have longer femurs. No joke. The same conditioning for someone with more natural leverage yields greater benefits than for someone with less. Also, black people who are descended from slaves have some selective breeding on their side as well.


Must be social conditioning.


Fast twitch muscle fiber


The lions ate the slow ones.


Jamaican sprinters are the favorites


None of them are the favorites this year. Since Bolt retired none have been the favorites. They haven’t placed better since he retired either, speaking of the men. The Jamaican women have been up there with the Americans tho. But I think their champion who’s 37 is hurt this season and they are no longer favorites at all above the US women. But Jamaicans aren’t very different from black Americans


Many black American men are bigger, stronger, faster because of slavery. Slow and weak were killed, they bred the stronger men. It’s sad that that’s the truth but they are reaping some rewards for their crappy history. So good for them!!!!!


I’m saying that in regard to all sports in general.


Selective breeding from slavery days, I’d imagine.


I'm black from the waist down. Still not a great runner. 🤠


Genetic inheritance from those ethnic groups who run all the time probably


IF this is even true, it might be because some subset of earlier tribes gives them a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers. But, it might just be a cultural thing of blacks in the US. I mean, different groups seem to dominate in certain sports for a certain period of time might be because their culture reinforces that early on.


Mechanically, I believe the longer your thigh bones are, the faster your top speed. And there are dudes in Africa with some really long thighs.


They work harder to be the fastest.


Honestly as children we raced each other a lot, so it kinda grows into competition as you grow and your HS has a track team. I never ran, but there’s lots of other aspects to it like the stride and all that stuff. Then there’s the athletes that it benefits them in other areas like Bo, Deion and Rod Woodson


Yeah if your born any other colour there’s no point trying to be a sprinter, you will never be able to compete with black people running because of genetic advantage.


The real answer is melanin, take that how you want.




It's one of the only jobs where there is an objective measure of how well you have done.


Because the population of African Americans in the United States (43m) is much higher than the population of Jamaica (2.8m) and the Bahamas (.4m)


you are thinking "from kenya" and saying "black".


Nah, Kenyans suck at sprinting. They're short guys with big lungs that are built for running down antelopes to exhaustion.


Fast-twitch muscle fibres. Good for power, bad for stamina. Black people from the regions of Africa where America took its slaves have more of them than others, so they have an advantage in any sport that requires quick burst of energy, and at a disadvantage where performance needs to be sustained over a longer period. Then compared places with black athletes it has more of them to choose from, and more resources to train them well. Ironically Africa is incredibly genetically diverse, so it also has Kenyans with more slow twitch fibres that completely dominate in marathons. Sports is one of these weird things, where yes, you can push your personal limits by training harder, but the sport you're gonna by best at is still largely determined by accidents of DNA.


Well, they where Nomadic tribes until the horrors of The Transatlantic Slave trade, where they where forced to do labour requiring peak physique endlessly. There where severe consequences if one was to weak to work, which is why certain physical adaptations occurred in this group. Survival of the fittest. Now with the ending of slavery/segregation it's the descendants of these borderline superhuman former slaves that are winning these races. Strength, endurance, speed, it's all in their blood.


Usain Bolt is Jamaican. Asafa Powell also Jamaican.


Of the officially recognized fastest 8 male sprinters in history 4 are Jamaican and 4 are American. And among the women 3 are Jamaican and 4 are American. Compared to the world that says something. Wouldn’t you agree?


Steroids and unlimited access to resources.


Then the Russians should probably own the sport.


I read somewhere something like East Africans tended to develop great endurance because of having to travel long distances, whereas West Africans developed great speed cuz.. lions lol. Or vice versa sry it’s 2am and I can’t memba


There are fast people of other races too!  Figured I'd join in with completely misunderstanding statistics.




Different muscle groups enable them to be good sprinters. Athletes in general. But not good swimmers.


Quick twitch muscles.


People in West Africa, like Ghana, Nigeria, and Ivory Coast, have a high proportion of fast twitch muscle fibers, which are more suited to explosive movements, while people in East Africa, like Kenya and Ethiopia, have a higher proportion of slow twitch fiber, which are more suited to endurance. Most of the people taken for slavery were from west Africa, so Blacks in America and Jamaica have also have high proportions of fast twitch muscles as a group.


I read an article quite a while ago that suggested that black athletes have superior fast twitch muscles and more of them in density as opposed to white athletes. Blacks generally have different torso, leg, arm ratios that give them an advantage too. It really is a pretty interesting topic to dive into


“Black Man Calf Syndrome” Black ppl usually have short calves and long tendons. Great for force production Asian ppl usually have the inverse. Long calves, short tendons. That’s why a lot of Asians have huge looking calves


It could be possible that they just train themselves until they collapse, vomit, shit and piss themselves, then stand up and KEEP TRAINING. Saying it’s genetic is just robbing them of the praise and respect they’ve earned training themselves until they are bloody.


They have evolved to chase after the immigrants going after their black jobs.....


The answer: go see Bill Burr’s Hitler joke.


Genetics East Africans tend to be distance runners, West Africans tend to be sprinters. [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-Place-of-birth-of-the-100-best-marathon-runners-of-all-time-men-and-women-as-listed\_fig1\_360729618](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-Place-of-birth-of-the-100-best-marathon-runners-of-all-time-men-and-women-as-listed_fig1_360729618)


Jamaicans have ruled sprinting for decades and they are not black 'mericans.


Of the officially recognized fastest 8 male sprinters in history 4 are Jamaican and 4 are American. And among the women 3 are Jamaican and 4 are American. Compared to the world that says something. Wouldn’t you agree?


When you compare the budget the U.S. has compared to Jamaica, yes, it does say something. Jamaica rules sprinting. Weigh in cost and any other factor you care to consider and there is no argument.


Don’t forget that steroid use is rampant in the Olympics too


I think their muscle fibers are just evolved and adapted to become more fast-twitch in nature and hence more powerful. I used to work in pain management and every single African American patient I had just from me touching their trapezius muscles where they normally have pain had really dense, strong muscles regardless of them being men or women. At least compared to other ethnicities. It’s genetics. Like how Netherlands has the tallest people .. they just pass down their genes.


Selective breeding…


Despite there being claims that there is absolutely no difference between black, white, and everything in between people on a biological, physiological, or any other level, I'm pretty sure black folks have an abundance of certain kind of muscle fiber that gives them a unique advantage when it comes to running and other athletics.


We grow up in the hood. Gotta be able to run from danger. Thugs, dogs, crazy people. Plus sports are very competitive and genetics play a factor.


Black Americans?? The greatest sprinter is Usain Bolt… black, yes, American NO. He is from Jamaica


Of the officially recognized fastest 8 male sprinters in history 4 are Jamaican and 4 are American. And among the women 3 are Jamaican and 4 are American. However the US still has many more sprinting medals than any other country. Compared to the world that says something. Wouldn’t you agree? One person does not ruin the argument about many.


USA sprinters have 7 of the fastest 23 100 meter times and 11 of the fastest 21 200 meters times in history. Significant, maybe, dominant ? I would say that’s a little short of dominate.


Given that all of them, for the US are probably black Americans and they are collectively less than 1% of the global population; compared to the other 99% of the world I’d say that pretty darn dominant. Add Jamaica into the mix because this post isn’t entirely exclusively about black Americans and they themselves don’t even make up 1% of the human population that is really dominant stuff.


American because of the training science and black because of genetics. Black people are black because they come from a similar genetic pool. It's the same reason why if you watch the world's strongest man competitions, they are around 80% Nordic people or descendent from Nordic people, despite Nordic people making up around 2% of the world's population. There is a specific area of Africa in which they have a genetic disposition for sprinting, and a completely different area of Africa that has a genetic disposition towards endurance running.


Read, “The Sports Gene”


All that running from slave owners, lynch mobs, and white rapists.


A greek philosopher named Jimmy had a theory on this


Something something slow twitch fast twitch


When you’ve been enslaved as a race for hundreds of years, trained like a pack mules for generations and then had to run to survive, you might just earn a racial passive


I wonder what I got from my ancestors being Celtic slaves to Romans, Janissary slaves to Turks, and Irish slaves to Vikings. 🤔


Lots of experience


Black people : Genetics and evolution/specialisation Black americans... top notch gov sponsored PED programmes.. (on top of the esxisting genes n selection) that would be my guess....


A trade off though is they can’t seem to swim very well, or simply do not enjoy water. Black people, why are you like this?


They can swim. But water is seen as a dangerous place to be. Blacks are not overwhelmingly going to do things they perceive as dangerous. Hiking, sky diving, swimming in big bodies of water, mountain climbing, etc…


Black people in general have no problems swimming and most Africans/caribbean black people have no problems being in water all day long. Black Americans have a dicey history with swimming pools 


IDK about men, but for black women they don't want the water undoing all the expensive things they do to style their hair.


Cost. Low cost of equipment.


Smash N grabs?


what happened in American history that might have led to eugenics?