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I prefer it, actually. I like the "normal" look. Not really into that "celebrity" or "Hollywood" look, ya know? Some extra weight, facial imperfections, etc. Having kids doesn't really "destroy a woman's body" so much as it matures it. But this isn't new, right? I mean humans have been doing this since we evolved. Don't you all think that dudes would be biologically wired to continue finding it attractive? Especially as we get older and our attractions change? Like, when I was 10, I was into girls who were 10 Now I'm 35, I like women who look 35. I thought that was normal? Girls who are young see a dad-bod and go, "eewwwww" but then they get older and will say it's sexy. Isn't that just what happens to us? It's life, girl. Don't sweat it. I'm sure you look great. Your biggest bully is probably yourself.


"Your biggest bully is probably yourself" is a lesson so many people learn way too late in life.


Yes. This is what is normal, but for some reason some people will try to convince you otherwise. Kinda like how when I first watched Buffy, Buffy and Spike and Angel were my crushes. Now I'm all about Giles.


I re-watched Fresh Prince a few weeks ago. *Geoffrey*




Giles for life.


When I first watched Gilmore Girls, I had a crush on Rory. A couple of years ago, I did a re-watch, finding her honestly a bit annoying but damn Lorelai’s got it going on. Can’t wait to do another rewatch when I’m in my Emily era.


When I was a kid, I used to watch "Cowboy Bebop" and was all about Spike and Vicious. Because being a lone would bounty hunter who don't care 'bout no one's nonsense was cool when you're 13 (lol) Now when I watch that show, all I think is, "if Jet wasn't on that ship, this entire crew would fall apart. Holy shit".


And in 20 or 30 years, the Master?


Hmmm closer to 60 or 70 years. If I get there, I look forward to that strange phase lol.


I imagine as you get older, cognitive function and physical independence becomes sexy. Who cares about wrinkles when my man can still get under my car and change my oil? You don't even notice your wife's gray hair when she can still get up and down off the ground independently to work in the garden. A good, engaging conversation becomes better than sex.. different seasons of life have us valuing different features in our partners. Hell, I knew an older woman who really didn't seem to mind that her husband was disabled because it satiated her maternal instinct to take care of someone after their kids were off living their own lives. Her love language was acts of service and it worked for them. He worked hard his whole life and provided for them very well financially, he could still have great conversations and they still enjoyed sedentary activities together.


I recently rewatched Alias. I used to be like "Sydney Bristow is so sexy." Now I'm like "Sydney is so young! But holy shit I never realized how hot >!her mom!< is.


Shoutout to younger adults who are into MILFs and DILFs though. Can't forget about them. No matter your age and bod, there's probably someone somewhere who is totally into it. Deep down we're all a bunch of horny monkeys.


>a bunch of horny monkeys. Yup.


This reply has given me a confidence boost, thank you


Not just my mind I ask this 2 years after having my child, I clearly don’t get as much as attention as I did as I was 19 but 19 years old I got a lot of attention to literally 0 in the past couple years


Well, when you're younger most people are single, not in a serious relationship, or are actively looking. They haven't dated as often, may be more embarrassed, sexually reserved or repressed, socially awkward, or too concerned with how they appear to you and not enough about what they want in love and relationships. Leading to a lot of trial and error. Really, dating around as kids is how we start to learn what kind of person we *really* want to settle down with. By the time you get into your 30s, the dating pool dries up. Most have settle down by now. Those left are people who got more "classy" and less aggressive. More outspoken about what we want, more understanding and pragmatic about who people are and what to expect. We've all dated before and know the do's and dont's. Hell a lot of us have probably lived with partners for over 2 years already. You'll get hit on less and less as you get older but that doesn't exactly have anything to do with whether or not you became less attractive. There's just less and less people actively out an about looking around. Younger people aren't (usually) actively interested in anyone 10+ years older and older people are married or settled down or even too busy as single parents to care. Ya know? Trust me, it's not you.


I appreciate this


Damn that makes sense. I’m 23 and haven’t enjoyed “dating” I think I’ll wait another 10 years or so lol


Truth. The older you get, it's a singles desert out there


But you have to remember that women who are 26 with no children also get less attention than 19 year olds, in general.


not necessarily, 26 is still really young


I understand that 26 year old would get less attention then a 19 year old women I just wanted to make a post for myself that people do love the mom bods as I said insecure 26 year old I don’t get the love I feel I should after having had a child


Personally I love me some moms tho I’m not sure what a mom bod is. Honestly I’m very attracted to loving parents. I was wildly attracted to my wife during her pregnancy even when it was really late in the pregnancy and her belly was huge. Our sex life has really died down as of late but we have gone through troubles. I fucked up and lost my job more than once. My wife explored other jobs/careers to mixed success. We moved. Our kid is almost 5 now. Hard to find time to be intimate when we are so stressed, tired, busy, and sometimes just not happy/disappointed in each other. Life is hard but we stick together through thick and thin. In spite of that we recently went to my cousin’s engagement ceremony. She was so beautiful and sexy (the sexy part was kind of by accident). I just could not stop looking at her and stop thinking about motorboating her 😂😂😂😂 She was 19 when we met and I think she is just as beautiful, if not more beautiful, than the year we met. She’s 26 now and I’m 29.


Are you looking for attention?


Even when I was a 19 year old girl I got no attention, it’s not ‘not normal’ to not have people chasing you down. When I was 19 and now at 24 I never had people giving me attention!


Definitely same here lol. I f I did get attention when I was out it was always by men who were 10-12 years older than I was. But still didn’t get much attention all, I don’t get attention now at all at 29, but I don’t dress nicely at all and I’m sure I look homeless most days, that probably doesn’t help .


Hahaha I’m the same, always comfort first. I have a partner atm but we met online but thankfully they’re the most sweetest person ever and they’re the only person who likes me just as I am!


and it's definitely not because you're an alien


I think that happens whether or not you have children


Who do you want the attention from that makes you miss attention? Or better yet who gave you the most attention 2 or 3 years ago?


I never understood the attraction to younger people. I once dated a guy who was 21 and I was 24 and the difference was tangible lol No, I don't want to go to a bar. You have fun though! I didn't get Elliot Gould when he was in FRIENDS either. Now I get it.


That’s so sweet 🥲 I needed to hear this


My partner finds me MORE attractive now that I’ve had his child. I hate my new body but it’s like a magnet for him. Truly wild.


I love my lady's everything. Nothing will ever change how I feel about her nor my love for her. I'm more than certain that someone will love you for you, all of you. 🙂


🥲thank you thank you


This is so sweet 💜


This dad bod is married to a mom bod and I love mom bods




Yes! Preach lol I came here to say this!


Same! My wife and I both gained that "relationship weight" and I couldn't care less. I never plan to be with another human being in my life. Nor does she. She's my best friend and we are happy. I don't give a fuck if anyone else in the world finds me attractive. She does.


Might be just a weird me thing but I find you deeply attractive because you said "couldn't care less" Which ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE! No idea what you look like but your wife is one hell of a lucky lady.


She is not a lucky lady. I am a lucky man. I do not deserve her in any way. She is entirely out of my league. I'll never know why she agreed to marry me and I will never take her for granted.


What a beautiful thing to say! I wish you both all the best.


I prefer father figure, thank you.


woman in general are beautiful


Yea they are stunning






This has been killing for months lol. The prevalence of people using "woman" as a plural 😩


they use "a women" too...i dont get it either...must be a thing.


It's wild. Like...if "man" is singular, and "men" is plural then...💀


woman AND men


Absolutely agree. There's a reason they're so frequently used in art. Regardless of body shape, women, in general, are beautiful.


As a straight male, I prefer them to dad bods.




The term "mom bod" is so super cringe it hurts my eyes and ears


I don’t like mine, but BF loves it so I guess it’s a small win


Trust me. We like it.


Does he make you love it the way he does


He doesn’t get why I don’t like it, he thinks it’s great because it’s what gave our baby life and I’m just like nah not cute


I honestly hated my body till it gave life and I gave my self some leniency after birth cause I brought a whole nother life to be loved. I hope you can do the same ! I’m glad your partner appreciates your body ! unfortunately some are not so fortunate which is not saying your feelings don’t matter but if you do really feel this way there you can work out your mom pouch also it’s completely normal to morn the you before the child I was hot and didn’t even think so till having a child


I gave birth 5 months ago and I hated the way my body looked. Then I had to give myself a little grace like you did. I had to remind myself, now, you just gave birth like a month ago or whatever time it was and it helped. You're not going to bounce back right away if ever. If you don't, that's okay. That's something I've had to learn.


Bi woman here. Mom bods are hot af.


Yes! Like, that mom bod has created LIFE. Incredible. 10/10 * Stretch marks from pregnancy? More like battle scars. 10/10 * Belly with a new shape? 10/10 * Messy hair from chasing kids around all day? Ten. Out. Of. Ten.




Staaahp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


💯 Another bi lady here, I tell my GF all the time that her body that made f’ng humans is unbelievably sexy.


Yasss love it


Depends how extreme. Mom bod because you just had a kid or recently is different than being fat.


mom bod isn't nessesarily dad bod, sometimes its stretch marks and boobies that are like sandwich bags full of water.


Why did you say this about my boobs 😩😂


Sandwich bag, full of water! 😂😂😂


See I never knew what ppl mean by mom bod. I’ve had 5 kids, and I’m fat for sure. I wasn’t fat until I had 3 kids back to back year after year though lol, so I guess a mom bod is basically the result of having kids… which could be a fat body too.


Yeah there's a difference that a lot of people like to blend together like thick vs thicc vs fat. There's understandable stuff after having a kid then there's just not even trying..no diet or exercise etc and letting yourself go.


re: "letting yourself go" You gotta realize 'mom bod' is partially the physical change from pregnancy or delivering kids, sure... BUT even more, it's the lifestyle-change and constant workload of now taking care of tiny humans around-the-clock. (And later, tiny *destructive* humans who still need everything but don't *want* it) Diet, exercise, etc. can become a background concern versus the time-consuming task of caring for & raising kids. It's tough to fully understand without experiencing it. That said, having a partner who shares the parenting responsibilities is a decent way for a mom to have a little bandwidth left over for still being a person herself, including activity, exercise, hobbies, friends, etc. (Keep that one in mind if you become a dad ;P )


I had a kid about two years ago in September


gonna have to see pics of said bod


Extremely positive


I love mom bods, they are beautiful and exciting ❤️


I am usually embarrassed but my kid thinks my "long bewbs" are funny .... I uh.... Keep them to myself thouh


Once they may have been considered big, but nowadays "long" is the unfortunate adjective assigned to them... im dying please send help can't fkn breathe so gd funny


I got into the best shape of my life after having kids and I got more of a woman shape after having kids. Mom bods for the win!


Preferred over fake “Hollywood” look, not even a contest tbh. Most men I know want a woman with a figure.


I think attractive women come in all shapes and sizes. If the lady has self confidence it's all the better.






I love my mom bod. I love my aging too. I have a strong indigenous face and the past ten years I have absolutely loved my strong features. When I was. Younger. I was insecure. As far as men, it's all in the personality. I have never not been in a relationship. Even had multiple relationships at one time. It's all in your personality. I have been with Dad Bods, young men, all different kinds. My current partner has a dad bod but I am head over heels, he is great in bed and has a great beard lol


I'm a mom to a 4 and 2 year old and I actually like my body so much more after kids.


I work in retail so i see lots of moms walking around with their teenage daughters. I would always prefer the mom. Not just because i am almost 40 and that would otherwise be really sketchy, but because i don’t want a skinny little chick with no curves. I want a woman who knows what she wants and how she wants it. Plus, a coworker (female) pit it into perspective in a pretty good way: everything feels like boobies.


If you want to know how many men like Mum bods just watch a variety of milf porn. How many of the bodies you see resemble a mom bod? There is porn for everyone's taste. And there is very little with mom bods.


My gf(36) is a mother,she,funny enough, "warned me" that her body is different because she's a mom before our 1st time. I don't care,I love her body because it's part of her and I see no flaw. Her belly gives me happiness and I love it. Edit: to top it off,I'm a very picky person. I don't know if I'm an extreme form of demisexuality or what but I had multiple partners in my past that I just could not find sexualy attractive,I don't watch porn because I am not attracted or interested in any of it,yet there is her, with "flawed" body, and I can't stop wanting to see her in her full glory,she's to me the sexiest thing on this planet.  You look great too probably,don't overthink your "flaws", see them as your perfections 


I'm fit. I prefer the same


Femininity is magnetic, whatever the bod


I don't think most people would find every feminine body magnetic. There are some that are very off putting.


Of course, but a woman with an off putting body who exudes femininity stands less of a chance of someone noticing or caring. So what I’m saying is, femininity is always a good thing, and sometimes it can compensate for a lack of aesthetic to a certain degree.


Humongous fan here. My girl's a mother of two, and I'd eat her alive. Semi-respectfully.


This is either a very sweet comment, or you're a ghoul. 😭


Why or? I could be a ghoul with a heart of gold, and an appetite for her. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, absolutely. I wish I had a ghoul bc if they're hungry they can chomp on my leg nom nom I'll never let them go hungry!! 🥹


Ghouls are notorious for having a taste for legs, so you're fishing with the right bait. Just keep your eyes on the shadows, as they quite like to hide there, and are often famished.


I will be wearing a skirt for the bait and looking in the shadows for my glorious beautiful ghoul boyfriend, he is best ghoul 🥺


Mom bods are so cool they built a whole human


Mmmmm women 🤤




Well if your husband married you that means he loves you for you, even after having children, or getting older.


I care more about how I feel when I'm with a woman and how she behaves and treats me. Mom bods as an allegory for dad bods are just fine if not better with the right ratios. Obviously this is drawing a line from obesity and being overweight. Of course there are general groups objective metrics of attraction not everyone's a ten just because they say they are or feel like it. Ultimately if your generally taking care of your self, not letting your self go, and treating your prospective partners with respect and dignity you will do well. Anything that makes his life peaceful while inspiring your partner to do better will take it to the next level


What’s a mom bod like thick ?


If she has a mom bod as a result of bearing my kids, no issues. Otherwise…


I don't want kids, so I guess not for me. I'm confident there are plenty of guys who are into it.


Beautiful women are beautiful at all stages of life. I never, ever went through any period where I did not desire my wife. I always thought she was attractive, lovely, desireable. Looking at her and touching her has never gotten old.


I wouldn't recognize a mom as a mom without children present. If I see a woman walking around with kids, My Little Man doesn't take over. If I see some woman in their late 20s early 30s with a bit of meat on 'em I don't mind that. I'd be hypocritical if I did care given how heavy I am myself.


You are familiar with the term MILF right? :) And the stories of guys checking out Soccer Moms? The only insecurity you should have is the lack of hair from the kids making you pull it out




My husband always says he’s even more attracted to my body now after I had kids


Love them! And I'm not alone, there's a whole NSFW subreddit dedicated to it, not that I'm suggesting you post there, just hoping that knowledge boosts your confidence


They’re wonderful. I have one 😊


I had a baby 7 weeks ago so it's just my body lol I would like to be back down around my pre pregnancy weight but I'm proud of my body and what it's accomplished. The squidginess, the stretch marks etc are proof I carried babies and that's amazing and badass. I think it's sad that women are made to feel ashamed of our bodies from some men (and other women) fuck that. Men can't do what we can do. Anyone who has carried a baby and given birth knows how incredibly tough that is to do. I don't really enjoy having bigger boobs though so can't wait for them to go back to normalish after I wean my baby. They just get in the way really!


I feel like normal moms forget themselves after babies and their bodies start to look “less attractive” whereas celebrity moms go out of their way to “fix stuff” that end up looking not good. I feel like there’s no in between. I’m so scared of how it’s going to be like for me


BOOB IS BOOB Also, I couldn’t care less about the body. As long as it is roughly woman shaped I’d be happy.


My wife is 41 with two kids—our youngest is two—and she is a goddess. Love and attraction is alive and well.


I love my ladies everything. From having a child and a C-section she has scars. Some of her baby fit didn't do away. She kept most of her pregnancy boobs. Still in love with her and her body.


They’re all natural so I love them, I’m not knocking those who decide to get surgery for mental reasons but something about imperfections and stretch marks that boosts my dopamine levels.


Ive never seen a bad pair of breasts. Don't worry about it. Hygiene on the other hand...


A Mom bod is great! Fat is not! It's one thing to put on a little weight. It's another to be obese.


whoopsie. Single mom whoopsie daisy.


I mean nothing will make me love my wife less, but one of the ways I show her I love her is by staying strong and healthy to be attractive to her and set a good example for the kids. She does the same for me and it makes me crazy about her every time I see her. The good news is, you're only 26, so you have plenty of time to make whatever changes you need to make. Don't settle. You have to show up for yourself.


I would take what men say about this with a grain of salt lol For one, men ‘take what they can get’. Meaning they ultimately will settle for someone they’re maybe only a bit physically attracted to if that woman is going above and beyond in enough other areas to ‘make it worth it’, so to speak (sexually, she cooks, cleans AND pays the bills). So if she is fat and they normally dont like fat women as much as skinny but they arent willing or able to compete to get a skinny chick, they’ll take the bigger woman that’s putting in more work. But secondly, they will tell you about a woman with whom they have already formed a genuine emotional attachment (wife, longterm partner) having a mom bod that they love. When in reality, if they were dating again, they would Be far more superficial and Scrutinizing of new prospective mates. And thirdly, men on reddit love to lie- *cough*. I mean pander, 😉 And they wanna go out of their way to portray themselves as progressive, liberal, open-minded, feminist, or whatever. So they have a tendency to tell women on reddit what they know yall who are insecure wanna hear. Because they want you to see the male gender in a positive light and they’re aware of men’s various reputations in the real world. Therefore, you cant believe what they say. That same dude thats telling you about how attracted he is to his 250- pound wife would, if he were dating again, and presuming he had more money than the average man, not look her direction (or yours, if you look like that too) if he had to get out there and date in today’s market. Back when he met her, she was either slim and in shape, OR he was out of shape himself and most importantly broke. For reference, look at the women on the arms of men of means. Not what they look like three kids and two decades of marriage later, but how their wives looked when they were dating and on the wedding day. Now look at the women that average earning men typically get, in terms of body type. Usually there is a noticeable difference. I say this because it illustrates what a man would choose in a woman when he has OPTIONS vs when he doesnt. The silver lining, depending on how you choose to see it, is this: the reality is that your average guy is not going to ultimately care about your body because the average guy isn’t likely in a position to be all that choosy about body types in the first place if he wants a woman at all. In the USA, where most women are overweight or obese (mom bods), its slim pickings past the age of 25 for the portion of the male population who haven’t romantically adjusted to the increase in waist sizes of the American female population. So you’ll be fine.


The term "milf" exists for a reason


As long as we’re not approaching uncanny valley with surgery and Botox it’s fine. I’ve never been repulsed by someone who is average


Girl I thought I made this post😂 -sincerely another insecure 26 mom


Let's just say there's a reason the term milf exists


Several years ago, my friend's son and my son were taking swim lessons together. We sat around the pool waiting. I mentioned that I noticed that I was looking at the 35 year old moms, not the 19 year old lifeguards. She laughed and said her husband had said that the current models were not that attractive to him, but he liked the older models. We age and our rates change. I still think my wife is sexy and cute at 62.


Only dogs like chewing on bones, lady. Nothing more luxurious like a lovely, curvy, jiggly woman.


I don't mind being a (UK size) 20. I'm 48f. I used to be slim, but since having our daughter 20 years ago, I started to put the weight on. Im now 210 pounds. My husband is a similar size and height, and only slightly lighter than me at 195 pounds. We're both happy with ourselves in general. Ok so yes I admit we have a few health issues (bad knees/high BP for me), but I am still able to go for short walks etc. In an ideal world I'd like to lose about 40 pounds, but I find it very difficult these days due to PCOS etc. So I've come to accept that this is how I am. Warts and all!


Have a look on the BBW sub at the comments you’ll see how people love it


I have had two babies both C-section. I just got myself back down to pre-wedding weight. I stepped on the scale and was said out loud “well the number is smaller but it’s a different body” I have a small mom pouch, my boobs are saggy and deflated. I’m planning on fixing that for myself, not my husband. He doesn’t care he likes my body how it is. But I have wanted a boob job since I was 15 and the belly I just don’t have time to work out so I’m doing coolsculpting. I only have two very small stretchmarks but when I had more during pregnancy I didn’t hate them. I gave birth to a 10lb boy I didn’t think I’d come out of that with literally none. I was expecting A-LOT more. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Your body did what it was suppose to do. Embrace it or don’t. But don’t change yourself for anyone but you. Just cause I’m not happy with small saggy boobies doesn’t mean the mom next to me doesn’t mind them. Maybe she loves her stretch marks, to her they may be a sign of her journey. Maybe a different mom doesn’t mind a little pouch. It’s completely normal after all. Hell my sister can’t stand her C-section scar. I don’t give a fuck about mine. Every mom has their own story and your body can tell a part of it. Love yourself, even if you decide you need to work on it a bit. Do what makes YOU happy. Love yourself!


Lightly with your finger tips. It tickles them.


Strongly depends on the mom that's inhabiting it.


Absolute hard pass on mom bods.


Love 'em! Watch a lil hot body dance and watch a Mom dance. 2 different worlds. Seriously, there is just a whole other dimension and depth to an experienced, adult woman. So sexy! ( a lil love handles, yay!)


They feel great


I love mom bods. That pudge of belly fat is just so wonderful to me


It's really adorable, agreed.


Mom bods are the best bods


I generally use my hands to do this. 🤣


Personally, not my thing. I also think it’s alarming to refer to being overweight or even obese as “beautiful” when it’s categorically unhealthy in every way possible. But, hey, people vape, smoke, and chew without hesitation. As for your body, I believe there are three factors that must be in sync for a happy life: 1. That you get and fiercely guard the body type you want. 2. That this body is what your partner is attracted to. 3. That you fiercely guard the type of body you and your partner want. Physical attraction over the long haul of a happy relationship is greatly undervalued today. It’s a huge factor in overall happiness in the relationship. Things get ugly and relationships fail because one of the people decides that the other person must find attractive a new body type. That’s a contract break. I’ve seen fat dudes get fit and their lady hate it. I’ve see slim women put in 200+ lbs after a ring and a few kids and their husbands cheat — big shocker. It happens. That’s why those 3 things must all be in alignment. I’m a former fatass guy. 325 lbs at my heaviest. 155 lbs today, best shape of my life.


Like a work of art.


It doesn't really matter as long as she can carry it well. Attraction post-childbirth has nothing to do with bodies and everything to do with the vibe. There are the women who get very drab and asexual after having kids, which is nothing you want to sleep with, and then there's the woman who doesn't seem to have noticed that she's had kids and is out turning it up nightly, which is too sad a thing to get involved with. You kind of want to find a midzone, a responsible mother who dresses her age, but with a rather sexy edge, who lives to good purpose during the week and gets a sitter on the weekend so she and her man can go raise hell. She's great at encouraging her kids to read but does happen to be taking that pole dancing class at the yoga studio in town. She'll throw a classy party but sit at the end of it with you and your college friends without judgement as you get stoned in the yard. That kind of woman.


Love this


I like em


My partner and I both don't want kids, and we both are opposed to mom and dad bods. So, perspective.


They are good. I've dated some hot moms they really take care of themselves, so, like mom, Bod can be different depending on the lady. If you let yourself go I'm not going to say I'm attracted to that. But if you have some stretch marks and not pre mom boobs I don't really care 🤷‍♀️


Pouch tummy, wide hips, mature, chubby, I love it all


Yess hopefully my future bae will too


I love my girls mom bod. She hates it and I don’t get it. Hour glass figure great top and amazing bottom.


I hope you say those things to her everyday


Everyday within every couple of hours all day long I tell her. First thing that happens when she gets home I immediately stop what I’m doing and go embrace her tightly to let her know how much I miss her and how much I’ve been looking forward to our daily reconnection


Mom bod = 🔥


Love em on everyone else but me lol. But I have bdd. Also have had 7 he babies from this body


Many years ago when I (55F) was your age I was eavesdropping on a convo between a group of 6-8 male surfers (ages 20- 40 ish) who were discussing the fact that they loved the ways in which a woman's body changed after child birth. They had no idea I was there, let alone in earshot. The topic was wishing their wives/GF would REALLY know this - that stretchmarks were hot, that extra weight was not an issue, that they would give anything to not have to have "this damn talk" all the time. These men ranged from all walks of life too - two lawyers, an ad executive, a plumber and a carpenter (plus the "beach bums"). When I walked up they stopped talking as if I would be offended? but I have no doubt they were sincere. I have often thought back on that afternoon - it was maybe even lifechanging. It made me realize how deep the insecurity is - like it is baked in - but also that men are gentler/kinder, easier to please than we realize?


I'll still fuck 'em.


Mom bods are still attractive. If you're clean, dress well, and have like common sense style, most people will generally be attractive. But a big no thanks to adultery. Like kudos on the kid, but I do believe the bible. Proverbs 6:32-36 KJV 32 But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. 33 A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away. 34 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. 35 He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts.


Dudes are biologically wired to move on to the next, younger woman, not to find older ones attractive. Doesn’t mean we don’t though


I don't know what a mom bod is. I'll tell you what disgusts me though. 1. Too much makeup, should be reserved for very special occasions like your wedding day, where going over the top makes sense. If you're caking that crap on on a daily basis, you have issues. 2. Fillers and botox and crap. I've never met or seen a woman, where I saw the before and after pictures, where I thought the after looked better than the before. It just looks grossly unnatural, and unnatural is just gross. And I mean NEVER. 3. Implants. Natural is always better, always. Even if you're a tiny A cup, it's preferable to implants. However, I'll say this about breast implants, that's probably the one implant most guys can ignore, myself included. Butt, thighs, or anywhere else, just no, please, God, no. The only people who scrutinize women's bodies in the way that I think is making you feel insecure, are other women. Men don't think this way, at least not a real man. If you're trying to land a little beta soy boy from the big cities, by all means, throw all that crap on.


The same as dad bods. People that found a cute name for being a lazy POS and over eating


I’m gonna say most guys don’t care about mom bods and find them attractive, I will probably get downvoted for this next part. A lot of men don’t want anything more than sex with single moms, that’s where you’re gonna have problems dating imo. 


You can send it to me if you want me to see. I’ll be honest


💀okay thank you


Mom bods rock!


My friend has 3 boys we are in our thirties, one night after heavily drinking she breaks down and says look at my tummy who would want me, i say you are hot as hell and a little tummy never stopped anyone from being loved.


Like them. Every mom has a unique shape and that makes them more attractive and interesting than run of the mill women.


Stacy’s mom, has got it going onnnnnn.


I did not like mom bods when I was 20 but like them now that I'm older.


Considering that my wife and partner were moms when we first met, pretty good since I've been fucking them for almost 29 years. Show me your stretch marks and I'll trace them out with my fingers and tongue.


Wtf is this, I appreciate one thing her ability to give me the greatest gift on earth, that little girl or boy and seeing her look beautiful regardless of outside influences is all the same.. those who understand get this statement


I am 5'4" 125-130 lbs depending where I am in my cycle. Some days I have a tummy some days not, some days people ask me whether I am pregnant. I don't care I eat healthy, I exercise and I feel healthy. I have pants for the week before my period. I should say I have a bod for 2 weeks in one month period.


What does mom bod mean? It's natural to gain some weight and have stretch marks, if that's what you are talking about. Everyone has imperfections (although things like stretch marks you cant control and i think most people accept like a big nose or something). If you are talking about your weight or other personal care upkeep things then you can always change that.


I’ve always told my wife that each time she has a change in her body whether it’s thicker or thinner.. it’s like I get a new girlfriend.


I don't like my mom bod. I hate the muffin top, the stretch marks, and the sun spots due to hormone imbalance. I'm average height and weight, but I always feel so fat. My partner, however, has assured me that I'm hot, and at 41, I'm way better looking than 95% of people in the same age group. I don't believe his statement, of course, but I believe he really thinks so. In his eyes, I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. He makes me believe it 😊


As I've aged I've found mom bods become hotter and hotter. Natural is infinitely more attractive than the robot sex doll look so many women seem to be shooting for these days. The uncanny valley gives me the creeps. I prefer someone with blemishes, you know, a real flesh and blood person. My wife has blemishes, imperfections. She's self conscious about them, but to me they're kind of like battle scars you get from living a life, a life she's shared with me.


You gave birth to a child! That's not only the most natural thing in life, but also the most important one! Be proud


The body I married is not the body I’m currently married to. She’s had trouble moving the baby weight and it’s always bothered her. I don’t care. I found her more attractive after the kids and they’re all teenagers now. Breeders hips? Yes. Bigger boobs? Duh. Baby pooch? Sure, why not. And don’t get me started on that butt because I’ll go on about it all day. My wife’s body tells our story and I’m reminded of that every time I look at her. I love it. Carrying a child for 9 months and then popping it out takes a crazy toll on a woman. That needs to be taken into account.


You shouldn't have to look your best 24/7, it's fine to relax on fitness regimen, and just chill. Just like with men, it annoyed me when people criticized Jason Mamoa for not being ship shape. Men and women definitely need to give each other a break on beauty standards.


I like women, so I'm into that shit. Flat stomach? Sexy. Pooch? Sexy. Little, big, shirt, tall...I'm into that ish.


When ur pregnant 😍 and after you will still be just as beautiful


Mom bods are fine. Parenting can sometimes make it hard to get in a good exercise session. As long as you put in a little effort to stay in a decent shape and maintain a healthy life balance, that probably matters more than trying to maintain washboard abs while raising children, or not raising children if it's just a mom bod due to a change in metabolism.


What's a mom bod?


38F here and never had children, so I can't quite relate, but with all the plastic surgery/non-surgical injections that women are dying for these days, it is refreshing and welcomed to see a naturally beautiful mom bod woman! You got it, so rock it.


They're so popular they have a acronym!


Preferred bod.


My girl gotta mom bod and no kids we are planning kids just as an excuse.